"The Thorned Path" // Pastor John F. Hannah [ SERMON ]

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foreign you you you [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] good morning and welcome to new life hey good morning i'm keisha reed my name is matthew williams look y'all we're so excited that you are streaming with us today as you come in make sure you greet everybody and let us know where you're streaming from we are let us know where you are streaming from yes you know we want to shout you out all over the world we want to know exactly where you are type it in the comments make sure you do that so we can do that look i'm so excited about doing this with matthew today not only i feel special because we have a whole band behind us i mean we got we got some background music going on here a little vibe going i'm with it also if you've seen him during service he uses his entire physicality for worship i mean the facials the arms everything like just watching matthew dancer take you in i promise yes i mean you know i love dancing and now that we're opening back up i mean if you're interested in moving come join us bring your a game okay please bring a game please you've seen them and thank you but look make sure you let us know we're streaming from we're gonna get into reflections um we have a couple events coming up one of my favorites on july 11th we will have 12 hour prayer man 12 hour prayer okay i've been here for a while so i mean it was at the lighthouse right then it was at the top right right right now it's a global conference it's a whole conference okay not only are we praying and non-stop prayer it's some worship um mentoring as well and teaching pastor t renee glenn look get ready it's not a game it's not a game and then i'm excited for two hours of worship miranda curtis phil thompson after dance i'm a worshiper so i get into the worship child talking about it i just feel it already so make sure you register for 12-hour prayer visit 12-hour prayer dot com and that's one two hour prayer yes so today is communion sunday so go grab your family grab a little juice and grab some crackers and come join us for convenience yes make sure those crackers ain't sealed can we eat ritz crackers do that i think we can but i also like cheese sh the cheeses count no they don't count they don't count i don't think i don't know cheese make sure you also download the new life app okay we have a lot going on so you want to make sure you stay connected with us through the app also the church is open the building is open so make sure you register to come into service because we want to see you in the building okay come love on pastor hannah and patrick lynn okay thank you pastor hannah please please go cop this book just pray it is an amazing and amazing book you can go out there and get it it's it's it's hitting the top charts on amazon everywhere so make sure you go pick it up get that yes look our past is just so tapped in they do everything they preaching they teach and they write they're selling books right books they have line glasses eye glasses and i wear glasses so i need to go compete we in the right house okay multiple streams right multiple shows um we want to check in really quickly with a couple cities we see you um some folks from tennessee we see that you've logged in atlanta georgia california i see you i see you all over the world do i see australia oh okay okay out here we out here we out here paris my hometown atlanta represent for sure i'm from the a from wonderful well we're happy you're here make sure you share this stream with your friends your family and co-workers and uh get ready for the nlc inside because it is starting now yes [Music] happy sunday and welcome to new life online we're so happy you're joining us today wherever you're joining us from help us spread today's message by sharing this stream on your social media service is about to begin but first let's take a look at a couple of things parents small groups was designed to offer strategies encouragement and community to parents with children of any age join us online next saturday at 11am fellas this next huddle is not to be missed join iron shoppers iron men's ministry online this wednesday night at 7pm log on at newlifesoutheast.org or from your new life husband and wives one flesh marriage ministry is back for their monthly marriage builder session join them online saturday at 11am as they discuss a variety of topics to help you and your spouse maintain and grow are you overwhelmed by the circumstances in your life are you overcome with grief due to the loss of a loved one friend or job new life restoration ministry is hosting two monthly support groups to help you navigate through difficult times the restoration and healing support group supports those recovering from a broken heart they provide tools needed to change the narrative and overcome emotional roadblocks if you have questions email restoration nlcse.org we look forward to seeing you there new life did you know we host special services for our children and teens every week join the children's ministry for service on sundays at 9 30 a.m or 12 30 p.m join our identity team ministry for service on sundays at 12 30 p.m both at central standard time for more information text id teens to 313131 or text nlc youth to 313131 for more information on children's church hey you have you recently joined new life as an online member then we invite you to sign up for the next session of growth track this virtual class offers new members the chance to learn more about our church our pastors the word of god and so much more if you're interested just text nlcse to 313131 that's nlcse to 313131 to sign up for the next session we'll see you there online if you remember a new life and you're between the ages of 18 and 35 we want you to join the joshua gathering we're going live on zoom with our pastor john f hanna next sunday at 5 pm and it's always a good time look on our app and look on the website on the events tab to get all the information and we look forward to seeing you there mark your calendars pastor john f hanna presents the first ever hybrid 12 hour prayer conference get ready for 12 full hours of prayer mentorship worship and more featuring pastor tasha cobbs leonard pastor william murphy senior pastor sam oyer passage t renee glenn passing tamara bennett pastor nathaniel bassey derek hawkins and barbara callaway and two full hours of worship with phil thompson and miranda curtis it's all happening june 11th register today at twelve hour prayer dot com for access to limited in-person attendance wait did i mention that you'll be able to re-watch the conference for seven days register now twelve hour prayer dot com he added to the church daily and that is bible for 17 years someone has always gotten saved every sunday every service even in the midst of the pandemic god continues to blow our mind guess what you my brothers and my sisters can be added to that role continue to invite your family and your loved ones because every sunday every service be added to the church daily thanks again for worshiping with us today don't forget to meet us back here online this tuesday night for the after globe with pastor jamon glenn at 8pm and on thursday for bible study with pastor john f hannon at 7 pm if you missed anything you can find these announcements and more about downloading the official new life southeast mobile app listen have an awesome week well if you're excited this morning i need you to put your hands together wherever you are come on i need you to crack those hands [Music] come on put your hands together come on that's it i see you come on crack those hands yeah [Music] [Music] together right there [Music] everybody [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see he's being good i need you to push your blessings together all over the room here we go vex park says it's real simple listen say can i get a witness can i hear from you can i get a witness can i hear from you everybody say [Music] can i get a witness can i hear from [Music] see he's been good you are mighty yes you are he's been good come on that's it everybody see his big [Music] let's dig it see i can't hold it good to me hey see i can't hold it that's good to me see i can't hold it i can't hold [Music] [Music] set my spirit free he gave me the victory [Music] father we magnify your name this morning you are a mighty good partner you're gonna have seen the card see if you can tell it come on that you can't tell me [Music] god's been good to me since god's really good to me see god's look good to me see god's really good to yeah everybody put your hands on it [Music] look at somebody saying he's a good guard look at somebody and say he's a good you jesus come on let's see that again see i can't hold it good to me see i can't hold it [Music] see i can't hold it [Music] see i can't hold it [Applause] [Music] this morning if you're excited [Music] you can't tell us [Music] think you can't do it [Music] let me [Music] pick me up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on those of you that know that god's been good to you release a praise right here yes sir to god oh [Music] come on release the praise that's been better than good yes sir let the redeemed and the lord say so come on tights up south south south come on y'all i need to hear a praise i need to see your praise let your praise reflect your testimony watch it now hack your hands and say god's been good to me [Music] come on we outta here let's take communion you want to do that let's do that now i feel something there's something in there there's something in there some sauce testimony service is now open if you go sing don't testify you go testify don't sing give it out of god [Music] of the holy ghost i just stopped god to tell you that god said good to me be good to me [Music] [Music] [Music] watch it take your way for out you hear that good talk stop it i'm sorry take these people into the community this ain't no communion music right here this chameleon you gonna make somebody tip the cup over as often as you do it blood okay all right come on get your communion your crackers your wafer your bread whatever you choose to use it is a symbol of god's life that he gave for us come on and get it he said as often as you do it do it in remembrance of me testimony servants anybody know god's been good to you thankful for him giving his life to you come on his life for your life come on and receive it now let us commune together hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah come on release the praise right there and then we peel back the veil or get your grape juice at home now we commemorate and celebrate the power of his blood absolutely watch it now the blood that covers us protects us heals us the sacrificial lamb you shed it for us now let us he said as often as we do it we do it in remembrance of him let us remember and reflect and give him praise hallelujah shall we commune together glory glory glory now a worship belongs right there come on hallelujah come on our worship belongs right now out of the abundance of your heart and your spirit we're so so excited to be with you today pastor hannah is getting ready to preach i saw his face upstairs he is ready you hear me his mind is turning get your spirit and your heart ready wanna make sure that you know for all leaders leadership development is happening may 22nd and 9 30 all leaders connected to our church anybody that is a leader the one network leaders and pastors are going to connect with us pastor hannah and i i'm going to do this leadership talk on this coming saturday just text the word leader to 313131 leader to 3131 do it now don't forget 12-hour prayer is coming up are you so excited heaven is open and god is in a prayer answering mood listen we're going to come together friday june 11 in a new building in the new building see there's intentionality around physical and virtual that's right it's going to be physical virtual all over the world and the intercessors that will be in the building will be releasing the sound banking new building making it in the new building listen we want to make sure you register at twelve one two twelve hourprayer.com 12 hour prayer dot com make sure that you get speaking of prayer just pray it's still on the charts y'all buying it up reading it this man has a calling and a grace and an anointing to prayer and he poured it in a book the difference between your now and your next is going to be who you know and what you know tap into the power of prayer that's locked inside of this book come on readers our leaders and then pastor hannah you got a connection man i mean you're so connected uh listen for those of you that want to be vaccinated as our city is opening up cdc removing and pushing back guidelines saying if you've been vaccinated you can take off your mask i guess we're just entrusting the integrity of the people but listen those of you that want to make sure that you are vaccinated pastor has got a connection next sunday tight next sunday from 8 30 to 12. he got the pfizer vaccine and the pfizer vaccine will be delivered if you want it on the mobile vaccination truck come on is pulling up so if you want to take your mask off with integrity or you want to be vaccinated that's your choice today all you need to do is come here to the building next sunday from those hours and make sure that you get vaccinated we're not pushing it on anybody we're just making sure that if you want it we're not drug pushers it's available we encourage us encouragers of the lord hallelujah let's get your hands up and let's get your hearts ready turn your tvs up turn your headphones up turn your car up wherever you are in the building we're gonna go into worship king jesus is sitting on the throne in your life right after that get ready because matthew the 13th chapter pastor hannah is coming to bring his word please he's been pacing and he's ready to go y'all don't want to miss this word can i get you to lift your hands up and don't wait till the song start to begin to release the sound come on release a sound in the atmosphere in your home release a sound and let us worship him in spirit and in truth he's the king hallelujah come on let's continue to worship him right there god we stand at your command god we stand at your command you give us clarity and instruction god your people are open glad your people are open to you come on let's lift up a sound of worship come on in spirit and in truth let's give him a worship let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] your hands thank you jesus thank you lord heart father all of heaven was your name sing [Music] the sound of heaven touching me can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] touching earth [Music] us [Music] [Applause] with grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] spirit break out [Music] barrier everyone [Music] you can break it down [Music] walls of infirmity break the walls of sickness in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we want [Music] for you [Music] [Music] i want to [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] for the manifestation of your power [Music] somebody just begin to fill this room with a sound of worship hallelujah [Music] come on make room for the king with your worship yeah he's the king of kings he's the lord of lords so we make room for you we lift you up with our worship we lift you up with our praise we lift you up with our hallelujah yes we thank you we say we make room for the king come on that's what we declared this morning we make room for the king come on somebody open up your mouth say we make room we make proof yes god we make room for the key rule for the key yes with my hands lifted up i make room for [Music] yes lord move how you want to move we make rules [Music] deliver [Music] we make room for the kingdom jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you need your own worship you need your own worship thank you jesus thank you for being who you are thank you for your power thank you for your anointing we worship we praise you we worship we praise you we worship we praise you we worship we pray we worship we pray we watch we [Music] holy spirit [Music] lift him up [Music] [Applause] we bless your name jesus [Music] come on wherever you are lift your hands and give him what he's used to invite him into your personal space come on lay out the welcome mat and let him know that he's welcome to come into your personal space those online those that are zooming those in the building he needs to be familiar with your voice open your mouth lift your hands and begin to tell god you are welcome here no pushback no fight no pushback no fight you can come on in and invade my space [Music] he inhabits the praises of his people you can't bring him into a thing a place that you just sitting there i need you to open your mouth and let him know that he is welcome hallelujah glory glory [Applause] you can come in and do what you got to do come in and do what you got to do in and do what you want to do just come in that's all i want just come in come here and do what you want to do come on come in and do and do what you want to do come on tell them come in what you want to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on tell the lord come in and do what you want to do do what you want to do come on everybody make your make start welcome there you go do what you want to do i'm open i'm in i'm ready [Music] clap your hands and let god know that he is welcome come on let the lord know that he is hands welcome the lord have your way have your way amen you can be seated if you have to go to those online we want you to begin to share those on my facebook page my personal facebook page i need you to share i need you to share those on youtube wherever you are we want to share the word um i am grateful for everything we're grateful for um things i mean i feel a term coming we're about to there's a term amen and we're about to get back on this say amen amen please pay attention to what we're doing we're not forcing anything on anyone but too many of us died doing covet too many of us left this earth and we want to make sure if we've done our homework i'm married to a nurse i communicate with doctors to make sure that we are safe um you would only know that i've been vaccinated if i tell you because i didn't post it my wife did a five day diary explaining her journey and everything i don't have the mark of the beast there's nothing inside of me that the government gonna keep up with my movement i didn't grow an extra eyeball or lose a toe i'm good um i'll be leaving for africa in july to preach in ghana and it's been a lifelong dream of mine to go to africa and i either get vaccinated to go to africa you'll never believe how many shots you have to get to go to africa six six shots and then they even ask you have you received the covet vaccination as well so that comes with a total of seven shots that have to take place to preach the gospel any way you bless me lord i'll be satisfied i told you yes i didn't know it included shots listen i'm excited about um shifting and moving and there's a young man that has been with us for about 10 years and i love the gift that god has given him it said darn lead gupta those of us from pentecostal churches we love a good lead good time it just make you want to dance and lawrence has been with us for 10 years right 10 years and his father is a pastor and the lord told him that he has to go and submit to his father to begin to study to do ministry oh we're putting the pressure on you today boy can y'all give me a failure can we celebrate our own lawrence and what god is doing in his life i love it i love it he hate this kind of stuff look how he looking he came and sat down to talk to me and said this is what i feel led and literally said pastor will you release me to go serve my father i always tell people this don't serve and join at the front believe at the back amen he did it right and i prayed that god would bless him i said well lawrence if we need you can we call you he said anytime so we're excited about that and we want you to know that we pray that the blessings of the lord be upon you those of you can you stretch your hands this way towards him god we cover him and we ask god that you will bless us going out in his coming in we pray god that you would make him who you have called him to be he is bigger than that instrument and we thank you that it does not even yet appear who this man gonna be but we're glad that we had a part in it so just be glorified in jesus name we pray and everyone said amen amen you have to learn how to celebrate your own amen how to celebrate your home all right let's get into in this bible this series has been amazing to me and i can say to you that as a shepherd this has been something that i have to consistently go back and read because as a shepherd as um as a sower who releases the seed of the word and i see the word falling what amazes me is that everybody doesn't get it and so what i begin to do is i begin to blame myself i begin to even question me as the sower am i enough but hear me clearly for those of you all that walk around try to help people be confident in who you are but make sure that you don't waste your oil on people who don't want to receive what you have you have to hear that and everybody's not going to receive it the way that you think that they should hear me clearly one of the things about christ is that christ was busy teaching life as a believer when he taught he taught in parables in other words he was a storyteller i told you last week that a parable is an earthly story story but you have to be spiritual because it has a heavenly meaning if you study the teachings of christ he was a simple man it amazes me how we want to make the gospel so difficult we want to use big words and impress people you impressing people but they're not understanding what is coming out of your mouth theologians say that christ literally taught between a third to a fifth grade level can i beg you teachers and preachers break that word down that the most simple person can understand what is coming out of your mouth we are listening to people preached using big words they don't even know what the words mean we have to sit up and get a dictionary to know what you saying challenge me but chop it up that the average person can understand what is going on he taught a total of 36 parables out of three and a half years of teaching making sure that everybody get it the parable that we're looking at is the parable of the sore please listen to me watch me the sword all three weeks the same the seed the same the seed must be released at the bag watch me it has to get out of your hand to grow it cannot grow as long as it is in the bag once the sower releases the seed how and who catches it is on them it's not on you parents raise your children release the right stuff it's off of you they make their own decisions come on here stop allowing dirt to tell you you're not a good sower come on here your responsibility is to tell people what is right preachers preach the word come on here be a light in the midst of darkness get it off of you why watch me he knew that he could trust you to open your bag and release your seeds come over here why are you so blessed cause i keep releasing the more i release the more i gather people want to judge your reaping season but don't know your sewing record anybody know that everything you have you got it because god gave it to you come on here those online can i get you to type on the line god's been good to me those on zoom can you say it god be good to me those in the building can you lift your hands and open your mouth and testify because you have been releasing praise you've been sowing seeds and you're now living in your increase come on let's talk bible let's talk bible the first week the sword is the same the seed is the same but it falls on the path be careful that you are not path people that sit up and hear the word but nothing changes nothing changes you're still mean you're still broke you're still trifling but i love the lord hmm still gotta try a position still got a title still gifted but no progress nothing has shifted you just in the building but it's on the path watch me and the birds come and eat it up because it never made it to good ground second week the sun is the same the seed is the same but the soil is different last week you're the ones that are on the rocky places shut up rocky places mean that your um your soil is shallow we release the seed watch me you sprung up we heard you we saw you but then when we checked on you you didn't have any root which other word you top heavy but let a trial come you out of here because you didn't take time to let your roots grow you got the position but you weren't wise enough to keep it i don't know about you before i spring root me because when i rise i have no intentions of coming back down come on here root me lock me in don't just give me money today teach me how to work it that i'll never have another broke day in my life come on here don't just raise me up if he was it's just your season right now who you talking to my roots run deep boo i need you to find some other deep people and stop hanging out with shallow dirty people come on y'all let's go bible so you're not the path watch me you're not the thorns i'm sorry you're not the rocky place watch me rocky mean that rock is there no roots today we're gonna go to the thorns please pay attention the sword is the same the seed's the same but somebody is hanging out with some weeds i didn't say smoking some of y'all smoking the weeds but you are surrounded by thorns weeds watch me you're growing you got root you're not shallow you're showing fruit but you're surrounded by weeds check your environment make sure that you're not the only one that's producing because you got to be careful because some people are weeds that only want to snatch off your tree and they're not going to even eat it they just helps they just hate seeing you be productive come on y'all you don't even watch me you want to take my joy but you don't want to be happy come on here you want to use my favor but you don't want to walk in the grates that go with it those in the building i need you to make sure you're not in the weedy section who are the weedy people i'm just glad to be in the building but i ain't giving god no glory come on i need you to make sure you round some people that can bear fruit of praise come on here ah come on online make sure you check that you not eat there's no weedy people on your line i need you to everybody release the praise wherever you are and chicken let's go bible look at the screen matthew 13 7 other seed fell among fell among among among thorns weeds this line doesn't mess me up watch me which grew up who grew up the weeds the thorns caught up which grew up and choked it shut up so the weeds began to grow up and got to a point that it could choke you from where you were you gave them a reason to stand up had you stayed at a level they never would have grown up to choke you slide down if you don't mind to the 22nd verse and it says the seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word here's the word here's the word his word his word hears it here's it here's it but something happens the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of of wealth you start worrying about money or wanting money more than you want god so you got worry and money choking you press me making it unfruitful shut up watch me watch me watch me you were good the sword released the seed you were growing you were growing you were growing you didn't watch it your roots were good you were producing fruit you were producing fruit you producing food keep blowing your mind you have more than you've ever had you are amazed what god is doing your life is not the same and when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me [Music] the best thing that you can do is expect a weed to bear the same praise that you got but i wish i would let a weed tell me how i should praise god because you don't know the seed that i received or the dirt that i came from those of you that know that god has a that you have a testimony and everything you are god made it i need you to break past everything that's been trying to choke your praise and re lift your hands and give god a praise right there yo you don't have to pay people that have fruit to give god glory you don't have to beg people that have what you mean they got a testimony to open their mouths i need you to give [Music] yeah let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go so your dirt is good your dirt is good the seed is good your roots are growing you've grown and you're being fruit you are not who you used to be i don't have to ask you if i've changed i could look at my own fruit and tell that i am not who i used to be trust me it's some fruit on this branch because i used to i would smack you with the branch but now i don't have time to lose fruit over your foolishness let's talk oh let's talk let's talk let's talk let's talk let's talk let's talk the dirt is good the soil is good i got the seed my roots are growing and i'm bearing fruit i don't have time to worry about your hatred cause you don't know what i came from i started in a bag oh you don't know my process oh you think i just arrived i went from nothing and got a little something something and then when he gave me a little some summer i began to give him praise and he gave me a little bit more and the more he gave me the more radical i became you want to know why you looking at me because i'm a fruit bearer [Music] come on y'all hey she let me calm down let me calm down ah the soil is good the seed is good the soil is good the roots are good the tree is growing and i'm bearing fruit i don't have to ask you to compliment me i compliment myself this ain't arrogance this called courage and confidence you can't live the life i live and second guess your process let's go let's go the sow is good the seed is good the soil is good the tree is good it's we got root and it's bearing fruit let's talk fruit for a minute fruit i used to be a sad person now the joy of the lord see you think fruit just money no boo fruit is also character fruit is any progress that i see come on here fruit is watch me when everybody in my house when everybody in my family nobody graduated but you my brothers and my sister you're the curse breaker you're the one that broke through the weeds you're the one that broke through the weeds you're the one that's the first one to do it in your house in your village and in your community you broke through the weeds you were surrounded by stuff watch me but i am not what i was born in can i tell you something so watch me watch me the lord is bringing so much so early this week i was in prayer had some quiet time in the lord saying i'm bringing you in front of curse breakers i said what are you saying to me god he said pay attention to people that begin to talk to you and if you listen to what they're saying to you if you listen to where they came from what they came out of they are adamant about the fact that i'm not going to raise how i was raised my children will never go through the weedy mess that i've been through i'm a curse breaker those of you that know that you will still watch me they thought you were going to be weedy like them but god put favor on your life all i need are the curse breakers i need those of you that know that your background not that squeaky clean you did not grow up in the house with the brady bunch or the huxtables your mama crazy your daddy crazy your brother crazy but god put favor on your life and you broke through some things that nobody ever thought that you would even break through as a matter of fact you're even surprised i need your praise to match your breakthrough calm down john every curse breaker everybody that know that your children are not going to go through what you've been through everybody that know that when you shift you shift your whole circle release a praise right here go by you are listening to the curse breakers you are listening to the curse breakers and your sound get on the devil's nerve and your sound make the weeds mad and your sound get on your haters nerve and your sound make every demon [Music] i need you to encourage yourself i'm a curse breaker [Music] your children's children and their children uh i can't stand your sound i can't stand your sound i can't stand your sound i can't stand your sound i can't stand your sound i can't stand your sound your sound get on the devil's nerve you'll tell every time you open your mouth you make every demon man every time you get out of the bed and you push past every weed that wanted to choke your sound [Music] he can't stand your sound he can't stand your sound he can't stand your sound he can't stand your gift he can't stand your calling he can't stand your ministry he hates your name he hates your reputation he hate everything that god is up for you i need to choke you i need to make sure you never open your mouth again i need to cut off your windpipe i need to make sure that you stop giving god glory i need to make sure that when you go to work that you act like everybody else i can't stand your growth i need to choke you i need to choke you i need to choke you that never want to choke you anybody determined to breathe [Applause] [Music] yay [Music] [Music] there's something different when you cry there's something different when you preach there's something different when you do what you do there's something different when you walk in the room i need to choke you i need to choke you i need to choke you i need to choke you i need to shut you down i tried to shut you down in 2020 but you keep breathing you keep breathing ah i've had four months i'm in the fifth month trying to choke you but you [Music] breathe breathe breathe don't panic don't panic don't panic calm down calm down breathe breathe again breathe again come on here he trying to choke you yeah come on type on the screen breathe again come on if you're in the building on your way to your seat just look at somebody say breathe again he wants to choke you he wants to choke you he's a murderer he's a murderer he's a murderer he want to kill your family he want to kill your assignment he want to shut you out he wanted you want you to change your confession no no breathe [Music] breathe ready come on y'all i need you to put that on the screen i need you to put that with an exclamation point that is not a question that is a command i need you to breathe [Music] let's go let's go come on come on breathe breathe breathe don't choke breathe don't choke up [Music] breathe don't choke yep the pressure's real but watch me but they cannot control your windpipe breathe breathe breathe you got this inhale exhale inhale exhale you ready let's talk let's talk let's talk this is not pay attention a sudden death this is not a sudden death he just can't wipe you out you have to hear me not you watch me the birds ate those on the path those in the rocky place the sun scorched them gone but you your soil is good your seed is good your tree is good your roots have grown look at me and you have beard much fruit he just can't wipe you out you my brothers and my sisters it is a process and it is up to you to monitor yourself stop asking people have i slowed down you know have you slowed down or not come on let's talk it's a process so we study with another one of our pastors our church in memphis dr connor who is a physical doctor and we were studying this yesterday we say i said dr connor how long does it take for someone to die if they've been choked he said the first four minutes it takes four minutes four minutes just to cut off your breathing in other words i need god to wear the weeds out that they realize you just can't kill me suddenly [Laughter] you don't watch me you better up your strength if you want to get rid of me come on here come on here it takes four minutes pay attention to stop your breathing watch me now watch me watch me he hates your sound your sound irritates hell you better hear me yo sound when you get up tomorrow good morning dog gone it there they go again how you doing blessed and highly favored shut up here you are in church here i am the worship i don't want you to worship every time you do what you've been called to do wish me watch me watch me he has it's a process and let me give you how he's been attacking you it takes four minutes to stop you from breathing the moment you stop breathing then he the moment you stop breathing out then he begins to work on you internally the first thing that the enemy does watch me it was me it took four minutes to stop me from breathing now get ready because it take another six to ten minutes to stop my brain from functioning because my brain is still telling me although i'm not breathing oh you can breathe again because your body can't do nothing until your brain tell her to do it so you're not breathing but your brain said oh you getting up out of this [Music] did you hear what i just said send me a you're not breathing but your brain is telling you oh but it ain't over yet [Music] and your brain watch me petition your brain has more time than your choker [Applause] cause your choker only got four minutes now even when you let my hand go cause i stopped breathing you so stupid you should have kept your hand on me cause had you kept your hand on me you might have sped up my brain shutting off a little bit longer but the devil left you thinking that he had you is there anybody besides me if the devil thought that he had you in a tough place but you rise again you have what i call a bounce back anointing this ain't the first time you bounce back i need you to remember remember remember remember cause once i stop your breathing i have to attack your brain if i take your brain i erase your memory and suddenly i hear the lord saying i have done too much for you for you to give in to a choke and i'm gonna give you a few minutes before you're classified as dead to remember how good i've been to you well i'ma give you a few minutes this i recall to my mind and therefore have i hope that i'm coming out of this let's talk so you have four minutes for me to stop breathing then i got another six to minute 10 minutes for you to work on my brain stop but you're still not dead it's a process don't give him your kidneys and your lungs and your brain has not shut down don't speed up your process ah don't call it over yet it ain't over this is part of your testimony come on here let's talk let's talk let's talk let's talk so you got four minutes to choke me i got six to ten minutes for my brain to shut down and then after my brain shut down then next thing you do you gotta stop my flow you gotta stop my flow so now you wanna mess with my arteries so now watch me first then you submit to my brain then you attack my heart and if you get in my heart if you get in my heart then you change my attitude you change the way i talk you you you clog me you shut down i don't flow like i'm supposed to flow and some of y'all he's beginning to block your arteries but it still ain't over cause it's a process now either you can submit to the process or you can push a breath out stop i ain't done with you yet ready you got four minutes to choke me you got six to ten minutes to shut my brain down after you shut my brain down then my brain started telling my heart i stopped beating stop beating stop beating then after my heart stops beating you still ain't all the way dead you're still not all the way dead you're still not all the way dead if you oh my god if you're listening to me right now i am an ambulance in the spirit i'm a paramedic in the spirit realm and i am about to give you mouth-to-mouth resuscitation you're about to get everything what the enemy thought that he had taken from you you're going to get it back with increase [Music] what's up so you got four minutes to cut off my breathing you got six to ten minutes to affect my brain then after you affect my brain you got to hit my heart then when my heart stops beating guess what my kidneys and my liver have to be shut down what does that mean your kidneys and your liver i thought i said now you gotta explain this to me he said your kidneys in your liver basically is your detox system it gives you the ability to release all the toxic mess as some of you are you've been holding on to mess you mad because of the way that they treated you stop that's how unbelievers that's how weedy people think but those of us that bear fruit we think all things i can't explain this but even your evil behavior is gonna work to my benefit god i wish i was around some people that were banned fruit so i see so so the final thing so the final thing is to cut off final thing matthew is to cut shut down your liver and your kidneys so that you cannot release the detox the detox of the enemy telling you you're dead it's over it's a wrap you'll never rise again it is over it is over for you and that it's a process to take you out look at me you're not a sudden murder case even when you shut you keep living for the weapons of our warfare anarchana can everybody that's listening to me that know some stuff that happened to you the fact that you keep breathing is a miracle lift your hands and give me a few seconds of you inhale exhale just so what's good hear your heartbeat why won't you die why you keep getting up why you keep believing why you keep rejoicing you ain't gotta die why you keep standing still knowing that god's gonna bring this thing back to life again hey you survived the previous attacks and you're gonna survive this one too you survived the previous attacks and you gonna survive this for two ow you survived the previous attacks and you gonna survive this to lift your hands and open your mouth and breathe breathe breathe breathe got some plowing to do we got some plowing to do we just got a little plowing to do because whenever there was weeds it doesn't mean that the land wasn't plowed it was plowed listen carefully but watch me what's choking you has not been properly cleared you have to see the progress don't actually one of the things that enemy make you think is you you never made it that's not true the soil is good the seed was good the roots brown and i have bears some fruit be careful with people that want to you ain't never changed oh trust me i have oh you better trust me i have cause if i hadn't your eyelashes would have been snatched off your weave would have been pulled back and you would be another case you know i do have a record listen you think you know me you looking at ac after christ if you met the bc before christ you wouldn't even talk to me the way you talking to me you better be careful cause i still got a little residue oh my god who am i talking to you okay so so so so so what does it take to choke you so what does it take to choke you so what does it take to choke you i mean you have so much fruit you have broken through so much watch me and now watch me watch me please mention this um the more you grow the more weeds pop up you have to hear me you have to be stop smashing me some of y'all just want a crowd make sure they have fruit because if they don't have nothing they're only going to be pulling on your tree and causing you loss and never adding to when you need everybody say lord help me plow help me everybody listen to me please say this with me please please say this to me every survivor i need you to say lord help me to plow help me to clean my environment my circle help me help me help me not to give in to the weeds help me so the bible says two things two things so so how do you get choked how do you get choked how do you get choked and um come on in and um you know let's go here so what happens is um you're growing the dirt is good um the seed is good the roots are growing and you're blessed and you're blessed watch me and then something happens you got to watch me because some of y'all want to be blessed but with blessings come responsibility see when i didn't have the blessing i didn't have this responsibility but respond come on me so with every blessing comes responsibility pull a little bit pull a little bit so i start feeling a little tight because this thing is pulling on me i just wanted the blessing i didn't know it was gonna start pulling on me and that's called worry because watch me watch me i got all these weeds around me waiting on me to fall and i'm worried about it and i'm worried about what he says he says he says referring to someone who hears the word but the worries the worries the worries the worries the worries of this life the words of this life so you you you you you got it you bear fruit but the next thing you know you stop worrying you stop worrying how am i how am i gonna maintain this you start taking on the weight of the blessing because with with every blessing come responsibilities and responsibilities that are not handled right becomes stress and stress turns into worry so now wherever they're stressed watch me whenever they're stressed the only thing that's needed is structure but i don't feel as if i have the energy to bring structure so i just worry and it begins to choke me and it begins to choke me and i begin to worry about what you think about me what you're saying about me and i literally began to watch me that i can't even sleep at night because if i don't sleep i don't give my body time to recharge so even when i lay down watch me there's still a pool i'm trying to sleep but i'm not really resting because i'm still getting pulled in my sleep that when i wake up i wake up with bags i wake up and i don't feel revived i don't feel rejuvenated i don't feel the energy but i'm a tree and i had fruit but i'm a preacher but i'm a pastor but this church is worrying me when are you gonna realize this ain't your church so why are you worried about jesus so bride you just stop worrying and the worry gets the best of you and then it goes a little bit deeper you ready because now [Laughter] i'm not just worried about it because i have an image i have an image and i have an image because i want to get me an apartment downtown nope i couldn't afford it but it went with my image i went and got me a bmw but i couldn't afford it but it went with my image and i cannot let my image oh when i come out i got a ferragamo belt that i bought at the african fest it ain't real but you'll only know what if i tell you y'all ain't got to say nothing to me cause i have an image so i'm wearing fake which is releasing a fake spirit on me [Music] and it's choking me and it's choking me and it's choking me and it's choking me because i got to do whatever i got to do to protect my image so if i got to get another job i'll get a job if i got to get a business if i got to be a undercover supplier to the weed man you only gotta say no to me if i gotta if i gotta lower my standard if i gotta lose my conviction to make money i don't believe in drinking but i'm gonna work at this bar and i'm gonna shake these drinks up cause i got to get that money i got to get that money i got to get that money and it's never gonna be enough because you have given in you went beyond the tree you went beyond your fruit and you start giving in to the weed sails and you begin to allow that to begin to choke you [Music] don't forget this is not a sudden murder because although you feel the pressure you still got time and i'm looking at some of y'all and it's pulling it's falling you're on your knees you're kicking you're trying to survive this don't go with what he promised me this don't match what i was told show me where i need to do show me how to get up out of this situation either i can give in or i can tap into prayer either i can give in or i can believe that the same god that did it before is going to do it again breathe breathe don't worry about no money as a matter of fact lay down [Music] just later don't breathe so hard cause the enemy hear you breathing he gonna keep choking you learn how to take small breaths cause eventually drop it [Music] too get the glory get the glory get the glory get the glory get the glory get the glory get the glory out of this get the glory out of this show me how to get up show me how to give up show me how to be restored i look to the heels but with cometh my help my help come from you i need you to begin to do what needs to be done in me i need you to do what needs to be done in me forget the weeds work on me create within me a clean heart and renew the right spirit within me that i don't have to worry and i feel myself starting to get up starting to get up now watch me watch me watch me it was a process to kill you it's a process to be revived it was a process to kill you it's a process to be revived it was a process to take you down it's gonna be a process to get back up and some of y'all are almost up but you're not all the way up yet i need you to keep breathing and pace yourself if you are in the building stand to your feet if you're at home if you can stand i need you to stand and breathe and breathe and breathe and breathe and breathe and breathe good soil good seed good roots good tree but here come a fresh patch of fruit [Applause] watch me you think my previous fruit was good wait until you get this because this survived the storm [Applause] this survived the tornadoes this survived even when i thought i was over oh my god oh my god lift your hands in this building hmm [Music] uh [Music] come on lift your hands close your eyes don't worry about your image when you first came out you came out in a suit now you got some ropes around you yup i don't look like i look like when you first saw me but i want you to know that i've grown enough that i can now plow the land there's certain things i'm not gonna put up with no more there's certain people you don't have a choice you have to leave my life come on here a certain way i'm going to begin to think about myself i used to seek your approval and your validation but i've grown enough to know that as long as i have the validation of god i don't need the validation of man come on i realize that every good and perfect gift comes from the lord i realized come on here that he began to pull things off around me that used to choke me come on watch me watch me there's some plowing going on there's some plowing going on there's some things being removed all i need you to do is keep living keep bearing fruit keep living keep bearing fruit keep living keep bearing fruit keep living keep bearing fruit keep living keep bearing fruit keep living wait wait wait wait wait leave a few right there don't take everything out watch me but i prayed and asked god to remove everything but i left that there to show you that my grace is sufficient i left that there to make sure that you don't get arrogant i left that there to make sure that you don't get lifted in pride i'm a leader of something behind to make sure that you keep worshiping me you are not going to reach perfection but you will not be who you used to be lift your hands in this [Applause] [Music] and i'm gonna leave a little rope around you every now and then i'm gonna leave a little rope around you every nine days i'm gonna leave a little rope around you every night and then which means that sometimes you might walk until come here matthew do me a favor just step on the rope don't grab it just step on the road when i'm walking i need you to just step on the rope i'ma leave a little rope right there watch me watch me watch me just to give you a pull when i give you a pull you're gonna have a man said oh no i'm not going back to what i used to be i have learned whatsoever satan i'm in that there will be content i'm gonna bless the lord at all times and his phrases are going to continually be in my mouth lift your hands open your mouth even if you fill a pool worship [Music] breathe breathe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] breathe [Applause] your heart is speeding [Music] breathe breathe [Music] everybody open your mouth and begin to worship and in between your worship inhale exhale breathe [Music] your shoulders over your struggling is over get your gift back get your confidence back get your self-esteem back get your passion back get your creativity back getting you back getting you back [Applause] getting you back get your dream back [Music] get your feet back [Applause] come it has affected your faith [Music] breathe and he breathed into man the breath of life [Music] and man became a living so breathe [Applause] everybody lift your hands and say god show me how to do this everybody lift your hands and say god show me how to do this show me how to live in this show me how to produce show me how not to give up in this show me how to progress in this show me how to elevate in this show me how to shift in this so [Music] you want honesty right so at one point during the pandemic i found myself being choked with worry you want to hear i was worried about like god who's still with me like who's still with me i have not seen the army but i'm getting emails i'm getting inboxes i don't feel led to be with you anymore i don't feel connected to you anymore i'm moving i'm shifting i'm leaving new life is no longer my church i'm out of here and i begin to worry because around the corner i built for you when we plan we plan with you in mind and so then i began to worry i started choking i started choking and then i started hanging around some weed preachers who told me they're never coming back to church settle for this they'll never be back in so you just need only need to focus on production because the earth will never go back to us meeting in mass numbers evil communication be careful with people that use the word never around you and watch me and sometimes you think it's not affecting you but then when you get by yourself can i get somebody that can be honest with me when you get by yourself is when that devil really gets to talking this this is how deep it is chris watch me i went over to the new church at one point and i stood there and i said to god in my choking state this is too big i was choking i was literally choking and the soil is good the seed is good the roots are growing the tree is growing fruits are being buried but i can't pay attention to the fruit because i'm listening to the weeds and then the money came up then the money came up you got this mortgage you didn't build this million dollar building around the corner what you gonna do to get that money [Music] wait wait it gets worse then the construction companies say i don't know what to tell you president but you need two million more dollars like oh god oh god i need two minutes hold on hold on let me call somebody i call somebody hello they told me i need two million dollars he said hold on i got somebody will connect you to and they gonna go find that money okay go find the money go find the money go find the money go find the money and while i was waiting [Music] while i was waiting [Music] cause he didn't do it suddenly while i was waiting [Applause] [Music] my heart started beating i started getting my memory back i stop thinking god has done too much for me for me to start doubting god now i would be a fool to lose my faith and believe that god brought me this far to let me down breathe again [Music] money coming people coming the blessings of the lord make but i've never seen the righteous [Music] beg for seek i've never seen the righteous forsaken no it's seed begged for prayer my god shall supply all of my needs according to his riches and glory and whatsoever you ask in my name [Music] [Applause] [Music] breathe don't you get into an anxiety attack don't you start doing stupid stuff you didn't make it this far oh schemes don't you ever yield your anointing to the tactic of the enemy [Music] so i stopped choking and i start confessing and i can talk if i stop choking i can speak if i loosen the grip of the enemy and when i loosen the grip of the enemy i begin to prophesy and i begin to say things that i have been saying for years we're living in our overflow how long are you going to live it for the rest of my life i need you to hear me clearly so then my finance department called they said for santa something's going on in the finances i said what's going on they said it's such an increase like where is this money coming from i said because god is blessing his people and they sowing seeds from the trees that are growing you got to hear me and then they watch me watch me and every time every time every time i get an email i would get one email i would get one email or somebody leaving but i would get 10 reports of somebody coming i wouldn't even feel low and then god would send somebody to fly in from out of town like this couple on the front who join online who do music and produce music and say we've been blown away by your ministry and your ministry brought us back to life and we just want to fly in and sit in the service and go to your afterglow pastor jim on glenn can we be a part of your afterglow which means that god will sing what you need even if it has to come from another state some of y'all all you got to do is breathe again and speak and he's not done because i know what he showed me he showed me first class production lights sound when i say action that means the gospel is about to break forth and you can't be under this tree and not get blessed you can't be under this tree and not bear fruit come over here cause he's about to plow some weeds from around you lift your hands begin to open your mouth and begin to plow through your worship go in go in i'll give you 20 seconds they're coming [Music] they come and they're coming they're coming come on [Music] come on [Music] i can shout like that when i was choking come on [Music] those that have a background in theater come on those that know how to do the lights and the sound and the production come on those that are worried about souls and not positions come on those that want to help carry the cross i need to hear every fruit bearer you're not choking i need you on the count of three to give god the biggest praise you got in you and for some of y'all it's gonna make the enemy loosen his grip on the count of three release appraiser one two three go go break [Music] break break free break free i mean break free breathe again loosen the grip of the enemy off of your mind tell the devil to get out of your spirit hope make it not a shame you will not be embarrassed you will not be made a fool lover you will be light in the midst of darkness you will grow in the midst of the weeds forget these weeds grow go break opinion break naysayers break every habit break every spirit of discouragement go go go break every chain i need some of y'all to be free so you can help move this cross i need you to hurry up and grow up i need you to get up off the ground i need you to inhale and exhale i need you back in the battlefield let's go let's go come on you curse breakers come on you curse breakers he's done too much for you for you to doubt god now yay [Music] come on we got to go those online those online [Music] let's go they're coming it's coming [Music] your blessing is coming your second win is coming your second genius is coming your new opportunity is coming get up one last praise right here go go go go break break break break break break break break break through [Music] the soil is good the seed is good you are good you are good no second guessing yourself [Music] there's someone listening to me right now [Music] there's someone listening to me right now you were literally almost dead life was leaving your body spiritually but god had you log in you're in the right place at the right time this is so god that it's scary and if you know that i'm talking to you i want you to text for his new life to 313131 some of you are you trying to do it on your own some of y'all had backslidden stop come on catch yourself some of y'all were breathing but you're not under the right tree you have to be under something connected to something i want you to do it now text the words new life to 313-131 for everyone that's watching me that's in the building and you are bearing fruit tithing and some of you you've given into the deceitfulness of wealth that you've even cut off your tithes you've cut off your source isn't it amazing everything you got you got because you were a titan can you let god know that you can be trusted with the blessing you need to let god know that you can be trusted with wealth money cannot be your issue i want you to get your ties i want you to get an offering in your hand last week was mother's day in the saints about mother's day gifts they took their ties and went about mama or something god bless you i need god to make up for what you didn't give last week every person that can 50 some of y'all won't double can you release a hundred dollar seat he giveth seed to the sower he can trust you with seed when i tell you he has blown my mind that when they called me and told me we think we found the place that will give you two million dollars i told them i am so sorry that i sent you to go find that money cause i don't need it and for some of you all there's a blessing in your weight don't choke under pressure there's a blessing in your weight come on those that are going to give get the seed if you're going to text it you text the verse it'll see you see that 779 777 you're on our app you can give your view on our um our website you can give if you want to melanin you see our address right there believe it or not a lot of you a lot of y'all still write checks and mail them to the office and we gladly received that mail don't you let nobody discourage you from writing your checks write your checks into the lord say well done that good and faithful servant and then go to the go to the current exchange and get your stamps and then walk to the mail box and drop it off in jesus name in jesus name and it gets at office and we open it in jesus name and deposit it in jesus name you bless him however way you feel that to be to bless him get your seat ready lift it up to the lord repeat after me i'm a tithing together and i am blessed beyond measure i have more than enough i'm living in my overflow i am living in ephesians 3 20. come on how long you going to live it for the rest of my life release your seeds right now pastor jamon will be doing afterglow on tuesday i'll be back in the building on thursday teaching please new life i need you all to register for the prayer conference i got people flying in here coming in here for this conference new life don't play with me don't y'all have me in that big old church with all the people from out of town new life i need you to register go to one two twelve hour prayer dot com and you can read us it's gonna be friday june 11. i gotta work that day you can register we're gonna leave it on on that site for seven days that you can watch it it's gonna be amazing we have people flying in from africa to be a part of this press service it's a whole another kind of prayer life in in africa i'm trying to get that thing transferred over here i'm gonna get it without wearing a dashiki too you watch me come on come on y'all leave your seat right there come on all right we'll see you tuesday we'll see you thursday god bless you you can take us offline for those in the building give me one minute you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 15,012
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Id: etKVvgz7TnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 37sec (7057 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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