Faith and Wisdom During Crisis | Bishop David G. Evans

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good morning how are you hello right what's up we're back pest and hit my nose D s now you do it of course we're coming to you guys with a whole lot of content yeah taping a bunch of stuff today tomorrow you guys get ready as we talk about some topic some quick videos to kind of share some information wrong please don't forget to follow us on all of our platforms BBC of NJ David G Evans one make sure you subscribe on youtube subscribe one YouTube David G Evans one at BBC got some good stuff for you oh yes fun stuff too yeah trying to keep you entertained and minister to your door this crisis yeah yeah same time so you're not in isolation you're in consecration yes sir that is facts just not solitary confinement spending some time with the Lord yeah okay it's all how you look at that's true it's just an obligation no it's an opportunity get closer to God catch up on some stuff yeah you know start praying regularly they can read your word again yeah it's a good time to get yourself ready for when we come out of this right come out a little differently that we went in a little more equipped that reminds me of them when the walnuts went through Katrina mmm and you know I went down there to preach and and of course the devastation there's nothing like what they show introduced it was just I was I was amazed that people were still living there so anyway um I'm riding along and I'm trying to I'm talking to the pastor about pastor Bristol I'm talking to him about how what are you gonna do after building um so and that's when he told me that every time a hurricane comes to they have to rewrite the building code so the building code is rewritten now so if another storm decides of Katrina comes through or a little stronger the buildings will not fall and I think that's what God is doing during this crisis we can need to decide to come out of the crisis we the same life principles in place or we can build some more strength during this time when we're spending adjusting to what we have no control and come out stronger than what we went in and I think we need to come out stronger absolutely it's a message for the church too because I believe a lot of us just were not ready to do whatever we could do you know in this crisis we just weren't ready for yeah yeah because you always say you make plans and life happens mm-hmm as big facts yeah cuz we have all these planes and all these things all of a sudden something come change at all and it the good thing like you're saying it shows you where you're ill-prepared mm-hmm what you should have been doing the whole entire time and I've learned over the years whenever at times like this come personally mm-hmm or nationally hmm what is God trying to teach us me doing this absolutely and I don't think we usually think in that place oh no we think I would yes you know I I think I think whenever something happens the Church Universal tends to look at the world right when the Bible's clear and maybe it's the way we're looking at it but if we look at every incident like what we're going through now with this virus thing as a question instead of a chance to make pronouncements right we would understand the Bible says judgment begins at the house of God so the question is being asked to us who are you gonna choose yeah now why do I need the question if I need the question because my position is not obvious so God is asking the church as well as the world who you gonna shoot right why is he asking the church perhaps we've gotten a little aberrated a little maybe we're more seeker friendly than soul-winning on that's going to get me some trouble but I never saw Jesus as you know we distorted what his seeker friendly motto look like right okay right so I just think I just think we either look at this and what was me or you look at it so I'd answer question what do I need to do better who am i how am i handling situation am I ready for this kind of thing and it's not the sentencing to some radical go hide underground type of thing right but it is it is a question especially people of faith you know where are you with God how much do you trust him where is your wisdom yeah in this situation and faith does not void wisdom faith and wisdom actually dwell comfortably in the same cup absolutely you know so I just I think it's a good time not you know don't like people being sick people losing at large but you know we've got to answer the questions are we choosing him absolutely are we changing yes which which as you're talking about it's jogging something mmm my memory so in mark 4 jesus talking about the power of the soul mm-hmm it was the wayside stony ground on the ground mm-hmm he explains to disciples these mysteries were given to you that's right and immediately after he got them teaching about the kingdom the word being seed he automatically says let's go to the other side yep he doesn't tell them about the storm in the middle the Solar Souls the word and says let's go through a process to see what ground this word hit on who are you who are you and Jesus fall asleep on a boat they wake him up mm-hmm Jesus rebukes this to win and he says where is your faith absolutely if you really believe me you be children just like but you're trying to change me it you forged it you know so turn it around and where's your face yes what kind of ground to you right I was that was a field test yes none of us want to tell you tell it for him to say let's go and I think you know it's funny you hear people sarcastically saying where are the prophets now where the pastor's that talked about vision socialism but the reality is they missed effective God's principle he souls the promised and then test you on the apps rollers he always give him field test it doesn't it doesn't eliminate the word it just is a part of the process and I think people sometimes are very quick to judge others because a storm that would shake their faith has not come along yes you find the disciples revealing to Jesus on the boat that they had faith to get in the boat but not trust for the voyage right and when that when that happens they reveal themselves to Jesus as having him on board but I think believing that his power is limited by the fact if he was asleep his presence wasn't enough for them don't get me started know what I was gonna do how do you have him right there yeah and start worrying about drown yes sir you know and show that you doubt his presence the power of his presence is his love you know does he have to be awake if you will to to to be with you and be active in your life it's just so many questions come up in that historic text but the reality is God is asking all of us what kind of ground are you yeah and we're finding out right now it's it's really not a revelation of him it's a revelation about him in us yeah you know how much how much of him on board on board do I trust yes sir you know it is funny cuz at the end of the storm they asked the question what manner of man is this there you go they're wondering I never see know who is this man which means that they didn't get the full revelation of who he was in the staff after the storm was over and Jesus had to test them again yep your statement is so profound what manner of man is this you know how's this guy trusting God to this extent yeah you know and we're we're we just we basically almost bailed out the ship we just it was this is too much for us Jesus we need you to wake up right now mining just come off a hot miracle I mean you know you feed a couple thousand folks it'll work they witnessed it all you know and they still lost it yeah but it's not an indictment that they it's just the Bible shows us our realities absolutely and Christians right now when I'm talking to them a lot of them are in a place of fear they've stepped out of faith and stepped into fear absolutely you know with end but claim all before this Jesus was on board firmly yeah just you know probably go moussaka yeah yeah yeah yeah he didn't make Dom yeah just amazing to me and that's true she continues to show realities are battles cuz none of us are 100% not a Muslim and those who say that they are lying yeah absolutely you don't believe got all the come on now look what was interesting what what got me about Jesus in his relationship with the disciples mm-hmm good thing that got him the maddest was their inability to grow with him absolutely and he kept he kept send him through lessons and they kept 'miss iike and he kept saying I'm doing this because you missed the first lesson let me tell you the hardness of their hearts got on his nerves because it's like I've been with you all this time and you're still not getting it you're actually describing our lives yes absolutely I know you've countered a lot of people I've counseled a lot of folks and I just don't get it from drowning why won't you let me lift you out of the water yeah you know the other thing is you know being a father to preachers it's frustrating that that if you've got 25 or 30 or 50 or hundred sons and daughters and you're steadily sowing into them but you're only watching five or six grow yeah you know you know what I'm saying it's just it's just it's frustrating and it's it's disheartening it's because you know you can't stop growing so they won't feel uncomfortable you have you have to keep serving like this you have to keep serving dinners they don't have taste for not that it's not good because a couple of kids are eating and they're growing right the other team when I don't like that it's almost you ever been a restaurant with someone who does not have have no experience with what's on the rest on the menu and say I don't like that yeah automate how do no you don't like it and you haven't tasted it right don't guard your ignorance try it see if it works absolutely you're not knowing we met man we you know like nothing I'm Anthony didn't like me nothing man start yeah had to start exposing it to stay but I will that's how my mom did us you know she had a catering business so she would cook for us what she was cooking for the people and we started eating lobster Newburg and all this kind of stuff so we going to people's houses you know I ain't having lobster new playing chicken Florentine no we have to expose ourselves to things but I think I think Jesus had a legitimate frustration because you need people that are following you to grow with you absolutely absolutely it doubt from a pastoral standpoint when you look at Jesus his biggest issue and one of his biggest issue was disciples were the people that were following him for getting it absolutely and his leaders that were with him working and he would like literally publicly what would if they didn't have a certain level of thing he would say publicly where is your faith that when the woman yeah daughter demoted and the man they said just send the word he said how come y'all y'all follow me every day how come you can't have the same faith in these peopie Centurion had a revelation Alfredo yeah I tell people what to do they do it I tell him to company come a time to go to go I come set out it's an out just like you did yeah then he said I haven't found this kind of faith not even in Israel mmm the members of the congregation got it but the leaders didn't get it so let me ask questions sure we know Jesus didn't make a mistake right but did Jesus put workers in place rather than leaders could because their job was to spread the gospel yeah were they ever leaders are where they were they simply workers could it be they started off as workers and over time you fall came leaders leaders as possible from based on what some of them did in acts and what we know Paul was never sigh yeah so which one of the guys in the Herbalife remembrance became a leader so like Peter did you two become one yeah okay he's one of the cheapest at a rough road though he had her over rough road now that's not to say that every title is attached to a leader some workers have leader leadership title sure absolutely yes I mean mmm you had your ones like Thomas went along and yeah most of Israel got not Israel he went to what's known as model to India yeah yeah and evangelize that he was good Jade's the John were beheaded mm-hmm the most notable ones are Peter that's talked about next shadow healing people doing all that stuff with James and John beheaded because they were workers and leadership positions I don't know why I didn't give me I'm just talking theoretically I don't know that most workers are committed mm-hmm did we need workers oh you need workers yeah the worst thing you could do is put a leader in a workers position and work in a leaders position yeah because the focus is going to be different absolutely so but beheading mm-hmm so Jesus the Lord was God was so committed to new leadership that he had John beheaded so that dimension of leadership could pass and Jesus could step in right do you think there's a dynamic in the beheading of James and John was there an era that they needed to that needed to be transitioned from perhaps just perhaps just thrown out for us to think perhaps they were leader they were workers who did not develop into leaders I mean could be I'm not sure I just know we just know John our pet miss yeah you know did is they go on oh yeah with revelations yeah each one had a different purpose I'll say that mm-hmm in different outcome yeah yeah so Jesus might have mixed his crew you could have mix the screw just said here okay you're good for this mm-hmm you're good for this you're good for this all right y'all work together yeah yeah so titles don't necessarily make it lead oh okay no all right all we know is that they were apostles I have to study Matthew what he did but you the only ones you hear about after accidents usually John mm-hmm Peter got a little bit about Jane yes I'm just trying to start a little I just think it's my body yeah but but but it does show that the diversity of if a church has if a church is gonna succeed these diversity of leaders workers this gift this get absolute Vista spur absolutely and all twelve of them working together will - Judas until the other one came in all working together and would make this thing work absolutely if all the leaders all the workers all these people that nuts and bolts people - visionaries work together right to get this thing rolling so the gifting gives you an assignment and a purpose but your designation can dictate with your leader or a cause if both of us can have the same spiritual gift but then God has to add either a leadership gear for a healthy or whatever that is to it to give us specific designation I think sometimes now I'm always I'm always concerned about people who are spinning their wheels because they really don't know that the core or the sweet spot of the anointing on their life and they're not a lot of people helping them find it I know that for years they had those surveys those gifting surveys yeah I never took one of those because I really didn't believe him too much it was nuances here was noised you know you could almost see if you know how to take a test you can even map out your own gifting apprentice that good memory remember they asked me just question this way the last time yeah 15 questions later ask me again but they could a little spin on it you know you know oh I think we need to teach all those things absolutely yeah but this is actually cool y'all the principles are in the conversation district cuz it's crazy how we're transitioning so we had your view of our view of God trust in God you ain't door to Christ and now you bringing up something interesting discovering your gifts or less every fill is an interesting no it's furthering the conversation of interest so okay cuz it's like this we talked about it during hard times like this and rich folks the opportunity absolutely and if we're asking ourselves questions what gives what abilities what talents what opportunities does God open during crisis but a lot of us see this looking for opportunities as a heartlessness during the crisis yeah so we back off of it you know when some of us have been born created gifted given talents to see opportunity in adversity and not opportunity that takes advantage of the adversity and in a way that puts people in a bad position sorts to help yes you know how do I help during this situation how do i how do i strengthen doing this situation like like your brains working marvelously doing this that yeah it's fun because i'm just i'm sitting back and just amazed and like tell me what else to do it and it's funny we were my she's by the camera mmm it's her first time really doing all these things do really so she's learning how to do all these taping the editing the video stuff okay on the fly okay and this whole creative side that's coming out I don't know I'm not glad the crisis came no of course but it coming produced oh yeah a whole different arena for us to operated now out of every storm God sins comes growth yes rain storm snow storm one things being accomplished despite the differences and the way it's presented yeah and that is it's gonna make their to some stuff yes sir so yes sir anything you like I know that hey we're pulling bishop but podcasts come on a master class all this online content and that's the one thing I do appreciate appreciate about you you're willing to evolve in all these different areas even at your age were most we were like you know I'm good I'm not guarding my regular I'll stick to whatever it ignorant is not a strategy for me right I'm just that you know I think I think we respond I think there's the this thing that I'm getting are those people that are rising to the top because they see they feel inspired to rise you are gonna be different than those people we're trying to fill the slot because they think they're losing something so you know are you gonna be inspired by you know the environment that we're in or or do you or do you become threatened by you know I wrote this listen may not have anything to do with it one of the things that a grits me the most is purpose purpose sometimes feels like an attack on my destiny because purpose at times feels unachievable to you so I'm quietly annoyed with my own purpose you know my created self gets on my nerves because of the constant demand for maturity achievable perfection and growth yes there's this constant demand so I'm quietly annoyed that this thing will not leave you alone if you decide to do it since here mmm-hmm yeah that's good oh we got it close we're running out of time our okay well at least this video games aboard okay is there any closing words so we talked a lot about how to manage a crisis any close work I really really want to encourage you to have faith and common sense to practice wisdom during this time but also you know God is not giving you all this time for you not to build relationships you know get the kids off their devices and have some conversation get people in the same room you know gather around snacks I mean you know if you're working it's time for ideas to be shared and and and outlooks to be to be revealed and you know what about this sessions it's just it doesn't meet doesn't mean a whole lot of people have to be around but if you've got that two or three gathered together you can take a good advantage of the time that you're now having to spend you know some people are you know cleaning out their closets some people are not just cleaning out their physical classes but some people are cleaning out their spiritual classes some people are catching up on things that they you know that they've been neglecting mail and filing so there's plenty to do during this time and trust me when I tell you this if you don't feel like doing it it's probably important yes sir did you hear what that's it if if you don't feel like doing it it's probably important so if you don't feel like doing it - the inspiration that this must need be done god bless y'all see you now that's more videos coming soon [Music]
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 1,111
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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