Shepherd’s Chapel Heb 11 30 12 9 Faith Chapter

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shippers Chapel welcome to this family Bible study our back in our father's word book of Hebrews we're going to pick it up here in the 11th chapter in the 30th verse in a moment remember this is the faith chapter and there's one thing I want you to never forget about this chapters verse 6 it's but without faith it is impossible to please him our Father for that for he that cometh to God must believe if you expect to get through you've got to believe that he is that he is our Father he's real he's there in that he is a rewarder of them if you expect a reward you'd better know this if you expect to be rewarded by Almighty God you better believe faith is the key and reward of them that that's a condition now that do what that diligently seek Him that means you study the word he sent you seek His plan his plan for the universe is plan for the earth his plan for heaven his overall plan that covers everything so that is it and remember back in verse 1 the substance as it is written there that now the faith is the substance of things hoped for that substance the word in the Greek is it's a deed right to a piece of property it's yours that's what faith does for you that's why it's so powerful that's why it's so important if you want to be rewarded by God's ear that means he hears you then you will exercise that it now we come down to the many of the great people of God's word that he utilized we finished in the last lecture with Moses who by faith he passed through the Red Sea they opened the thing and and they went across on dry land but the Egyptians trying to follow them and overtake of saying to do they were drowned they their chariots horses the whole army gone that's what faith will do for you that's God's promise to you so we pick it up then in chapter 11 verse 30 let's go with the faith chapter by faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were compass about seven days now did going around them seven days caused them to fall no did the priest horns a blow ram's horns blowing before the parade that caused it no God caused it they didn't touch the wall God brought the wall down but the passing seven times and the ram's horns they were obeying God and when you obey God you're going to be rewarded so it was God because of their faith that brought the world walls of Jericho tumbling down and verse 31 by faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believe not when she had received the spies with peace you know naturally many people disagree with me that's fine but Rahab was not a harlot businessmen called her a harlot because she was a better businesswoman and they were a businessman the secret to the whole thing is where did she hide these two spies she hid them on her rooftop but under what rows and rows of blacks that she used to weave this precious fine linen that she was famous for producing that but many men out of business that tried to compete and naturally as is the unfortunate thing of time anytime a woman is very very successful there's going to be somebody say well you know how she did it with implication that same thing stuck with Rahab even though she is in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ that red thread which still goes to the to the house of Ulster even to this day the blessings of God verse 32 and what shall I more say well what else can we say for the time would fail me to tell of gideon barak and and of Samson and Jeptha of David also and Samuel and of the prophecies all those things that happen you know Gideon was a little bit doubtful but God still honoring him and well how is that it's for the term putting a fleece out comes from is with with Gideon he said Lord I'll do that if I'm going to put this fleece out I want the ground to be wet and the fleece dry and sure enough that night that's what happened and then he still said Lord I'm just a little shaky on this now I want the fleece wet or vice versa and sure enough it was and finally Gideon got his horses together and did what God would have him do and Samson what what a what a life what a hero of our people and and you could never forget little David David who was a sheep herder had Carol little fellows youngest boy in the family took care of the Sheep kill Lions bears with what with a slingshot God give him a gift with that little jewel and of course he his father told him to take food out to Jesse wood out to his other brothers and here the whole army of Israel was shaking in their boots as boom-boom-boom the old giant Goliath was marching on a hill right by challenging their champion and little old David's whoa hey let me go get him listen we don't have any armors small enough to put on you he said I don't need it don't need armor and finally they said well you go ahead and of course when they when the Philistines saw him come in the giant all he was angry what have you sit out I will have you moon bloom andand on me and David said Almighty God is with me out of the mouths of babes this is where the term comes from out of the mouth of David I don't care if it was a giant standing before him I don't care if it was the whole Phoenician army David said God is with me God instructed him God sent him he stopped the little Brook picked up five stones all it took was one and he put it right into the forehead of the Giant and then cut the Giants head off with his own sword a huge thing and the rest fled so there you had that young lad but don't ever forget how it came to be it was David's faith in God and the words from his mouth make up the saying have you never heard out of the mouths of babes what did the babe say God's giving you to me and God had already told David David didn't doubt it he believed it and he took the Giant and and so it is that with God's help don't ever underestimate what one can accomplish if you put your effort to it if you sincerely diligently seek after God his word his plan he can certainly use you okay verse 33 who through faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness obtained promises and stopped the mouths of lions who stopped the mouths of lions Daniel's faith in the Lions there a lot of people will say well the Lions just weren't hungry that night well what happened when they threw the other attendants in they were gone just like that God intervened and God controlled the animals controlled the the Lions mouths where Daniel was perfectly safe in that lion's den why because of faith do you think that if David if Daniel had been a doubter and was cast in there with those vicious animals if he had doubted God what would Daniel be against a den full of beasts he would have been mincemeat but there was one thing that made a difference don't you ever forget it that's faith faith in knowing God sent him there God would protect him God would take care of him verse 34 to continue quenched the violence of fire escaped the edge of the sword out of weaknesses were made strong waxed valiant in fight turned the flight turned to flight the enemies of the aliens they they became brave why because God was with them they had God's assurances you know how are you doing today you you've also got God's assurances you've got all the promises that God sent you in this book called the Word of God and and if you do as he says and if you exercise diligently that faith to know to seek then if he can use you he'll let you know and you will accomplish what he would have you do without any questions ask because he will take care of the things that you cannot he will plan things that you would never foresee that will be taken care of presto serving God and having faith and receiving his reward that is to say success in bringing forth his word is a fantastic thing he will never leave you hanging out he will never leave you he will never forsake you we'll be covering that in the very next chapter of this great book of Hebrews let's go with the next verse then verse 35 women received their dead raised to life again and others were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection in other words knowing eternal life is what is in order and so it is both Mary and Martha received their brother Lazarus at the hand of Christ raised from the dead four days in the tomb bound head to put his legs even bound but yet when Christ gave the order Lazarus come forth he came forth however you wish to say by the mighty hand of Almighty God and then he said unwrap him okay so when you follow our Heavenly Father he here she knows you he will take care of you verse 36 and others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings yay moreover of bonds and imprisonment there were whippings and beatings and on it went 37 they were stoned they were sawn asunder cut in two were tempted were slain with the sword they wondered about in sheepskins and goatskins being destitute afflicted and tormented there were times it was pretty rough but their faith never wavered those that overcame god always brought them through it verse 38 of whom the world was not worthy this world age certainly was not they wondered in the deserts and in mountains and in dens and caves of the earth we have read through documentaries have found signs of these wonderings you know once man visits a place there's one he's going to leave some kind of mark whether he intends to or not that he was there and basically what he did while he was there and you find these wandering through the in ways of the world where that was the highway of that time that God led them and how precious it was to have God with them caring for them and and so it was verse 39 and these all having obtained a good report that what obtained a good report through faith through what through faith received not the promise I mean they didn't receive it because it wasn't time yet but at resurrection which happened really when they passed they were there they received it 40 God having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect in other words before seen yes complete yes God arranged it there you have the faith chapter just remember this verse 6 don't always be willing to go there if you feel God is not hearing you and read the sixth verse of this chapter it is impossible to please God without faith if you expect to be rewarded if you want a gift from God you will study and have that faith and diligently seek Him what it is he would have for you to do that's a powerful chapter it shows you the power of faith when you come right down to it cut away all the slack the faith delivered the people through the Red Sea fate brought Moses and all others on through Abraham and Sarah too old to have a child faith brought forth Isaac and and he would become as numerous as the stars of heaven and say the seat in the people called Israel the house of Judah in the house of Israel faith brought them through faith is very necessary beloved for you to be pleasing to God and to have him reward you your family then what it is you need in your life he when you love him when you have faith in him it makes all the difference chapter 12 verse 1 we're for seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which death so easily beset us let us run with patience the race that is set before us I want you to know what this word race is and in the Greek tongue it's a nun and a god brother and it's where the Olympics started so it is a race a natural foot race and what is this business of a cloud of witnesses Paul spoke colloquial Greek and what is colloquial group Greek it's much like you would use if you were to say did you see that cloud of locusts did you see that cloud of blackbirds you're talking about a throng of people what are you saying is put on this faith and and let your thoughts have sin in the world dropped from you because that's a weight that's going to make cause you to lose the race you got to get rid of all that through faith in him and and let the ways of the world fall by the wayside and you serve Him you beat you run that race and you run it to win you run it to completeness because you take those weights and cast them aside but many the reason I mentioned the terminology he utilizes a great cloud of witnesses to fly away no to run a footrace but so many people take the same statement in first Thessalonians chapter 4 and say and here there gathering in a cloud to fly away now let's know what it means it means there are a cloud that will be righteous a throng of people that God will use and certainly to to use them be quite because he loves them and because they had faith because they follow him because they diligently search after him so let this put to rest morning for all times this cloud of witnesses is a throng of people gathered together a lot of people to run a foot race that foot race is the race of life itself as you race through life you raise to win one because you have God's support what it what a verse to follow the great faith chapter with faith is a powerful powerful tool and so it is verse 2 to continue looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God I mean under really we don't read over there Jesus is the author of what of the faith that comes forth the finisher of it right but he had enough faith that that he endured the cross he did it he could have called down 10,000 angels and wiped that whole bunch out just BAM but no he did it to destroy death which is to say the devil but also for you that would follow him that would have faith in Him in our heavenly father that you would endure because he endured and again he's never going to leave you he's never went to forsake you so you hang with him if he endured the cross and and despising the shame I mean he was spit upon shouted at talk like like he was heathen rather than the son of the Living God and yet he was the author and finisher don't forget that of faith verse 3 for consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds in other words you want to lose the race you faint and drop out and you've got they're gone and you're still sitting here wondering what happened you don't listen to the contradiction of sinners and you don't grow weary why is he saying this Christ died on the cross Christ shed blood on the cross and you're limping out out here over a little trouble in life you can't handle it you can't cut it you can't win a race because you've got no faith you won't be real careful my friend if you want rewards from God that wins races you will have that faith and what he endured for you and then don't ever even think about whipping out well it's a little bit hard it's not like being nailed to the cross first forward you have not yet resisted unto blood striving against sin he did he had blood running from each place he was nailed plus the corner thorn of crowns they placed on his forehead bringing that blood down from his faith did he went there no he did not complain he knew what he was doing he was paying that price and there he sits today at the right hand of God Almighty God on that throne taking care of what you cannot if you have the faith to ask for it to reward you if you deserve it and you're not going to deserve it if you start whipping out because of a little pain verse 5 and you have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children my son despise not thou the chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him a lot of people misunderstand this it's called tough love and when God thumbs their gourd they feel like he's putting them off not all he wants is your attention he can God will use tough love if he loves you he will correct you if he does not love you he will not correct you you can just go on go to hell if you want to but when God loves you he said when he sees you going off the path unintentionally usually he's going to dump your gourd and you're gonna dump it pretty good sometimes that's just like you practicing tough love to someone you're trying to help sometimes it's required sometimes that's all that will get it done verse 6 for whom the Lord loveth he chastens and scourges every son whom he receiveth I mean he can pop you pretty good but what's that a sign of that he loves you he certainly hasn't given up on you he feels you're worth it for a little correcting and that is just life itself my friend we all need help occasionally because we will get sidetracked and being sidetracked can cause a lot of pain he doesn't want to see you have that pain he would rather correct you and bring you back into the fold or buy you're not hurt this is the is this different than any parent would be of course it's not a parent we'll always practice tough love on a child they love they don't love them maybe they want or maybe they don't know how maybe they don't have faith but God when he corrects you and and like I say he can thump your old gourd pretty good sometimes you better shake your head and say thank you Father kiss the paddle and get going and and you know you'll know what's wrong for he'll he'll make sure you do and then you straighten up your act and get it verse seven if you endure chastening God deals with you as with sons for what son is he whom the father chasin a--the not it just doesn't happen okay you that correction and love tough love that's what real love is many people you could ask them to define love they couldn't they were they would not know where this began but love is loving someone enough that you got to get a little tough every once in a while that's real love and real love also is listening listening to the trouble of others and many times as as there's an old colloquial saying in America never judge a man until you've walked in his moccasins for three days in other words look at every side of it a wise person never makes judgment and hearing just one side only a fool will do that you want to hear both sides or you're not fit to make a judgment why you don't know what you're talking about so therefore love true love because it's that involvement that can bring to pass tough love and that's good per se but if you be without chastisement we're of all or partakers then are you bastards and not sons your illegitimate you don't fit you don't fit into God's plan and and certainly it's it would appear that you don't care that that's why it's so important that if you want to be a part then you'd better care you better have faith and you'd better love Almighty God and when he corrects you again don't get bitter and run away then certainly you've got you're headed in a very wrong direction but let him know you love him do not be a legitimate as far as heaven is concerned and know the right path verse 9 furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence we love them for it shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the father of spirits and live and live what live eternally so that's why it's so important to be pleasing to Almighty God to follow him to obey Him to have faith in knowing that he'll let you know if you're doing something terribly wrong different than he would have it don't worry you'll get your attention and certainly then you get your act together that's our Heavenly Father caring about you why probably because you have faith and then it is possible for God to love you and to assist you and mostly reward you because you have that faith all right bless your hearts don't miss the next lecture this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be sieved Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's had the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from porto rico throughout the u.s. alaska hawaii all over canada if the spirit moves and you have a question share it would you do that please again never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we're not unjust people but we will spiritually discern whether somebody has something to say that whether it's according to god's word or not and we will listen to that that is true and we will put aside that that is false that's a gift from god is to have the unction deliberately to know truth from fiction when you hear it or at least enough function that it puts you on guard something's wrong that's a gift from god always thank him for that those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure got a prayer request you do not need the number or the address don't ever ever let somebody say you can't pray you don't have to pray out loud and they don't know whether you're praying or not i don't care whether you're in school whether you're any location you can always pray silently to almighty god you don't have to screw you face all up and look real holy you just think to the father and he hears you always why well if you've got faith he knows very well who you are and how he helps you when it's needed father around the globe we come last a Giannini guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Thank You Father amen okay we got we have ready from Arkansas and thank you for enjoying the teaching is is everyone from Paradise going to be in the Millennium also when is safe where Satan now in Revelation 12 7 through 9 because it means Satan is now going from heaven to earth not not right now but when Michael throws him out we'll know because that's when he comes that's when Satan comes as the false messiah and certainly we will know that everyone usually that's in paradise they will participate in the Millennium there will be certain parts of heaven that will be closed for that thousand years meaning no one can enter until the second resurrection and then only will they enter if they overcome okay this would be Janet from Washington thank you for waking me up to the truth of God what a dumb bunny I've been well I wouldn't say that you know it takes time I must straighten out the wrong truths I was told about in my to my children I didn't teach them the real truth I know God gave you the knowledge to know the Bible without looking it up how blessed you are well I appreciate you gods hell my question is how old were you when you were able to do this like I'm sure like the disciples were able to do it amazes me well you know when you taught as many years as I have naturally practice mix is a great helper okay because you always grow when you love the Lord and so how old was I I've been teaching froak I'll just say about 60 years and I've enjoyed every year of it and but but to say that well anyway let that do it hangs from [Music] from I don't know I think this always thanks Gladys Gladys you're welcome and [Music] shepherd's chapel some people I know pronounce Jesus's name as Yahweh is that correct absolutely not y'all they ve H is God's name that's the father's name y'all they Jesus is Yahweh Savior pronounced Yeshua in in the Hebrew tongue all right y'all they the father you know weh is very wrong there are two separate acrostics for a double witness in the manuscripts that let you know that definitely it is Yahweh and and man can't change it five times in the book of Esther in the acrostic of the sacred name you have the correct pronunciation and many might say well how do you know it's wo because the word and they doesn't have a woman its victim so to answer your question you're sure is what Jesus is name is is it's the same name as Joshua in English we say Joshua but really you're saying Jesus okay because it is Yeshua now Peggy from Texas I have studied with you for three years my questions are whose virgin daughters Jeremiah took to Egypt first and then over to the caucuses went to Europe one beings Kota and that's where Scotland came from she was of the royal priesthood I take notes and at first you said that they were the daughters of Zedekiah and then later you said they were Philips and just recently you said they were Zacharias please clarify well the Phillips daughters then the end the daughters that Jeremiah took are certainly two different groups of people okay Philips daughters were four virgins that never knew a man and they were prophetess they were teachers and God used them to teach a great deal of the area from Gaza all the way up through Sidon and converted a lot of people but those were that set of daughters you will find them written in the New Testament but the daughters of Zedekiah now that's a different story we go by history a great deal there and how true history is when you go to the depth to search diligently to understand [Music] Evangeline from Virginia can you please explain to me what Halloween is is Halloween Halloween but that's what it was originally and and it has turned into what it is but it was holy evening there's supposed to be a thing of worship and it got it got turned away from it a little bit okay run different Florida does the Bible say anything about women pastors ministers we're going to find this in the Bible well I just mentioned one set that's the daughters of Philip and but it is obvious when you read what the Holy Spirit will do in Acts chapter two concerning the Pentecostal time it isn't unknown you won't find the word unknowing there it's just the opposite it's understood by every language of the world that's why it's called cloven because it goes out in every direction but it says both my sons and my daughters shall prophesy and teach so I don't know people can argue with God if they want to been the in generation there will be women teaching period that's God's Word will my from Morgan I've been a Christian for many years and belong to a non-denominational church my church is now beginning to accept homosexuality and same-sex marriage I don't know what to do do I stay with my church or leave well I never tell anybody where where they should go to church God usually gives unction I would say in my own heart and mine you've already had the unction of what to do they call it making tracks okay and but but that's you have to decide God may have you there for a purpose to drag some miserable wretch out of that mess that you have to let God decide but if it becomes a hardship then make tracks Elizabeth from California I think God for you and your staff well thank you when we have problems I go to God and that works for me but is going to a counselor or psychiatrist to talk through our problems okay as a Christian if you have mental problems or hang-up then certainly you need help but as a Christian always go to a Christian counselor or a Christian psychiatrist maybe there's not that many of them but you will find one and then then when you need that help well certainly you have it there but God's Word is one of the best counselors you can have Elizabeth's from California when we asked the Lord to put the blood of Jesus all over our house does this mean all over the furniture and things are were specific our family our children our you do is you anoint your home with all of our people that's olive oil and in doing that that's that your obedient your anointing it and many people will say well I didn't know that Christians were supposed to anoint and you would show your ignorance because you it would mean we don't even know what Christ means Christos Christ means The Anointed One and the etymology of the name comes from rubbing as anointing with you all of our people also the suit of armor anointing wall do you ask the Lord to put these things all over not you don't have to all over it's not necessary God can take care of that usually it's whatever is hurting if your home is hurting or not the house and just just the threshold the doorpost whatever and ask Christ to protect anything negative coming into your home okay and or your family and so forth though you don't want to dress the whole house down with oil okay not necessary Jackie from Oregon why did Jesus say to those he healed don't tell anyone and then those people went and told everyone anyway but because it wasn't quite time for him to be known as Messiah and that that didn't really take place until after the crucifixion quite frankly but then it was time that the kingdom of God was with us because he was the king and he had resurrected and being with us he led and but these he could not help but having compassion to heal and it was a teaching aid for also for his followers I'm talking about the disciples and when he asked but they were so happy about it you know if you're paralyzed where you can't even get up and Christ comes along and touches you and you can run freely it's hard to keep that to yourself you can see that okay they could not help but share it and I know maybe it caused some consternation but it was fine joy from California I've been a student of your for a very long time my question is is it okay to not attend a funeral of a family member because it is too far and too costly you know you have to use common sense in all things in the first place you know the family member is already with the father you would only be doing it to assist the family that's there but sometimes in hard times we have to let the cost of something have a great deal to do with with our expenses and so forth so the answer is no you do not have to go and with that explanation where it's clearly explained you just don't have the funds to do it then that should happen the family it would definitely happy the deceased one because there with the father back in you urban or should can be early urban from South Carolina is Satan supernatural and do you think Satan is in control of the weather for Satan is supernatural but he absolutely has no control of the weather Satan has only control over what God's people allow him to have otherwise we have power over him as it is written in Luke chapter 10 beginning with verse 18 and 19 God gave you power and his name through Christ's name over all of your enemies okay so but but God is in totally in control God can alter the weather if he chooses but that was set up for this earth HN and so it is that it continues Valarie from Pennsylvania Bellary when you're young if you commit a sin and ignorance and you're not familiar with God's Word then that is forgivable so I want you to forgive yourself I want you to put this behind you and God doesn't want you to bring it up anymore okay it's a sin and ignorance is really no no sin it's a sin all right but not to be held accountable on repentance of course it sounds like you've done a lot of that IDI from I don't know where it's from I'm afro-american can I be one of God's elect if so will God use the Gentile to allow the Holy Spirit to speak against the Antichrist absolutely you know God chooses the kings and queens of the ethnos they're written in the manuscripts you'll read of them in Revelation chapter 21 verses 20 through 24 where here's all of this whole and who are these nations is Atmos in the Greek tongue meaning Gentile people ethnic people through our word ethnic comes from they are coming there but they've got kings and queens of their own and you can call them as a doctor or whatever you want to they're their kings and queens of their people you also said only the house of Israel can be one of these a dot that that would be qualified on what I just stated can the kings and queens well see you got it can the kings and queens of the ethnos be of the Zadok had helped family members absolutely they have that same ability God loves all of his children God created all of the races on the sixth day and he looked and it was good he only chose and makes it sound special to son the nation Israel through which Christ would come who is the savior of everyone that will listen to him okay Carol from Florida god bless you thank you thank you for commenting about the staff so best help with the following question can God cannot answer the prayers of a believer if they have unforgiveness or resentment toward another person believer or not no I wouldn't I wouldn't go along with that that you may have reason to not to forgive a person they may not deserve it I know that if they have repented it's best to get rid of it but we have to take the case that Satan this there's a controversy between Satan and God and many people that follow Satan we're not going to forgive them for falling from following Satan and doing his filthy work that's that's their problem so there are extenuating circumstances bear in mind what would what did God say about Jacob I loved and Esau I hate it he do you think he hated Esau and forgave him of course not because of his attitude and what he did and looks like you've got it here if he saw was hated by God why would he be born to the chosen well it was his it was his soul from the first Earth Age he was hated while he was still in the womb and it was call it a learning experience there were two nations and those two superpowers were necessary to bring about the end that approaching in God's plan Pat from aisle 1 the one question I would very much like to ask you this if this when when this disease progresses sometimes we get very confused and that part of this is cut away and I don't know what the disease is but I have a pretty good idea we get very confused will father take that into consideration and still forgive us absolutely our Heavenly Father is the most fairest loving person you could ever meet in your life he he is not a respecter of persons you always get what you got coming to you and if you are ill or by you making mistakes then that's innocent he's not going to hold that against you okay so glad you love the teaching this would be read or rod from Michigan thank you question when we die our flesh we return to our Father instantly why did our Savior have to wait three days in the tomb no you're mistaken if he waited three days in paradise teaching those on the opposite side he was in paradise not the tomb and I'm out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word most of all God loves you for it makes his day and when you I'm talking to you make his day boy is he going to make yours you can count on it we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you what you do that when you bless God he's got a way of rewarding you getting around to loving you when you have that faith in he I always treasure it it's great to have faith in him because you can rest assured of his presence most important you stay in his word every day in his words a good day why Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through Sheppard's chapter to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for one six Gravatt Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six Gravatt Arkansas 77236 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you the book of Peter here we have two books first and second Peter that are absolutely fascinating that great old fisherman telling us leading us directing us guiding us going into the depth if you would in that second book into the three earth ages giving the most accurate recorded account of the events that transpire and document that there are three earth ages that there was one before this one this one and one to come Peter the great fisherman which in his gentleness and his kindness brings us two books the books of Peter that lead guy direct even in your daily life that teach and show you how to be happy how to find that peace of mind and to know yourself the books of Peter I know you're going to enjoy them [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to the shepherd's chapel hey welcome to this family Bible study our let's complete the subject on familiar spirits now and this end the great story of the Witch of Endor endure what what is a witch well let's recap just a little bit the it is in the manuscripts called those that
Channel: NCPTV
Views: 43,008
Rating: 4.8301368 out of 5
Keywords:, Nashville TN, Lebanon TN, Wilson County TN
Id: GCviel4vmfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2017
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