Failed RV Gear And What We Use Instead.

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rving we use a lot of gear and accessories everything from like hoses supports chalks all kinds of different things that we use for the RV and today I'm going to go over some of those failures we had one failure so bad that I actually had to delete a video [Music] how's it going I'm Jared Gillis welcome to another all about RVs today I want to talk about some of the RV gear that is broken or has failed Us in some way while we have been rving and pass that information along to you some of the stuff I was surprised that it lasted as long as it didn't it was actually a decent buy and some of it I want to replace with other type of RV gears so that you don't have that failure you don't want to have a failure when you're depending on a piece of gear you just want it to work so today we're going to be going over that list and looking at the things that worked and didn't work for us so let's start off the list number one on the list are will chalks the wheel chocks that we used to have are those thin plastic yellow ones that would blow around so if it was windy you wouldn't even have your RV chalked anymore because the wheel chart could actually was so light it could blow away and you could actually drive over them so we did that on one occasion where we forgot to pull one and we pulled right over it and just flattened it right down so they're not that strong they don't stay put in the wind it just really wasn't a good one it was a fail for using it with the RV what we use now are these really solid wheel Chucks and they're really not that expensive I'll put links down in the description to everything that we're talking about today but you can get these for about eight dollars a piece or sixteen dollars for a pair of them what you get for that price is a wheel chock that's not gonna blow away in the wind it's really strong heavy duty you're not going to flatten it out if you try and drive over it and they're going to last a really long time so they are a really good buy for a wheel chock for the RV now there is a time and a place for X chalks on the RV but I like having something that's just solid and on the ground a simple wheel chock that isn't going to fail now moving on the second thing on our list is really only a half fail that's why I continue to use it and it's our water pressure regulator you wonder why I would continue using a water pressure regulator that is halfway failed well it's the gauge on there that often breaks on these and even though the gauge isn't displaying properly the water pressure regulator is still functioning just perfect we like the adjustable pressure regulator because you get a higher flow at a better flow for inside the RV out of those than you do out of just the simple pressure regulator and with the gauge being broken it's really not a big deal because we've already set the pressure and so it's not going to change just because that gauge isn't reading right it doesn't mean that that pressure inside the regulator is changing we actually have I've mentioned in another video that we have another little gauge that we keep on hand but I don't check the pressure on the pressure regulator all the time I set it once I don't have to change it at each place we go it's pretty much a set it forget it and then you're good to go so that's good information if you have a pressure regulator like this if you have a broken gauge on there the whole unit isn't bad you can continue using it as long as it's set at the right pressure now the next one on our list is the drain hose support so the sewer hose support on the outside we had one for years and we didn't have any problems with it it would often blow over but it didn't break and it held up well well one time it finally did break we replaced it with the same one the same one that you can pick up at Walmart and the thing was breaking all the time links were falling off the thing was falling over it seemed like it was flimsier plastic than it used to be it didn't hold up for us at all what we switched to is called the stinks link it seems a little bit more robust it doesn't blow over as often as the wind we actually haven't had it blow over in the wind yet not that it couldn't just hasn't happened for us and we've even had some pretty good wind with the sewer hose on this support and number two it also doesn't seem to over extend like the other one would this one actually will go to 20 feet seems like it maybe has a few more links or a better ability to be able to get to that 15 or 20 feet that you might need to support that sewer hose it has a point that it unfolds to and it doesn't keep unfolding past that so you can't make it more unstable than it necessarily should be the plastic does seem a little bit stronger so it's not flexing as much and the narrower you get down there kind of the the hose Nestles in there even more so it's kind of where that Valley that sits in there it pops in at different heights and so that way it slopes it all the way down but it kind of Nestles in there and it holds it better so so far it's been great it's been holding up it hasn't broken and it's not blowing over in the wind that's much better than what the other one was the way that it would fail all the time as far as the drain hose we've switched to the Rhino hose because it holds its shape it seems to hold up a little bit better than what we used to use any of these hoses that sit out in the sun too long will get brittle but we had one before we switched to the Rhino hose that really just kind of disintegrated and broke when we were getting ready to dump so definitely something you don't want to have happen you want a sewer hose that's in good condition I'd recommend checking them because they all will degrade at some point but these the fittings have been good for us we haven't had any leaks and they've held up well so that's been a good hose that hasn't failed on us and the next one the drinking water hose the white hoses that you can get from Walmart I have had those leak at the fittings multiple times we ended up just stopped getting those because we were tired of replacing the fittings or replacing the hose because the fittings were leaking so zero g hose is what we've gone to and it has worked fantastic we've also used the Flexzilla hoses so the com combination of the zero g and the Flexzilla have worked really well for us both are drinking water safe and we haven't had any issues that's a great combination the next thing that we had a problem with was tank check the little sensor that you put on the bottom of your propane tank to be able to tell how much propane you have in there this was the earlier version I know they've had some improvements that they've come out with on their system so I'm definitely willing to give it another try but the system that we had in the past when it was cold it wouldn't register properly so when it was cold at night we're going through a lot of propane it would say that we had no propane and then when the day would warm up it would say how much we actually had in that tank so it ended up not working out for us but I do believe they made some improvements and the tank sensors are much more reliable and accurate the next one on our list is also with propane and it's propane pressure regulator we did have one in the past a long time ago that started leaking fuel so that was an obvious replacement but we also had one that was underperforming not sending enough fuel into the system for us to be able to use so you could light the oven light the stove and you could see that you had fuel there but then when you try to use some of the larger items like a tankless water heater or a furnace or something like that it just wasn't quite getting up there and so there are ratings on these so some pressure regulators aren't rated as of high of a output for the btu as others are so the link down in the description will be to the one that works really well for us using it with the furnace tankless water heater so it has a high enough BTU to meet the demand so that's just a little bit of information that's the propane regulator that we actually keep on hand in case ours goes out there's a whole lot more that I can say about propane pressure regulators but we'll save that for another video this one worked great for us it had the adjustments on it it has the auto changeover this one has been working well for us so it doesn't mean that it can't go out but it means that this one meets the needs for us in the RV now this next one I actually had to delete a video where I was comparing two different products because you can't even get the app to use the product anymore and it's the RV leveler so it was a video where I was comparing the levelmate pro to the RV leveler it's a system that you can put in the RV so you can level it up and it'll tell you when your RV is level so you know how far you need to go up on blocks or how low you need to go down and it just let you know when your RV is level it's really quick and easy you can still get the level mate Pro I want to be really clear on that the levelmate pro is still available and you can get the app but the RV leveler you can't use the app anymore so that that failed for us with the level mate Pro we had to recalibrate it occasionally but it is still functional you can still get it and you can still download the app if you were still looking for a product like that you can get that in the levelmate Pro now moving on to the last one on our list is we had an issue with our EMS surge protector the hardwired one on the RV the problem we had is we had a reverse polarity and an open ground and it let the power through it was a combination of the two faults of how it got through I'm not exactly sure I'm going to try and figure out the details of what happened there but it let it through and what the EMS surge protector if you see an issue with low voltage or a surge it's supposed to shut the power down so in that case it should have shut the power down and not let it through so the link down in the description will be to two different EMS surge protectors that will protect against that and they give an additional feature over this one pertaining to an open neutral on the RV side of the panel so this is in a nutshell the majority of the gear that we have had for rving that has failed us or failed in some way so overall not too bad we have had over the years a ton of RV gear and this is just some of the the main ones the main failures that we've had in RV gears so leave a comment down below if you've had RV gear that failed and you replaced it with something else that is working even better for you now I'd love to be able to hear some of that information so I think that's going to do it for today I hope this video helps you guys out being able to steer away from some of the RV products that have failed us and be able to turn you in the direction of RV products that have worked well for us so like I said that's gonna do it for today if you guys like this video give it a thumbs up if you want to see more videos about rving hit that subscribe button and if we don't see on the road hopefully we will see you next video [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: All About RV's
Views: 83,741
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Keywords: RV, RVing, RV life, RVers, Jared Gillis, Less house more living, How To RV, DIY RV, Learn to RV, Motorhome, Class A, 5th wheel, RV Electrical, RV Repair, RV America, All About RVs, Learn To RV, RV Knowledge, RV Life, AllAboutRVs, Allaboutrv’s, RV Tips, RVing Tips, RV Accessories, Failed Rv Gear, Failed RV Accessories, RV Sewer Hose, RV Sewer Hose Support, Failed RV Surge Protector, RV Wheel Chocks, RV Pressure Regulator, RV Fresh Water hose, Propane Regulator
Id: uT5BjgVKsos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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