The Most Controversial RV Topics!

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have you ever gotten online and you were looking at a particular topic or maybe watching a video but you looked down in the comments and you just saw an explosion of opinion and controversy well today that's what we're going to be tackling how's it going welcome to another all about RVs today we're talking about some of the most controversial topics around rving things that people get somewhat uh passionate about and heated about and very opinionated about we're going to talk about some of those topics today I do have to say that rving is amazing I love it you probably love it too that's why you're here watching one of these videos about rving and the rving community is pretty amazing I love the RV and Community they really come together they help each other out there's a lot of great things you can say about the rving community but there's also a lot of really strong opinions out there about some of these controversial topics so let's dive right into the list so first on our list are the front cap lights or really the outside lights on an RV for a fifth wheel or travel trailer those front cap lights I can tell some people really like them because they leave them on at night and then you'll see a lot of posts on social media people really complaining about those front cap lights just shining into other RVs or other campsites there's strong opinions on both sides we don't really have a dog in this fight we turn our lights off when we go inside the RV when we're done using the RV on the outside so we we don't leave them on at night and we pull our Shades down they're blackout Shades so we don't see if anybody else has lights on on the outside or not so it really doesn't bother us but there are definitely some strong opinions on lights on lights off at night it depends on where you fall on that next up is the type of toilet paper or how you use toilet paper on the inside of the RV this one has a lot of options for how you might line up so there might be the RV only toilet paper the septic safe toilet paper the household toilet paper that I don't put toilet paper in my toilet toilet paper people and then there's even the people that don't use their toilet if they need toilet paper they'll just use the the toilet at the campground first when I was sitting down I wasn't thinking that I was going to share my opinion on all these but the way that we line up on this is we do at least septic safe toilet paper inside the black tank of the RV it breaks down easier but the key is to make sure you flush with enough water if you have too much toilet paper in there and not enough water it's going to be a recipe for disaster so this has always worked really well for us flushing with enough water and having a toilet paper that will break down just saves us from kind of playing Russian roulette with having a clog eventually in the black tank now this next one might be the most controversial and opinionated one that is out there and it has to do with the towable RV crowd and it what kind of vehicle are you towing your RV with what is your favorite Preferred Truck foreign for me is entertaining to watch because there are some people out there with some serious brand loyalty out there and some strong opinions on which truck is best and should be used for towing RVs and just Towing in general so you have the big three manufacturers that are out there and I've had experiences with all three of them I've had good experiences and I've had bad experiences with all three of them so I think that really plays into people's opinions out there if you've had a bad experience with that brand it might taint that entire brand if you've had a good experience or it was something in the family that's kind of been handed down yeah that's a brand that you're going to stay loyal to but the opinions and the bashing the other brands really comes hand in hand when you bring into this topic okay so this topic actually has a sub category that goes underneath it and it's how much you can tow with your truck what kind of RV can you tow with your truck so you have two ends of the extreme you have one end that basically an F450 or larger is the only thing you should ever consider to tow with even if it's a teardrop trailer and then you have the Other Extreme of people trying to use a half ton truck to to tow massive fifth wheels that are out there so there is a balance in the middle I do have a video on this to help you with the proper information and the numbers to be able to figure out exactly what your truck can handle or what truck you should get for that RV that's the good thing about this one is you can have a definitive answer because there are numbers that you can look at so you don't over Buy on a truck and you're not undersized on what you're trying to tow I'll put a link down in the description to that video I will say that I think all three of them are capable of putting out a good truck but the one manufacturer that we will never purchase is you thought I was gonna say it no onto the next one now the next one is your water filtration for drinking there you have a few camps here you have why would you filter any water to bottled water to Berkey to like an RO type of a system but I would say the ones that are most passionate about what they have chosen are usually the Berkey crowd they typically have a lot of brand loyalty and really love their Berkey we like the RO system because it works so well on the RV usually the Berkey people will say that you're pulling too much out of the water you're taking all those minerals out but our RO system actually adds the minerals back into the water so it does the best for us it's not something that's on the counter and bulky it's not a bulky Berkey sorry I couldn't help myself they do look nice though but with our RO system it takes out everything that we want to take out and it adds the minerals back in that should be in the water so it's a great solution that works for us and we never have to worry about filling it up or managing it on a travel day it's just a simple little system that works in the background and you never have to think about it the other thing that that might be controversial about is using that in a boondocking situation because it does waste water and wasting water for an rver while boondocking I mean that's just that's against all the codes that are out there but our workaround for that is we use the water that is in there so it has a couple of gallons that we can use just off the bat we've already turned it off when we go out boondocking so it's not trying to make or filter more water while we're out there and if we want to filter more water it really doesn't waste hardly anything in the beginning stages of filling up that Reservoir under there so we just fill up a container in the sink and not have it try and pressurize and that's when it's going to be wasting more of its water so it's a system that works for us and that that's the way that we handle that okay here's one that we can start off with a little bit of a common ground and then you can choose which side you would land on this topic number one you always want to keep your black tanks closed when you're using the RV you don't want your water to rush out and you don't want to leave those solids behind that's that's a really bad recipe everybody knows that for rving but the question comes in what about your gray tanks do you leave those open do you close them that is where they're is a divide this obviously would only be if you're on full hookups because if you're out boondocking you need to keep everything closed up but if you're on full hookups and you're using the the shower inside you just leave that gray tank open to let that water go I can say on this specific one we have done both ways we've kept the gray tanks closed and we've also kept them open at times we haven't found a problem on either end either way that you do it I almost guarantee you if you go to have your tanks cleaned out they're still going to be mold and there's still going to be things in there that need to be cleaned out whether you kept them closed the entire time and then only open them to flush them or if you left them open while you're taking a shower but here's just a couple of tips if you are going to leave your gray tank open and keep your black tank shut until you go to dump it one thing that you do want to do is you do want to collect a shower or two so that you have some water in that gray tank so after you have emptied your black tank you have something to rinse out that system with so having water in that tank after dumping your black tank is going to be vital so you're going to want to close it at some point not just leave it open all the time and never close it number two there's a conception that you'll get smells inside of the RV by leaving that valve open we've talked about this before you won't get those smells inside the RV because there's p-traps at each of the the sinks and fixtures inside of the RV that would have access to that great tank now there is a point to be made that you could get those smells on the roof of the RV and it could come in through event so one thing that people do is they'll put an additional P-trap in their drain line and that would stop any of the smells from coming back to the roof of the RV this is pretty simple just pick the solution that works for you now just when you think you're out of the woods with the waste water we still have to talk about how we're going to treat the black water tank before we flush that so you have a few camps you have the you don't do anything to it you use something natural that is going to help break it down or you use like a Geo method or some other type of chemical that's in there here's the funny thing about this topic is you're gonna have people from each of these camps that have been doing it that way for years and haven't had any problem whatsoever I should probably do a video on this kind of comparing each of those side by side because there is a ton to be able to say and cover on this topic but I will say like I said in the past septic safe toilet paper and plenty of water is really going to be your friend in the black tank I don't like to put any kind of chemical down the black tank that I know is going to go into a septic system that isn't septic safe so I usually try and stay away from those types of products but this is definitely one for the list that's a very controversial topic amongst many RVs the next one is also very polarizing and it's tankless or tank water heater so your traditional standard water heater or a tankless water heater for RV I have to say on this one those that bought an RV that had a tankless water heater and they weren't used to it I could see why you might be a little frustrated in the beginning we first put a tankless water heater on rrv there was a learning curve to learn how to use it and we ended up really liking it once we switched over to truma though it was a completely different ball game and that's been an amazing tankless water heater I'm not trying to convince everybody else that they need to switch from a tank to a tankless but we thoroughly enjoy the truma tankless water heaters I have to say again those that tried a tankless water heater and didn't enjoy it it's not always the same experience for each of the tankless water heaters that are out there to be like trying to take a Toyota Camry out there in Moab off-roading to try and go on some of those Trails out there and then just say that all vehicles are terrible for taking off-road which we would know that wouldn't be true so there's definitely room on both sides to be able to have a tank water heater and a tankless water heater for those that have the tank water heater they usually enjoy the electric and the propane option and those with the tankless they enjoy the endless hot water when they want it now this next one has to do more with a definition of an RV it's a recreational vehicle and so some people out there say that travel trailers and fifth wheels aren't recreational vehicles because it doesn't have a motor and that's kind of the funny thing to me because if you look at the definition for vehicle a vehicle can mean a vehicle with a motor like a automobile or a truck but it doesn't necessarily mean with motor so travel trailers and fifth wheels are still a vehicle they even have a vehicle identification number so how can I have a vehicle identification number if it's not a vehicle and you have to register it as a vehicle with your local municipality but that's one that I see out there people arguing about is it an RV or is it not an RV and that brings us to our last one is it called camping when you go out rving or is that just rving are you going out in your camper or are you going out in your recreational vehicle this one makes me laugh just a little bit because my my roots are actually more in backpacking I did a lot of backpacking with my dad when I was real young we'd go car camping is what we called it as a family or with my dad so we did a lot of camping in my background and now we live full time in an RV so really what it boils down to is I don't really care what you call it if you get out there and you go camping you go glamping you go rving it doesn't really matter what you call it just get out there and enjoy your RV enjoy getting out there and making some of those memories that's really what this channel is all about all these little things that we talked about in this video the controversy that can Stack Up and people kind of argue and bicker back and forth about really doesn't matter get out there enjoy your RV and enjoy the process because really the people that are driving the Ram or the Ford or any other make or model of RV that is out there they're having a great time while they do it too unless they're broken down because they bought the wrong manufacturer that that could happen or they're taking a ridiculous shower because they did a tankless water heater and it's like a schizophrenic type of water it's burning hot freezing cold you can't figure it out all kidding aside get out there enjoy the rving process and that's really what it's all about so I think that's gonna do it for today for our list of controversial things that are around RV it was kind of fun going through them and just looking at the different topics I would say leave your comments down below but that might be a little dangerous on this video but anyways like I said that's gonna do it for today so if you guys enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up if you want to see more videos about rving hit that subscribe button if we don't see on the road hopefully we will see you next video thank you [Music]
Channel: All About RV's
Views: 71,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RV, RVing, RV life, RVers, Jared Gillis, Less house more living, How To RV, DIY RV, Learn to RV, Motorhome, Class A, 5th wheel, RV Electrical, RV Repair, RV America, All About RVs, Learn To RV, RV Knowledge, RV Life, AllAboutRVs, Allaboutrv’s, RV Tips, RVing Tips
Id: mXIJ4Fp7Xaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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