FAIL ZERO EXO AR15 / M4 Bolt Carrier Group

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you the ar-15 rifle or the m4 style rifle is the most popular selling rifle in the United States and has been for a number of years but one reputation that the ar-15 has is that it can be finicky if not properly maintained and properly cared for of course a lot of guys like to run their ar-15 systems very wet and keep their boat lubed just to make sure they can maintain reliability but one of the things that this is a problem with putting a lot of Lube on your bolt and inside your rifle is that it attracts dust dirt and it allows carbon buildup and those are the things that end reliability for your rifle and didn't hinder you from being able to take care of whatever task and maybe it's just a good day of shooting at the range but there's nothing more frustrating than having a gun that just won't work and could mean the difference between life and death so for a while now I've been looking at different bolt systems some of the nickel-plated bolts different things that are coming up that are failsafe now did a lot of research on the different bolt systems before I chose the fail zero system and there are a lot of different nickel-plated bolts out there many of them though are much softer if you have one that has teflon or silicon in it it's going to have a softer finish to it and that's one of the things about the nickel boron it is very hard and the wear is very light in fact it's also abrasion resistant so it's not going to wear out your parts inside your chamber and your your upper receiver they have really high lab Rissa t which means that it's just a very smooth lubed finish to it this is the same as though you had a coating of oil on it it's very slick to the touch and thus when it's moving in these parts it's going to be smooth and it's going to be easy to function in your rifle also all the parts that are contact points are burnished so they're already fit finally finished and ready there is no resistance on the bolt and the bolt carrier now one of the things also about the coating is that the coating itself is harder than the metal that's underneath the coating so it's going to protect any of the wear again there's no need for any kind of wet lubes or grease or oils because the blue the bolt itself is lubricated the nickel boron never flakes off it never rubs off it's in fact they have lifetime guarantees on the finish of these bolts and what that translates into is there's no carbon buildup if you've ever shot a lot of rounds through an ar-15 and tried to clean the bolt it can be a chore in fact on this mutt multi-tool this bronze scraper is specifically for taking out carbon buildup on your bolt your bolt face and different parts for carbon builds up and that you're not even going to need this if you're carrying one of these nickel boron bolt systems and really most of the secret of that is this gives it no surface for the carbon to build up on the carbon is going to hit it and it's going to be easily wiped off or it's going to fall off so it's going to really also help with cleaning and maintaining your rifle now one of the things on the regular bolt system is of course is the pores in the metal itself this does have an anodized finish to kind of a parkerized finished which protects it somewhat from corrosion and rust but it does pick up a lot of different particles and dust especially find us that we're finding over in the Middle East and so this gets into your parts then you take this and put a really coat of wet Lube on here and that just makes things worse so you've got a hot dirty gun and it won't run now with the exo system there's no Lube that you have to put on so there's no buildup the lube doesn't attract dirt and everything else it just wipes clean okay we're going to put the surface of a standard bolt anodized bolt under a microscope we're looking at this at 30 power you're not going to really be able to get a super clean look but if you'll look at the texture on that bolt they're just a lot of little divots and places all over the bolt for carbon grease oil sand whatever to get into okay here we're getting the smoothness of the surface I know this may be difficult to see but if you'll put this under any kind of microscope you're going to get a feeling for how smooth the surface is compared to the anodized finish it now the nickel boron finish has been tested by a lot of different groups independent groups but it's also passed the US Department of Defense trials and this is approved for US defense contracts in fact in one of the ar-15 rifles they shot over 50 thousand rounds Lube free with one of these bolts eighteen thousand rounds through one of the m4 carbines twenty three thousand rounds through machine guns fifteen thousand rounds through a Beretta m9 no lubrication in between those rounds there are also a lot of Navy ship applications that the nickel boron is used for and that's because it is salt water resistant you're not going to have a lot of problems with corrosion or anything else in fact a lot of Police Department's coat their shotguns that are especially if they're in ports or have a lot of water that they have to deal with and this keeps these free from rust and all kind of corrosion long-term storage when you put these away you're not going to have to worry about a coat of oil over them this will be ready to go at any time there's nothing to dry off of it there's nothing to rub off it's just the nature of the metal itself and whether it's hot or cold these run very well one of the things about especially in cold climates is that when you put oil for different things they start to solidify and so that's one of the great things about this you don't have to worry about it you kind of run it dry with the boat itself the exo bolt carrier and bolt or drop-in one thing that you really definitely need to do though is you need to have your gun head spaced when you insert this so I had my head spaced typically they fit in with no problem because they are milspec if your guns milspec it should fit in without a problem but you definitely should go ahead and have it head spaced so it's easy to install just take your takedown pin let your upper receiver go forward pull back your charging handle pull out your bolt and we're going to insert the boron nickel EXO bolt system close it down you're ready for action now one thing that this system does usually have the kit is the hammer and the hammer was missing in mind in fact I had already taken it out to the range before I realized that they do have a boron called it coated hammer and one of the main reasons you want this hammered boron coated is because the hammer rods right here on this surface and this just helps to keep the lubricity very nice it protects your hammer and it's really just on that surface but when I get the hammer system and we're going to check that out too but again this thing is just super easy to drop in ready for a fun day at the range but also you have a rifle here that is super dependable for whatever your needs are and if you're in law enforcement or you're really into something heavy you definitely want to have a reliable rifle but for Sheepdog or for those who want to protect their family especially in an shtf cup situation you failing is not an option all the brass went right into this pile now that tells you a lot about the extractor pulling it out going in the same direction here's the bench okay we shot about 200 rounds through this rifle and so we're just going to take a look at it I haven't even opened it to check it out okay here's the bolt and even though there was a lot of shooting yesterday there's hardly any even residue on it it just slides right off I mean even the bolt face itself very little build-up any kind of carbon buildup even just a gun powder or any residue of course the bolt itself is fully nickel boron plated very smooth very nice your bolt carrier obviously even your firing pin so everything that's functioning in here is going to have that protection and keep your parts safe from where these are not cheap in fact they run about two hundred and fifty dollars but if you put this in your rifle it's going to save your rifle is going to save the life of your rifle and it's going to also help with the different parts and replacement and of course what's really important is it's going to make it very reliable you know to be honest if the guns not reliable it's just not worth having and adding this kind of system to your ar-15 will make it super reliable now you can check out the filled zero EXO bolt carrier system at AV arms comm and American built arms is a buddy of mine Jason Combs who also makes the mod one handguard and so check out his different things he has some really great upgrades for your rifle now the EXO bolt is not a cheap upgrade but this is for my go-to rifle and this is the one that I need to function no matter what so there's not a price to be put on having a very reliable rifle that you can count on be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic now I got my fella 0xo force it will now I got my failsafe now the file system bolt system now the Phils 0 vo to fail zero EXO check out the fail zero EXO boron coded but the EXO bolt system is incredible
Channel: sootch00
Views: 170,022
Rating: 4.826962 out of 5
Keywords: Nickel Boron Bolt Carrier, EXO, Fail Zero, AR15, M4, M16 rifle, firearms, Gun, Shooting, Survival, tactical, Prepper
Id: B9bmR5fGAVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2012
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