welcome to smaller solutions today were looking at part one of a three part series that we're going to be doing here the three part series is basically going to be enhanced bolt carrier groups part one which we're going to do today is we're gonna be looking at enhanced bolt carrier groups what I mean by enhanced bolt carrier groups are better bolt carrier groups that have had additions done to the more improvements done to them over the standard milspec to make the bull carrier more reliable more durable function better anything that was done to enhance over the standard milspec part two is going to be on the ar-10 bolt carrier groups enhanced there's not nearly as many of those what we're going to take a look at what's out there for the most advanced and most reliable and durable ar-10 bulk air groups on the market and number three is gonna be at some of these wonderful issues that we discuss and we see the nickel boron is the nickel with Teflon chrome they're looking at throughout the last several years of different finishes that have come out to people even claim that there's a lubrication which we'll get into that in a later time as well we have a photograph here we're showing you which basically shows all the bolt carrier group so we're going to be looking at we showed this to our patreon people about a week or so ago said I'll buy what was coming up but if you guys are sitting meeting now you know leg up on what's coming out please consider going on our patreon site well first of all we want to talk about is the base what is what is the cost where is the bulk carrier that we uses the standard and the standard is the US milspec m16 bolt carrier group now you guys not gonna be seeing my mug in most of this because we're gonna be focusing on the bolt carriers and the various features on it so I'll be sparing you Mike yeah my mug to look at close-up views of these bolt carriers as I explain them the point of comparison is going to be the standard colt milspec bolt carrier group that's been pretty much unchanged since the late 60s but we're gonna be looking at here is what first off what is milspec and what is the mil standard basically what that is is the bulk carrier that adheres to all of the US military specifications US mil standards for use for military weapons does milspec mean it's the best absolutely not what it means it adheres to the technical data package it has it has the minimum life expectancy and it also has the interchangeability in parts now looking at this bolt carrier we're seeing 50 years of evolution but it hasn't changed that much let's talk a little bit about what the milspec means according to the military this bolt carrier group and bolt has to go through six thousand rounds without any kind of failure this bolt carrier does that quite well the thing is is most bolt carriers that we're going to be looking at today six thousand rounds is warming it up the real test is how these bolt carrier groups will hold up over 10,000 rounds 15,000 rounds even up to 20,000 rounds so milspec doesn't really mean as much as you would think it would be for as far as quality so we're gonna just take a look at this cutaway of a milspec bulk air so we can see exactly what we're talking about here so from mil spec we have manganese phosphate finish we have that on both the bolt and the carrier we have the bolt made out of 8620 steel we have a carpenter 158 bolt again the same materials have been used since the since the early 60s looking at this cutaway we see we see the carrier key we can see the chrome plating in the carrier key gas is directed down from aghast had been to the carrier key down into the key into the expansion chamber now this is what referred to as the internal piston the piston is may have been between the back of the bolt in the back of the bulk carrier is that pressure moves forward bolt moves rearward bulk begins to unlock now we can see the bolt itself we can see the ejector we can see the firing pin you can see the ejector spring and we can see the extractor these are all the parts that make up it part of military specification also is every bolt is Mayock particle inspected and shot with the 7000 psi proof cartridge to ensure again stress fractures so looking at this finish this finish is sporting the cheapest finishes it's manganese phosphate finish it does reduce cost it does assist with with friction very difficult to clean and this replace the chrome plating so this shows you where our point of comparison is again now I'm a stress bolt carrier 8620 steel I will talk about carpenter 158 steel the standard Steel's that have been using now what these materials have found over the years is they've been problematic there has been issues with the uses of carpenter 158 with m4 carbines with bolts breaking with these bolts get worn and that can be anywhere between 6,000 rounds up to 1015 thousand rounds week pointed that this bolt in this material is the point of the campaign also we can be dealing with we will deal with as well is breakage on the locking logs as we can see right here as well and we can see that breakage breakage is either gonna be lugs 1 or 7 and the reason why it's 1 or 7 is because you have the break in it so you have the extractor so issues with heavy usage has been found broken bolts broken locking lugs so whatever other manufacturers done to improve upon this system one of the first things that we're gonna see right off the bat when we look at these bolt carrier groups is everybody attacked the problems from a different way some looked at it from improving the bolt carrier and some look at it from improving the bolt very few companies went after both so we're gonna see here is how different companies are approached different issues and where their concerns were there's one bolt carrier out there that has done a complete overall on both and what we have here is the loose machine and tool enhance bolt carrier group you feel bit of a background on this bolt carrier group this was designed request of so come back you know I've said a 2002-2003 time period at that time early on the Global War on Terror there was an issue with bolts breaking as we saw with the the cam pin slot as well as at the locking lugs now SOCOM was having a significant issue because they were using these seem to very hard and I will say also the Colts having quality control problems at that time they went to Carlos and said we need a bolt that's gonna not break it's gonna be more reliable and it's gonna handle a lot of our issues that we're having well Carlos came back with a complete situation with the redesigned bolt and carrier so first of all were to take a look at the carrier itself what was done are you can see we have three vent vent holes instead of two this is to help escape gas that was uh need much quicker we also have a redesigned it with some same cuts the carrier key is very different itself as well the way gas is introduced in the hero unlike you saw with the standard m4 where the gas goes straight down in here we have two tunnels that go on side by side that help eally distribute the gas and the most important change that was done on here was the change in the cam track itself here one of the problems at the end for experience is because using it it's short carbon and gas system is the fact that you have higher chamber pressures and higher point pressures on the car being due to the fact that your gas ports closer to the bolt carrier so what that does is it caused the bolts who tried to unlock and try to pull the cartridge out before it's fully contracted it's still operated meeting and still expanded against the chamber so what was happening was as the rifles would where you'd have more gas port erosion and that would cause a higher rate of fire which would mean the moles trying to open up sooner and sooner what was needed was to have that dwell time increased so the bolt stays closed longer so the cartridge were kept car should have enough time to contract so it can be easily removed from a chamber a couple of things that happen when we try to do this first off because you're having the higher residual pressures you're making the bolt work harder you're making the extractor work harder the extractor spring work harder you're causing more aware on the weapon you're causing more wear on the hammer pen a to this connector so Lewis machine tool did was they elongated this to allow for more duval time so the bolt would remain closed longer to allow more pressure to drop so you could have an ease of extraction this is all a patent mechanism as well the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna take a look at the bolt the bolt was done significantly to deal with all issues that the government was having first off as we saw with the broken bolt the first thing they'll empty did was they went with a different bolt material this is a proprietary bolt material it is significantly stronger than carpenter 158 this basically in effect eliminated the parts breakage I've been trying to break these for years I have been unable to second of all the enhanced finish was put on there to make it easier to clean and make it more more self lubricating I was working inside of the chrome-plated bolt carrier so deal with extraction the extractor was redesigned we have here's what's referred to as the lobster-tail extractor with that what's happening here is we have two extractor Springs instead of one one of the problems with using the one extractor spring is you only have so much of a compartment in here for the spring and collapse so you can only use so many coils demands for the strength LMT use two different springs that significantly increases the extractor force also when you look at the extractor itself this is significantly larger than a standard extractor it has a much heavier bite on it so it grabs a hold of more of the rim and more aggressively to deal with the issue regarding broken locking lugs you can see we have a stress cut on here what this does is it allows the locking lugs to flex with youth rather than you can take it all as what is where virtually eliminating their breaking of these locking lugs again I have been trying to break one of these for years I have thousands and thousands around so these bolts without being able to break next thing we're to take a look at is the breech face itself there is something else that was done in here that no other manufacturer has done well there are some manufacturers who've done this but they have done it under license of LMT we have a fully supported high courage base what that means is if you see here there's a cut in here so if part of the cartridge base is not supported this is fully supported what this does is when the rifles fired with it with for instance water in the barrel or and over the beach condition it boy supports a cartridge case making it a stronger locking system making it safer so as we can see there's been multiple things that have been done to this ball carrier now something else to note about this bolt carrier is this was submitted to the m4p IP program where the government was looking to have it increased strength in a more durable and improved bolt carrier group for the m4 there were actually some of these bolt carriers that were going to be showing you we're also submitted to that program unfortunately that program was completely dropped but to get back into this carrier here why was this not adopted by SOCOM well those are a couple reasons first and foremost the modifications that were made on here were made for use on the fourteenth a half-inch carbine to improve that gas system when you were to put this into a full-length rifle gas system such as an m16 a two or a four the dynamics would cause the rifle to bolt carrier bounce or higher pressure in the full-length gas system so this would not function properly in a full-length rifle on automatic or burst but the true reason I think that really caused us from this bolt carrier not to go into use was the fact that Colt got their [ __ ] together they've made some modifications in their heat treating process in their finishing process and they got the bolts working a lot better now those bolts still don't come anywhere near quality of the LMT peer group but it was good enough but if you're looking for an enhancement you're using a carbon lamp gas system this is certainly the way to go this is not inexpensive you're looking at the the bolt alone you can buy for 186 dollars MSRP and complete bulkier group you can get for a price of one hundred and sixty nine dollars MSRP so all the links for what you're seeing today are gonna be on smarm solutions comm where you can get all the specifications and the locations on we're gonna buy these things next bolt we're gonna look at this is just a bolt is manufactured by HM bolt now as we saw here from them from the broken bolt this company inside they wanted to try to attack the durability of the bolt from it not breaking first off they started with using a different materials under carpenter 158 they went with 93 10 steel which is a more durable steel and a black nitride coated it so the real change that was done is if you notice this is together this hole goes all the way through this one does not the bottom has been left solid so you have all that more material that's left on the bolt then we have a modified cam pin that drops in it was cut shorter so it was sort properly with the material that was left in Europe now this certainly has been tried and trued many people swear by these this is not really an expensive upgrade it's a $79 now you didn't have anything it was majorly done to the locking lugs or the extractor but what you did have was the enhancement of the material itself but this is an excellent enhancement this is a definitely an approach that nobody else has taken and I do believe this would have a major impact on this not happening the next two bulkheads we're gonna look at sort of go hand in hand first we're gonna talk about the LWRC enhanced bolt carrier group now they took a very interesting approach to it they decided to improve the carrier itself looking at a standard milspec bolt carrier you're seeing a karoke you can see that it's there's two pieces it's held together by two screws which are torque to 50 to 58 inch pounds per mil spec and then they're staked in place well if the in for a court to come loose or they were to break you first of all if they were to break you would have your rifle locked up that wouldn't cycle they were loose you would have a short stroking you'd be losing gas through here that would concentrate for the short stroke WRC's approach to this was they had already had patented a system where you had their piston piston carrier where you would had a hump that was machined into it but this was patented by Jesse Gomez at LWRC I basically changed the hump for the external piston into what you see here which is a slot for a carrier key so this is one piece right here then you have a stainless steel gas key which is screwed into place and then pinned into place what this does is it completely eliminates any possibility of gas being leaked from this area in here in fact the way this ball carriers sent up the only way gas can be leaked is if the bulk carrier gas rings are missing the material has not been given four stars what the ball carrier is made out of but you're looking in an area with MSRP for around two hundred eighty nine dollars for this entire bolt carrier group now the bolts the ball we've seen here was another bolt that was enhanced this has a lot of LMT technology in it racket talked about this bolt because this enhanced bolt has never been sold by WRC I now the system that you see here was another complete bolt carrier group that was submitted for the import p IP program which again was cancelled just right along the LM t carrier we do have a nickel type finish on here as well and what we're gonna do now is look another one that is very similar this is POF now the PYP USA again we don't have we have no data for starters what their materials are as you can see there with the same type of a carrier key you have a solid bolt carrier with a pending yes now this system was patented by L by L WRC 4 as far as this design now what really makes the POF different is the use of the roller cam now this roller cam which is also patented as we can see from here we have the roller cam pin this is the most significant aspect of this carrier group in my opinion when this roller cam cam is not entirely new if you look at one of some of the early prototypes of the ar-10 back in the 50s you would see something similar to this not exactly the same but similar the whole point of this is to be much easier where on the inside there was a receiver or you have a transition with the cam from locking unlocking and this is this is a very good reliability and Aspen look at the finish on here we have a high nickel phosphate which is a very durable finish as well looking at MSRP of two 5.99 the bolt down here generally is chrome but looks like they've switched over to doing the same kind of a phosphate nickel on the bolt itself and the last I had known the bolt was the same carpenter 158 I could be wrong on that but they don't have any specifications so these two are intertwined in the fact that they both used a one-piece bolt carrier but there was a slightly different wave it was it was assembled but they're all beasts these are basically the same type of a gasses Amis systems are excellent I'm sure look as if by sharps rifle company now this was another bolt that was submitted to the m4p IP program was developed by gentleman named Mike blank and what he did it was changed a profile the locking lug sure being squared off to having some tapers now what this was supposed to do was to help with reliability and locking in a dirty chamber which that it did well like everything else the important --sold this was an original bolt that was used during the trials this was the original design and what we have here is the current production which is referred to as the sharps reliable this has had some modifications through it this has also been very very well true tried and tested now the finish on here mostly but the bolt is s7 steel this is another one of the really improves deals that are being used shot peened bolt as a DLC coating or NPS plus the bolt carrier group you see here is also sharp rifle company and where it has its major enhancement is to the back right here we have some players on the bone here which make it fit more securely in the buffer assembly the buffer tube but this does is it is it fills up more of the buffer some upper tube giving a more tight snug fit to keep everything in line properly can purchase that the bolt itself for an MSRP of seventy nine ninety nine or you can purchase the entire bolt carrier group for 160 999 this is another enhancement of the bolt the only thing I was disappointed in this particular bolt that well spoken to my blank was you went after the issue regarding the locking lugs themselves but he didn't really do a lot of improvements on the extraction system he does use an improved tool steel SNM tool steel so it is stronger than the carpenter 158 he did use a one-piece gas ring on his military one as well they don't use it on the current production one but again we had the original mills military one for the import P IP here versus the current production one as you see here next one I want to take a look at here is manufactured by land tank USA now I have to say the land tech USA was not too thrilled to assist me with this part of this project but even though they were not very cooperative with me I still needed to show you this boat character because this is a significant one there's a lot of quality here some innovations on here as well like to thank the gentleman over OpticsPlanet for providing me both this one as well as the one in 308 cover which should be looking at in another video you also be giving you a discount code for a fix planning as well as the rest of these Mulcair groups were to get them and what the prices are for them and what tables we can get you on them as well well looking at the land tech we have an Ivor nickel boron UCT EXO coating the carrier itself is 8620 stainless steel when the very interesting thing is about the carrier is if you look at the gas port here instead of the gas coming out at a say three o'clock it's coming out at around one o'clock is shooting the gas forward what does this do helps keep gas out of your face as well as anybody next to you and also when you're doing the price firing it also helps get some of that gas away from your face and ejecting it out forward so that's this is a really interesting aspect of this design at the back we have that same flare boss we saw on the Sharps again gives you proper alignment keep everything strainer looking at the campaign we have a newly designed cam pin which is which is rounded doesn't have the sharp edges which also does now we're nearly is hard on the upper receiver is a standard square square one the bolt is carpenter 158 so we only have an enhancement involved but we do have a bank particle and proof tested bolt we have a standard extractor now the MSRP on this is two thirty to forty nine this was so this was one of my favorites I really do like the way that they Don this here I guess that was something LMT did four stars injecting gas sooner by changing the location of the port but these guys here actually ejected forward this was done on the early AR times nearly air tense a gasp Orson for word on angles too good gas to come out on an angles and a straight out next one that we're gonna look at is JP enterprises now JP is not a company that was not cooperative in this endeavor that always been that way while JP while John Paul was still involved with it he was very helpful to me and provided me gear so I could do reviews on his equipment but members in the cart charge a new management decided they didn't want to assist so I like to thank white hill and Brownells for loaning me this so I can be able to show you this this is also a very significant load carrier group JP is known for some of the most high quality in the industry this carrier itself is their full mass it's polished qpq finish its a 416 stainless steel one percent increase in bearing surfaces for smoother operation and all these areas that you're seeing here and it also has lower wear on the upper receiver as an MSRP about two hundred and fourteen dollars for the carrier only now the bolt is of a different situation the bolt is very very significant JP is known for making some of the most high precision and durable bolts in the industry well we have here is a chromium nitride finish finish now this is the chromium I tried that so it has the stainless steel type finish this is no longer a production eight now I have a black PLC this bolts made of 93 10 steel there's additional material around the cam pin hole you have an enhanced ejector as well this one's definitely very well worth looking at whether you're looking at five five six 308 six 8jp offers bolts in all different calibers this is not cheap the the cost of this bolt is has an MSRP 100 $18.99 but JP is a very significant enhancement to any weapon system next thing we have is manufactured by des armes now this one wasn't so much significant enhancements however they do use a t6 20 steel the bolt however is a 93 10 super alloy and is mpi and proof tested so you do have an enhanced material on the bolt the thing that's neat about this one here is you see these sand grooves these sand grooves are similar to that of FAL well you can imagine DSR manufactures fell so it sort of put that technology over and put it into there all care as well very very well machine you got a lit of extra mass on here it appears as well now having an additional mass on here basically slows down your rate of fire and it gives you a little bit more reliability and durability we're gonna be looking at some of the lightweight bolts in a minute we're gonna get into that but very very well machined stronger bolt stronger material in same cuts this next one is definitely out of the box thinking this has been affected by a company called black rifle arms and it has what's referred to as buffer technology it's a primer rear in the back of the of the carrier the carrier itself is a 620 steel Nansen ibex excel l0 coating or ECT type coating now the polymer rear what this was designed to do is first off to reduce friction and wear and it was also to decrease recoil now I hate me a chance to fire this one yet but I will be you will be hearing more about this carrier now perspires this polymer core is concerned this is it sustained over 17,000 rounds without failing if it was to fail this would pop right out you can put a new one in so this is something that was really really interesting it's another this is this is something that nobody else has really looked at for as far as dealing with you know recoil and parts where so this is a this is significantly different it's new it's something that I do intend on giving you some report back on the next one we're looking at is manufactured by Voodoo arms and when we say one-piece we mean one-piece now as far as how they machine this I have no clue as you see the carrier key everything is all one piece one piece of steel and they manufacture the carrier key they somehow drilled this down into here there's no hole in the bottom ear something that quite sure how they did that but this is a true one-piece carrier isn't what they call a life coat finish is a two-stage finished nickel in physical vapor deposition the care is manufactured from 8624 Geale with an MSRP of 1 9999 with bolt for far as the bolt concern we were not giving any specifications on here precise what the material is this is not a one-day I'll be doing some testing on as well this is very very interesting and how they were able to accomplish this for as far as manufacturing trying to think of how you would get you know any kind of a drill in here and then go down here to drill your gas part so this is pretty interesting another thing you know suddenly Buddha carriers you see how this is Belleville at the back here that's not enhancement that they have as well it's funny many companies have made this larger these guys sort of made a little bit smaller in the back but this is a very significant advancement I'm very curious to see how this one works a new gearing back on this one as well next one we're gonna look at is adjustable gas systems now a lot of companies and a lot of people nowadays are doing a lot with suppressors now as you may or may not know when you suppress a firearm you are increasing the wear and tear on it because you're getting higher pressures due to the use of that suppressor that does is it enhance it increases your bolt carrier velocity and we talked about before you know with having a shorter gas system when you increase your ball velocity your cartridges case is trying to be extracted why still has residual pressure in it which makes the higher on the extractor her in the extractor spring and causes parts to wear well we have here is a bolt carrier is designed by gemtech which has two positions we've lit over here we can see we have a unsuppressed and suppressed position when it's unsuppressed it runs normal when it's switched over in the suppressed position what that does is it a close to the gas port up a little bit and it decreases how much gas is going in there so what does this do well when you fire this thing the suppressor on and you fire on the unsuppressed you will see your objection pattern your cartridge cases go about one o'clock showing it it's over gassed you flip it over to suppress now you're gonna start seeing your cartridge cases eject around five o'clock where it normally would if it wasn't suppressed so just by switching that lever over you have a significant decrease in gas so basically what you're gonna be getting with that is you're getting a reduction in carrier speed would suppress your reduction in the felt recoil introduces a blowback of the shooters face when suppressed as well less wear in the system when suppressed in a 14 amp inch barrel there's a 25% decrease in carrier velocity suppressed this is designed for supersonic ammunition only you do not want to fire Nick subsonic ammunition with this unfortunate there's no public specifications on the carrier bolt it's an ear is a standard cult milspec bulb just only comes as the Kher there's no boat carrier comes with it now there's an MSRP on this for two $31.99 and i have to say this is a very useful this is my boat I've had for quite some time I use this on a regular basis I think this is an excellent design and you guys who are running suppressors who are not using adjustable gas blocks this is an excellent option now there's another bolt carrier as well manufactured by bootleggers which is very very similar in the way that it works this is also a seven tool steel it has a lithium ice night coating difference between this one and that one is we have a four position gas valve instead of two we can adjust this from the right side or the left side where with the gem tech' you have to remove the bolt carrier and adjust on the left side and we have suppressed we have unsuppressed and we also have additional setting for each so we have degrees of what we can adjust the gas to this next one enhancement you know over the gem tech' i've not really used this one yet but i have used a gem tech' this is not I wanted to be hearing about in the future and again just like the gem tech' you're looking at a reduced carrier speed the suppressor reduction recoil and well back to the shooter's face now this is a kind of a standard bolt but we did not get any information on what kind of bolt it was this could be this could be anything the MSRP on this one is a little bit cheaper than the gem tech' one 89.95 again this one in the gem tech' both of them would be excellent options for somebody who's using a suppressor without having to use a yes block you do have another option for as far as adjustable gas as well this is manufactured by a company called rubber city Armory these guys are really one of the pioneers of Black Knight ride I've used a lot of their products in the past this one here I have used and used as well what's so special about this one is the way this one adjusts if you look here you can see a set screw which has a high temperature Loctite on it and what you do is you can adjust this with an allen key until you get your desired gas setting the big difference between say this and the gem tech' is this one here you'll be using the same load with the same suppressed Runza plus you would have one setting for this is not as easy as just selecting from suppressed ons this one you really have to hand it just this does come with four or five additional and guess plugs here for you to be able to take out and readjust now the carrier is made out of 8620 steel black nitride coated the bolt is ninety three ten tool steels and you have an enhanced bolt here as well as many of extra stronger material than the milspec now this has MSRP of one eighty nine ninety nine again you can get these with or without the adjustment here this is one of my favorite of the black finishes this is very very easy to clean it's very very easy just wipes right off if I couldn't have chrome this probably be my second choice would be the black and I try that you see right here next thing we're gonna look at is what we call lightweight bolt carrier groups now as you can see a lot of material has been removed now the reason for this was to lighten the recoil now by having a lighter bulk here you have a layer mask reciprocating back at you resulting in less recoil which also does increase your your rate of fire having not having that extra weight to give you a bit more into all time but those who are doing action shooting tend to like these because you gives you a faster lockup with less recoil and the one that we're looking at here is manufactured by young manufacturing one of things I want to show you about gun manufacturing here is there one company are actually two company young manufacturing enterprises that do not stake the carrier key screws now let's talk about that for a minute why don't they because to be honest with you it's not necessary if these are assembled properly meaning you use a high temperature lock tight and you torque them to 50 to 58 inch pounds these are not going to come loose so as the screws preached this screws break is taking is not gonna help do i stake my carrier key screws yes i do for no other reason that it was milspec is it necessary no if you want us to to go and have you staked or take them yourself you couldn't do it but is it actually necessary no the only time these come loose is when they are not put in properly they're not torque properly there was an earlier specification for this which was 30 to 38 inch pounds that was found to be problematic during your own turn you're only more ontario with the m4 carbines and cold change specifications in the military change to 50 to 58 inch pounds so I just wanted to let you know that right after that as you can see a lot of material has been removed all over now one of the things that young manufacturing is very well known for is having more bearing a surface here which causes less wear on the upper receiver unfortunately have any public specifications if they're smart of what the materials are of the bolt carrier one of the bolts but I will tell you again chrome chrome I am very very fond of that is my favorite of all the finishes definitely one that I would recommend now all the bolts by young manufacturing is you may be able to see here our magnetic particle proof tested and shut up with a high-pressure around for our quality the next one we're going to take a look at is the same type of a carrier manufactured by fax to the firearms now this goes down to six point two four problems is significantly lighter than the standard bulk carrier this particular one has a PVD chameleon finish on it it's basically a chameleon PVD qpq and and TI n or titanium nitride finish the carrier is 8620 steel as milspec or better rosario both packs it has gone ahead and made any three tool steel to make it much much better another enhancement that back since time here's they've done a boat locks chamber to 45 degrees to increase reliability access firearms has come in extremely long way in this industry probably ten years ago they were hardly even in the firearms business and all the inflammation of the a rack as well is now manufacturing significant different types of bolt carriers barrels pistol and rifle barrels they are now a major player now we have a MSRP of to 9999 now that's specifically because it has this particular finish on it you can also get this in a titanium nitride you get it in a black upq there are some other finishes as well but i definitely would take a look at anything that's put out by PacSun they're bolts are definitely a better material of the standard most becker the last thing i want to show you is another enhancement this particular one is from JP enterprises again thanks Roy Hill for providing this for me to be able to show you this is a one piece gas ring is a significant enhancement over the standard beer-can gas rings that are used on standard milspec ones they make these for bill two five five six and a 7/16 bolt carrier groups there was one more carrier one to bring to you but of course it wasn't ready for primetime I was doing is it so manufactured by surefire it's a carrier that was designed for use with suppressed rifles and we're gonna be sure to bring that one to you did you see it what we have here many companies have gone to look at different areas that they wanted to improve the boat carrier some wanted better materials they want to improve both someone enhance carrier so I wanted both some wanted more ingenuity first parted ways to reduce recoil and others to make the events that much more friendly to use with sound suppressors these are the ones that I feel are the most significant that's out there there's a lot of bull carriers out there there's a lot of ones that are manufactured under you know differently different finishes different quality not all boat carriers are created equal there's some real garbage out there you see well you got to watch out for that as well but for sparse making the rifle work that much better taking the standard milspec and making it better these are the ones that you need to look at go to our website you'll be able to see the product specifications and you'll also be able to see where to get all these bolt carriers at I do want to really give a call out to write hill hills and Brownells as well as a big plan for providing us with some stuff that some manufacturers would again it's not really about you know being pissed off at a particular manufacturer because you don't want to help so you know screw them we're not going to show it this time we're doing here I want to show the products regardless of whether they went out but or not I want you to see the best that was out there so next time you go look for a bolt carrier you've got some information here where you'll use side 1 I hope you guys enjoyed this please stay tuned for part two part two is gonna be enhanced they are ten ball carriers and you'll be seeing that so if you have any questions please leave a comment please subscribe even better share and if you consider our patreon that'll be excellent as well thank you