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today we're all about facts no printers welcome to sidemen reacts you know it took me a minute all right we've got 27 of these bad boys to uh to unpacks I'm ready I'm ready for my mind to be twist I was about to say fisted but Twisted oh you know what oh if it's fisted I'll be impressed I'll be okay let's get it this is Earth hey yo what's going on yeah this is where you live in your neighborhood the solar system okay this is epic informational video I've never experienced in my life wait but they've already spit like three facts is that not one of them yeah hopefully not no I think there's I think that's the the three facts okay [Music] bro what's going on between the Earth and the Moon think again at their farthest point the Earth and the moon are 252 088 miles away inside that distance you could fit every planet okay that is quite that that's not in my mind here's my question right 252 250 000 miles yes how many miles an hour do you have to travel to travel that far no you can travel it at one mile an hour just it'll take you longer oh yeah no how long oh [ __ ] you know I don't know what question I'm trying to ask it my question is did they really go to the Moon because that's really far away well yeah but they're going in a rocket also there's nothing to slow them down once you're going to the moon like the speed you have in space you keep the speed because nothing's slowing you down it's like Tesla autopilot sure you think it's a hat I hope I think it's a hoax I believe they went to the moon I just don't understand how how do you fly a rocket ship and then stop it and land it and some Donnies get out of it because they got into the orbit like do you think 150 2000 is a lot it just did a long way to send people in a rocket ship I don't know I don't know I thought that was actually like not that far sleepy considering like you know if you guys are leads that's like a couple hundred miles yeah I guess you know what put me in my office no no put me put me in my office put me in my office I'm gonna I'm gonna answer it for Harry how fast did the rocket traveling to the immune go okay yeah there we go so it traveled at a speed of 36 000 miles an hour oh my God okay so we got there in like 12 hours eight hours eight hours five minutes oh my God you can get to the moon faster than we can get to Australia that's crazy but the thing is when you're going when you're in between the Earth and the moon you're not Fighting Gravity you're not fighting air resistance wind resistance it's like you just you can go faster and faster and faster and faster because there's nothing slowing you down pretty Red Spot on Jupiter that's about two times as big as Earth and Saturn is about nine times wider than Earth Saturn's rings are so large that a few of the fragments are as large as mountains wow that pays nothing compared to it yeah you don't think it looks like no tasty was not what sprung into mine yeah that looks like that looks like chocolate crumbs it looks like rocks are you talking about the the Saturn itself looks kind of tasty no that looks like uh like a flake has been broken I kind of get what you oh I don't know it looks like dirt and rocks bro I don't look like a dinner but that's nothing compared to our sun just remember this is Earth when I look up and see when I look up and see the sun I'm like [ __ ] me that's a giant flaming bull which is just like there love you not looked at the Sun and been like oh my God like what is that it's like you know what it is I hope someone's gonna clip that and it'll be like the boy said let's start a podcast it's crazy if you wanted to speak about how crazy it is do they yes it's the sun I feel like daily people should be like what the [ __ ] is that like like but it's better every day like it doesn't change from our perspective like if it did something cool you might be like oh [ __ ] but it's just it didn't even did something cool it illuminates the entire planet yeah but he's done that yeah but he's done that every single day since you were born with anything is is more impressive how often are people are trains late and stuff the sun's never late the Sun never misses the sunrise this is Earth from Mars here's Earth from just behind Saturn's rings and here's Earth from just beyond Neptune four billion miles away what do you think about that Harry they sent a telescope to take that picture and send it back to us and wear that little blob how'd you feel about that yeah I believe that list really yeah is that a true thing you just said there yeah well how about have they got a picture of the Earth from Neptune oh my God I just don't believe why don't you believe that of course right I lose internet connection when I go outside my house and they're still getting connection with four billion miles away well yeah exactly there's no wires there Vic how are they getting Wi-Fi yeah and I can't get Wi-Fi here like that's because you've got walls in the way and there's there's no I look at the doors the satellite is pointing the wrong way they put massive they put satellites in space in all billion miles away that is a little elsewhere to be fair though how I'm gonna prove it wrong what am I gonna say no actually I'm gonna go tonight I'm gonna take my own picture and tell you that yours is fake maybe when we die it'll be like you know when it's the big reveal and they're like well of course still that [ __ ] was [ __ ] fake you don't of course of course there's not satellites four billion miles away like maybe even somewhere I don't know but a billion's a big number so let's put that in perspective okay please one million seconds equals about 11 and a half days whereas one billion seconds 32 years 31 years let's step back quick Master quick maths here's the size of Earth compared with the size of our sun okay terrifying right that is actually quite scary and here's that exact same Sun from the surface of Mars on some time as Carl Sagan once mused the total number of stars in the universe is larger than all the grains of sand and all the beaches the planet Earth and there are some stars out there there are much much but then but that's it's also a [ __ ] quote because if the universe is never ending of course there's more stuff yeah like of course there's more stars is the universe never ending well that's what I'm assuming what he believes as well because I don't know maybe no but how could it be never ending that's what that but that's what I died I don't know that's what I've been told also like there's in the grand schemes of things there's not that many grains of sand yeah well there is try counting them no but I mean in comparison to like the number infinite Universe yeah it's yeah yeah that's what we don't know that the universe is infinite we just know that it extends further than we can observe I've heard people say it's infinite yeah I've heard that too if there's infinite then there has to be other species out there you know but they're no if it's infinite there's us there's me there's a there's an infinite me sat in this very scenario but instead of raise my right hand right now I raise my left hand which I don't but it can't be right that can't be real that can't be real and there are some stars out there that are much much bigger than our little wimpy Sun see why Candice Majoris is about 2 000 times wait is that why why two thousand times the diameter of our sun but none of those compares to the size of a Galaxy in fact if you shrink the size of our solar system down to the size of a quarter you can trade the Milky Way galaxy down using the same scale the diameter of the Milky Way will be roughly the size of the United States see that sounds impressive but I can't fathom yeah I didn't like that now yeah that was a very abstract that was an abstract I couldn't I couldn't imagine putting pennies across the utilize I can't I can't that's because the Milky Way galaxy is huge its diameter is about 100 000 light years wide which when converted to miles is about 621 quadrillion 371 trillion 192 billion 237 million 333 [Laughter] if we've set a telescope 4 billion miles are we not we're not we're getting there right yeah we're getting there but we'll be dead by then oh so how the [ __ ] do they know how do they know it looks like that no how do they know they haven't gotten 621 billion Mark out of trillion gazillion miles how do we know it looks like that artist interpretation I have no idea I'd imagine it's something to do with the light that reaches us from really far away they see how much it shifted the wavelength has shifted and so they can work out how far away it's traveled during the time I don't know something yeah that sounds believable doesn't it [Laughter] inside of all that is you I'm huge you live in this tiny tiny portion of the Milky Way but even still our galaxy is a little run compared with some others bit rude NGC 674 I feel like I've seen this video every time yeah it's not useful information it's the Milky Way stretching over 200 000 light years across it is massive but let's think bigger oh my God taken by the Hubble telescope oh no I've seen this is a cool I've seen this picture but uh so so no no I believe this one's real Harry they are this is this is real how the [ __ ] is how is this real how is it managed to take this picture I don't know that's real though and if you gave me some confetti and looked up at the sky and I threw it up above you and took that photo it would look like that now if I went on chat GPT and said uh create an image of the universe it might have been just debunked but like it's already starting to debunk it but scientists agree with this like but how they're all frauds how I might I have to we have to watch a video on the Hubble telescope I don't I don't understand this [ __ ] there are thousands and thousands of galaxies each containing millions or billions of stars with their own planets the objects seen here may have formed as many as you're inside one of them million years ago just three billion years after the big bang [Music] [Music] one of the busiest star forming periods that's a picture of a very small small part of the universe you've said about your favorite show being canceled or the fact that they play Christmas music way too early just remember this is your home but absolutely that's the argument right is that it was so insignificant nothing should matter but then equally everything should matter everything should matter because because we we imagine we're the only living thing that we've seen in all of that space yeah and we like it's just me while we just kill each other yeah this is your existence I I don't know I'm trying Harry's in this field yeah I don't know yeah I don't know this question yeah Harry's really questioning it really really Harry's gonna tell us to shut down the Simon Channel and go surfing in Hawaii even more so after this surfing doesn't matter it's not real because all that matters is your is your is your uh your [ __ ] like that is your enjoyment and no it doesn't matter you're not even real I don't even believe her I don't believe that you're a real person I think you're just a part of my simulation exactly that's what I think about you lots Jesus Lord oh that was something you asked we answer you in London with 60 000 other people not 50 no 30 not 20 but from the small price of eight pounds do not miss the greatest event in due to history beside Ben charity match don't miss the drop sign up now
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 1,339,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sidemen, Sidemen Reacts, SidemenReacts
Id: NAyrCenmFeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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