Factorio Base Tour - 10000 SPM Highly Optimized Train Megabase

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[Music] hey there guys and welcome to another factorial base tour today we're going over fuzz's factory I believe that's how you pronounce his name it may be different but it would sound very much like another word that probably shouldn't be saying on You Tube videos so yeah this is why were his character this is not my factory this is a factory there's posted on the subreddit that I actually covered briefly in the reddit weekly video I did it this previous Sunday but some people requested a tour and I wanted to see it for myself I will link the post down below and there is a save file that he links with in the post so you can go grab it if you want this is a ten thousand science pack per minute megabase that is pretty much completely train based and highly ups optimized and also fairly it's quite symmetrical to similar in that respect to the other base we did the rotationally symmetrical one this kind of excuse me has the same concept where the factory is actually split up into four different blocks each one presumably doing two and a half thousand science a minute and they are all pretty much identical you can see here you know they're all just pretty much rotationally symmetrical like this so we just finished mining conductivity twenty two hundred and sixty-three this is nuts there is no mods required to run this the running speed of the character seems like it has a modified VF command because we're going way faster than we normally would but that's fine because it it's a huge factory so let's take a look at this it's completely legit these are all but it doesn't even use RSO to my understanding this is all vanilla although maybe it's knowledge I don't know if these patches seem insanely rich for being near spawn so maybe what happened is he went out super far and explored and then like unrevealed apart where he explored from I'm not sure but these don't seem like spawned in patches um I think they did maybe use creative mode this I'm not sure but anyway first off production if we look here let's look at last minute 11 K 11 K so some of these are dipping down but they do show here we go so a 50-hour graph 10 k of every science pack per minute here all time graph is insane 17 billion iron you know 9 point 1 billion copper 8 billion circuits one and a half billion red circuits almost a quarter billion blue circuits and a hundred and seventy ish million of every pack ok so they're running on solar this factory is currently using 100 in 5 gigawatts of power with 1.7 million solar panels that is ridiculous and it has a ton of trains I think it's upwards of it's a lot it's a lot of trains I don't believe they actually said in the post maybe they did say says 432 trains total using 7.2 nuclear fuel per minute and also really quick Here I am going to this do my autosave because that takes forever so yeah this is basically entirely train based now what does that mean this is a really great way to save ups in this base by the way this base runs at over 60 ups while producing 10k a minute science it's pretty nuts we are at 60 I'm gonna bump the game speed up in a little bit here and you'll see it I actually can run it more like 70 75 ups which is pretty nuts so basically as you can see here they're using a very nifty tactic here and I did this a little bit in my sinning supporters to space map with tanks but they're doing it even more with these bills and it is a little difficult to move I'm gonna die from this train 100% um so basically yeah we have it's transferring stuff into cars basically acting as storage chests and the reason they don't do actual storage chests is because how the tracks offset on the tracks you know move in sets of two tiles basically so you need the cars to be that you know chess just won't be the right right size as you can see it's like you need a like a long hand inserter and it wouldn't be fast enough so they're just doing directly in here direct insertion and this is a lot of the reason why the ups on this map is so good because you're eliminating BOTS and you're eliminating belts entirely this has some BOTS for fueling but other than that it's there's not it's all training bases entire thing just transfers these resources via train and you can see this train network I mean it's it's massive it goes all the way around I mean all this seemingly it looks like it may be and it connects actually it doesn't look like it does it is slightly well there are some connections here and there well no this is actually separate I think these are actually all separate but yet so you know this is like what this looks like so this is bringing in it's actually coming in with a cable and plastic already loaded and then it's gonna load the circuit and this one is going to go to red circuits so we could actually follow this train here once this guy's full he's going to head on to red circuits and it's just it's a really fascinating base in the optimization that went into this is my boy to be able to do 10,000 science packs a minute it over 60 ups is just insanely impressive to me so here goes the train so we'll just kind of follow him so he's just gonna go wherever red circuits are I'm actually they're located I think over here somewhere so these just this area is a death trap man I almost got hit by trains just coming down here this rail thing in here is an absolute I mean it's nuts I don't want to say I mean is a mess but it's not like bad because it everything obviously works it's just really really crazy and hectic so as you can see so there's one example of a train during that there's a massive oil train dear Lord okay so he's coming into the stacker and then he's going to pull in and deliver on the outside here and then you know red circuit train would come in and fill up from middle now I cannot imagine building this rail system like the amount of thought that must have gone into this is pretty absurd in fact if we look there's 45 days spittin is not imagined a lot of that is afk time just doing a research but 45 days you can do the math I'm not going to okay I'm really bad at this but I mean 24 hours in a day times 45 is a lot it's over a thousand hours I believe so there's that so then we have oil builds and again these are pretty much entirely training based minimal pipes as well it looks like for the most part these trains are massive though these are I believe the oil trains look to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 15 or something I've been actually bringing in water which is really interesting something I personally would not have really considered doing but you can see over here this is kind of where they're filling it up it's actually a really cool technique and it would work for oil for sure and then other trains all these other trains are for locomotives by 20 cargo wagons so they're just for 20 trains yeah how high set for 20 um but uh so there's single headed train so this is using like a loop based system to pull through roll-on/roll-off type of thing actually that's the other way right I'm not sure yeah so this is just single headed trains coming through and this is also better for UPS because trains that take quite a bit of UPS in its train entities that actually do meaning cargo wagons and locomotives so by not having the additional like four locomotives on the other end you know four times 400 trains you're cutting off a ton you're cutting off like sixteen hundred plus training titties which makes a big difference if we pull up the stats thing you can see here trains are like three out of the 13 update we have a lot of it's going to obviously be into the update which is just like everything else like inserters and you know machine and all that stuff but the trains are a fair portion of that okay so let's actually look at the bills I'm just gonna do a lot of this via Matthew because it's really hard to like navigate with this character this quickly so again guys it's really simple they're doing a lot well I say it's simple I mean the it's simple in terms of just that all the bills work the same with the direct train insertion creating this is not simple they're doing a lot of sharing which is really interesting so like this thing is sharing circuits and iron and then it's going to looks like insert is which is actually interesting but yeah so they are using chess where possible because chess are going to be more ups friendly than cars so they're only using the cars where they absolutely have to and they're having some sort of conditions set here I'm guessing it's at wired to a station it is so it may actually I do want to go look at this and hopefully not get run over it although I think I'm probably invincible based on this fact that we can run this quickly okay so this thing enable or disable if iron is under 500 okay so it's actually yeah so it's kind of just only allowing trains in here when the iron is below you know that that that threshold of 500 or and that's for the unloading and then of course the loading I would imagine is going to be pretty much the same that's not the loading this is the loading yeah so this is a train come in enable disable if irons over 4,000 right because it sent since you're actually trying to build up some you need to have it over rather than less then and you know this is of course reading it so it is more so a train should be coming in once there's a train available and I mean this thing is just nuts man I mean so here's this here's all the iron here is all the copper and steel is somewhere time to be sure what steel is here's copper cable which is being made I think just for red circuits I saw steel on the other build find it again out here steel ok so again they're just doing direct or into steel meaning that they're not like putting plate on a train bring the plate to the steel they're just doing or directly and then and then doing this now in some cases you can do a longhand inserter as you see here and that's ideal because then you don't have to use the cars but for something like green circuits you know they're so fast you just can't use long handed inserters in some cases like just right here because you just couldn't transfer it fast enough and then I mean all the sides are exactly the same like I said so smelting what else haven't we looked at so there's cable here is some solid fuel and rock fuel being made plastic being made here utilizing tanks and pumps I'd actually imagine a lot of the UPS is from pipe entities based on the fact of how many pumps tanks and pipes they're using which can't really be avoided that's just you know that's kind of the way of the game right now that uh types take tough pipe into these fluid boxes stuff take a ton of performance at this scale and then blue circuits of course here I mean kind of look at production I don't know why science there must just be a massive buffer but you can see we're making a million iron a minute which is just absurd to look at almost half a million green circuits a minute it's pretty nuts hundred K red circuits 16 K blues which is that's nowhere near how much it can actually produce I don't think Co a blues here and then yes so there's actually like I really like the fact that they've done these just like dedicated builds because here's science and stuff but the inserters and all that are here's miners so I think they're up here so here's gears here's miners piped tons of pipes and of course the engines need pipes for science here's the inserter so that's like where that one train we looked at a few minutes ago was going I mean not this specific one because it was the other build but it was going you know to an inserter build tons of belts they're doing a lot of stuff with smarts to kind of control the trains I think which is really smart a loop chain here for the electric engines purple science yellow science and then of course the labs themselves which again are train based and twelve beaconed because there's 14 effect sources so twelve vegans plus the two modules in here and we're cranking a lot how many lamps I do want to see this is utilizing 405 science labs 504 sorry reversing the numbers 504 science labs are just nuts 80,000 beacons like think about that for a second guys 80,000 beacons that is a huge amount that is absolutely insane how much that is some of these were actually making 13,000 a minute of some of these are just kind of nuts we are consuming 10k of all of them so must just be a buffer of some and then of course like I said the or patches of doing direct train to mining which again saves ups because you don't need inserters you don't need belts and you don't need BOTS and with this level of mining productivity I mean these fill up absurdly fast I was looking at one earlier I'm gonna see if I can find one for you guys but see a train like actually pulling into one of these and filling up you can hear it's literally going up by like a hundred a second okay so here let's watch this one with the mining pro tibia it's nuts watch how fast this fills up when these are beaconed and this is ideal this is a situation you want the ups optimization this literally just filled up in like less than 10 seconds it's it's absurd and what they're actually doing which is smart for this is their I'm not sure why they didn't extend these sound and just do it that way but they're having multiple stations and the trains pull forward so it fills up in increments like on this patch they could fill up more at once because there's all this ore down here I'm sure they had a good reason though and then yeah so the patches are just kind of spread out around here I mean this is just huge man this is this is nuts uranium of course here which is one miner I mean mining productivity I mean we have 4,500 26% mining productivity which is absolutely out of this world we're on bot speed 19 they they're mostly focusing on poor which makes sense of course and then I'm trying to find some oil wells maybe we can look at really quick guess some 2.5 k well these are super rich but with the mining productivity it's really nutso in fact let me see if I can find a patch here's one over here watching these miners work with the productivity bar is nuts dude okay I mean the my activity bar is broke it doesn't go faster this is probably like looked like this since like mining prod like 600 or something it just can't even go any faster than that it is calculating it it's just visually it can't go any faster so there we go guys there's the base it's just like I mean you can look in greater detail if you want like I said you can grab the savefile don't need any mods I just kind of wanted to show you an overview and what we're gonna do here I'm actually gonna bump the speed up to light ball - I can't I know I can't go to - but I was it like 70 something when I load it in but more is turned on so yeah I can run this at 65 ish when it's fully going because it looks like we are actually on full production now which is just it's mind-blowing I mean you know it makes me super ashamed you know my 4000 science pack per minute base couldn't even run at 60 of course you know that was back I didn't know a lot of this stuff back then you know new to new techniques like this train stuff is definitely becoming more prevalent um and I mean it's great it works really well as you can see this is absolutely nuts so there you go this is in terms of production and efficiency ups wise this is probably the most impressive base I've ever seen the other bases rotationally symmetrical one I think was probably one of the most visually pleasing just super nice like OCD pleasing base I've ever seen I'm in production wise of course it was extremely impressive - but this one 10k science per minute over 60 ups using some really really smart techniques it's just absolutely amazing to look at it's uh it's just really cool guys it's it's amazing it's inspiring for sure if I had the stamina in time I would try to do something like this myself but I just don't think I do at this point this is just a massive endeavor but uh anyway that's gonna do it and as always thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this as much as I have like I said link below to the reddit post so you can check it out and you can grab the savefile if you have any questions or thoughts leave them down below there was some really great comments and stuff on the last base tour and I try to do kind of more of these I want to find like really unique bases I don't really want to start a series writers tour just like random bases that aren't like that special I really want to tour just like really unique bases like the previous one in this one and such so I'll definitely keep that in mind I'd like to keep doing this if I can and I think that's gonna do it as always thanks for watching and until next time for dissing wall and do take care [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Xterminator
Views: 248,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, Factorio base, Factorio map, Factorio base tour, Factorio map tour, Factorio tour, Factorio factory, Factorio megabase, Factorio belts, Fcatorio belt megabase, Xterminator, Factorio gameplay, Simulation, gameplay, factory game, Factorio symmetrical factory, Factorio beautiful factory, Factorio train factory, Factorio train base, Factorio train megabase, Factorio 10k SPM, Factorio 10000 SPM, Factorio 10k SPM base, Factorio optimized base, Factorio efficient base
Id: Av8DZo368Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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