Factorio Base Tour - Jackson's Blue Belt of Every Science Megabase With Unique Train System

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hello and welcome to another factorio bass tour i'm exterminator and thank you so much for joining me for this one and today we are covering uh a pretty awesome uh basis definitely a megabase and this one is from jackson uh they submitted it to me a fair while ago a little more than a month ago and unfortunately there was just a backlog to go through and as i mentioned before i like to space these out so uh there is that but we're finally getting to it and this is a very very uh cool interesting base so there were several goals in mind when creating this base jackson wrote up a very nice synopsis for me i'm not going to cover every single thing written in it it's like six pages but i did read through all of it it's very extensive uh so there were several goals though the first of which uh was to test out a series of blueprints uh they had basically uh that the blueprints were a set of blueprints that would bring them from nothing to a consistent rocket even though it wasn't super fast dubbed uh so it was kind of called the midstrap project so that was the first goal the the first blueprint of that was just like a kickstarter blueprint base um so uh this is this is kind of what we're what we're looking at here uh here's the kickstarter base so this was a blueprint but like the first blueprint to just kind of get them started and stuff like that so that brought them up to construction bots basically and then the next step was the mid-strap base which is what we see down here and this is a fairly sizable base i mean this is you know this is actually pretty decent sized base even though this is not even really this is just a very small section of the now current base uh but i have la map labels on it just so we can kind of see what's going on here everything is belt based i think the majority of stuff in this map is belt based uh and as you can see uh we have some oil here some iron and steel smelting going on here pretty straightforward stuff but this is a very cool build so this uh you know got them from kind of a starting point after the kickstarter base up to launching rockets it does have every science in here you can see purple science here blue science here green red etc some pretty interesting and cool belt designs going on i really like how there's space in here for the robo ports i would assume that's intentional uh and it's actually really creative really smart i'm a big fan of that they are using a uh setup here that i've not seen something like this in a little while uh quite a while in fact so this is uh a way to build red circuits uh you can do it belt based or robot base um this kind of a long time ago was like dub like the fish sandwich build this is not exactly it uh but doing something like this where you have instead of like putting a copper cable and then belting it like farther down a line like in a straight line to like a row of red circuit machines um they have the copper cable in the middle which is just directly inserting into uh the red circuit machines that it supplies which is also probably the other reason for the belt being like this but it's is pretty awesome now they do have um they do have a speed module in here along with the productivity modules which i find fairly interesting i i don't know if that is something to do with the i don't know if that's something to do with ratioing it because this is actually this is one cable machine to six red circuit machines which seems a bit odd with the modules i think the modules change that but maybe that's why there's a speed module in there i don't know the exact module ratio but i'm going to assume this is correct so there's red circuits i just want to take a look at that because i thought it was pretty interesting build there a lot of like kind of zigzaggy belts here but it certainly does not look bad uh and i am noticing there's there's no sound uh i don't i check my sound settings i'm not sure what's going on i don't know if maybe my sound got messed up in here somehow or my computer all my sound settings seem fine so apologies that there's no game sound i guess you just get to listen to to my voice i mean we've heard factorio sounds enough it's it's nothing uh super crazy um so this is the mid-strap base here and uh we see some solar scattered around so at some point during this process they were running out of power so they set up a dedicated uh solar build to well purely make solar panels and accumulators and uh you know they started placing solar and they have a lot of it this is a massive amount of solar power here all the same design it pretty decent looking design here on the map you know it looks very clean very just very square and stuff like that now if we take a look at some power poles we can see this is a this is a large base it is consuming 20 to almost 22 and a half gigawatts of power now a lot of that is actually uh nuclear power uh via over 2000 turbines uh but then there is over a quarter million solar panels as well so it's a combination which i like uh we will take a look at the nuclear here uh shortly why don't we just do it now so here it is a very cool build i think i've seen some builds like this before um this one i particularly like though it looks very very nice in the map especially rain arranged like this uh you can see some more copies of it here basically uh but it it works where it's kind of built on the island and you can see the little spaces here between for the pumps uh which works quite well this is a fairly common thing to do and uh what i'll be a little tedious to do this is just this is actually really impressive one of my favorite designs i've seen i've got to say this just looks so good on the map uh really really nice looking design i don't know if this is theirs or they pulled it from somewhere not that it really i mean i'm not criticizing if they pulled it from somewhere but if jackson made this themselves very impressive so this some of these are not actually working currently as you can see but these are at least connected to the grid here and then of course the solar panels and there may be more somewhere so actually there's some up here too so it looks like the ones on the island perhaps aren't even connected uh is maybe what's going on there so that's the mid strap base now i want to move on to the secondary goal well there were i guess kind of two secondary goals maybe three goals total uh the the mid-strap base blueprint testing uh and then they say their goal was a modest 45 science per second which by the way is a blue belt every science i i wouldn't call that modest that's a very it's a very large amount of science um that's like over 2 000 science a minute so that's pretty impressive that's that's definitely megabase territory there and uh the other kind of goal i want to mention just because we'll notice as we start going up here is they wanted to kind of test the edge of the map now we do know that uh supposedly the factorio map is a million tiles in any direction from the world center is basically the edge of it um so they dubbed this quest for the north edge that's the name of the save game uh and uh as of them sending me this map uh which again was like a month ago they are 10k tiles out so one percent down um not huge but you can imagine how far a million tiles is um when we actually look if we take a look here like you know this is 10k tiles very very explored long long map here so it's actually going to be moving upwards with a very central rail line which is something i can't say i've seen really before maybe once or twice uh in the sense that it's not just like a sprawling rail network it's literally just one rail line for the most part up the middle with the build it's basically almost like a train bus you know like th this would be you know the the actual bus as if it were a belt for trains and then the production is off the side here and uh it's actually really really quite good it seems to work well uh let's take a look really quick at production uh now they did say that there are some bottlenecks here and that is actually due to the labs that the labs only uh consume i think they said like 25 science a second or 20 a second thereabouts but if we do look at production on the one minute graph here we are pretty high up there you know over 2 000 red and green 2 000 space almost 2 000 purple and yellow uh you know we can if we look at like an hour that maybe gives us a better idea about one case science each again uh limited apparently due to the labs but they are cranking through research excuse me through research here pretty good mining productivity 27 over the last hour and average 100 000 iron per minute almost 100 000 copper 50 000 green circuits so very very good production numbers here if we just take a look at all time there's about 134 hours on this save which is quite a lot honestly so over that time they've done 204 million iron 200 million copper 133 million green circuits 28 million red circuits 15 million steel there uh four and a half basically million blue circuits if we find science but definitely about a million of all of them except military and purple just because those aren't used in as nearly as many sciences but yeah so mining productivity which is you know not cheap mine productivity 27 is what they're working on they do have bot speed 13 done because 14 is the next one so uh quite expensive this next one quarter of a million packs and uh the bonuses and then we'll look at the base but just kind of touching on this stuff first so of course you know the 260 percent mining prod they do have some artillery range they are using artillery the the biters are on uh as you can see here they have pretty significant turret fences here um and i do want to mention this is essentially vanilla they used maxweight calculator which just helped it's just like a ratio calculator basically um and then afraid of the dark so absolutely nothing that would be like majorly game changing um and nothing spawned in like these resources as you can tell are all naturally generated uh nothing like that so this is i'm gonna call it vanilla technically it's not because it used two mods but as far as like actual uh you know base building and gameplay is concerned i'm gonna call it vanilla um so there's that so moving up these look to be just blueprints these are just kind of blueprints they've laid down here uh to you know pace down where they need them a fairly common thing to do so we start here we have some red circuits some blue circuits making modules they did mention that they uh quickly realized that they were going to have a large shortage of speed modules when they were trying to build the megabase so they set up this module production area here which again if you're building a megabase is basically required like good luck making enough modules just from your your little starter base um so you can see they have two machines here in the in making level three modules uh and then the the build here so we have you know some level two modules level one modules and uh you know this will crank them out this definitely is cranking them out they have almost 7 000 of them uh i don't see productivity model production uh at least not here so i'm a little curious about that uh where they maybe did that i mean there's a build here so they must have it placed somewhere i looked at a fair bit of this map but not every single thing beforehand so here is some general production so this is circuit production it looks like batteries and some oil perhaps um so as you can see a little i say little i mean it is little it's fast but it's a small oil build some sulfur batteries here all belt based these uh yellow belts seems so slow comparatively i mean they are but uh green circuits here one to one ratio again good ratio and it's fully productivity module that's pretty dang close to one to one uh standard mostly standard beacon setups here this is a 12 or sorry this isn't uh 10 beacon setup and then this is an 8 beacon so they're differently beaconed a little bit i don't know if that's intentional for a ratioing or not it's not that huge of a deal i mean it's generating absolutely full belts here so and this is the solar and accumulated production area so just cranking these out you know 50 000 solar panels and 20 000 accumulators in fact a fun fact is that they are producing more solar panels and accumulators then they can like they're producing them faster than they can place them essentially not that they i mean they may actually need the power generation soon but uh you know even if they were placing them like constantly they're making them faster than they can place them which i you know honestly i'd say that's a good good sign there good start so if we move on up kind of cross a bit of a little ocean way here and come over and we see some interesting so this is a two-way two-lane system we have loops in here which are is simply maybe just turnarounds i'm not a huge fan of this but i think it in this particular sense it would work simply because they're like they literally just have one line going the whole thing so it would make sense to want turnarounds uh somewhere through it rather than at the very end of it which is you know as we saw very far away um so they have that they have a massive amount of defenses here uh for uh arty so this is this is where an artillery wagon would pull in and stuff uh i would have imagined they're not using this one anymore considering that the biters would aggro and destroy the solar panels uh in the process i mean they've walled this in already um so i guess they could do it from here and then the binders would just hit against the walls which they have pretty well defended as you can see here they've kind of strategically defended uh you know knowing that once the aggro over here are really only going to hit this corner and you can see it's kind of less fortified up here uh and then we have coming up here another artillery outpost here automation science right here so i actually saw another build for this farther up but again all about built splitting off of the main train line and then it seems like everything or basically everything needed for these builds as you'll see as we go up are collected very nearby and not necessarily trained in uh which is pretty interesting pretty unique i'd say they're actually i don't know if i should say lucky because they just built the stuff in your patches but they are kind of lucky that they got patches that uh were you know where they needed and supplied what they needed for each of these builds so as you can see you know the iron just pulled locally right here as for the smelting build uh this is a 12 beacon setup all the way through all these are equally beacon fantastic i like the use of side loading here to actually out both sides you know just make sure you make sure you're you're outputting at a fast enough pace interesting they use fast inserters instead of stack inserters i don't know if maybe they built this before they had stacked inserters and haven't upgraded or just due to how a stack inserters output on belts that they preferred fast inserters i know the stack inserters can fill a belt if you use them um with a little tweaking but i mean this certainly works so using fast inserters nothing wrong with that just taking note uh the ore comes in on the side here overall i like this build very nice very well done uh mining here plenty plenty of resources because you know we have a hundred mil patch plus over 200 productivity so that's a lot uh an oil patch here very rich um it looks like maybe they just bumped resources up really high is what they did but again this stuff is certainly not spawned in um oil build here so just uh patrolling them doing actually basic oil processing which uh i like i like the fact that they're taking advantage of the fact that you just get patrolling from basic oil processing um so they're really only making things where you know if you just need petroleum just do this instead of overcomplicating it we do have a bit of advanced oil processing here you know making some solid fuel rocket fuel here uh which is combined on a belt interestingly and going up to here so okay uh they are bringing copper uh again not at all criticizing i'm a little curious this is a ton of fuel for one train station holy moly this is like ridiculous i mean this will fuel your trains until eternity i mean this is this is insane again not a bad thing i mean they have it there they don't need oil for red science so why not um but this is crazy i didn't realize this was just refueling a train um okay well they should be good with fuel for a long time they are using one four trains here uh single headed trains again four wagons uh i i think we whose base was it nimbley uh not nibbloid uh derpa news bass or someone else i apologize i can't remember exactly who someone else's base did fairly recently where they used i think they used one for trains and it worked quite well um small training is fast so they're bringing the copper in here unloading uh red science very straightforward you know again 12 beacons set up on these which i think is a a good way to go with belts i personally find that doing 12 beacons with belts is easier to route more belts through than the eight beacon setups where they're just in a row um and all the machines are just slammed up against each other so you know good here making the gears locally putting them through you know not gonna spend a ton of time looking at the individual build for science because it's science it's you know it's we've seen it a lot um but good build there and it's loaded so again very very interesting intriguing rail setup here that i can't say i've seen really much at all that i can recall um just a single line going up and the the loading stations are literally just like little pull offs off the side little sightings off the off the main rail thing it just uh load up here it looks like just maybe a 1 1 train which you know or even one wagon carry a ton of science so that's fine um loading here and then just this one too um so pick up weight and then pick up so they like a weight station here because it's coming in from this direction the labs are above this point the labs are up north so it comes in here it waits and then when this is free it just zips around across the main line in this loop and pulls into here and then just pulls out here and off it goes um crossing the main line for this generally i think is not great in this case again i think it works just because as you can see it's not like this is a super bustling main line um and also the reason for this is is really quite ingenious i don't know if it's intentional or not i'd imagine it is uh is the way they've designed this actually we somehow missed chemical science there's more up top so i think they have multiple science builds um is the way this is designed is there's really not much or if any really stuff coming past this and this is why this works unlike like a conventional rail system where you have trains of all sorts passing back and forth all the builds there are very few trains that are actually coming through this section of the main line like back and forth except for the like red science train and maybe one or two others uh because everything else is built but it's the way this is designed if that makes sense so like you know green science trainings aren't coming through here you know everything else above this is not going to be coming down so i think this actually works fine even though there's crosses and stuff and it's only two lanes because there's really very little traffic very very minimal traffic coming through here because everything else is above it and has no reason to come down so i think this is in and that's the case you know as we go up um you know and same with the stuff you know stuff in the middle maybe gets a little more traffic but then above like things like red science are never going to need to go to the absolute end or anything i don't think so um very very well designed here actually uh blue science we have engines designed within the build again 12 beacon setup belts running through here steel gears for the engines and if we uh if we take a look here i want to just kind of take a look at our delivery so again we see local production this is a this is a theme throughout the whole map uh iron here coal here copper here very lucky those are together more iron here tons of iron so one is just iron for pipes and gears if we look over here very straightforward and then this is for steel so interesting they're electing to belt the iron and then build steel like blowout rather than some sort of direct insertion build um i mean again this works just noticing some differences here again same setup with the inserters nothing new here uh compared to what we just saw on the rest of the base uh and then using some splitter priority to merge this all down into a line and sing it over here to make the blue science red circuits made locally in this area again again due to the design very few things delivered they've built they've they've run the train line through the copper patch and then they've also mined the copper pads so these rail lines are literally running through a mine uh mining field which i actually like i think it's i think it's it's fun it's uh you know i'm not a fan of building on uh or patches except for rails that's okay to me um i think just having the rails like run tightly through here is actually pretty pretty cool pretty fun um so smelting copper here in fact do we have where's the oil coming from that would be my only are they piping it from here okay so this build here again pulling from here um this build here is sending this over to make the sulfur so i don't actually think there's any trains coming here except the train to pick up blue science which you know works out great there's so there's like no traffic on this rail line which works out really well uh moving up i i know i'm getting a little long with these explanations moving up we have stone brick here iron again not really going to spend any more time looking at the smelter builds they're all the same from what i can tell grenades here which come over again uh more brick here which comes over and meets up these are now belted so we have four lines of stone brick and then a line of grenades again everything belt based piercing ammo walls all coming over to military science which is right here again 12 beacon builds sending the stuff through this one looks like it has actually a lot of these look like they have no exportation so i don't know if they meant to do that i i mean i can't imagine they wouldn't have noticed this i think this is okay um i don't know it's just an extra inserter here i don't know i could put a belt here and part of it would slide load onto this but oh interesting i mean regardless we got a full lane out so you know that's that and again local production copper patch here iron patch here stone patch here boom mining mining everything here smelting everything here uh again wall build so we come up another artillery outpost these are just every so often uh i'm not sure what this is a pack station of some sort maybe um and then over here we have more red circuits some oil production green circuits which we did see before here um again slightly different beaconing on this but i think that's fine more green circuits blue circuits and this is so this is just blue circuit so the blue circuits are actually made in a large production area and then kind of sent around it looks like so there's a pretty decent size blue circuit production area here um you know the red circuits and green circuits are being belted in belt and green circuits can be difficult you can see that they are barely making it down just through three of these assemblers but um it certainly works coming over just tons of blue circuits here one one train same deal with the stuff they're training around i don't think they really need bigger trains because even one wagon of blue circuits is a ton and one wagon of every science is also a ton so that pulls in this way this is a right-hand drive system if we hadn't noticed already um comes over and and then this is actually this is just separate this isn't even part of the main line same with the lds stuff so again minimizing the traffic on the main line i really really like it i i can't actually recall a time i've seen something quite like this but i'm a i'm a fan i like it a lot uh you know this just is here and then just belts underneath it and then you know lds same deal and you can see they're just waiting and there's plenty of room i mean they could stack on this entire line uh and come over here and then this is the lds build now this building on the patch i'm not a fan of that's just personal aesthetic thing it's not like it hinders the build at all but um steel tons of copper as we know lds takes a massive amount of copper um so tons of copper there copper builds same as the iron builds nothing super crazy there but there's a lot of it local production as always some iron here for steel more steel a little defense uh bunker here and then we come on up uh so what is this so this okay so this is like these are just like engineering train stations like building stations because this is this is just like a building train i don't know it's really appealing to me that just all the different color inserts lined up there in the wagon um so we have that and then over here we have lds in this area robo frames here looks like basically everything is local electric engines engines all made here very clean builds for the most part combining some different level belts interestingly uh mining that and then we have oil drop off water drop off which they are bringing in from a little ways away but i would still consider this local as it never goes on the main line and then this stuff is um well i don't see the science production here so is it belted up or trained up how is this getting its stuff is it just belted up from down here okay sorry i liked it it's not labeled so it was kind of hard to tell here but yeah so it just belts straight through here uh into yellow science just a very long build but since yellow science is so slow even with the you know modules and beacons and stuff i would say that this is definitely acceptable coming over again blue belt of yellow science loaded up same deal with the trains zips around and off it goes and here are the laps so they said the labs are the limitation um that the labs you know i mean as you can see every single one of these belts is absolutely full compressed so the limitation is in the labs and initially you know this is a consumption limitation but since it can only consume so much then the belts back up which means that then the builds stop working because they've nowhere to output et cetera et cetera so then that's why our production is low i fully believe they have the capability of producing uh about a blue belt of science a minute um they just can't consume it fast enough so then it backs up farther down the line and then slows down production um so they certainly could add more labs and i think they said that they may plan to in the future but so this is just a gigantic line here of labs uh blue belt you know and i can move a ton of science so just all the way down productivity modules in labs i like it definitely something you want to do speed beacons here it looks like just double checking these are all 12 beacons very nice um some oil production here advanced oil making a ton of solid fuel and rocket fuel i swear this is just for one train man i'm gonna go nuts oh okay it's for like all the science trains this is still there's still so much fuel for these trains it does nothing wrong with this i just find it hilarious i've never in my life playing victoria seen someone build this amount of fuel for like six train stops like this is nuts like this could probably generate like a gigawatts worth of steam power i don't know i mean this is i like it it's hilarious um and then we come up here and this uh expands up so then we have green science and purple science up here so it's not really chronologically arranged i don't know i'm trying to think what the logic was in arranging this so we have blue science first red science maybe it was just due to the resources that were available and the spot potentially um more artillery so green selling it's very straightforward basically just needs ironic hopper to make circuits and gears and and stuff for the inserters local gears are again 12 beacon productivity great good to go uh green science same pickup strategy here and then uh purple science what i do want to look at here are these rail builds because this requires so much of dang rail i'm always interested to see how people handle the rail production um if i can find it where is it though steel drop off um find the build hey hey so we just finished mine productivity okay so here's the rails yes uh so there are one two three four five six eight fully beacon module assemblers doing rail just cranking this out you can see how many inserters they have they have uh stack insert is outputting here doing the best they can to keep up this thing is just flying with how much rail it's producing um i mean if we find it you know we're making like 9k rail a minute here so luckily the stones here again everything local i like it i mean they're not training in like anything really uh i mean here but again this is a completely separate line from the main line so they are smelting more steel way down here uh and they're bringing up so i wouldn't necessarily consider this local but it's still a whole separate line it's local to the general area um it's not like they're getting it like way up here and training it down so there's that and then we come up space science i think is the last thing to really look at here because the rest of this is just exploration um so space science all the patches here we have some little short oil jaunt right here electing to train that instead of piping it i'd say that's a good call basic oil processing again just petroleum because that's all you need for plastic sending that in with a ton of copper and some steel for lds here obviously needed four rockets which is trained on over uh to lds drop off right here which is belted underneath the track potential shortage on this i have to watch it more extensively um and then two rocket silos which i'll touch on that in a minute uh and then rocket control units here i like the uh module in the middle belting to each of these pretty cool and they didn't actually speed this they didn't need to they did productivity all this fantastic productivity in those parts and the silo is just so good so important and then these guys productivity thank goodness and of course rocket fuel uh like i just love the fact that like let me take a look here i love the fact that if we take this our visual a visual catalog of this and compare it to this it's like the same size i just i just again i'm not criticizing at all i just i find it absolutely hilarious that the size of their rocket fuel production area to launch basically two rockets a minute is the same size as the rocket fuel production area to fuel like seven or eight trains i just find that absolutely hysterical um but uh yeah so the rockets i want to touch on um they would need to launch actually more than two rockets a minute if they were actually going to keep up with their bluebell science a minute because that's um you know more than 2 000 science a minute blue belts move 45 items a second 60 seconds in a minute so obviously more than 2000 um like 2400 something 25 i don't remember the exact math but um with only two salaries you're not gonna be able to keep up with that uh again they aren't actually consuming the blue belts of science at the moment but if they were going to definitely we need to add another one potentially four i think three would be okay i think they would need to do like two and a half science a minute um so three silos would probably be just about enough two certainly would not be enough because two two of them wouldn't even be enough for just a flat 2000 science permanent as we touched in our last um base tour um so just a note there i'm sure they're aware of that but uh i think that's it guys red circuit production here to come on over for the blue circuits for the rock control units uh same well actually these are a little bit different so they're making the net so now they're doing the cable and then just belting into a huge line of red circuits here um and there's actually eight of these opposed to the six they were doing before is it i don't know if it's differently moduled um but really like kind of this whole merge thing you're out putting two full blue belts of red circuits um and there we go i think that's gonna do it green circuit pick up more green sugar production all right here just kind of all over the place um if we just zoom out i mean this is a very large map this is a very well explored map and uh i really really really like this it's it's unique i'm gonna call it unique it's you know it's a megabase it's a like x thousand science per minute but this rail system i'm gonna say is unique at least to what i've seen um just the way this is done and and then the way this is organized intentionally or not is really quite ingenious in my opinion um and the fact they're doing almost everything local to the bills is i would say lucky and smart i mean the luck is that they actually got patches like this i mean you would almost think they're in but i just i really don't think they are it just doesn't seem that way i don't i don't think they were at all um and uh if you just like max out the resources i mean you're gonna get this you can see like there's resources literally everywhere so it's not that hard to imagine that this is natural um i just i really like this i'm a big fan this is actually kind of inspiring to me i never really would have considered building a large like multiple thousand science per minute base like this and have it work like let's just before i end this let's just take a moment and just realize that this base granted is not fully it's full production but is doing about 2 000 science per minute actually more than that of some types of almost every science about a thousand two thousand science per minute a minute oh sorry of every science and look how like look how empty this rail line is and to me that is really impressive because the thing is it's not even just all in one area like this is spread out this literally spans from here all the way down all the way down to here and that level of production and if we just look like if we just look at this rail line there's hardly any trains on here and there's in the trains that are on here are really small and this like that may seem like not impressive i suppose visually it's not impressive um and you know as far as like watching trains which we all love to do it's not impressive but in terms of actual like design and concept this is this is pretty astounding to me like i can't say i've ever ever seen a bass with this level of production that just has this few like trained moving around unless it's all jammed into one base in the same exact area and like barely even uses trains um fact this is so spread out and just beautifully organized in in the fact of how how things are spaced and where things are sent and that almost everything's local and even things that are trained in are like on separate rail lines um this is really taking advantage of like the separate but like just having separate rail lines which normally wouldn't really consider i wouldn't consider for a megabase i just like doing the one huge sprawling rail network because that's just how i build and i think it's cool but it does introduce a lot of uh you know movement logistical problems where this basically avoids all those uh and and this could grant it again this is not full production but even if it were this could still grow like we are at i on my computer and that about seven and a half to eight uh when i first loaded in i was at like 8.4 update uh this could go all the way to like 15 update before it would start to drop below 60 ups so on my computer this has this sells room to grow like if it were full production i would probably be it i'd say around 10 and a half maybe 11 i would doubt i would say 10 maybe um and or maybe even less than that maybe like nine because i mean we're still producing a lot here um and this is i mean that's just impressive you know it's sure it's game optimization but the design has a lot to do with this and i'm thoroughly impressed so i am thoroughly impressed thank you jackson for submitting this to me i'm sorry it took me so long to get to it um but i am happy i did because this is just this is really cool going into it i didn't i didn't really know it was gonna be this cool i read the synopsis and took a look at it but i was just like okay they're doing some local production and stuff and then i started the video and i didn't actually until we looked deeper into it i didn't really realize this is really impressive this is really inspiring actually so thank you jackson so much for submitting this i hope you guys enjoyed as much as i did i would love to hear your thoughts below um what you think of this if you've seen other bases with this type of design if you build if you have bases like this type of design because i've basically never seen something quite like this at this scale and have it work um and work quite well i might add so thank you so much um if you guys enjoyed it a like is much appreciated uh you know helps other people find the video shows me and jackson you enjoyed the bass and uh if you're new to the channel or not subscribed feel free to subscribe to keep up with all the new content like these videos and my future tutorials that are coming out i am actually doing a tutorial series on a megabase um so i may take some of these things we find here into account um to add into that series but thank you so much guys uh if you have any bases you'd like me to take a look at you know if you have your own base that's uh you know huge or unique or both um or anything like that then definitely let me know discord is the best way to get in touch with me there's always a link in the description of my videos to join my discord channel and you can message me from there um so i think that's gonna do it thank you so much for watching until next time i look forward to seeing you all and do take care [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Xterminator
Views: 57,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 65ZKjtj40yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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