Factorio 1.0 #16 ADVANCED OIL PROCESSING IS ADVANCED | New Player Experience

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welcome to let's start automating my name is neela so this is episode 16 of our let's play and um what happened hap always happens we are slightly understocked on our uh satisfaction here on our production we are using a bit more power than we have so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna stop the power because or stop the signs just for a bit that will slow down all of this eventually it'll also fill up these belts and this one's also idling yeah so i mean come on lots of stuff for idling this is idling where why what are we actually using power for this one yeah sure so we need to do two things we can do or we can't do two things for power it's not at a point where we can build uranium power nuclear power yet we can stop making our solar panels but we started maybe just a tad too late lisa they're making these are giving us 60 kilowatts per hour from and so if we have 100 as we do now that's gonna be six megawatts uh if we look at it like six megawatts it's gonna do something yeah uh but on the other hand we probably also need to make sure that this one is still filling up another one of these lines so let's go grab in our hub because we built morse for the solar but not for solar for the steam power so it would be kind of wasted if we build it in our harbor not used for anything so if for no other reason let's uh let's not get twenty let's not get 20 where did they go oh dear inventory where are you i really don't want you there you are there this is 20 and this one is 40. that seems like a good number what i just noticed was that and we have a box of shame over here what definitely belongs in a box of shame is burner miners who in the right mind would want burner miners in the day and age and jj go oh i think uh i think we actually want to get some more stone bricks in our inventory or at least in our car inventory ah interesting someone someone has been building it below here by accident there pick it up so let's see we wanted to make this one feed in more yeah let's do that let's go down here and then build another one let's make sure we can actually build one two and do we have some pipes yeah we have plenty of pipes like hundreds and hundreds of pipes this one is completely derelict and will be cleaned up at some point i just don't really know if that's worth doing right now yeah well we can i was about to say we just copy paste it and let the robots do the rest but that's not really an option so this part however is nice and all you can still do this one one two there first clear some forests oh just almost killing myself it can go one closer can this one also go closer do we have some landfill no we don't landfill do we want to make some landfill we can make five landfills kind of nothing yeah that's okay and if we just get the minuscule amount of landfill we have down here we could actually do that as well and i just killed my power it's wonderful let's start fishing these in here to start with and these two there oh we don't have yeah whatever i'll build them don't bother going back it's kind of weird not having robots to do things for you but will them oh yeah okay so this is also important uh in this case if you don't have the mod called squeakthrough you have to build underground belts yeah so you can actually get through boom moving on to this one i think i'll start by building this and this will obviously increase our pollution dramatically i really didn't want to do this to be perfectly honest i would have loved to not feel the need for it and you can the ratio wise is you can feed 20 oilers 20 boilers on a single underground or sort of water pump uh where are those water pumps i can never find them in winter there's just something about the placement of those that one and i can just build it here so you can go from here to that one i think i brought enough just exactly enough to build all of it that's not even close to enough how did i miss that so so much huh how many 12 okay obviously not gonna get enough of the other ones as well all right either and let me just check that we didn't do something silly here this is 14 yeah okay so it's not like not close at all to the maximum capacity just slowly build this and do we have it yep and you know i have just pretty close i have some additional iron that isn't being used for anything there we go going back and we can keep building so if i built 12 extra then i probably should build um 12 except boilers i don't know we'll find out how many we need i need only 28 and i have 14. that should be good actually out here i can do this and that's bet the water as well lots of things that need to be done that one not really i'll just build it in case i ever want to expand it which i doubt i will and then rebuild here what they're not powered all right that's because this is actually on a separate power line as the other thing so it only gets the power that it produces itself that's why it gets a red blinking sign another a yellow blink design red yellow blinking sign is not gonna connect to power this one is a red bling design it is connected to power except that the power is just idle so let's do that one they're gonna work i can do this one and everything's good so let's see if we got it a perfect great we have now double double power and probably also our pollution so let's make a few turrets because i don't really bother going down here to to defend this area oh um let's get one two three four five five six huh don't have a lot of this left yep that should be enough for these powers going down there it's unlikely that this fuel line or it's yeah it is 100 not going to be enough right is there anything here that i'd like to take so that i could just i don't think so not really uh we can take some of this part right as hyphen is that's not really something i desperately need but it's just nice to keep this one flowing there you go back again and we have a very full inventory and i'm just gonna see right from this location i have to go out and then i put the car down again so we can actually get it in a straight line that's unfortunate just the way the way it works and i'm going to use the opportunity to go out here well that did not work i really wanted to make this one but i don't really now i i can't remember why i wanted it i think it was because i i've thought about making solar power down there but now we're not gonna do that we have a bit of power and i think it's more important that we try to scale up our oil so we're gonna go up to this oil facility and try to scale it up i'm gonna pick you up because i'm gonna forget you well well well what do we want now the first thing we want to do is look at the alternate recipe here this is now advanced oil processing this is where things get a lot more complicated because you're now having two inputs well okay just put some water in then you're done and that's something get the first thing we're gonna do but the outputs you can see here it goes from 100 in to 45 out it's quite it's 100 in but then it's 55 petroleum plus some lighter plus some heavy oil so it's way more efficient which is good except what are we gonna do about all that oh i have a run out of pipes how to run out pipes oh yeah for the steam engines never mind that there you go i can build this even though i don't have a deck because i know where it's going to be it's always easy to just do this and do i want all of them i don't know i think that's that's actually going to be too much yeah and i'm pretty sure we kept water line up here for explicitly this reason um yes so water is coming in you can get it in here there right and you can see there's this one is working and it's now producing other stuff as well one two three four five i'm going to start by making five of these well now we have a much more difficult questions here for ourselves think how do i want to do this i want to make sure that we have room in between four eventual beacons there right so let's keep this one at this distance right and what we're gonna do is we are going to take some of these and basically well let's just see if i can figure this out yeah okay um first i want to make some lubricant that's a given because lubricant is what we need for our electric engines yes so we got electric engines that's great or at least it's something so when we produce heavy oil here we want to make sure that this goes into that one first so let's make sure that we deal with the heavy oil here just in one location get it in on this side and then figure out where you want to go actually that one will never be relevant it's going to go here so um we are going to take it from let's take it from this one i'm going to take this and this will go that doesn't seem right doesn't seem right that i want to get get it in here does it you can do that okay so my point is if i want to make it yeah this is kind of better something like this yeah so we have now made a connection here it's very important that i do not use this space that's why i'm being so careful and then i have to figure out a way to get the lubricant somewhere safe and that's gonna go into two boxes not really boxes but you know there something like this so let's see if that works if we can find a way to power it we're gonna have to squeeze in these somewhere that we can do it that one and then guess it's gonna be there as well and then just overlapping by one all the way down let's try that yeah but then we also need to get it to connect it that doesn't connect at all not at all but that connects great so this is actually working oh look at us look at us having lubricant nice not a lot because now it's stuck this is what happens if you don't consume everything at the right ratio you will get stuck so that's not great um we need to take yeah we need to take this out also i want to make sure that at this location i leave room for beacons so let's take and see if we can get this out here on the safe side right hmm let's see and how far do we want to get it out just out beyond the beacons yeah that should be okay right so we'll do that for all of them i'll get it here and then i'll jump it across i'll get it here and it's it's just a absolute mess what i'm doing here i am keenly aware of it but i think it'll make sense eventually all right well now we have at least this one is being able to go out unfortunately it doesn't mean it's not consumed by anything but it's at least putting out here and then it'll fill up this pipe so let's make sure that this also goes out somewhere like that one because we will need this for at the very late game some solid fuel and some rocket fuel as well so we do need it there so that at least this one you've got there done i have done all i need to do however when this one is full then the whole thing gets stuck when this one's full it gets stuck when this one's full it gets stuck so everything will just get stuck with this setup so we need to make sure that we can what we need to do and this is where it gets a bit advanced i want to be able to say i want to first make sure that i get the lubricant to a certain level and then i also want to get um yeah lighter to a certain level and then anything else i can actually convert it down to with a lighter cracking some heavier cracking into some other things so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna say these two go in here and then i can take two more this will be the heavy oil cracking so let's do some heavy oil cracking here now this is where it gets a bit dicey you can do that one looking good huh um except we don't have water so we'll find a way to get water in here that's gonna be a water line as well and as you can probably guess we are starting to drain the water quite a lot so we have to also be aware that it might get into trouble that one is better by the way because then make sure that it gets over here not make sure that it goes into there do we have water is it full it's pumping yet well 1200 now this is good so we're getting water this one is converting however hmm well i'm not super happy about this we're not super happy about it because what if i don't want these to compete i want this to go first so what i can do is i can put in a pump this will actually do the opposite because it'll hurry up and take what comes in here and pump it down there so these always get priority and these don't get it but we can do some clever tricks around here with some wires this is where we get a bit of circuit connection and if you are completely at a loss with this you can copy what i'm doing or you can i don't really know that there's a way to do this to control this without circuits so keep that in mind what i'm doing here i'm dragging a circuit wire you can now see that i hook up these two tanks to a with a red wire that means if i i can see here on the powerful i can see that the red wire is now some summarizing this i will have a master class on circuit networks soon not right now maybe at the time you're watching this do check out my channel to see if it's there so now i'm taking this this here and then bringing the wire here all of these know exactly what it is and it like to put it into this one so i'll say this one will enable when go to fluids my lubricant in my storage tank that i'm carrying is more than five thousand it's closed off and that means nothing gets in here these two are well they're done and now it actually turns on because it goes above 500 that means uh when it goes above 5000 it'll start converting and now comes the next bit that's gonna be how do we convert this in a reasonable way well we're gonna take have to take this part so that one goes out here and that one goes out there and then i'm gonna take it up somewhere it's super complicated because i cannot take this one and i cannot take that so i have to sort of do some wiggly wiggly things here just to make sure that it works so wiggle wiggle it works these two are not working and that'll now increase our production of light oil but this one's also gonna run out or run full so we need another thing right we need just another thing and what we need is actually converting to this conversion ratio light oil cracking to petroleum so let's uh try to figure out how that works we're going to make location there nah the other way because we have water on the side so does that seem reasonable yes it does it doesn't right it's not making sense this one goes in maybe two three four yeah i kind of have to do this this has to be the same pattern one two three yeah we have some extra ones in between that we can later on so this one i'll just build here so now comes the next challenge and that is can we hook these up the reason why it had to be sort of shifted is because these have to go under let's deal with water first and now deal with yeah unfortunately they kind of miss but that's okay i'll just put them in like this that one can go directly in which means there's room for this one just perfect this one has to go sort of and and that one look at that so these are working great now what now you can see that stuff is light oil is accumulating because we now convert it out to lighter the numbers here those are just numbers that i i kind of knowed by heart and we can start calculating how much this is this takes 15 per second and and this will work at the scan currency so what i need to do is i need to make sure that i can get my out so i would really like to get this one back over here but i can't do it because i can't wrap it in here in any way so i'm gonna have to take it out on this side um let's see if i can do one two jump again go to that one here and what about this one going into here does that work yeah the one thing we don't have now is our what we do now is now everything is being converted to petroleum but we actually want to make sure that we don't convert to more to petroleum than we absolutely need at this point right um actually i think i actually do need one more hmm maybe i can just squeeze in the next one of these so i can get closer so i can get straight in i want to get straight in because if i set up a pump here ah happy i also did this one just to make it look like it's on purpose i'm going to take this one out now we can also take i only want to convert light oil into petroleum when i have enough light on i just so are so we'll just again take this light oil oh i broke the path here again so now this one is monitoring both lidar and heavy oil light oil and lubricant yes so this one is not connected i'll connect it again with a wire from this one in here you can see that if i click here and there is a circuit connection then it is connected so i'll only do this one when the amount of light oil is above i don't know 10 000 there that's above 10 000 right now so only now will it start converting into yeah oh um i really want to do this so i make sure that it pumps it up this one's pumping out this one's pumping out so right now what we have is we have actually set a condition that says but i'm also just kind of still this one's still flowing out here you can see how that is pumping it's not pumping much but it's still filling this up i could shut this off and just say you know yeah i don't need more i could also shut this one off let's just go all in on this so let's do that we'll shut these off this one shut it off when i have this is only enabled when i have less than ten thousand lubricant what do i have eleven thousand so don't worry about this one will only be enabled when i have less than ten thousand light oil and let's go through connections so this one is only pumping in here when it's less than ten thousand which means blocks and the only way the light oil can go is in here this one will only work when it's helps a greater than five thousand well that's really a disaster waiting to happen haha i caught it before you commented on the section here this one will pump will convert basically what means if i start consuming this and it disappears then i'll simulate that by simply not informing the rest of this network about the content there now it'll say whoa we've run out of of light oil let me start by pumping in more light oil in here actually that was a fake stereo there we go here so now it'll stop this one will activate because it'll convert lighter into petroleum but this will stop because we have enough petroleum and stuff lighter than here returning something we always want because we always wanted for plastic and for sulfur and sulfuric acid and and more plastic and did i mention plastic because we want more plastic and that is now a more advanced oil build we have here i still have this one up here and this is just working on the old pattern we could scale it up here but i think this is way more than we actually need so what we have is now that one that one let's make sure we get some powerfuls out here as well and let's get this on the bus happy and let's see we have sulfur is number two so this one's gonna be number three this is purely from an aesthetic perspective that i like this they're right next to each other it's not efficient to do that but i like it and we're just going to take light oil although light oil is not something we're going to use for a very long time it's going to be used only when we need to make solid fuel and we need to make solid fuel only for our for our rocket fuel production we need rocket fuel when we need to start launching a rocket or two so but you know it's good to be prepared when we build it we might as well build it correctly so these are the four oil products you want on your bus the petroleum is for plastic the sulfur is for batteries and blue circuits and maybe to uranium mining lubricant is for your blue belts and for electric engines and light oil is for solid fuel and for uh for rocket fuel yeah so those and doesn't matter if i copy paste it that was a tough one i know this is super complicated and you can ask why did i not do for all of them yeah that's a good point that's a good point i the reason why i didn't do it is because i know the ratios for this and doubling it as you could see i could just double it but also what we can do actually is we can do this yeah and we can then make just to maybe really fancy here boom and we want to then say you will only work but this one up here will the top ones will only work when the amount of trollium yeah boom boom boom now that's 99 000 this will only be serving as a backup so it'll only be starting when the amount of petroleum we have is less than i know 20 000 then it kicks in the less efficient materials up here i think that's a good way to sort of have some backup so right now we have a completely self-balancing priorities patrol prioritized lubricant up to five thousand if it goes above ten thousand it'll completely stop lubricant production it'll prioritize light oil up to 5000 and when it goes up to 10 000 it'll completely shut off and then at that point everything else will be directed towards petroleum because we will use way more petroleum than anything else so that's uh that's how it's going to be at this point and that's actually as as far as we can get in this episode the one thing though i do want to do is since we can see that our and we can actually ah we should have done that oh i forgot i forgot this one damn it we should have enabled our signs again when we built our power i can now make this up to 500 just to keep the base operational and do stuff the next thing we want to do is actually make uh electric engines making them directly into robot frames and make them directly into robots and that means we are not far away from robots one or two episodes and then we have robots in our cute little base here so with that we're going to wrap up thank you very much for watching i hope that i it it kind of made sense this oil thing it's a bit complicated if you want to know more about oil processing do check out my oil processing master class where i go much more into detail about how it works and how the different components are interacting but the idea is that you kind of have to do something self-balanced and i can imagine this is a terrible terrible setup and and most people will get stuck with advanced oil processing because you have to consume all ingredients and that's and the best way of doing it is make sure that you redirect the production to whatever is uh is needed so with that thank you for joining out to the next time be sure to hit the like button share this share the subscribe if you know the drill right you know it i don't have to say it you already know it right see you guys next time until then take care and stay effective [Music] you
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 61,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, lets, play, 1.0, patreon, death, world, deathworld, train, megabase, achivement, achievements, unmodded, mod, modded, vanilla, city, block, cityblock, drone, mining, transport, logistics, logistic, construction, tutorial, tutorials, guide, explanation, how, to, challenge, mega, supporter, daily, network, nauvis, spidertron, release, new, player, experience, PL-FACTORIO-S44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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