FACT 2003 - Proving the Bible is true - Dave Hunt

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[Music] [Music] my topic is proving the bible is true we have today in the united states actually in the city of philadelphia a business establishment and they have a large sign on the marquee out in front it says we would rather have 1 000 terrorists as customers than one jew and i hear some murmurs of complaint concern and you would probably like to know the name of that business establishment and i will tell you it is bernstein's funeral parlor you know you are actually swifter than american audiences it takes americans a little time to get on to that some of them still haven't got it but i i don't tell that it's factual i don't tell that in order to make you laugh but to illustrate a point you all came to a conclusion in your minds before you knew all the facts right and roger's been talking to us about facts we need to know the facts and we want to give you some facts now we're talking about proving the bible is true why would that be important and at a conference like this probably most of you are christians i find a lot of people who call themselves christians still have doubts i remember sitting next to a man on the airplane a top executive for a large airline in the united states and as we began our conversation he said well you know when i was in university i became a born-again christian but now i don't know what i believe i said well i can prove to you that god exists i can prove to you that the bible is true i can prove to you that jesus christ is the true and only savior of sinners his response was would you do that can you help me and i think there are a lot of people like that and there may be even some here this morning on the other hand maybe most of you know everything you don't need any help at least not for yourselves so maybe some of the things that i have to say this morning will be helpful to you in your dealings with other people people who do have doubts or maybe who are not believers proving the bible is true why is that important well you need enough you need an authority you need an absolute authority even atheists must have an authority because there are people who know what we don't know and can do what we can't do even people let alone talking about god which we'll come to you go to a a doctor for example he writes out a prescription in a hand you can't read you you hand that to a pharmacist he puts together some compounds you don't even know the names of them and if he gave you the names it wouldn't help and you ingest this because you are trusting someone someone who knows what you don't know and can do what you can't do and you have to have an authority in many ways in life i don't i hardly know which end of the car to look to find the engine i might even look at the boot who knows but so i have to go to an auto mechanic actually my wife takes the car there she does just about everything all i can do is sit on a computer and try to write books and so forth but the bible claims to be the ultimate authority if it is that would be wonderful if we can be certain that it is it claims to have the questions the answers i'm sorry to every question about our existence what roger was talking about origins where'd we come from where are we going what is our ultimate destiny and if we could prove that the bible is true that it really gives us these answers i don't think anything would be more important it claims to be god's word certainly god if god exists would be the ultimate authority how could we really know for sure that he exists and who he is and and how could we get acquainted with him i was sitting next to the i often say i could prove the existence of god by the people he sits me next to on airplanes i fly about 150 000 miles a year it's quite a bit for an old man and i mean i get off an airplane and i say god you did it again how did you do it i don't know over and over and i was sitting next to the i was coming back from india and in change plains in new york and sitting next to the head of research scientific research for a large scientific company in the united states he claimed to be an atheist he said his wife was a christian i don't know exactly what kind of a christian she was there are various shades varieties but anyway he said well what does it matter who cares doesn't really matter whether god exists or not i looked at him i said you can't be serious you mean to say if science came up with an absolute irrefutable proof that god exists and how to get in touch with him and so forth that that wouldn't be the greatest discovery that science has ever made well they said i guess it would be and you're telling me that the greatest discovery that science could ever make is meaningless and you're a scientist we can prove that god exists but that's very important we have proof how how do you think we could prove the existence of god and get to know it you know he's got a problem we have peanut brains we're not very bright and he's infinite now how is he going to reveal himself to us you know he is so far beyond us you can't put him under a microscope you can't use the scientific method that roger's been talking about science does not have the ultimate answers in fact i'm quoting nobel laureate irwin schrodinger uh one of the men that gave us the new physics from the last century brilliant man and he said quote science knows nothing of beautiful and ugly good or bad god and eternity whence came i and wither go i that is the great unfathomable question for every one of us science has no answer to it but we know god exists by what we know about the universe and roger just had on the screen quoting for you psalm 19 the universe declares the glory of god it shows the things that are out there shows his handiwork and he also quoted from romans 1 18-22 it says that god is angry with mankind because they deny his existence and they refuse to face the facts god has showed to them that he exists he showed it to them very plainly and yet man doesn't want to admit this because if you admit god exists then he must have had a reason for creating you and you are accountable to him simple logic will tell you the universe hasn't been here forever i mean i was sitting back there just i find it incredible what these people come up with their speculation and they admitted that there was nothing suddenly this spot of light appeared smaller than a dot and it heated up come on uh we we know the universe hasn't been here forever because if it had been the sun would have burned out by now right that's simple all the stars would have burned out that's the second law of thermodynamics the law of entropy things don't last forever every fire burns out the sun will one day burn out so we know there was a time when nothing existed you can't deny the universe had a beginning they all admit that there was a time when no matter no energy nothing no thing existed everything came out of nothing now that's amazing there was no time no matter no space how does the bible start what are the first three words in the beginning well i got that right maybe we ought to pay some attention to this book it's impossible that the universe arose from nothing you don't get nuts everything out of nothing we know that logic will tell you that don't give me this nonsense uh suddenly a speck of light appeared and it got hot and all these gases floating around i remember when i was a freshman in university life magazine promised that in the next issue it would start a series telling us where stars came from and i look forward to that with some anticipation a bit skeptical because at that point i was already a christian a believer anyway it told us about these gases that got somewhere i didn't tell you where the gases came from but it's going to tell us where stars come from but it has to start with gases it has to start with space and they gather together you know the whole thing began to compact and gravity compacted them and so forth and so on and finally the punch line was and the light from a distant star ignited it you're going to tell us where stars came from but you got to have a star already in existence come this is pure nonsense i'm sorry i lose patience with these people the bible says they refuse they are willingly ignorant and they refuse to face the facts now there was no thing because things were out there had to be someone someone interesting what the bible says about this someone about god it claims he is from everlasting to everlasting he is without beginning he is without end he calls himself in the bible when moses remember asked what is your name what does he say i was no i am that i am i am the self-existent one we'll talk about jesus in my next session how do we know that he's the christ and so forth jesus used those words i am in a way that nobody else would dare i before abraham was not i was i am he said to the jews except you believe that i am you will die in your sins and where i go you cannot come now he claimed that he was this i am and we will examine that in our next session so right here at the very beginning we have uh one of the many reasons and this is only one of the most basic ones one of the many reasons why evolution is a joke if we have any evolutionists here this morning i don't want to offend you you've got to deal with the problem of origins don't give me this stuff about this evolved and that evolved and this evolved and so wait a minute where did it come from you can't even tell me where it came from now if you're wrong on that if you can't even explain that then forget it let's not talk about all this other stuff you can't introduce evolution into how everything came from nothing and they all agree that everything came from nothing and roger mentioned i mean when when you you look at the variety of things the fruit trees the bushes the the strawberries i mean such a variety i don't they don't even talk about that how did they evolve from one to the other what grass i mean a cow eats grass and it turns into milk uh it turns into beef and and so forth incredible factories in inside of these creatures that god has made it's a pitiful theory it doesn't make sense it's promoted as fact and that angers me and there's not one piece of evidence let alone proof but they're very concerned unless they have a rival out there and i don't know about england but in the united states they will not allow anything else to be taught in the public schools and we're very concerned about endangered species in the united states i don't know whether that's true over here endangered species i say what are you concerned about endangered species i thought that's how evolution worked uh i thought it was survival the fittest now you're suddenly concerned that some of them might become endangered it doesn't make sense why do we shut down the hospitals i mean we shouldn't give insulin to diabetics anymore because that prolongs their life and allows them to have more children it weakens the race and increases the pool of diabetes in the human race you can't be kind and sympathetic if you're an evolutionist it doesn't make sense you're going against the whole thing and you talk about pollution well i mean volcanoes spew all kinds of pollution into the air why can't we build factories and spew pollution in the air we're just a product of evolution anything we do is a product of evolution anything we do must be natural i don't know why it is that when we build dams you get all these uh uh and environmentalists concerned you might wipe out some little species of something or other but a beaver builds dams wipes out meadows you've got trees falling all directions and some of them happened to land the right door come on uh i come from oregon we have what's called the spotted owl it's putting it has put thousands of men out of work because they don't want to cut down the trees that a spotted owl might be in i'll tell you if i'm the only product of evolution evolution is based upon survival of the fitness i'll stomp that critter in the ground if he gets in front of me uh well you can't be consistent uh and and and be an evolution that's all i'm trying to say uh i was just picked up an article the other day maybe some of our more erudite scientists here i'm not a scientist i just have a mere degree in mathematics but the title of it was evidence suggests a dark energy is tearing apart the universe whoa and then it goes on it goes into the details uh well that's just the law of entropy second law of thermodynamics i was sitting next to a physicist on a plane and uh i think he was a professor and i said you know you physicists you got a problem there is a contradiction between the first and second laws of thermodynamics looked at me what do you mean well i said the first law of thermodynamics the law of the conservation of energy says energy can neither be created nor destroyed now if energy can neither be created or destroyed it must have been here forever right it couldn't have had a beginning but you guys say there was a beginning furthermore the second law of thermodynamics the law of entropy says it's running down like a clock it's getting less and less and less usable if it's been here forever it couldn't be created it must have been here forever it would all be and it will all entropy by now you got a problem explain it to me you know you could have had energy hanging around for billions of years to make a big bang it would have banged i would have entropied before it banged uh that doesn't make sense anyway i just have a simple mind i don't have to go into details well proof is vital to us also because of what we know about ourselves our bodies are physical subject to the physical laws scientific laws we are also non-physical beings living in physical bodies you can't explain a sense of truth purpose meaning so forth in terms of protein molecules and chemical reactions in the brain moral goodness and evil i mean look we talk about if i use the word justice or if i use the word truth tell me what does it smell like what does it look like what does it sound like what does it taste like justice truth holiness purity goodness has nothing to do with this physical universe it doesn't you can't even apply any of the five senses that we have to this these are non-physical concepts thoughts are not physical your brain doesn't think if your brain thought you'd be the prisoner of your brain your brain originates your thoughts you're running around saying what's my brain going to come up with next what what brain what do you want me to do next uh no you are the person that thinks and you use your brain like a computer to function in this physical body wilder penfield one of the world's leading neurosurgeons who's died a few years ago he said quote the brain is a computer programmed by something independent of itself the mind and minds are not physical i don't want to get off on this because people just get really upset but that's why there's no such thing as a mental illness the mind isn't physical now you could have a a messed up brain you could have some kind of a chemical imbalance you could have wires crossed up there but you don't have a mental illness it's something else has some other purpose other cause but i i better i shouldn't have even said that much c.s lewis one of your own i don't like everything he said but some of the things that he said were really powerful he said quote if minds are wholly dependent on brains and brains on biochemistry and biochemistry on the meaningless flux of atoms i can't understand how the thoughts of those minds should have any more significance than the sound of wind in the trees you know i don't know why you people even listening to me because what i'm saying is simply the result of the antecedent motions of the atoms in my brain which all began with a big bang back there what's the point and the theory of evolution also has that origin so it doesn't make any sense either in fact there's nothing that makes sense even to talk about making sense is meaningless because it all happened by chance now you can't believe that so this is a further reason that evolution and that's not my subject i'm kind of impinging on some other people but the further reason why evolution this theory is absurd what's the point of speculating about the evolution of the body when the most important part the spiritual part is neglected the non-physical person that you are inside of this body living in this body let's talk about that because when the body is laid in the grave and it is subject to the second law of thermodynamics and it decays the real person who is inside who originated the thoughts who used that brain goes on forever we have no reason to believe that spirits souls deteriorate under the second half thermodynamics because that affects only the physical universe and there is a non-physical dimension to life you cannot deny it no one can deny it and we've got a lot of these non-physical beings out there actually and uh i've got a whole book here but i'll run out of time but this is from reader's digest life beyond death and it's just got i mean tons of stuff about people who claim to have been in touch with the dead you probably know that queen victoria was in in touch with all kinds of these spirits thought she was the bible talks about seducing spirits doctrines of devils forbids people to try to get in touch with these non-physical entities god is the only one you want to be in touch with but there are these beings out there who are elaborately deceiving people i'm i'll just quote you one scientist andrea pujarich he has more than 50 patents to his name he said quote i am personally convinced that superior beings from other spaces have initiated a renewed dialogue with humanity after two years of contact i am remarkably ignorant about these beings but i have complete faith in their wisdom and benevolent intentions toward man and living things on earth and in their pursuit of the good the true the beautiful and the just that's incredible you don't even know who they are and you've got no instruments whereby you can identify them because they're non-physical and all you have physical instruments that's all science can deal with but you trust them but god has given us a written record it went over a period of many years you can verify this you can analyze it but we don't want to get in touch with that we want to go to a seance and well you know here comes aunt jane she didn't wasn't very bright on earth but suddenly on the other side she's got all wisdom and they hang on on every word i'm sorry it doesn't make sense but this is a fulfillment of a prophecy in the bible first timothy chapter 4 verse 1 paul said the spirit speaketh expressly this is the spirit of god you better pay attention this in the latter times the last days some will depart from the faith and they will give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils and i have studied this considerably and written a few books about it and i can tell you that the message that comes through whether it's in a seance whether it's in a yogic trance whether it's under hypnosis in some psychiatrist's office whatever it is the messages that come through there is a coherence to them there is a a unity they all say basically the same thing i don't care any part of the world and i could document this for you but we don't have time and what they say conforms to the four lies that the serpent introduced to eve in the garden of eden and at the heart of that lie is there is no death you don't really die you just get recycled through reincarnation or you move on into graduate school into a higher plane continue to learn your lessons and so forth well it's an irrefutable fact that man is a spirit being that mind and intelligence are not physical our thoughts are not physical and that carries some heavy consequences that's why we need some proof rather than some spirit supposedly talking to me that i can't identify but i'm going to trust it the body as i said is subject second law of thermodynamics the soul and spirit the thinking person that made the choices it's accountable to the god who created us not subject to these laws that person is going to go on forever so the question is where will you spend eternity you're morally accountable to your creator the bible says it's a point when a man wants to die after this the judgment that's what the evolutionist doesn't want to face and if he can somehow come up with a theory that will deny that god exists and it all happened by chance he's accountable to no one and we are raising a generation again i don't know about england but i can tell you united states a generation of youth who not only are not accountable to authority they don't want to be accountable to authority they're not even interested uh most of them in our universities and so forth in ultimate truth they want to do their own thing and the bible says that is the utmost folly because you didn't create yourself you didn't bring yourself into existence and you are accountable to your creator you know the oldest book in the bible i think is job and job said quote though worms destroy this body yet i shall see god whom i shall see and not another and the last book in the bible john is given the revelation of jesus christ and he says i saw the dead small and great stand before god and the books were opened and they will be judged out of those things that were written in their books so proof that the bible is god's word i think it's the ultimate it's of ultimate importance you can't take a chance on eternity you can't just roll the dice and hope it's going to work when you step out into eternity where will you spend eternity it's a solemn thought even for those of us as christians this life may be the only opportunity we have it's unreasonable to delay the decision it's appointed on a man once to die after this the judgment the bible says well somebody says yeah but what about reincarnation well i'll tell you just three quick things about reincarnation i don't want to get bogged down in this number one it is amoral number two it is senseless and number three it is hopeless why do i say it's amoral i know that one of our speakers i believe was a former hindu and he could certainly tell you a whole lot more about this than i can because the law of karma says if i'm a husband who beats his wife in this life then according the law of karma and the law of cause and effect i must come back in the next life as a wife beaten by her husband but the guy that beats me in my next life he's going to have to come back in his next life as a wife beaten by her husband so far from solving the problem of evil reincarnation perpetuates evil because the perpetuator of every crime must become the victim of the same crime which means there must be a perpetuator of that crime and so forth and on and on it goes endlessly it doesn't solve the problem of evil it perpetuates evil it is a moral there is no solution to evil in reincarnation secondly it's senseless you notice the world's getting better i mean how many of your prior lives do you remember and how many of the mistakes you made in your prior lives and the lessons you learned in your prior lives do you remember i mean here we come back again and again and again we can't remember the mistakes we made we can't remember what we learned oh yeah sure they got some cases of this little child that got deja vu or something you know a few little exceptions here and there but come on it's not helping the rest of us you could be making the same mistakes you made in the last life it's not getting any better what's the point it's senseless and finally number three it's hopeless look the fact that you folks exactly the seats that you're sitting in that i'm standing here that's a result of the prior karma that we built up in their last life but the last life was a result of the prior karma that you built up in the life before and the life before and the life before and you follow this back to the beginning the hindu calls it um where where the three gunas of the of the of the godhead or whatever you want to call it we're in perfect balance in the void and suddenly something happened to cause an imbalance in in in the godhead that began the prakriti the manifestation that it began with an imbalance of the godhead is built into the fabric of the universe and you'll never escape it well some of them say yoga you'll escape it but we don't have any proof for that and you know the bad karma we built in the last life we're working off work off the bad karma in this life but in the process of working off the bad karma from the last life we build up more karma which means we've got to live another life and another one and another one and another one it will never end it's hopeless and that's why gandhi said reincarnation is a burden too great to bear they call it the wheel of reincarnation how are you going to get off of this thing well what about spirit survival yeah well we mentioned that briefly clinically dead people come back with these memories what do they come back with what is the primary thing that they say well i went through this tunnel i came out i saw this bright light and this being and i felt this sense of love and i didn't want to go back but i was told i've got to go back you know but what i know now is i don't fear death there is no death there's no sense when that's the lie that the serpent told eve in the garden you won't really die you can become one of the gods you remember go back and read your bible carefully the bible is very precise it doesn't say you can become god it says you can become like god and was that satan's ambition satan didn't say in in isaiah 14 i will be the most high by the way the most high how many most highs can you have uh well i believe in a higher power really higher than what uh and and what's a power uh you don't get everything you don't get thinking beings out of energy energy doesn't think satan didn't say i will become the most high he said i will be like the most high anything that he can do i can do because it's all in this universe and i can find the secrets i can find these forces and i can begin to use these forces that's the lie one of the lies that comes through well it's naive to imagine we're the only spirit beings in the universe plenty of laboratory evidence of communication but as i said no way to verify the identity of the intentions you're a fool to trust them and i don't have time to give the tons of documentation let me just give you one that you would find of interest because it relates to england pearl kuran she was a st louis housewife with an eighth grade education she was contacted through a ouija board by an entity that called itself patience worth who claimed to have lived in dorsetsure england in the 16th century over a 20-year period she dictated this patient's worth dictated through current and 8th grade education more than a million and a half words in poems and historical novels i'll just tell you about one of them one literary piece of 70 000 words was analyzed by professor chs schiller of london university he said the vocabulary contained not a single word to have originated after sixteen hundred wow that's impressive seducing spirits with doctrines of devils and they all bring the same the same doctrines now the bible claims to be instead of some spirit out there god's word we want to know for certain we've got to be able to prove it we know that god exists he talks about false gods we've got to hear from god himself nothing could be more important if the bible is really god's word as it claims to be i mean this there's nothing could be any any more important than this i was being interviewed on a radio program a very popular talk show in southern california it's called spiritual seeker a secular show generally they don't like what i have to say i don't know why that is but but i'm coming in by phone the the people other people are in the studio there it's very difficult to get across what you want to say you only speak when they want you to speak because they got in control of the mic and you can't defend yourself and so forth but i was trying to say what little i could say the the talk show host begins something like this you go to los angeles you'll you'll hear this uh he says every sunday night for two hours this is this is a spiritual seeker and every sunday night for two hours we have the opportunity to talk about god religion and spirituality and we have a panel of experts in the studio to help us i said well i have just a few simple questions a spiritual seeker what have you been seeking how long have you been seeking it what have you found what did you expect to find and how would you recognize it when you found it now you've got a panel of experts to talk about god how do you become an expert on god now wouldn't it make more sense if instead of sitting around talking about god why don't we find out what god has said about us and if he hasn't said anything or if he has and we can't be sure what he said forget it shut the whole thing down i'm not interested in human opinions i want to hear from god he's the ultimate authority let's listen to what he has to say and this is what the bible claims to be i think it makes sense we ought to pay some attention to it well plenty of competition out there you got the quran and i wish i had time to talk about it just talking about it with a young man the hindu vedas you've got all kinds of writings there are modern prophets and gurus you've got the roman catholic pope you've got roman catholic tradition the main rival of course is islam i think we need an international debate i'd like to see an international debate let the muslims tell us why allah is the true god allah by the way is not the god of the bible by a longshot i i like them to tell us why we should believe in allah why the koran is is is the word of god why muhammad is the true prophet and we'll give them our reasons for the bible for yahweh of the bible for jesus christ and then let's let the audience let's let the world come to their own conclusions based on the evidence and stop this jihad stuff and stop threatening people with death you know in saudi arabia today as the death penalty for any muslim to convert to any other religion now you you threaten someone in indonesia they're doing it they're killing them by the thousands uh go to nigeria 15 of the northern states in nigeria have adopted sharia by the way you got a big problem in in in britain and i don't have time to talk about that but you probably know more than i do what is happening here they want charia they want to adopt this and if you do not accept it off with your head that's what muhammad says this is from the beginning don't give me this nonsense it's a peaceful religion tell me where would did it ever bring peace well i don't have time to to get into that but when you threaten someone with death how can you be sure that they really believe what they say they believe because they're just saying it in order not to be killed so let's have an international debate let's lay out the facts let's have an even playing field and then let people decide on the basis of the evidence and stop this threat these threats with death of death okay i think that makes sense well we can give you the evidence but this is not a debate and i was asked to give some evidence and i better get down to it here as quickly i don't have much time left now we're talking about proof that the bible is god's word first of all we have prophecy this is a great proof i just been quoting some scriptures but turn to isaiah 46 and verse 9 for example you know these scriptures well most of you would i presume and notice what god says remember the former things of old for i am god there is none else i am god and there is none like me well prove it declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done saying my counsel will stand and i will do all my pleasure go to chapter 48 verse 5. i have even from the beginning declared it to thee before it came to pass i showed it to thee lest thou should say my idol hath done them and my graven image and my molten image hath commanded them go back to isaiah 42 god says i'm not going to let you give credit to your idols i'm going to tell you what's going to happen before it happens and i will watch over history to make certain that it does and when my word is fulfilled you will have to acknowledge i am god and the bible is my word and there are no prophecies in the quran there's no prophecies in the hindu vedas bhagavad-gita ramayana mahabharata you go on a name sayings of buddhism confucius and so forth i can tell you prophecy whoops prophecy is unique to this book the bible we're not talking about cheap psychic predictions we're talking about world shaking history making events foretold centuries even thousands of years before they happen and the whole world has observed their fulfillment you cannot be an atheist you cannot be an agnostic you cannot deny god has done exactly what he said there are two major topics of prophecy in the bible and i think you know who they are the bible's about 28 prophecy by the way well israel is number one and the messiah is number two christ the word christ is found 555 times in the bible well that's a lot it's a big topic how many times do you think the word israel is found i'm talking about the king james bible now being in england i couldn't talk about anything else could i uh saint james saint king oh king james i'm sorry but in the king james bible israel the word israel was found 2565 times wow this is a major topic somebody says why do you believe in god the jew it's very simple you can't deny it pardon me the entire history of israel the jews has been laid out in the bible god gave him a land first thing you learn about him in genesis chapter 12 he brought abraham to a land he said i'm going to give this land to you and to your seed forever and so forth and he tells that they will be scattered he's going to cast them out because of their sin he's going to judge them anti-semitism is foretold in the bible in detail anti-semitism is just exploding in france right now there was a holocaust after the holocaust i don't know how many of you are aware of that the skeletal survivors of auschwitz that were released from that extermination camp when they went back to reclaim their homes in poland from which the gestapo had taken them to exterminate them the polish people in possession of those homes would not let them have them and kill them over 200 in the city of kelso opponent there was a holocaust across europe and i'm sorry i could go into details about what britain did the british navy holocaust survivors and rickety ships within sight of the pro of the promised land driven back by the british navy and put into into their camps during the war maybe you're not aware of it 1944 hitler himmler offered 500 000 hungarian jews to the allies for two dollars a piece for one million dollars they could have saved 500 000 from hitler's ovens britain said there's no room in palestine for them america wouldn't take them no one would take him it's not just hitler who was guilty of the holocaust and they were sent back sent to the ovens do i dare to say of my british audience and you could say plenty of things about america but you can count you know you had the balfour declaration 1917 you had the declaration of principles of of the league of nations in 1922 recognizing that land they called palestine belonged to the jews the whole world recognized it the victors in world war world war one divided that up they created saudi arabia they created iraq and iran and and jordan transjordan and so forth and they were supposed to create a homeland for the jewish people palestine belonged to them i'm sorry go back and read your history britain betrayed them they betrayed the jews they lit in the arabs for oil they kept the jews out and finally the partitioning of palestine by the united nations november 29 1947 they gave them 18 of the land they were supposed to have and you can count the demise of the british empire from the time they turned against the jews god said i will curse those who curse you and the empire upon which the sun never sank began to shrink uh it's just a simple fact of history god said you will be hated and persecuted and killed like no other people but i'm not going to let them let them destroy you i will preserve you an identifiable ethnic group of people i will bring you back into your own land in the last days i'm going to create a nation in a day and then i'm going to make jerusalem a cup of trembling you know the scriptures zechariah chapter 12 god says behold in the last days i will make jerusalem a cup of trembling it will become a burdensome stone around the necks of all the nations of this world what is the number one problem in the world today jerusalem israel how much of a problem is this burdensome stone the united nations has spent one third of its time deliberating debating and pronouncing i mean they have they have condemned israel hundreds of times never condemned the terrorists that have attacked them never condemned the arabs for starting the wars but they always blame israel it's israel's fault it's israel's fault uh and the united nations has spent one-third of its time on israel a little nation that has one one-thousandth of the earth's population god said i will make this jerusalem i will make israel a cup of trembling a burdensome stone around the nations of the world and you know that if we don't solve the problem of jerusalem there will be a nuclear holocaust because israel has the bomb and they can deliver it from missiles out of submarines and they are not going to go down to defeat without using their ultimate weapon in self-defense and the arabs all around them are arming okay just some of the things that god has done in fulfillment the the fulfillment of prophecy you can't deny it well there are so many prophecies i wish we had time maybe you've never even noticed numbers 23 verse 9 says israel shall not be reckoned among the nations you know there are 189 nation members of the united nations today on 188 can take their rotating term on the security council imagine what do you think the one is that is not allowed i don't even have to name it you've got syria you've got cuba you've got libya in fact libya right now is last i recall is the chairman of the human rights commission of the united nations uh something's a little bit topsy-turvy isn't it israel can't they don't even recognize israel's red cross and we had a dear lady who was the head of the american red cross a couple years ago and she said this isn't right you've got the red crescent you've got all these terrorist nations and their red cross i don't have various names but is allowed and israel isn't that's not right you know what the americans did the americans put her out she couldn't head the red cross anymore in america anti-semitism is incredible i could document it for you a whole lot more than this well i don't think any honest person can be an atheist you can't deny it there are so many proofs that the bible is god's word that god exists the bible was written over a period of 1600 years by 40 different authors most of them never knew one another they came from different times in history they came from different cultures why is the the cohesiveness of this book the only thing they claim to have in common was they were all inspired by the one true god and this book is so interwoven themes i mean we'll we'll talk about a theme in my next session we talk about the messiah it runs from genesis to revelation and it is always in agreement and yet there are new revelations that build how do these guys that never knew one another how did they come up with this inspiration that is so in harmony perfect harmony with everything that has been written before or would be written after them you couldn't sit down with a computer and come up with a new book in the bible and do that you're going to make a mistake you got to say something significant you can't contradict what's gone before you've got to be in in harmony with and in fulfillment it's an amazing book it comes to the koran we've got to take the word of one guy muhammad in a trance and dictating and this stuff is coming out and so forth pretty tough reading trying to read it but but anyway the bible is tough reading in some places as well but for the bible every author who claim to be inspired by god we've got 39 other witnesses all of us in perfect harmony it's amazing and there is a continuity the new revelations that god gives agree with the bank with what has gone before try to compare it with the book of mormon book of mormon it's one of those things that came out of the united states i'm sorry about that folks i apologize for it but they can't even find the topography they haven't found a pin they can't even find a bay or a mountain can't find a city they can't find ruins they can't find a coin they can't find anything and the mormons they've got a lot of money they've been searching south central north america for decades they can't come up with a pen what about the bible i mean just go to your british museum you've got museums have mountains of evidence around around the world i remember when i was growing up back in the 30s the skeptics said the hittites didn't even exist well what do you know every time they say that about the bible the archaeologists dig a little bit deeper and they come up with the evidence and you can go visit the we our family visited years ago the hittite museum in ankara turkey got a whole museum filled with with relics not the least of the proofs that the bible is god's word is what the bible says about itself you take the bible claims to be the word of god the bible claims that there is a particular power in words spoken by god you know how genesis the third verse in the bible god said let there be light and there was light you know hebrews 11 3 by faith we understand the wor worlds were framed by what the word of god so that things that are seen are not made out of things that did appear john 1 1 in the beginning was the what word the word was with god the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by the word were made by him and without him without the word was not anything made that was made what's the significance of that i remember a particular verse that gave me real problems i pondered it for years and that is hebrews 4 12. the word of god is living and powerful sharper than a two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing ascender soul and spirit well i could kind of handle that and the joints and marrow what joints and marrow what are you talking about joints and marrow how does the word of god divide the center of the joints and marrow and what do you know then we discover dna joints and marrow i guess is about as close together as you could get and it is distinguished by the dna we all begin uh as a single cell is that right we let these scientific people verify that for you in their sessions we all begin as a single cell it's about the size of a dot a period at the end of a sentence how does that little cell know how to build a body that's all it begins with you're going to build trillions of other cells of many different kinds you know linus pauling nobel prize winner said a single cell is more complex than new york city you go back and study it it's just incredible at the microscopic level and darwin didn't know anything about this i mean the microscopic level disproves evolution you can't even begin nobody has written a book nobody's done a thesis they don't even talk about the microscopic evolution the origins back there because you can't you can't possibly handle it how does it know this little dot how to build this body dna it's written on every cell how to manufacture and operate the incredible relationships and i'm sure some of the other speakers will give you some of this it is beyond our comprehension roger talked a little bit about the human eye generally discovered a star shell way down in the depths of the ocean has about a thousand eyes and each one of them i'm talking about the top scientists now the guys that deal with lenses and so forth they said every eye of that star shell is ten times better and more complex than anything we scientists have been able to come up with and a thousand of them developed independently one another just evolve come on that's a little bit hard harder to swallow dna what is dna i used to talk about probabilities i could give you probability after problem impossibility mathematically evolution is impossible one of your own i was the name escapes me at the moment but anyway one of the top astronomers and mathematicians in the world he said go to your computer just put you got to have so many of these things lined up in the right order to get it by chance it is whoops it is off the chart there is no way you could possibly do it it is mathematically impossible sir fred hoyle said this and he said they all know it well why do they keep teaching it well they said because it's academically respected and if you don't you lose your tenure and so forth okay but we don't talk i don't have to talk about that anymore we are into information information what is information it's written in words it's in a language it is encoded it takes certain protein molecules to decode this information look this is information on a page it's there in ink it's on paper did the ink and the paper originate the information of course not that's absurd information can only come from an intelligent source and einstein himself said he's not a christian by any means he said matter cannot produce information it cannot form itself into information and we have information written in words a language on the dna and that tells the dna the cells what to do look we now know that physical life is not possible without words it's that simple there is no physical life without words and you know what the bible says it says there is no spiritual life that's that non-physical being that lives inside it cannot have life we're dead we're separated from god by sin and you cannot have life without words the word of god which lives and abides forever peter tells us in first peter chapter 1 he says you are born again by the word of god and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you and i would just suggest go back and study the word word jesus comes in the final judgment to this earth and who what's his name the word of god a sword proceeds out of his mouth this is the word of god and we will all be judged by the word of god i'm sorry i've done a poor job i don't have much time it takes me about an hour to get warmed up but but i think i've given you something to think about and to pass on to your friends the bible is the word of god and what it has to say about everything proves it the prophecy proves it you cannot deny it and we are non-physical beings living in a physical body and one day we are going to face the one who created us i saw the dead small and great stand before god something to think about to be judged out of those things that were written in that book thank you very much
Channel: Koinonia House
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Keywords: jesus, christ, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: puv_01laPR8
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Length: 58min 56sec (3536 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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