FACT 2003 - Cosmic Codes - Part 2 - Chuck Missler

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[Music] [Music] we're going into the second of three sessions and i have to tell you frankly it's probably my favorite so let's just jump in here if we may okay first of all we use the term the computer field a macro code how many of you use word processors can i see a show of hands well you probably whether you use them or not you probably encountered the concept of what they call a macro a macro is a code in anticipation of what's coming and it's usually an anticipate structure if you're going to send a fax you can hit one key and it'll format your fax it knows where to put things if it's a letter it's a different thing if it's an email it's another those are simple macros and you can you can actually build macros for any task that you're going to do frequently a macro code in the computer field isn't that is a code of structure anticipation of the data is one way one form of it and so it really is a anticipatory structural declaration now uh in word processes of course i mentioned email facts so forth now give you an example in the bible you may recall that in numbers 21 there were fiery serpents that were killing the people and moses prayed about it and god says those but you go ahead and take a brass serpent put it on a pole up on a hill and those that look at it will be healed and of course they do and and and they are and so forth you know you stand back from that that's pretty weird if god wanted to heal those people what what's this brass serpent thing and a serpent of all things you know from genesis 3 we have dark feelings about a serpent well a serpent is a symbol of sin and here brass is is a levitical uh symbol for judgment because it's the metal to sustain fire in those days and so it's it's an idiom of sin being judged but you know if you just have the old testament you can't help but wonder what on earth does that have to do with anything and it isn't until you get to the new testament in john chapter 3 when nicodemus is meeting with jesus at night jesus explains he says as moses raised the serpent the word of so shall the son of man be lifted up and at that point the fog lifts we suddenly realize that the brazen serpent in numbers 21 while it was many things among those it was an anticipatory signal of jesus christ and when you look at it with 20 20 hindsight from the new testament wow it's obvious and yet it's one of those subtle things we we embrace that we enjoy it but recognize that god in numbers 21 knew all about what was coming in uh the gospel period in other words it's it's he got his outside time and that that was a macro code in fact this whole issue that we're going to be joining in this session will require us to understand the nature of time and one of the things you bring to any new topic is to set aside any presuppositions and assumptions we've had because we you and i live in a time where the dimensionality of time is understood for the first time probably in thousands of years thanks to recent things let's start with a little trigonometry lesson if i take a triangle and add up the angles of the triangle what do they add up to 180 degrees sure whether it's a 30 60 90 or 45 45 90 whatever if you we've all learned that in school well suppose that ron matson and i go out into a large field with a transit and lay out a triangle and we come in with the with the angles and you add up the angles and it adds up to more than 180 degrees you say well that's what i expect from ron and chuck's then on a technical errand no what have we encountered anyone the the curvature of the earth exactly see this little rule that we all learned in school that the angles and triangle add up to 180 degrees is only true for a universe of two dimensions that's why it's called plane geometry or plane trigonometry it's only true for a flat surface and if you find one of these rules violated it's a hint that maybe you've encountered an additional dimension and that's the kind of insight for example if you take a course in navigation that will include as part of it some insight into what they call a spherical trigonometry and you in on a in cervical trigonometry you can have a triangle with 90 degrees in each corner and so that's an example now see if you have if you discover you got a triangle with more than 180 degrees you have a convex surface if you have a triangle less than 180 degrees you're in a hyperbolic paraboloid and i'm sure your your concern about being caught in one of those is not really paramount this morning but i thought i would throw that out for what it's worth see dr einstein it was this kind of thinking that caused him to realize as he was grappling with the nature of space and time to realize we don't live in just three dimensions we live in four and that led to the special theory of relativity in 1905 but the general theory of relativity in 1915 revolutionized man's thinking about a lot of things and we're not going to get into the math here but what's important for you and i to realize is the insight that dr einstein contributed to 20th century science was the realization that we you can't speak of space and time separately that we live in four dimensions and properly called space time no distinction between time and space in fact that we live in a four four-dimensional continuum in fact this while called the theory of relativity it's been confirmed by at least 14 different ways to more than 19 decimals it's right it's it's recognized as a very very operative dynamic now there are certain conditions that may be exceptions that are being explored but but the theory is obviously one of the main uh impacts on our on our thinking in the in the 20th century science so we need to understand that time is not fixed or not a constant let me tell you about two identical atomic clocks one is located at the national institute of standards and technology at boulder colorado and the other one an identical clock virtually is at the royal observatory in greenwich england now these things are pretty remarkable devices they're accurate to better than one second per million years that's pretty accurate i can remember i was a board on the board of directors of a public company that was acquiring a company in boston called frequency time systems and the president that company was very proud of the fact that they make cesium clocks and he pointed out that they're accurate to one second within a hundred thousand years or something well as a as the acquiring director i raised my hand meeting i said i only have two questions how do you know and secondly who cares well the way you know is by the resonance of the cesium atom it it's a nine gigahertz kind of a resonation and that that leads to the precision but uh and who cares it turns out your accuracy of measuring time determines your accuracy of navigation and it's these clocks that are in the gps satellites that make the precision navigation possible on the planet earth so there are practical implications of this other than just the theory of being accurate to one second per million years but here's what i'm getting to it's interesting that the the one in boulder colorado every year is deviates from the one in greenwich it takes about five microseconds per year five millionths of a second per year faster than the identical clock at greenwich which raises the natural question which one's correct is it greenwich or is it the one at boulder transfer is they both are correct it's not a defect of the clock time itself is different because in boulder colorado it's at 5 400 feet above sea level at greenwich it's 80 feet above sea level and you got a difference in gravity which makes time itself different so the clock's not inaccurate they're measuring time that precisely detect that difference if i had an atomic clock here on this platform and raise it one meter it would speed up by one part in 10 to the 16th with 10 to 16 zeros after it that's not enough to get us back on schedule but it gives you an idea of what they are so now there are other ways to talk about this they actually did this back in 1971 they had uh they left they had one at the naval observatory in washington they put one on a plane around the world eastward and when it got back it was 0.059 microseconds or 59 nanoseconds uh behind the one that was at rest at the observatory they put one on a plane westward around the world and it gained 0.273 microseconds and turns out that's exactly what was predicted because when you take into account the motions the gravity and all the implications that it confirmed this in very practical terms but the one i like best if you read about this in a physics textbook or what have you you'll probably encounter the equivalent of the two imaginary astronauts they're hypothetical of course but we're going to take one they're both born at the same instant their twin brothers one's going to stay here the other one we're going to send to the nearest star and back well the nearest star is alpha centauri it's about four and a half light years away if you look at the night sky they're actually the closest star to us is alpha centauri and if you the trip since it's four and a half light years away and let's assume we're going to send our imaginary astronaut at about half the speed of light then it's going to take him nine years to get there nine years back with me so far that's in earth time the question is uh if it's 18 it's going to take him we expect him back in 18 years but in terms of his the spacecraft there is it's subject to the lorenz transformations and i won't take you through the bath simply to say that his trip from his reckoning will be 15 years and seven months not 18. in other words he'll he'll arrive back on the earth two years and five months younger than his twin brother now if that doesn't bother you you weren't listening carefully to dramatize it a little bit further let's assume we could send him at almost the speed of light say 99.99 the speed of light and and since it's uh that then it's four and a half light years away so the round trip would be approximately nine years on our calendar but on his calendar only 33 uh only 33 days would have transpired and the whole point i'm getting at is not that there's there are other practical considerations here but the main point is time is not a constant time is a physical property that varies with mass acceleration and gravity we need to understand that and uh and some other things too so this while we're not interested in the math you and i generally but it does impact our theological perceptions because it's amazing to me how many theological paradoxes evaporate if you really understand the physics of time and you and i exist in more than three dimensions in fact the current thinking is in the neighborhood of ten dimensions and i find that particularly interesting if we we've just gone out from euclid the most most of the geometry and that you and i have learned is euclidean geometry we've just gone out of euclid into what they call hyperspaces that's simply a term for spaces of more than three dimensions the most important lecture in mathematics was given on june 10th of 1854 by georgia riemann who invented a thing called metric tensors it was a mathematical tool which allowed people to deal with hyperspaces it took 60 years before it was actually applied it's the root mathematics behind dr einstein's insight in his four-dimensional space time and uh he went einstein went to his death frustrated because there were still some things he could not resolve and it's tragic because if he had applied the same thing that led him to the general theory of relativity which he you know recognizing an additional dimension if he'd recognize it by going to five or six dimensions he could reconcile both light and super gravity which colusa and klein both did in 1953 by going to more than four dimensions and in fact in 1963 yang and mills built their fields which reconcile electromagnetic and nuclear forces the point is current physics recognizes that the additional hyperspaces are uh evident by the things that we need to reconcile in terms of the basic forces in the universe and the current thinking from 84 onward has been the concept of super strings and i won't get in the details here it's beyond all of us here but the main point is they now visualize the universe as being in 10 dimensions i think that's fascinating for a very different reason there was a hebrew sage who lived in the 12th century by the name of nachmannades both mamanitis and nakhmanides are both very venerated sages in the jewish community but nakhmanides is in his commentary on genesis uh in chapter one he concluded that the universe has ten dimensions he said only four are knowable and this was published in 1263. i think it's pretty interesting that we've spent billions of dollars on atomic accelerators to discover what nachmonides did by simply doing his homework in the book of genesis but we'll move on the particle physics of course today uh feel that there are four space dimensions that are directly measurable three of them are familiar with length width and height the fourth being time time's a little strange that we just experience it it's hard to it's hard to measure except in its passing but there are six additional dimensions that in vector analysis terms are curled in less than 10 to the minus 30 33 centimeters and they're they're only inferrable by indirect means because they're smaller than light itself so you don't see these things but nevertheless we know they exist by their behavior and so that's the current thinking i think this is pretty interesting because if you you have a view of genesis and you accept this notion that there may be of ten there are ten dimensions as nahmanis would portray when in genesis 3 we have the curse and it it could have fractured the universe into two parts the four dimensions that we experience directly length with height and time and six hyper dimensions we call the physical dimensions we experience the physical world but there are uh we are a subset of a larger whole and we tend to use the term spiritual to embrace the the the rest of it but those are just vocabulary let's move on we we you and i tend to visualize time as linear when we were in school the teacher drew a line from left to right on the blackboard the left end was the beginning of something the right and the end of something and it could have been the birth of a person and his death or the founding of an empire what have you how many of you have seen timelines in school how many of you went to school okay okay so we from that and also this dimension of time is a strange one because it's a unidirectional kind of dimension we can move forward and look back but we can't move back and we can't look forward how many of you remember tomorrow when i give this lecture in california i always hold my breath because i might get a hand or two but but this this uniform direction is sometimes called the arrow of time we know that the universe in every field of science except one goes from order to disorder there's an intrinsic law they call the law of entropy that things tend to go from order this disorder you you can look at anything in the universe and it appears that it has been wound up and is in the process of winding down we call that the entropy laws it takes its form as a second law of thermodynamics but it's also in the information sciences everywhere else in fact you experience it every time that you organize and clean up your locker and school or the garage or the guest or the storage closet uh in the guest bedroom or whatever you spend a saturday and get that all straightened out and how long does it last there's a you experience a just the the randomness of life going on which renders it to disorder it takes energy and focus to get it organized again and that's a base that's basic in basic law of physics in every place except one there's only one science that tends to try to deny this and that's the field of biology the whole concept of evolution is it is a a denial of the entropy laws well we can go from chaos to order and so forth show me a case but we won't let's move on um let's talk about eternity you and i use the term eternity and uh we tend to visualize eternity as having lots of time uh we we tend to visualize like a line perhaps that starts at infinity on the left and goes to infinity on the right and from that presumption when we think of god we think of someone who has lots of time well that's very good poetry if you're writing a song like amazing grace in the fourth standard or what have you but it's actually bad physics is god subject to gravity anyone no okay you see and he's not subject to the restriction of mass acceleration or gravity and once you that's pretty obvious but as you embrace that you begin to realize god is not somebody who has lots of time he's someone outside the dimensionality of time altogether and so this is a uniqueness a unique attribute of god it's not true of angels or satan whatever it's god god alone and he takes advantage of that attribute to communicate to you and that's what we want to sort of focus on this is what isaiah means in isaiah 57 15 where isaiah says thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity and and uh he's in a different dimensionality and since he has the technology to create us of course he has the means to communicate to us the question is how does he authenticate his message how does he assure us that it's not some kind of contrived thing or some kind of fraud and that's what we're going to look in this is this authentication he alludes to isaiah 46 10 among other places declaring the end from the beginning from ancient times the things that are not yet done god is outside time and he declares himself by writing history in advance most of you have bibles with an old testament new testament you've got probably a book on on the shelf called the silent years attempts by historians to bridge the close of the old testament and the beginning of the new the 400 silent years they call it well i got news for you those silent years are chronicled in your bible the reason people don't recognize it are written down in advance daniel 11 from verse 5 through about verse 35 is a capsule of the history of israel from the close of the fro i should let you put this way from the book of malachi the italian book all the way to the new testament you can let me get away with that okay i'm just kidding with malachi of course malachi did when did the old testament end very important thing who knows when the old testament ended good for you good for you a star by your name john the baptist jesus said of john the baptist no man born a woman is greater than john wow that's pretty that's that's quite a statement in his next breath he says but he that's least the kingdom of heaven is greater than john what matthew 11 luke 16. we'll check it out then he goes on to explain see the law and the prophets were until john the old john was the last of the old testament was he saved yes was he a member of the church no check it out we won't get into that stuff we'll move on here a little bit the geometry of eternity i want to get at this though we talk about a line i want to shift this diagram on the screen visualize it in three dimensions visualize this like a line curving out at you i want a third dimension to this in behind us is the past we are in the present looking ahead on the line of the future in other words for us our lives our expectations are linear and it's sort of like sitting on the curb during a parade and around the corner one by one come the floats the bands the marching units whatever for us life is like a parade of events from beginning to end it's a sequence but for someone who's in a helicopter outside the plane of that parade say above it in a helicopter they can see the beginning and the end simultaneously they can see the floats being organized before they come around they can see the floats being assembled after they can watch the whole thing something so this is a clumsy analogy but this is a this is analogous to where god is in eternity he can see simultaneously the end from the beginning you and i can't visualize that because we view this whole concept from being within time let's step out of it and recognize that he can see the past the present and the future together there is a converse of this i'll just throw in for those of you that are eschatologically oriented that also suggests the possibility just a possibility a conjecture we're on the fringe now that someone who died a thousand years ago and someone who died last week and someone who gets raptured say two months from now or whatever all arrive at the throne simultaneously so i'll leave that with you just to confuse you it'll cause you to do some thinking albert einstein my favorite quote of dr einstein is people like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between the past the present and the future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion i love that because it's so real as you know our ministry is based on two discoveries the first is that the 66 books we call the bible even though they were paid over 2000 years by over 40 people who didn't even know each other yet we know it's an integrated message you have to discover that to really get the impact that every detail is there by design but the second thing derives from that and that is that the origin of that message is from outside the dimension of time and that's what we're going to focus on in this particular session one integrated design the new testament is in the old testament concealed the old testament is in the new testament revealed and you know people say you take the bible literally yes i do over the 40 years i've taught the bible studied and taught it and what have you several times in my history i've had to revise my views as i learn more but i'll tell you something every time i had to revise my previous views it was in the direction of taking it more literally than i did before and uh i'll springboard this from matthew you know there's an old rabbinical proverb when i first ran into this in israel i was amused by it he said we really won't understand the the text until the messiah comes when the messiah comes he'll not only interpret the passages he'll interpret the very words the very letters in fact he'll even interpret the spaces between the letters when i first heard that i dismissed it as a colorful exaggeration until i reread matthew 5 17-18 where jesus himself says think not that i come to destroy the torah are the prophets i come not to destroy but to fulfill for verily i send you until heaven and earth pass not one he author one tittle shall pass until all be fulfilled now a yacht or a tittle you know you and i probably don't know what that is because we're we're not jewish but a yacht is one of the 22 letters of the hebrew alphabet you and i might mistake it for an apostrophe or a little blemish on the paper a tittle is a little decorative hook that occurs on certain letters to distinguish it from others and so this is equivalent the way we would paraphrase that in in our culture is not not the crossing of the t or the dotting of an eye will pass from the law until all be fulfilled so we're talking about prophecy by one categorization there's over 8 000 predictive verses involving almost 2 000 predictions on over 700 different matters this happens to be j barton payne's view in his encyclopedia of biblical prophecy other experts might catalog them differently but that's what we're going to take a look at now one of the things that i promised we would do and i think this is the time to do it is let's you know we talk about how having faith you know i really believe the bible is true yeah okay great how sure are you well how do you measure certainty do you realize that every day in business we measure certainty yeah in insurance we have actuarial tables in all kinds of all kinds of decisions we make involve at least an estimate of our confidence level the whole field of advanced statistics deals with confidence levels so how sure can we be that the bible's true how sure can we be that jesus really is who he said he was or said he is and uh peter in his second letter chapter one makes a strange remark he says for we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our lord jesus christ but we're eyewitness of his majesty now first of all peter's identified himself as one of the few that was an eyewitness of his majesty he's alluding of course to matthew 17 the transfiguration he was one of three guys that were there so he many of us probably say boy i would have given anything to have been there and seen it but he's going to go and make a point even though we were eyewitness of his majesties he says we also have a more sure word of prophecy where until you do well to take heed as a light uh shineth into a dark place until the day dawn the day star arise in your hearts there's a strange phrase here peter uses the more sure word of prophecy he's saying that you and i have something that is more definitive more provable than had you been an eyewitness well that's kind of a wild statement what do you suppose you meant well let's take a look at this you know lord kelvin commonly known as william thompson nobel prize winner and so forth he says until we can measure a thing we really know very little about it so we're going to set about to measure this if we can and the old testament the tanakh was translated into greek 270 bc this is a hard date that you can confirm in any competent encyclopedia the jews in those days spoke greek not hebrew because that was the language throughout the world after alexander the great enforced it so if you were jewish and raised a jewish home you might know some hebrew in the same way that today catholics know latin you use it for ceremonial purposes but it wasn't your operative language so the jews desired to have their scriptures in a language they could relate to which was greek so under ptolemy philadelphus in alexandria one of the main literary capitals in that in that era funded the translation of the hebrew scriptures from hebrew to greek they got 70 of the best scholars spent 15 years doing it and the work product is available to us today it's known as the septuagint version of the old testament septuagint being a fancy word for 70. some say 72 but let's let that go now these the tanakh the old testament contains three over 300 specific prophecy prophecies detailing the coming of the messiah we're going to do this morning is we're going to go through in care in careful detail each one of those 300. except ron said that might take a little too long he doesn't have that much videotape so we're going to cut this down we're going to go do this simply now by the way these prophecies are quoted uh all through the scripture but the one just the ones quoted in the gospels include that he was to be of david's family that's all through there he'd be born of a virgin he'd be born in bethlehem he'd sojourn in egypt he'd live in galilee in fact in nazareth that he'd be announced like an elijah like herald all these things are prophesied in the old testament in detail that this would occasion that massacre of bethlehem's children that this that would proclaim a jubilee to the world his mission would include the gentiles and his ministry would be one of healing he would teach through parables he would be disbelieved rejected by the rulers that's all in there in psalm 69 118. in three different places in isaiah in fact it goes on that he would make a triumphal entry in jerusalem uh he would be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver he'd be like he'd be smitten uh and his people be scattered he'd be given vinegar and gall they would cast lots for his garments his side would be pierced not a bone would be broken he would die among the male factors yes the messiah would die that's recorded in not only in isaiah 53 but also in daniel 9 and elsewhere his dying words were foretold in fact psalm 22 reads like it's was dictated first person singular as he hung on the cross he would be buried by a rich man he would rise from the dead on the third day resurrection be followed by the destruction of jerusalem so these hebrew scriptures were translated into greek three centuries before christ they consider over 300 of the things i've just summarized what you and i are going to do this morning is we're going to examine just eight of them as a sample we're going to take the easiest eight we can find let's take number one in micah 5 2 you're all familiar with this but thou bethlehem ephrathah though thou be little among the thousands of judah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in israel whose goings forth have been from old from everlasting now we could spend a whole conference on this verse because there's so much here most churches in the world have no concept that god is calling him to be a ruler in israel promised mary and he'd sit on the throne of david that did not exist in those days he has yet to do that and yet many churches deny that he ever will but let's get on and it's going and it also this is the birthplace of the pre-existent one who's going forth been for mold from everlasting but all we're going to extract for this purpose is where was he born born in bethlehem how many of you have met somebody born in bethlehem i suppose in one sense all your hands should be up okay if we go to planet earth and we zero into the middle east go into israel and we zero into jerusalem a little to the south there is a place called bethlehem and you zero into that you'll discover that it's a town that throughout history has had a population of something less than seven thousand people that's why probably you have not met somebody from bethlehem certainly not born there uh because that's popular it's pretty remote now the question is what we want to explore we want an estimate what is the probability that any person in the world taken at random was born in bethlehem well that's something we can bound we don't know the exact number but we can we can make an estimate here if the if the population of bethlehem was never more than seven thousand let's round it off and say ten thousand and let's assume at any one point in time in the history of the world there's never more than a billion people on the planet earth overall then probably there's something like 10 to the fourth divided by 10 to the 9th they're roughly one chance in 10 to the fifth or one chance in a hundred thousand of you meeting someone from bethlehem it's probably much more rare than that but that's a conservative guess you follow me so far okay let's take another one number two in zechariah 9 verse 9 there's a verse says rejoice greatly o daughter of zion shout her daughter of jerusalem behold thy king that's a key word thy king cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation lowly writing about an ass and upon a quote the full of an ass and so this is what jesus deliberately fulfilled in luke 19. the real question is how many people throughout history have presented themselves as a king to jerusalem riding a donkey well i don't know of any but that's not a hard thing to do probably so if i told you that i'm going to estimate the chances of someone doing this is less than one in a hundred am i being generous you could say one in a million probably justify it but i'm gonna say one in a hundred to be conservative you'll see why i can do that in a minute let's take a third one in zechariah he's funny he's got a number of these are kind of fun he says and i said unto them if you think good give me my price and if not for bear so they weighed for my price 30 pieces of silver that familiar to you we all know someone that was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver the question is how many people in the history of the world have been betrayed for 30 piece of silver well i don't i know of none but i'm sure there probably is some if i said there's a chance of less than one in the thousand am i being conservative it's obviously much more rare than that but that will surface service us for our purpose in a minute let's take number four the lord said unto me cast it unto the potter this is the next verse but it's a separate issue cast it unto the potter the goodly price that i was prized out of them and i took the 30 piece of silver and cast them to the potter in the house of the lord well this gets kind of interesting i think most of us recognize when this was fulfilled remember judas when he betrayed him he saw that he was condemned repented himself and brought again the 30 piece of silver to the chief priests and elders saying i have sinned and that i have betrayed innocent blood i think this is interesting because satan had entered judas so we have satan himself declaring christ innocence i think that's useful but let's go on and they said they said the priest said what's that to us you see that and so judas cast them down on the floor of the temple and departed went out and hanged himself okay now they have a problem the chief priest took the 30 piece of silver said it's not lawful for to put them into the treasury because of the price of bloods his rule against that this was blood money it was illegal to add that to the treasury but these priests had good accountants okay and they knew the law they took council and brought them uh brought with them the potter's field who bought with them the progress field of very strange and see they couldn't put the money in the treasury aha but they could pre-pay anticipated expenses and it was a duty of the temple to take care of foreigners if they died in the temple precincts so they had they had antici and there were some every year that did this they had to deal with the funeral the burial and so forth and so it turned out there was a cheap piece of ground being sold by some potter so they use the money to buy the potter so they'd have a place to bury strangers so they bought into they anticipated expenses this and that's why this field is called apparently the field of blood unto this day now the point is the real question i hear is okay get the ingredients here the price is 30 pieces of silver the location of the transaction is in the house of the lord that is a temple and who ends up with the money the potter this is all anticipated by this remark in zechariah 12. all right 11 13. i'm going to say one in a hundred thousand on being generous i could say one in a million be safe in just about i'll say a hundred thousand just to be safe let's go on number five i love this one personally because it really threw me when i was a teenager i ran across this zechariah 13 6 and what you're saying what are these wounds in our hands and he shall answer those with which i was wounded in the house of my friends i thought wow here's another one of these i used to collect those the old testament prophecies so i make a little card and write the verse and put the reference in the back and add it to a group that i carry with me to try to memorize but as i tried to memorize this i kept stumbling as i you know it didn't make sense the more i read it the less sensitive what are these wounds in my hands those with which i was wounded in the house of my friends somehow i could not visualize a bunch of roman soldiers driving spikes through his wrists into these uh you know 20 by 20s or whatever the timbers were uh as being in the house of his friends that just didn't compute but then it finally dawned on me what this would be talking about remember that first night after the mass road they gathered in the behind the closed doors and the lord appeared to them and so forth and thomas wasn't with him and they and they uh said boy you should have been at the prayer last night guess who showed up thomas said in the except i shall see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger in the print of the nails and thrust my hand inside i will not believe and of course eight days later they're all together again this time thomas with them jesus came the door is being shut to the midst of peace be unto you and then he said to thomas reach hither thy finger and behold my hands and reach hither thy hand and thrust into my side and be not faithless but be believing and thomas said oh my lord my god i always visualize him falling to his knees when he said that manicus jesus says thomas because thou has seen me thou hast believed blessed are they that have not seen and yet believed now i go back to zechariah 13 6 and i understand what he said see it wasn't the nails that wounded christ it was thomas's unbelief how many people taken around have been wounded in their hands in the house of his friends i'm going to say one in a thousand i'm being generous let's move on number six in isaiah 5. we have to get a couple of isaiah 53 and one out of psalm 22 and we'll be fine he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened out his mouth as a as he has brought as the lamb to the slaughter and as the sheep before her shearers is dumb so he opened not his mouth okay how many prisoners accused of a capital crime make no defense even though they're innocent there probably have been some not many but if i say one in a thousand am i being secure here i think so and he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth okay how many people died among the wicked and yet were buried with the rich that were not attorneys i'm being a little flipping here okay no seriously how many have died among the wicked and yet we're buried with i'm again say one in a thousand i'm being generous one la another one here the last one in psalm 22. i have to take one of my there's so many things in psalm 22 i'll just grab one here the dogs have compassed me the assembly of the wicked heaven closed me they pierced my hands and my feet and now this was interesting because this was written 700 years before crucifixion was invented the official form of capital punishment in israel was stoning not crucifixion but yet the crucifixion is so vividly described in psalm 22 that they have been articles in the american medical journal analyzing the cause of death through that any case this is what david penned at this under inspiration by the holy spirit how many people taken at random have died having their hands and feet pierced obviously there's many people that have but if i say one in ten thousand in the history of the world i think i'm being generous okay so what have we done here we picked eight prophecies born in bethlehem king on a donkey 30 piece of silver temple pot and all that wounds in hands no defense innocent died with the wicked crucified now but now we've got a problem the real question i have okay we've got the probability at least an estimate of eight different conditions our challenge now say okay what's the probability that one person fulfilled all eight of these well that's an exercise in composite probabilities bear with me as i try to demonstrate what we need to do here let's assume in this room we have just a hundred people to make their arithmetic simple and let's assume that sixty percent of you are men and forty percent of you are women what is the probability that if i was blindfolded and somehow mixed mingled among you so i had a random chance of touching anyone and i touched someone on the shoulder what's the probability that i touched a female well we take the the what it's the probability of the ratio here it's 40 percent this is 60 men 40 women and and assuming this is randomly distributed if i touch one of them the chant the probability is 40 or putting more properly at probably 0.4 or tenths okay that's pretty straightforward let's say a different thing let's assume i have a population here of 100 people 60 are right-handed and 40 left-handed what is the probability that i pick someone at random and they are left-handed again it would be 40 or 0.4 no problem here's what i'm getting at let's assume let's take let's assume i have the same population let's assume these attributes are randomly distributed what is the probability of my selecting a left-handed female well i take that one distribution which is 40 percent left-handed and i take the other distribution which is 40 female and when i put those two together it's the ones that meet those two conditions that i'm dealing with and it's 0.4 times 0.4.16 in other words 16 out of 100 approximately would be left-handed females are you with me so far okay the whole idea is if i'm looking for composite probabilities i i just multiply the probabilities and uh so i take point four times 0.4 which is 0.16 and that would be the the combination okay well now let's get back to these eight what i need to do is multiply them okay well i've used powers of 10 to make it simple because all i have to do is count the zeros so if if these probabilities are you know reasonable estimates then the chance of one person fulfilling all eight is 10 with 28 zeros after it except i've got to redivide that by the total number of people i'm dealing with and let's assume i'm going to use something like 100 billion as a total population base and so i take the 10 to the 28th divided by 10 to the 11th so that the probability that one person taken at random could fulfill all eight is one chance and 10 with 17 zeros after it it turns out that that is a rather large number if i had a statistics class here and i was going to try to get across to you the concept of one chance and a hundred one way to demonstrate that is to get a large urn fill it with 100 silver dollars and take one of them and mark it with say a lipstick or or nail polish what have you put the 199 regular ones in one marked and i shake them all up and reaching down in there assuming i set this up so it's a random any one of them could have been picked the chance that i pick the one in a hundred is that the ch the chance that i got the one that was marked is one in a hundred you get the model that's a typical way of demonstrating the concept what we mean by odds of one in a hundred well what i need to do here is i need a i need a container that has 10 to the 17th silver dollars okay now it turns out that's a lot of silver dollars i need a bucket big enough to hold ten to the seven silver dollars i'm gonna take the state of texas and if i fill it two feet deep that will contain about 10 to the 17th silver dollars now i mark one of them and i mix them all up so that it has an equal chance of being anywhere and we'll send ron madsen into that entertainment texas blindfolded let him wander around until so he has an equal chance of being anywhere and he reaches down and the chance that he picked up the one we marked is one chance in 10 the 17th you get that you've got a feeling for 10 of the 17th another weight look 10th 17th by the way that's the number of sec if you accept the 15 billion year lifetime of the universe that's how many seconds are in the universe it shocks many scientists i had i was on a board with dr teller and sidekick norris keller they were talking about 10 to 17th i mentioned just as many seconds in the universe and they look looked at me shocked it says do the math it's funny we use these numbers not realizing how large they really are let's uh do this another time instead of 8 i have 300 choose from let me take another 8. now i've got 300 shoes i'm gonna the the the next eight that i would pick are likely to be more specific than the ones i've mentioned so far and i don't want to go through all that again for the to make it simple let's just assume that they are no more specific they're they're not less likely than the first eight let's use the same distribution let's assume they're just as as easy as the first eight so assuming no decrease in likelihoods i know 10 to the 28th times 10 to the 28th i divide that by my 10th 11th population so now i need a bucket that is 10 to the 45th silver dollars that's the chance of one person fulfilling 16 of these prophecies okay well i need a bucket that i take the earth and i take i make a bucket that is 30 times the distance from the earth to the sun and that would give me 10 to the 45th silver dollars now we mix them all up we mark one of them shuffle them up this time i put ron matson in a spacesuit and i send him out there and he reaches out in such a way that he has an equal chance of getting anyone he gets one of them and the chance that he got the one we marked is one chance and 10 to the 45th well i want to do this one more time and i'm not going to double this time i'll triple just to reach a little further i've got i'm going to take 48 prophecies i have 300 to deal with so i'm taking less than 1 6 there and i'm also going to make another assumption that's ridiculous i'm going to assume no decrease in likelihoods it turns out by reaching into some of these prophecies they're so technical that they stand alone on their own feet and i'll show you one before through that is uh more rare than all this put together but let's just stick with this for now so now i have um i i've doubled i've tripled and i i'm i'm a triple you get so i got 10 to the 28th times 10 28 times 10 to the 20th time so i get 10 to the 168th i divide that by the time the 11th population so i now have 10 to the 157th power now silver dollars won't work for this one because it's too big so i'm going to make a ball of these things not silver dollars or two big the smallest thing you can imagine what would that be an atom okay i'll make a ball of every atom in our galaxy that turns out to be about 10 to the 66th believe it or not i'm a long way from 10 157 so i'm going to make such a ball for every atom in the universe so when i got 10's to 66 i'm 10 to 66 i'm up 10 to 132. i'm still a long way well i'm going to do that silly exercise every second since the universe began i'll use for this purpose an estimate of 15 billion years well that's 10 to 17 seconds and that's uh 10 to the 149th and i have to imagine this whole thing and i have to i'm still fall short i'm still short by 100 million times now you get the idea how absurd this is and we've dealt with only 48 of the 300 prophecies what am i getting at here i've got a long way around the barn perhaps to make this point i am more certain that jesus christ is the messiah of israel than i am of any other fact in the universe including my own name and this is the reason because of of of these combined probabilities this is all excerpted of course from our materials i won't get to that here now i have omitted in this list the most amazing ones is genealogy the prediction of the exact day that the messiah would present himself as king to jerusalem five centuries in advance and the midrashic policies let me shift a little bit and talk about some other macro codes many why why was jesus born of a virgin well because it was prophesied in isaiah 7 14 absolutely and was also prophesied in the garden of eden in genesis 3 15 in a sense why the virgin birth what did it accomplish well most of us may not realize that in jeremiah 22 30 there is a blood curse pronounced on the royal line the northern kingdom went from bad to worse was eliminated by the assyrians the southern kingdom also had good guys bad guys but went went from bad to worse until finally get to jaconiah now god doesn't wipe them out because of his commitments today but he puts him into captivity for seven years but god is so frustrated with jaconiah that he pronounces the blood curse on him you'll find it recorded in jeremiah 2 30 thus saith the lord right this man childless a man that shall not prosper in his days for no man of his seed shall prosper sitting upon the throne of david and ruling any more in judah well that's kind of interesting i sort of imagine in my in my fantasies that when this was announced by god there must have been celebrations in the councils of satan because satan must have said boy the lord has shot himself in the foot this time because the lord has committed himself to make having the messiah come from the royal line and now he's pronounced a blood curse on the royal line and always visualize the lord turning the angel saying watch this one we get this on resolve and get this unraveled or resolved in the gospels abraham being is his goal is to present jesus the line of the tribe of judah so as any jew would he starts matthew starts with abraham goes down through david straight forward when luke comes along he's a gentile and he's not interested in this jewishness he's interested in his humanity so he has a genealogy it starts at adam adam to noah we've been through that and then um through the rest of them when he gets to abraham from abraham to david luke's of course identical to matthew but when you get to the house of david some interesting things happen uh matthew continues through solomon the first surviving son of bathsheba down through the royal line until he gets to jeconiah or jihad chin also called and when he gets down he gets to joseph who is the legal father but not the blood father of jesus christ luke does something a little different he he goes through the second son surviving son of bathsheba a son by the name of nathan not nathan prophet but his son nathan and he goes through and he ends up with eli who is the father of mary you say well wait a minute how do we know that because it says so in the greek among other things you see you have to go back to the daughters of zelophehad when you read your old testament you'll discover a very strange thing happened moses was dealing with the laws of inheritance and there was a guy by the name of zelophehad who had five daughters no sons and he was frustrated by that there's no inheritance so he goes to they they go to moses for a dispensation moses does the right thing he doesn't judge it he goes to the lord the lord says make an exception so it's requested of moses and this is the first 11 verses of numbers 27 when you get to the days of joshua moses died joshua's in charge these young daughters they're they conquered they take seven years they conquer canaan now they're going to divide up the land the daughters come say hey we got a special deal check it out and joshua does and joshua's 17 he deals with this and the rules were that if they marry within the tribe they can inherit through the son-in-law now what most people don't know is that when that happened when a daughter married within the tribe as as the only without other heir the father of the bride adopted her husband as his son that occurs in ezra 2 nehemiah 7 numbers 32 first chronicles 2 and so forth and in fact this all but i think it's amazing how few commentators recognize that this that the claims of christ hang on this peculiar exception of the daughters of zella fahad and um it's a lesson and the reason i get into this a little bit every detail in the scripture is there by design joseph was the son-in-law of heli in the greek it's nomizo reckoned as by law in luke 3 23 in the greek check it out one integrated sign the new testament is in the old testament concealed old testament new testament revealed let me take another one all of these are anticipatory structural issues the akidas the jews call it the abram's offering of isaac this is one of my favorite it's well known genesis 22 abraham says uh god says to abram now take now thy son then only son isaac which is kind of strange because although he had ishmael but that's a whole other story take thy son that one son whom thou lovest you have a law first mentioned in the scripture the first time something appears in the scripture is very significant this is the first time the word love appears in the bible it should echo john 3 16 for god so what love the world he did what gave his son as we're going here you will love us get the in the land of mariah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which i will tell you of abraham rose up the next morning by the time you get to just 22 he learned his lessons he's responsive ro rose up early in the morning saddle his ass took two of his young men with them and isaac's son there's four guys and they claimed the wood for the burnt offering rose up went to the place which god had told them and on the third day abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place so far off hebrews 11 19 tells us that as far as abram concerned isaac was dead when the commandment came how long was isaac dead to abraham for three days because in three days when he goes to offer he's gonna be returned to him that's it's a prophecy of the third day resurrection so one of several anyway abram said unto his young men abide here with the ass in other words these two guys along stay at the bottom of the hill with the donkey abraham and isaac go up the hill took the woods burnt offering laid upon isaac's son took the fire in his hand the knife and they both went in agreement that's what the hebrew says and isaac speaking abram said my father he said here i am he says behold the fire in the wood but where's the lamb for the burnt offering and the next day i always figured what the response of abraham was just a stall it says everyone said my son god would provide himself a lamb for the burnt offering so they went both of them together read that carefully god will provide who god will provide himself i don't think abraham may have known the exact location but on that exact location another father did offer his son as an offering for sin if you look at the topology of that region uh the mariah is a ridge system starting about 600 meters above sea level rising to a peak of about 77 77 it's a ridge system surrounded by two by uh uh to the west is mount zion and there's a tropican valley between it and mountain and to the east there's mount of olives with the kidron valley between and to the south there's the hinnom valley but these three valleys european him you know embrace this ridge system that rises up and as you go up from 600 meters you get up to 741 the bottom is by the way a place called salem it's a town by the way i don't think abraham offered his son in the town because earlier half a dozen chapters earlier in genesis 14 melchizedek is the head the king and priest of salem so there's a settlement there but no they go up the hill and uh you get you you get up to a saddle back up there the thrashing floor of varuna which will later in the days of david david will buy it it'll be the side of the temple but that's not at the peak it's at a saddleback a thrashing floor if you keep going up that ridge you get up to the top and that top is a place called golgotha and i believe that another father offered his son the exact spot that abraham did so much for that but it goes on here abraham knew he was acting out prophecy because he names the place jehovah jireh as it said to this day in the mount of the lord it shall be seen it's prophetic and uh but let's go two chapters later take pick up another abraham commission's eliezer to gather a bride for isaac here again we have a type we have abram the type of the father isaac is the son so eliezers called and commissioned to get a bride for isaac do you see a typology here what is what is eleazar a type of the holy spirit exactly it's not mentioned there he's always an unnamed servant you find out his name is eliezer by going back to genesis 15. but the point is eliezer the word means comforter comforter and he qualifies her by a well she agrees to marry the bridegroom that she's never seen he gives her gifts on the way back and she joins her bridegroom at the well of lahai roy now what's interesting go back to genesis 22. remember up there they were up there and the lord the angel stops him from offering isaac literally they get a ram they substitute the ram they come back down verse 19 says abraham returned to his young men they rose up and went together to bear sheva and abram dwelled at bear sheva now most of us when we read that recognize they all went home but that's not what it says abraham came down to the two young men and they went home there's a list of people that went home it's abraham two young men in the donkey question where is isaac now you and i infer correctly that isaac also went home but that's not what it says where is isaac you'll discover if you study your scripture that isaac is personally headed out of the record until he's edited with until he's united with his bride by the well of lahai roy two chapters later the well of the high road means the well of the living one who sees me and uh one integrated design it's a it by the holy spirit editing the text editing isaac out it becomes a model not just of the offering of isaac but his combining with his bride and he's invisible until it fits also fits the the jewish wedding model but we'll move on okay this is my another of my favorites chuck you say everything's in the scripture for a purpose what about these weird numbers in numbers chapter two that's where they list the number they number the tribes and so forth i say every detail by design what could be hidden behind these peculiar numbers in numbers two well jesus said the volume of the book is written of me he said that in psalm 40 it's quoted in hebrews if you go through the numbers you'll discover that the camp of israel was organized in four camps the 12 tribes were in four camps and all the numbers are listed i won't go through them right now but judah issachar and zebulun together were to be the camp of judah there's three tribes in the camp of judah judah is the lead tribe their ensign is the mustering thing but where they must run reuben simeon gad and tr in the camp of reuben from the tribes of ephraim manasseh and benjamin in the camp of ephraim and uh dan asher naftali in in the camp of dan so much so much for that now they were instructed that the levites of course were in the center and uh the the opening of the tabernacle and so forth was to the east and the levites that moses and the priests were on the east side of the tabernacle the coethics christianites three and mer merits the three families of the levites were on the three sides each with specific duties so that they were the levites now there are about 22 000 all together among the levites and by the way when you use numbers here we're talking only men so for you can multiply these numbers by a factor to include the wife children aged whatever two or three times whatever but we're going to use these just as units anyway how big was the camp of the levites i don't know but it's going to be our unit whatever it was these 22 000 are going to be there now something you need to understand that they tried very hard to do what the what god said they took them very literally the camp of judah judah was to camp east of the levites okay that's straightforward the camp of reuben was to be the south of the levites what we're going to discover if we as we watch this carefully strict obedience to the law denied the region that you and i would know as southeast because being southeast is neither east nor south you with me so let's take so only cardinal directions are ordained and thus only the width of the levites camp is allowed let me demonstrate this and of course the length will be proportional to the population so if we take the camp of the levites the center which is the tabernacle surrounded by the moses the priests and the three families of levites we have about 22 300 if we count the numbers so whatever space that was i don't know if it's 100 feet 100 yards whatever 100 meters that was that that's going to be our unit now the camp of judah the three tribes that formed the camp of judah the symbol of judah was the lion lion of the tribe jude they camped east reuben to the south what about a guy out here in the area you call we call southeast it's neither east nor south it's forboten so the southeast is not allowed neither is the southwest northwest northeast it's only the arnold direction cardinal directions we have ephraim to the west and we have the camp of dan with each one of these is camps of three tribes and so now whatever distance that is we can get a rough idea because the levite service in the tabernacle plus about 22 000 and we know what the population of these others are the camp of jews 186 000 both reuben and dan are about the same a little over 150 000 and the smallest is ephraim to the north with 108 000. so what we're going to do here in our mind's eye let's imagine outside i've got a helicopter but a very special one it's a time machine you and i are going to get in this helicopter and we're going to fly over to israel and we're going to also crank the clock back to the days that they were wandering in the wilderness and we're going to fly over the camp of israel and see what we'd see we're going to see the same thing balaam did from the hills in numbers 24. whereas we look down we're going to see the camp of israel the arms of each of these things being proportional to the numbers in in numbers 2. and what do you see there the cross it's more than that because each of the of the 12 signs ensigns of the 12 tribes the four key ones which symbolizes four tribes are of course the ox the man the eagle and the lion the same four faces we see on the seraphim the cherubim whenever we are treated to a vision of the throne of god whether it's in isaiah 6 or revelation 4 and following or what have you so they modeled the throne of god in the form of a cross i think this is interesting i think this is interesting i want to share with you as the what i consider the ultimate microcode it is the most astonishing passage in the entire bible and i want to emphasize it for two reasons it fits this topic here but it also is something if you need if you're serious about your bible to master daniel 9 the last four verses absolutely astonishing four disciples came to jesus for a confidential briefing on his second coming and he gave them a two-chapter answer matthew 24 25 it's also recorded in mark 13 and luke 21 but the key to the whole briefing was verse 15 of matthew 24 it says when you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet stand in the holy place who so readeth let him understand and he goes on that's a technical term drawn from daniel 9. he's pointing them his disciples to daniel 9 as the key to prophecy that's why it's so important we're not going to go through the whole thing but we're going to go through just one little tidbit here daniel is praying and his prayer is interrupted by the angel gabriel who gives him four verses verses 24 25 26 and 27 today last four verses daniel 9 verse 24 is the scope of the whole thing then gabriel says there's going to be 69 weeks of years determined upon your people reckoned and then there's an interval and then there's a 70th week we know there's the interval because verse 25 covers 69 of the weeks verse 27 covers the last week of the 70th verse 26 talks about things that happen after the 69th but before the 70th otherwise we probably assume they're contiguous but the holy spirit makes it quite clear that there's a gap and we and i are in that interval so it's important to understand that but let's take a look at this the scope gable says 77s are determined upon thy people upon the holy city notice it's not on the church it's on daniel on thy people in the holy city this the subject of this is the israel and the city of jerusalem the 77s are accomplished the following things to finish the transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up the vision of prophecy and to anoint the most holy place have all these things happened yet of course not you can argue about a few of them but clearly we have not finished transgressing pick up today's paper any paper have we made an end of sins not so you'd notice and uh so forth so um so this is not the point is this is this is consummated it hasn't consummated yet that's the first verse okay the next verse gabriel says to daniel know therefore and understand that from the going forth of command to restore and build jerusalem unto the messiah the messiah the king shall be seven weeks and three score in two weeks and the street shall be built again and the wall even in troubled times many of your bible studies bible handbooks and stuff will have a footnote saying there are four decrees that fit this that's wrong there are four decrees three of the four have to do with the temple holy spirit makes it very clear here that the issue is to build jerusalem the temple was built by ezra but they didn't get very far because they didn't have the protective protective authority to rebuild the wall nehemiah gets the permission artists island geminis and that's the whole story of nehemiah so that's the one that's key here in fact the holy spirit even emphasizes the street shall be built again and the wall even troubled times the focus is the city of jerusalem not the temple let's not get confused ourselves if you're going to get a prophecy be precise god means what he says and says what he means what gabriel is telling daniel in effect is from the commandment to restart under jerusalem which is yet future daniel still you know at this point a captive in beverly from the commandant restored bill jerusalem unto the meshich nageed shall be 69 weeks 69 times 7 and were indebted to sir robert anderson and his monumental work in 1894 called the coming prince he was the head of scotland yard he was knighted so robert anderson's book is a must in the christians library if you're serious about prophecy he was the one identified for discover the god deals in 360 day years there's a whole study behind that i don't have time for here we just assert it for this point 69 times 7 times 360 turns out be 173 thousand eight hundred and eighty days gabriel an effect is saying to daniel from the decree to rebuild jerusalem unto the muslim the presentation of the messiah as a king shall be uh 173 880 days well the decree to rebuild jerusalem we know and we're indebted to robert anderson's diligence to to nail this down with and uh the decree of art exercise longimanus in march 14th at 445 bc the dilemma is when did jesus allow himself to be presented as a king several times they tried to take him he said my hour has not yet come we wouldn't let that happen but then one day he does something weird he not only arraigned he nearly permits he arranges it he sends his disciples with a password to get them to release a donkey and he rides this donkey from bethany up over the mount of olives into jerusalem it's recorded in luke 19. and it's interesting he is deliberately fulfilling zechariah 9 9 looked at a few moments ago rejoice greatly a daughter of zion shouted out of jerusalem behold thy king cometh unto thee and so forth in luke 19 as he rides this donkey the crowd is there they're over it's one of the three days in the year that every able-bodied jew had to be in jerusalem in deuteronomy 16 16 of the seven feasts of moses three of them were obligatory and this was one of them so places crowded with tourists they've all heard about lazarus whatever they're all excited hey blessed be the king that cometh they are singing the hallel psalm psalm 118. blessed be the king that cometh in the name of the lord you know you and i say bless this is the day which the lord hath made we shall rejoice and be glad in it how many have heard that sure we use that all time and we apply it to any day and that's okay but that's not what it's about it's about a specific day it's from psalm 118 it's celebrating the arrival of the messiah now anytime you and i run the risk of missing a point in the scripture the pharisees come to our rescue any time they're upset that's holy spirit's way of underlining something for us because these these guys are really upset some of the pharisees from among them said master rebuke your disciples what are they upset about they understand that in this context singing that psalm in front of him writing a donkey is declaring he's the messiah and they know that the messiah is the son of god believe it or not so they recognize that if they're going to do this they are blaspheming they're calling jesus god but he certainly doesn't want his disciples guilty of blasphemy the eternal they turn him rebuke your disciples i want you to notice jesus a very tactful reply the answer instead of them i tell you if these should hold their peace the stones would immediately cry out and i i really wish they'd shut up for a minute i'd love to understand you know was that a figure speech and by the way whenever we have a tour at israel that's you know we go there almost every year for 20 years you always go up to mount of olives get a neat overlook and then your next stop is usually down at the base of the mount of olives at yosemite and instead of taking the buses drop you off but they let you walk down that road and the bustles reach down to the 70. and before you get off the bus always say take your pictures and all that but before you start walking down that road pick up a rock or two and put it in your pocket it's the best bargain in israel it's free the way you get the way you take a large treasure out of israel israel is bringing a large treasure in but uh anyway the uh the uh take the stone when you get back in the united states find a piece of walnut or whatever have a trophy chop mount it for you mount it yourself for your for a living room or your office or on the wall and when people say what on earth that thing you see that's one of the stones that didn't cry out and it gives you a chance to get into daniel 9 and luke 19 and they brought it up see that's what's great so well this turns out for reasons we can authenticate to be uh april 6 to 32 a.d what's interesting about this if you do do the math from 40 45 bc to 32 a.d is 173 740 days remember there's no year zero you gotta offer that march 14th april 6 another 24 days you go through the leap year arithmetic 116. that is 173 880 days question what was gabriel's margin for error answer zero but doesn't end there but this i want to point out to you this is documented in the septuagint translation of the old testament it's a matter of record it was in black and white more three centuries before the gospel period and there's no way a a critic can competently uh ignore that it's an amazing proof this one prophecy is probably as rare or as unlikely as all the ones that put together that we've been looking at in fact jesus something shocked me when i discovered this as jesus comes up over the hill he beheld the city and what did he do he wept over it he said if thou hast known even thou at least in what this thy day the things which belong to thy peace but now they are hid from their eyes jesus held him accountable to know daniel 9. in fact he pronounces on israel judicial blindness because of their failure to recognize this is that blindness forever no paul tells you in romans 11 25 that israel is blinded until the fullness of the gentiles become in and that gets into a whole other thing but jesus went on after making that mark he says for the day shall come upon thee that thine enemies shall cast the trench about they encompass the around and keep the in on every side and they shall lay even with the ground and thy children within thee and they shall not leave in the one stone upon another and i think all of us realize that 38 years later the roman legions the 5th 10th 12th and 15th roman legions laid siege to jerusalem and they slaughtered over a million men women and children another half million died because of the pestilence that followed one of the questions that fond of asking is why was jerusalem destroyed or in in 70 a.d the fall of jerusalem in 780 there are many good answers that let's look at what jesus question the answer was the last part of verse 44 because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation jesus ascribes this destruction of jerusalem to their failure to understand the last four verses of daniel chapter nine wow and we're in an interval and i won't go through all this here because that's eschatology and that's beyond our scope for this particular quick review but you do need to understand what the abomination of desolation is there's a seven year period that is the most documented period in the old new testament in the bible that the lord himself labels the last half the last three and a half years that as the great tribulation and so israel is always god's time piece and it's fascinating to me to watch the entire world challenge the land grant of genesis 15 and 17 today the whole issue the whole issue the middle east is the world's challenge each from a different perspective challenging god's grant of that land to israel by the way the 70 weeks are one of four 70 week periods as you go through but we'll leave that running over time we've run a few minutes over our final section uh a session i should say will be microcodes we're going to show you some discoveries that will surprise you about the hebrew language we'll talk about meta codes the extra the whole problem of communicating in extraterrestrial messages we'll talk i'll show you a an authentication system a security system that does not rust or wear out it's been operating for several thousand years to protect your bible it's in your bible right now and then we're going to talk we're going to finish our session next time with the ultimate code you know what the ultimate code is you and we'll talk about that in the final session god bless you [Applause]
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 34,200
Rating: 4.9372358 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christ, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: 8maQCszE91c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 45sec (4245 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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