Dave Hunt – Deception in the Church – Where is it Taking Us?

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] this morning we talked about deception in the church and there's a lot of deception we didn't have time to go into all of it we may talk about a little bit more this evening but i thought this evening we should consider where where is this taking us what is going on sometimes i puzzle about it on the other hand the scripture tells us in fact the scripture says when you see these things come to pass rejoice your redemption draweth nine and we noted that jesus foretold these days paul tells us in second timoth ii thessalonians chapter 2 he uses the same terminology remember jesus said the very first thing he said when they asked him when will these things be what will be the sign of your coming and so forth he said beware that no man deceive you and many will come in my name saying i i'm the christ and so forth and paul uses the same language in ii thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3. he says don't let anyone deceive you that day the day of the lord which the scripture tells us we i wish we could go and discuss the day of the lord but again we don't have time for that but the day of the lord comes as a thief in the night remember paul talks about it in first thessalonians chapter 5 he said you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh as a thief in the night for when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon i believe that the rapture marks the beginning of the day of the lord and perhaps we can talk about how close do we think that might be we should be expecting the rapture at any moment but he says don't let anyone deceive you that day will not come except the falling away comes first the apostasy comes first so this is obviously where we're heading and in fact it's where we have to go isn't that right you can't come to the day of the lord except the apostasy comes so we shouldn't be on one hand we mourn and paul wept as we noted this morning on the other hand this is what we are to expect from scripture now i believe in imminency i believe the rapture could occur at any moment i believe it always could have occurred at any moment after the death of the apostles so you say well then we've done away with imminency if the apostasy has to come first now the apostasy has been here from the beginning paul said all they in asia have forsaken me most of the the scriptures the new testament scriptures were written to correct error that was already in the church were they not and paul as we quoted this morning he said after mighty parting grievous woes will enter him of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them so i guess the question is how bad does it have to get i don't find any scripture that says it it has to get so bad i've been talking about this writing about it for 25 years and i can only say it has gotten worse than i thought i could not have imagined how bad it is now well let's consider some of the characteristics of this and again i'm just always tempted to quote the scriptures but we could turn to first timothy chapter 4. you know the scripture well first timothy 4 verse 1. now the spirit speaketh expressly that's the holy spirit so pay attention to this this is an express declaration from the holy spirit in the latter times we're going to have this great revival and you'll read about it on or in the christian magazines and your charisma and you'll see it on television and paul and jan crouch on tbn we'll be telling you about it it's not what it says the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils i wish we had time to discuss that in more detail you remember when king jehoshaphat who was a good king he made a partnership with ahab who sold himself to do wickedness and there was none like ahab the most wicked king that israel knew and here's one of the most godly kings and he joins in a partnership with ahab very similar to what we see today we see at least people that i had confidence in as leading evangelicals and they're joining in partnership with people who are not sound in doctrine who preach a false gospel and then it begins to influence them and you remember the lord held a council well there was this prophet micaiah you remember i i really admire micaiah i and is it rather amazing what mikaya knew well he was a true prophet of god and you remember the jehoshaphat said well before we go out to war they they joined for war because they had a common enemy that's another thing that brings these people together in a coalition well we've got a common enemy we're going to fight abortion together we're going to fight homosexuality we'll we're going to fight child abuse and and so forth so let's get together they had a common enemy and but joshua said i think we ought to we should you know we should consult the lord do you have any prophets and ahab brings 400 prophets and they all are in agreement one of them puts iron horns on his you know and and says thus shall i'll you know destroy the king of assyria and everybody's predicting prosperity and blessing and it's just kind of a little bit too unanimous for joshua he says isn't there another prophet and ahab says yeah there's one more but he never prophesies good for me uh and uh he's one of these negative guys you know uh mikaya well joshua says don't feel that way about it call him and the man that goes to call him says now look we're all in agreement don't rock the boat we are already prophesied blessing and victory joshua says i'm sorry micaiah says i will say what the lord tells me to say and he stands before the king and you know the story at first he's he's making fun he said oh yes great victory you know so and obviously you you know that he's not serious about that and then he says the lord had a counsel and he said how shall i entice ahab to go out and to be killed in battle to fulfill the prophecy of elijah and you know the prophecy of elijah they would lick the dogs would lick his blood where they licked the blood of naboth and so forth and one spirit said this another spirit said that and finally a spirit stood before the lord this is micaiah now telling what happened in heaven and he said i will be a lying spirit in the mouths of all of his prophets and god said go you will accomplish it and micaiah looks at the prophets and he looks at ahab and he says god has put a lying spirit in the mouths of all of these your prophets whoa well put him in irons you know and give him bread and water to eat and so forth until i return in peace and makaya yells to all the people that are watching if he returns in peace i'm a false prophet he will not return in peace and of course he did not he was killed now that's rather an amazing story go back and study it it's it's fascinating one spirit one spirit made 400 prophets lie that's staggering i will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all of his prophets and then if you went to first john chapter 4 it says don't believe every spirit but test the spirits for many false prophets have gone out into the world so you know that there is a lying spirit behind false prophets lying for what just to get them to lie no no there is a purpose in their lying and so now paul says the spirit that is the holy spirit speaketh expressly in the latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils devils have doctrines doctrine is very very important the truth of god doctrine is the container of the truth of god of the gospel and it defines it and explains it so we can understand it and satan's lie opposes the truth and satan's lies do not vary and he has doctrine and there we have people today who are giving heed to seducing spirits now this is nothing new uh you know eve was the first one who gave heed to a seducing spirit right and the seducing spirit happened to be satan himself speaking through a serpent this has been the way of indigenous religions down through history from the beginning uh we we mentioned um a little bit about that this this morning this is uh a book that you may or may not know ubuntu you see this word in the newspapers here in south africa it's written by lovemore mabigi i guess that's how you pronounce it by the way an interesting man he earns several million rand a month advising major corporations and how to solve their labor problems and how to be successful and so forth he was supposedly a christian and was sent by a a christian church who supported him while he went to the united states to gain a theological education and listen to what he what he teaches he says the concept of reincarnation is central to our religion the author personally believes in it and in the hierarchy of african ancestral spirits you know it's very difficult when some of the indigenous peoples supposedly come to christ they keep going back to their ancestral spirits very very difficult to break them loose from that he says we believe in one god that god lives in all natural things in the earth the sky the rain the cave the mountains and in all growing things such as trees and animals the spirit lives everywhere it's customary in most african tribes to let a spirit inhabit a particular canonized sacred tree if a suitable human medium cannot be found then he goes on he says they're common practice to dedicate a particular sacred place for a particular spirit to inhabit this could be a special cave or a mountain a river pool it could be a special ritual hut a spirit can also inhabit an animal and he goes on and says it's common practice to cast out an evil spirit by projecting it onto a black can and a black goat and then there are guardian spirits that he speaks of the belief in god and the spirit god is revered and one should not speak to him directly except through the spirits and ancestors and he goes on and talks about a man is possessed by the spirit and he talks about some of the ceremonies and so forth and then he says this there is very little difference between christianity in our afro-centric religion this is a man who was schooled in theology in the united states and he says that the only hope for africa is to get back to the ancestral religions and for modern corporations to tap in to this pool of spiritual power shamanism has been practiced around the world and we if you well this is one of my books occult invasion you would find it more or less a handbook on some of these things that are happening shamanism is the same everywhere in the face of this earth and i won't go into shamanism but it is being revived in the west and this is a letter we received thousands of letters this particular person is a a a nurse and she writes dear brother dave and so forth the recent guest lecturer who had comes to the hospital who had survived breast cancer kept our class enthralled for two hours with the explanation for her remarkable recovery meditation visualization positive self-talk to her inner child mantras psychotherapy and tapping into the energy of the universe god was given credit for existing as whatever we perceive that to be now this is a major psychology magazine from the united states this is an article about alfred all schuler dr all schuler he's the president of the john f kennedy university in california and the title of the article is all schuler entreats counselors that is psychological counselors to learn about inner voices he says we need to get in touch with these beings that are trying to communicate with us this idea of spirit communication is very popular in the business world in in medicine in education and so forth paganism entered the church through constantine the emperor a constantine conquered rome in 313 a.d he supposedly became a christian remember he heard a voice well he saw a sign a cross in the sky but it wasn't the cross that you would have on the top of your church here it was a mythrake cross honoring the god mithras and so it was very ecumenical he had a lot of followers of the god mithras in his army but anyway he heard a voice that said in this sign thou shalt conquer and supposedly he became a christian but let me quote a roman catholic historian a catholic priest philip hughes in his manners constantine remained to the end the pagan of his early life his furious tempers the cruelty which spared not the lives even of his wife and son are an unpleasing witness to the imperfection of his conversion constantine continued to preside over the pagan priesthood you know as as the emperor he was worshipped as god the emperor was the head of the pagan priesthood there in rome which was called the pontifical college as you know the pontifical college exists in rome today it is now headed by the pope uh as the emperor he was the head of the religion of the empire which was polytheism you know uh so when he gave freedom to christianity and he promoted the christian church basically for political reasons uh he was smart enough to realize what's the point of killing these christians they don't get drunk they don't rebel they they don't start revolutions they're hard workers why don't we encourage them maybe some of that will rub off on the rest of society so he gave freedom to the christian churches who had been so persecuted and as the emperor he became the de facto head of the christian church and he called if you want to study ecumenism you want to study constantine he was the first ecumenist he called the first ecumenical council the council of nicaea he decided who would be there the subject they would discuss he gave the opening address and so forth and so as the de facto head of the christian church constantine took the title vicarius christi in latin now vicarious christi happens vicarius happens to be the latin equivalent of the greek anti so vicar of christ vicarius christi literally means anti-christ but he didn't mean he was against christ anti the greek prefix also means in the place of not only against but in the place of or a substitute for he was in the place of christ well you know who bears the title vicarius christi today vicar of christ the popes all the titles that the popes have they picked up from constantine uh and that was documented in in in um well it was a document called the donation of constantine it was a fraud even catholic historians today acknowledged that this was a a a counterfeit it was a fraud but the popes used it in the middle ages to justify the power that they had taken and they said that constantine had given them their robes and their paraphernalia and and and the his palace and so forth and so on but the point i'm trying to make is when constantine supposedly became a christian and he gave freedom to the christian church paganism took over and paganism in fact survived under christian terminology let me quote will durant he's i think uh one at least one of if not the um leading historian uh in in in history in the in the world will durant writes he's not a christian he's he's uh he doesn't have an axe to grind he's just a historian he says paganism survived within the church in the form of ancient rites and customs condoned or accepted and transformed by an often indulgent church statues of isis and horus were renamed mary and jesus in fact pope leo the first boasted that saint peter and saint paul had replaced romulus and remus as rome's protecting patrons he goes on he says the roman lupercalian the feast of purification of isis became the feast of the nativity pastor uh indicated some of this this morning the saturnalia were replaced by christmas celebration an ancient festival of the dead by all souls day rededicated to christian heroes incense lights processions investments and so forth were cleansed and and paganism was brought in to the church soon people and priests would use the sign of the cross as a magic incantation to expel or drive away demons and then listen to this this is what the historian says paganism passed like maternal blood into the new religion and captive rome captured her conqueror christianity supposedly conquered no paganism conquered and paganism took over the church but under the cover of a thin veneer of christian terminology well what about what we've just been quoting about the you know the native religions and so forth are they still embraced today yes if you went to haiti today they have a saying in haiti that haiti is 85 roman catholic and 110 percent vudun every voodoo ceremony begins with prayers to catholic saints in fact all the voodoo gods are catholic well they named them after catholic saints they brought this religion from africa the slaves who were taken to the new world and in order to hide their witchcraft they named their gods after catholic saints and today there is a an incredible mixture of catholicism and voodoo i'm quoting from our sunday visitor that's a major catholic newspaper and the article was titled in the temple of the voodoo and it asks this question quote why is new orleans one of the world's most catholic cities caught in the bewitching spell of an ancient cult and it goes on it talks about how catholics are practicing voodoo as well as going to the mass and that this thing has become so intertwined is talking about well eva priestess she's a voodoo priestess she's graduated from a catholic high school from loyola university school of law catholic university and she has foregone a career in law to devote her life to voodoo she lectures frequently on voodoo and african religions to such diverse groups as the american college of surgeons the american academy of cardiology so the world is open to this just exactly as ubuntu and lovemore mabigi says it ought to be and then it says a call to her will often be met with i'm with a client now can i call you back you get that on her voice message and she will as soon as she returns from daily mass and communion so voodoo priestess well the pope you remember pope john paul ii i'm quoting now from a newspaper report pope john paul ii sought he was in africa sought common ground with believers in voodoo thursday suggesting they would not betray their traditional faith by converting to christianity do you remember i quoted this man and what did he say there is very little difference between christianity and our afrocentric religion and i heard gasps from you well listen to the pope he suggested that they would voodoo priests would not betray their traditional faith by converting to christianity on the second day of his 10th african pilgrimage the pope held a dramatic and emotional meeting with the priests of the vudun the pope told the voodooist that just as they draw on their ancestors for their religion so do christians revere their ancestors voodoo priests at the meeting i'm quoting from the newspaper warmly welcomed the pontiff well something is going on there is an apostasy it's been with us for a long time you can trace it back to roman catholicism it involves ancestor worship prayers if you went to rio de janeiro for example go into a seminar a cemetery sorry i got a little freudian slip there if you went into a cemetery on a catholic holiday in rio de janeiro you would see the roman catholics on their knees by the graveside praying to their ancestors and to the so-called saints and indeed prayers to the saints is that not communion with the dead which is absolutely forbidden in the bible now along with this we have apparitions of mary apparitions around the world you would be familiar with some of the major apparition sites you have our lady of this our lady of that our lady of fatima in portugal our lady of lourdes in france in fact in france my last count are about 950 apparitions i mean sites of apparitions and hundreds of millions of pilgrims visit them each year i've only been able to locate in the world two places in the world that honor jesus but you have hundreds and hundreds well thousands of sites honoring mary the pope you remember he was moving through the crowd and he saw a little girl who had a pendant with a picture of our lady of fatima around her neck and he bent over to bless her and the first two bullets from the would-be assassin went right where his head had been the assassin would be assassin got him in his body and the pope said that he felt the protection of our lady of fatima her protecting presence that she was the one who delivered him he said that she appeared to him during his convalescence and she gave him uh well she told him that she had saved his life because she had a mission for him to accomplish and she would cause the whole world to bow to uh to his supreme of authority now we've got some amazing apparitions of mary now this one was an apparition of mary well it appeared on a bank building in clearwater florida uh and people by catholics by the thousands came uh to worship there but you've had some amazing apparitions of mary let me just give you um a couple of them well i'll i'll give you i'll give you one here this occurred in a suburb of cairo egypt it was witnessed by at least a million egyptians mary appeared on a rooftop of a of a church it was so steep the people were frightened she was in a white robe what right a white dress and they were yelling don't jump don't jump they thought this was a woman up there about to commit suicide a rescue team was summoned and the newspaper watani reported quote they all saw her dressed as if in a bright gown of light in a view similar to that associated with the virgin mary the apparition returned a week later and soon was seen up to three times a week on occasion visible for hours huge crowds formed around the church at times the crowd swelled to an estimated 250 000 people at once watching this apparition and for the first time in egyptian history catholics orthodox and muslims prayed together in public the muslims chanted from the quran because the quran honors mary in fact fulton sheen archbishop fulton sheen from the united states he wrote a book in which he said that the conversion of the muslims would not happen by ordinary means you know that christians would expect but it would be through our lady of fatima and wasn't it amazing that when our lady appeared there in in this little uh village in in uh in portugal she chose to appear in fatima which the muslims when they were in possession of this part of the world they named it fatima after muhammad's favorite daughter and muhammad said all o fatima thou art the most highly honored of all the women in heaven after our lady the virgin and so he said that the koran muhammad they highly honor the virgin mary and that it would be through her specifically our lady of fatima that muslims would be brought into the church and if you take a an image of our our lady well there's only one image that is there at fatima and and we've been there you take that image of our lady of fatima i was trying to think of shrine that was the word i was trying to think of only two shrines for jesus thousands of them for mary you take that image of our lady of fatima through muslim territory in indonesia in india and other places the muslims come out by the hundreds of thousands to honor her well so here we have catholics orthodox muslims praying together in public and the muslims chanted from the quran mary god has chosen thee and purified thee he has chosen thee above all women some amazing apparitions of mary that have taken place around the world now the pope john paul ii when he was in mexico i'm quoting listen to what he said all those who have at some time prayed to the most holy virgin even though they may have strayed from the catholic church conserve in their hearts and ember of faith which can be revived the virgin awaits them with maternal arms open wide if you've prayed to the virgin you've got an ember of faith in your heart that is going to draw you back into the embrace of the church and the virgin awaits you with arms open wide now what what are these uh what are these apparitions what are they signifying well i remember i was at fatima in portugal and there was a priest sitting on the steps of the cathedral there and he was reading a black book and my guide said oh he's reading the bible i said you got to be kidding a catholic priest is not reading the bible he's reading his breviary which turned out to be true and he turned out to be from england and so i didn't need my interpreter and i talked to him i walked up to him and i said you know i'm so fascinated to be here at fatima and i've visited some of the apparition sites and but you know there's one thing that really puzzles me because when arleigh fatima appeared she said many souls perish and go to hell because there's no one to make sacrifice for them and i said you know i thought that christ had made the sacrifice so what what what what's he talking about well he said that's going to take a little time to explain we've got to go outside i didn't know what he meant by that but you can't smoke on the grounds so we went outside he was smoking one cigarette after another we're sitting on a wall and i thought lightning would strike when he said you know it's like this you know a ship can bring the cargo into port but it takes somebody else to unload it and deliver it and christ brought the cargo into port but you see i'm quoting a verbatim he's not so much the savior you thought he was is he well our lady of fatima says and let me give you a quote i promise and by the by the way she has been honored by every pope since her appearance she said i promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation all those who on the first saturday of five consecutive months shall confess receive holy communion recite five decades of the rosary and keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries of the rosary with the intention of making reparation to me for the sins committed against my immaculate heart and die wearing my brown scapular that's i'm sorry that's doctrines of devils and if there's any catholics here tonight i don't want to offend you that is not the gospel of jesus christ this is the works gospel she says i promise to assist at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for salvation i don't need her graces and she doesn't well in the rosary she's called the the mother of mercy uh i don't need her mercy i don't need her grace because it is christ who died on the cross and paid the penalty for my sins so now we have these apparitions that are teaching doctrines of devils and then along with our lady of fatima comes a little jesus about so high about two years old floating on a cloud of light and he says there will never be peace in this world until this world is dedicated to the immaculate heart of my mother mary in reparation for the sins committed against her that's a little devil impersonating impersonating jesus that's not the gospel of jesus christ mary comes with her peace plan and she says how long can i hold back my son's hand from pouring out his wrath upon this earth she says she's the one who'll bring peace no the bible says jesus christ made peace through the blood of his cross and that there will never be peace on this earth until the prince of peace reigns so now we have people giving heed to seducing spirits offering doctrines of devils this is oral roberts again and here's this handprint our the outline of his hand touch my hand and believe with me for your miracle answer from heaven do it every day and pray prepare your heart for july 28th that's july 28th that's the magic day when god is going to move in power uh and then he says this is our point of contact have you heard that place we hear a lot in america i know if you hear it over here what do they mean by point of contact you know reach out and touch my hand on the television screen and that will be our point of contact they get that from matthew 18 where it says if two of you shall agree as touching anything it shall be done of your father which is in heaven well that's the old english it means as touching means concerning regarding if two of you shall agree regarding something but they think that means you've got to touch something and so now we're going to touch things and that's going to bring the miracles from god and people believe this and they're being led astray they're being deceived that's a witchcraft technique this comes from seducing spirits it's a doctrine of devils and some of these witchcraft techniques that are now coming into the church are very very similar to what we have in the occult we have the shakti pad you know what a shakti pad is shakti is durga kali you've heard of kali she got six arms she got freshly cut hands and skulls she's drinking blood out of a skull and so forth and the hindu says her beauty is in her terror and she has her heel on the chest or the neck of shiva her husband the great god and so forth she's the star wars force shakti means force in the sanskrit a shakti pat is a forced touch the guru touches your forehead and you are gone you are down you have spiritual experiences we see this on television christians professing christians are doing this and i thought you might find it of interest let me read the testimony of some of these gurus this is swami muktananda he received the shaktipat from his guru nithyananda known as guru dev worshiped as god and this is how he describes the awakening of the kundalini power and the kundalini is the serpent goddess coiled at the base of the spine he says this is a hindu guru now shaktipat is simply another name for the full grace of the supreme guru sometimes my body would writhe and twist like a snakes while a hissing sound would come from inside me sometimes my neck moves so violently that it made loud cracking sounds it would roll my head so vigorously now have you seen if you watch the videos of the brownsville assembly of god revival so-called or the toronto blessing you will see the very thing that he's talking about he says my identification with a lion had become stronger still i roared so much that the cows nearly broke their ropes dogs barked madly people rushed to my hut sometimes i would jump and hop like a frog sometimes roar like a tiger people here's someone talking about him now this power that he received you remember benny hinn says he goes to the graves of kathryn kuhlman and amy temple mcpherson and that is where the holy ghost is lingering and that's where he picks up the anointing of the holy ghost now someone is describing the power of this man quote people vibrated in his energy field as he threw out waves of power into the audience thunderbolts of shaktipat and people are falling i remember watching benny hinn on trinity broadcasting network i think you could get that off of satellite i don't know how many of you do but anyway they have the largest television network in the world and here they are sitting there paul and jan crouch benny hinn and benny is telling how he touched a man and he fell over backward and his wig flew off and he puts it on a bit of skew and he gets up and five times benny says i touched him made him fall down just to see the wig fall off and he's laughing paul and jan crouch are laughing that is not the power of god the holy spirit does not knock people down to make their wigs fall off okay but what is going on there is some kind of a power as he swings his jacket and the whole choir falls over this is not the power of god i don't read anything like that in the bible i don't read that that happened when jesus preached the word when he healed people i don't read that it happened in the book of acts but this is an occult manifestation they've been giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils and now horrific manifestations have come into the church which unfortunately people think are rev are a sign of revival and they say we're following the revival i want to go to brownsville to see the revival why do you think there's revival there oh because of the powerful truth of the word of god that has been known because of the manifestations that are there and so they somehow equate these manifestations uh with revival they then it brings deception and delusion false prophecies kenneth copeland is preaching to a large audience near dallas texas and he says suddenly jesus began to talk through him and jesus said don't be upset when people accuse you of claiming to be god they accuse me of that wouldn't they accuse you and then this jesus says but i never claim to be god i just claim to be a man for whom god works so we have a denial of the deity of jesus christ from a so-called jesus speaking through a so-called prophet i think there are about ten thousand people present on that occasion not one stood up and said heresy heresy that's a denial of the deity of jesus christ but the same people that deny the deity of jesus christ they take that deity to themselves and so kenneth copeland says you don't have a god living in you you are one this is kenneth copeland this is in writing september 1991 believer's voice of victory you would think the editor would catch it you would think somebody would find fault but i don't know how many hundred thousands of people read this he says when christ died upon the cross even though he said it is finished it wasn't finished even though he said father into thy hands i commit my spirit he didn't end up in the hands of the father end up in the hands of hell of satan in hell even though he said to the to the thief crucified beside him this day you will be with me in paradise he didn't go to paradise he went to hell listen i'm quoting him now the day that jesus was crucified god's life that eternal energy moved out of him and he allowed the devil to drag him into the depths of hell as if he were the most wicked sinner who ever lived and to come under satan's control for three days every demon in hell came down on him to annihilate him tortured him beyond anything that has ever been conceived in a thunder of spiritual force the voice of god spoke to the death-whipped broken punished spirit of jesus god's word changed the spirit of jesus with resurrection power suddenly his twisted death-racked spirit began to fill out and come back to life he was literally being reborn before the devil's very eyes before his body even had time to decay had time to decay david wrote writes in the psalms thou will not suffer thine holy one to see corruption it wasn't a matter of time it was impossible for his body to decay i i remember a dear young mother in england she was being martyred because she would not believe in transubstantiation and as they set fire to burn her at the stake she said i know that wafer is not the body of jesus because the scripture said that thou wilt not suffer thine holy one to see corruption and you let that wafer sit around for a week or two it will breed worms it will breed mold it will corrupt and that is not the body of jesus but anyway it says before his body even had time to decay jesus christ dragged satan up and down the halls of hell the day i realized that a born-again man had defeated satan hell and death i got so excited so our redemption doesn't come through the blood of jesus christ shed upon the cross although the bible says ephesians 1 7 colossians 1 14 in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins it didn't come through his sacrifice upon the cross it comes through satan torturing jesus so if satan didn't torture jesus enough we're not saved if he tortured him enough then i guess he's our core redeemer and we should thank him this is such horrible heresy this is not the gospel of jesus christ but this is what comes forth then when they begin to give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils if you went to acts eight we don't have time to turn time to turn to it remember simon the magician he came to peter and he said peter give me this power because peter laid his hands upon them they received the holy spirit and simon the magician said teach me how to do this and i will pay you and peter said your money perish with you well john wimber he's thought to be the founder of the vineyard movement john wimber went around the world teaching signs and wonders seminars and charging for it my wife and i were just leaving sydney australia when wimber and his team arrived they had 5500 pastors and church leaders there they charged them 150 each and they taught them how to do miracles you don't learn how to do miracles a miracle is a manifestation of the holy spirit and it's not something that you can learn and now you've got a handle on it and you can make it happen this is occultism the occultist passes down you know the formula and and the way to make this this work from father to son from mother to daughter and so forth peter kept occultism out of the early church but occultism came into the early church through constantine and it is here with us today let me give you just a couple of quotes from john wimber so you understand well when chuck smith chuck smith is i don't know if you've even heard of calvary chapel movement there are several hundred calvary chapels probably eight or 900 calvary chapels around the world now the tremendous movement that began with the jesus movement and you would find hippies there in those days in drug addicts and getting saved and so forth and john wimber actually had a very large calvary chapel and chuck smith the founder of the calvary chapel movement became concerned about what was happening if you watched the videos from those days in john wimmer's vineyard they're just the same as you would see from toronto or pensacola today and so they had a gathering of a number of a number of pastors and chuck smith was confronting john wimber and asking him about these manifestations and finally this is what it came down to chuck smith said are you john are you going to go by experience or by the bible john wimber said we're going to go by experience if it works that's what we're going to do now john wimber said quote we are cataloging all of our experiences so we can develop a theology that's an astonishing statement he says theology doesn't come from the bible but it comes from experience he said critical thinking must be laid aside it is nothing less than dangerous it's dangerous for you to think rodney howard brown puts you out of the meeting if you look like you're thinking and questioning him so you can see where this comes from their teaching by their own admission does not come from the bible it comes from their experience but we've got to go by the bible the bible has to be my authority and you better check your experiences out against the word of god but john wimber was the mentor of see peter wagner one of the leaders in the so-called spiritual warfare movement around the world they go on prayer marches they claim territories they take they youth with a mission has sent teams to the northernmost southernmost easternmost westernmost point on every continent on this earth to do strategic spiritual level spiritual level warfare praying as though your prayer would have some special power if you prayed from a particular place and see peter wagner one of the leaders in this listen to what he says he's introducing a book he says this book uncovers the wiles of the devil and exposes the prayer targets that will force the enemy to release millions of unsaved souls now held captive i am excited that god has given us a marvelous new tool for effective spiritual warfare so here's a new tool that paul didn't know about peter didn't know about the apostles didn't know about wesley whitfield spurgeon you name them andrew murray he didn't know about it but now we have discovered how did we discover it did we get it from the word of god no we did not get it from the word of god they got it from seducing spirits and these are doctrines of devils but they say we have new techniques now that will release millions of souls to be saved can you imagine that somehow god has kept millions of souls in bondage down through the centuries by holding back the revelation of the technique that would release them doesn't make sense does it listen to what he says one fundamental thesis will control this discussion of us coming to grips with some of the relatively new and at times somewhat radical ideas surrounding strategic levels spiritual warfare spiritual mapping i i don't know whether you would all be familiar with that term but you have to map out cape town folks you've got we were my wife and i were in chile a santiago chile and there was a charismatic leader while we were there he was in an airplane circling around santiago and he was radioing down to them what demonic spirits were in charge of this territory that territory that territory you've got to mark it all out and then you have to pray specifically against these demonic spirits well i mean isn't that biblical before paul went to ephesus didn't he send timothy ahead to map it out and bind the territorial spirits and so that's not true it's it's nonsense but what it does is it diverts people off into the area of the occult well spiritual mapping identificational repentance i've got to go back and i've got to confess all the sins of my ancestors i don't even know the sins of my ancestors i mean my father was from whole england probably some of my ancestors were druids you know at stonehenge but i don't know i don't know all the sins of my ancestors but they'll tell you well then how are you going to do this well you got to make like like freud introduced and like christian psychologist practice you've got to go back you've got to somehow visualize and find out all these things that happen back there you know what that does this is called inner healing and some of these dear women is practiced rampantly in the united states they go back and and oh they uncover some trauma and they visualize jesus coming along to heal this and oh they feel so much better and so much closer to the lord it doesn't last too long the problem is there's another experience there's something else back there and i'm going to have to go back and probe deeper so it puts you on an endless search and it is not biblical but here's what i wanted to get to one fundamental thesis will control this discussion the thesis that ministry that is experience precedes and produces theology not the reverse so this thing is going to be by what we experience and that's what we're going to trust not the word of god but what does isaiah 8 20 say to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word there is no light in them well these people are being led astray it's a tragedy we have the alpha course i think some of you may know about the alpha course it's becoming very very popular what's wrong what could be wrong with the alpha course well first of all the alpha course comes from the vineyards it comes from the toronto it comes out of holy trinity brompton england and that was the center for the laughing revival and it came from toronto and john wimber well nikki gumble who is the the the man who narrates this course he's the inventor of the course he backs rodney howard brown to the hilt that would give you some idea of his spiritual discernment he tells how the toronto experience came to holy trinity brompton i'm quoting him he says a group of leaders were meeting and ellie mumford told us a little bit of what she had seen in toronto it was obvious that ellie was just dying to pray for all of us then she said now we'll invite the holy spirit to come that's a common expression in these meetings what do you mean you're going to invite the holy spirit to come if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his romans chapter 8 every believer is indwelt by the holy spirit and jesus christ said where two or three are gathered together in my name there am i in the midst of them and i don't have to invite jesus to come and i don't call upon the holy spirit to come but anyway she invited the holy spirit to come and the moment she said that one of the people was thrown literally across the room and was lying on the floor just howling and laughing making the most incredible noise i experienced the power of the spirit in a way i hadn't experienced for years like massive electricity going through my body one of the guys was prophesying he was just lying there prophesying one of them started laughing like a hyena uh and so forth i mean isn't it marvelous isn't it wonderful what god was doing no this is not god doing it remember benny hinn when he saw kathryn kuhlman he said i wanted that power with every fiber of my being it's all about power getting power and nikki gumbel on another occasion he tells how john wimber prayed for him and there he felt like ten thousand votes went through him and he said the the american john wimber all he ever prayed was power more power more power and he got power but it's not the power of the holy spirit that's the origin of the alpha course the alpha course or he's the originator of the alpha course the alpha course does not give you the gospel catholics love the alpha course the alpha course is being taught in a lot of roman catholic churches it's very ecumenical the emphasis is upon miracles and healing and prophecy you don't get saved you don't hear the gospel and the big event big night comes saturday night if you do the weekend course when the holy spirit comes that's the decisive moment and you get this power well they get a power unsaved people get a power but it's not the power of god it's a tragedy this is deceiving so many people in so many churches today now something else that came from the vineyard i'm talking about john wimber now something else that came from the vineyard is promise keepers promise keepers uh works very closely as i mentioned with the roman catholic church bill mccartney the founder promise keeper says that it was his intention that full participation by roman catholics that was intended from the very beginning promise keepers changed their statement of faith to satisfy the roman catholics promise keepers has a roman catholic on its board promise keepers uses a roman catholic evangelist by the way the same man who's catholic who's on the board of promise keepers is the new head of prison fellowship chuck colson charles coulson's prison fellowship and by his own own admission charles coulson says 80 percent of their counselors that go into the prisons are roman catholics well maybe some of you don't know what could be wrong with that we explained a little bit about it last night let me just as quickly as i can explain again because it's very important you have about 1 billion roman catholics some of you know them you say but i have a catholic friend or catholic neighbor and and he or she says they believe christ died for their sins they believe jesus is god eternally co-equal with the father that he came into this world born of a virgin of the virgin mary that he lived a perfect sinless life that he died for our sins on the cross that he was buried and he rose again the third day he's coming again i mean they must be christians that's not the problem with catholics they do believe all of that but they believe some other things you know the judaizers in paul's day they believed all of that the judaizers were absolutely orthodox in the gospel except for one thing they added to it that it is not enough to believe the gospel jesus christ you must also be circumcised and keep the law and you know what paul said about that he anathematized them he said you add anything to the finished work of christ upon the cross and you are not trusting in christ and his work on the cross that is a false gospel and he said anathema to anyone who preaches that well the catholic church has had 1500 years to add far more to the gospel than the judaizers ever dreamed of you ought to get the code of canon law it's about that thick it's a huge book and listen to this this is the official teaching of the roman catholic church if anyone says that the sacraments of the new law are not essential to salvation but that without them through faith in christ alone a man can be saved let him be anathema you dare to say you can be saved by faith in christ without participation in the sacraments of the catholic church anathema to you so although they believe that christ obtained what they say all the graces and merits that are essential for salvation you can't get to them they're in a treasury the church possesses a treasury which contains i'm just giving you the official teaching this is right out of vatican ii the latest vatican council the church and this is quoting from other councils the church possesses a treasury and into this treasury had been deposited the merits and graces that christ won upon the cross to which have been added the prayers and good deeds of the virgin mary to which have been added the surplus good works of the saints they earned their own salvation with their good works but they had a surplus and that surplus has been put in this treasury it is now i'm giving you the official teaching of the catholic church it is out of this treasury that the church dispenses grace you come to mass we'll give you an installment you say the rosary will give you an installment we give you another installment of grace but you never get saved and if you dare to say you know that you're saved i think i read last night a quotation from cardinal o'connor from st patrick's cathedral remember what he said church teaching is that i do not know at any given moment what my eternal future will be john paul ii pope john paul ii does not know whether he will go to heaven nor does mother teresa of calcutta because you could die with mortal sin and that's hell that's not purgatory there is no purgatory but they believe in purgatory and they keep changing things i think you need to understand some of this to help your catholic friends it used to be it used to be a mortal sin to eat meat on friday does anybody remember when that was the church changed it but it didn't help the poor souls that are in hell because they meet on friday it didn't get them out now how can you trust a church that keeps changing things and they vatican 2 changed indulgences and they have very specific look maybe i think i mentioned it last night but a number of you weren't there let's mention it again there are six holy days of obligation ask your catholic friend do you know the six holy days of obligation do you realize that it is a mortal sin not to go to mass on one of those holy days of obligation now that puts you in hell that's a mortal sin and if you can't even remember what they are and you don't know whether you went to mass then or not you are in trouble the catholic church actually makes it impossible for people to get to heaven i'm you know i'm trying to be serious about this i talk to catholics in the united states we have polls and such a high percentage 70 of the catholics uh disagree with the pope on contraception high percentage disagree on on this or on that and so forth many catholics will say we don't even believe in indulgences you know what vatican ii the highest authority the catholic church says this church teaches that the practice of indulgences is to be maintained in the church and it condemns with anathema all those who do not accept them now you can say to your catholic friend and i'm just trying to help you and i think this is very solemn you can say to your catholic friend who doesn't believe in indulgences or doesn't agree with this or that if you do not fear your church's anathemas why do you believe her promises you follow that if you do not fear your church's anathemas why do you believe her promises so there are many catholics who don't go to mass they they realize this is phony stuff when they come to die they want the last rites they want a catholic funeral and they are still clinging to some hope that somehow this church will get them to heaven well this is i mean i could say much more but this is the problem with roman catholicism so although they say yes i believe christ died my sins buried rose again you can't get to christ you have to come through the church and the church won't give it to you all at once but you get it in installments and you never know whether you're going to make it or not you know you're getting tired and i'm going to try to wind it up as soon as i can let me just give you a little bit of humor to to wake you up here catholicism here's how it works this dear man he went to the priest and he said father i've tried to live a good catholic life but i must confess i stole some lumber and the priest said well how much did you steal you know it depends whether it's mortal or being a little petty thievery that's no problem no actually it depends whether it's a mortal sin or venus sin and how much did you steal what did you do with it well the man said i built a dog house well the priest said a dog house that's no problem i'd give you absolution for that well the man still had a guilty conscience and he said well father i must confess i did have some lumber left over well how much what did you do with it well i built a garage whoa now wait a minute priest says this is getting serious you build a garage you'll have to say 25 hail marys and 15 our fathers for that now the priest was a little bit suspicious and he said now you're sure that's everything you know sin just goes on and on because there's no solution christ didn't finish the work so the priest says well you're sure that's everything the man said well father i did have some lumber left over well how much why'd you do that well i built a six bedroom house six-bedroom house you'll have to you'll have to make a novena for that the man says make a novena what's a novena the priest says you're a good catholic you don't know how to make a novena i said no but that's okay father if you got the plans i got the lumber well there's no there's no solution it's a problem promise keepers embraces roman catholics as christians and so do many leading evangelicals but we are to trust the lord we're not to trust men we're not to follow men we're not to follow these vain delusions and these seducing spirits and false prophets as we mentioned this morning that's one of the problems that they get so enamored with a person that they follow him even when he contradicts the word of god and you can't even show some of these people from the scriptures that's contrary to the word of god no benny hinn said it kenneth copeland said it kenneth hagin or rodney howard brown or who whomever so let's get back to the word of god this is our authority and tomorrow morning i would like to look at just some uh amazing prophecies from scripture that i think will encourage you in in the lord because the bible is so wonderful and the lord has so much there for us and some of us are have even overlooked some of the most exciting parts of the scripture and we'd like to talk about that tomorrow and get off of some of this delusion father what we've talked about this evening lord most of it has not been edifying it's it's grieving to our hearts and yet lord it's what you have foretold you have told us that these things would happen these are signs of the last days these are signs of the nearness of the lord's return and so we lift up our heads knowing that our salvation draweth an eye and father someone has to stand up against the delusion that is overtaking the church we've got to speak out we've got to try to rescue others and so lord we've tried to bring some information that would be helpful in understanding what's happening where it is taking us and how we should respond to it and father i pray that the information we've given out this evening will as well as the verses that we've referred to from your word will be helpful to each one here lord that you will strengthen them in the faith and in the confidence that you know what is best may we all have a sincere desire to allow you to have your way in our lives may we say sincerely not my will but thine be done help us to trust you with every every fiber of our being with our life with with with everything that we have lord we put it in your hands and then father we ask that you will help us to recognize delusion and help us to stand firm earnestly contending for the faith once we're all delivered to the saints and lord use us we cry out to you for so many of these dear people who are under a powerful delusion and father we want to deliver them and so we ask that you would help us to be able to rescue man before it's too late we pray in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kerugma Productions
Views: 15,748
Rating: 4.9331474 out of 5
Keywords: Dave Hunt, deception, church, Christian, Berean Call, Kerugma, doctrines of devils, forgiveness, Kerugma Productions, Constantine, deity of Christ
Id: WzNLcH9Gsus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 24sec (4884 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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