Facebook Live Streaming For Churches - How To Live Stream With FREE Software

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welcome to the video my name is Monte Weaver if this is your very first time watching one of my videos you may want to subscribe to the channel if you want to learn digital strategies how to leverage technology and social media different ways that you can actually bootstrap your way using free and low-cost tools to really help you get the job done in this video I want to talk about live streaming and specifically from my churches and for my houses of worship now if you're a coach maybe you're a speaker or an entrepreneur or even small business owner you can still very much use what I'm going to be talking about in this video but I really want to talk to my churches and ministries I do a lot of work in consulting with churches along the east coast and with the outbreaks of coronavirus and with different natural disasters that may happen and just weather in general that may cause churches to close their doors for a Sunday or maybe even multiple Sundays there could be a catastrophic effect because of it this means lost donations coming into the church and those people that actually work for the church being seriously affected and so we know that across the country our faith is something that really keeps people together it really helps people get through tough times and so I really want to help my churches my ministry workers my pastors and leaders and elders of the church if you know anybody that fits into that category make sure you share this video with them I want to show you how you can actually livestream your services and even after everything returns back to normal this is still a way that you can effectively reach your congregation and reach the audiences around the world that you might have the message that speaks directly to them and this is a way that you can actually do that leveraging the power of digital now what I'm going to show you is how to use free software to actually accomplish this goal how do have also professional level livestream productions and how you can have just one person actually do this whole thing for you so you may be in a situation where you can even go to your house of worship and maybe you're gonna livestream from your office from your home and you have a laptop this can work for you and maybe you want to take this to your house of worship and have your media team actually do the whole service livestream into social media platforms or maybe to your website one person can actually operate this whole system that I'm going to show you you could actually operate this whole system that I'm going to show you if you have a very small church or maybe you have limited knowledge in the church from a technology standpoint don't worry about that this is super simple and I'm gonna show you how to do it in this video now this video is gonna be a little bit quicker so I'm gonna move a little fast but if you need to rewind it watch it again feel free to do it also below this video there's gonna be a link to a two hour bootcamp specifically for this where I've taken it slow I'm taking it easy I'm really showing you how to use different things in different ways that you can leverage the power of live streaming for your church and for your ministry so check the link below make sure you get subscribed and without further ado let's jump into the computer and let's start live streaming so the very first thing you'll want to do is go to the website OBS project comm that's OBS project comm or you can type in the Google search OBS studio now this software will be used for your macbook computer or for your traditional pc computer or laptop this is what you're going to want to install on your device and be able to livestream your services this is a free software to download and all you have to do is simply choose which version of the computer you have whether that's Windows Mac and some of you may even use Linux you can even download it for Linux as well once you download it and install it then you'll be prompted to get started live streaming let's take a look at what the livestream software actually looks like so once you have OBS installed you'll be brought to a window that looks just like this the version for this video that I'm using is OBS version 2 t5 so let's kind of take a quick tour around the software so you know exactly where the different elements are going to be located now at the very top of the screen you'll notice the very first file section button and that's where we're gonna begin once I click on the file button I'm gonna go to settings and the first thing we want to do is make sure that we adjust our settings accordingly on the general tab we can leave everything as default you may want to change between the theme where you can change how the theme actually looks the color of the menus but other than that just leave everything how it is the second section we're going to look at is stream and stream is where you want to actually broadcast your service so whether that's on Twitch or YouTube or Facebook live select the option that works best for you if you want to string to multiple platforms at the exact same time you'll want to look at the restream dot IO function now we won't talk about it in this video but this is a platform that lets you stream to multiple places simultaneously the next section we're going to look at is the output section we want to make sure that we're using the proper encoder and the proper rescale output now if you have a newer computer you'll definitely want to use the Nvidia h.264 processor and make sure that the rescale output is set to 1920 by 1080 that's HD quality on a free platform the very next section we want to look at is our audio section all of these can remain default the next section is the video section we want to look at the base canvas resolution and the output scaled resolution you want to make sure that both of these are also set to 1920 by 1080p full-hd now at any time during your streaming if you notice any lagging or maybe there's jittery going on with your streaming you can down your resolution to 720p resolution but if you have a good writing computer you should have no problem going full-hd and then we'll skip down to the Advanced section again all these defaults will remain the same once everything is completed simply hit apply and hit ok now let's get started building our live stream set now one of the most important things that you're going to want to include is your actual video camera or webcam so if you're actually doing this from your computer and you're the only person in the room you're gonna be looking right at your computer screen and your webcam so if you have a built-in camera that works great if you have an external webcam that works great as well maybe you want to use the camera that's in your current facility now you can use that as well because this software allows you to not only be mobile but it also allows you to be stationary at any location that you want to livestream from so in the very left hand side towards the bottom there's a section called scenes and what we're gonna do is create our main scene so we're gonna hit the plus side and we'll call it main scene you want to make sure that you name your scenes so that you understand all the different elements that are going to be in that particular scene once you name it and select ok then we'll move over to the sources the sources will include things like your camera your audio maybe you want to play a video before the service maybe you want to upload images and slideshows you can do all of that inside of this free platform so what we're gonna do in our very first main scene is we're gonna hit the plus button and then we're gonna add our webcam so what we're gonna look for is video capture device video capture device and now we have a pop-up window and we'll call this our webcam again if you have multiple cameras you can add multiple cameras this way we'll select ok and now we'll be prompted with another pop-up this is where we can actually select the actual device we want to use and for this demonstration I'm gonna add my webcam my Logitech webcam now I'm on the screen you can see me live we'll make sure that everything is set to default here we can change our resolution size again to make it HD quality 1920 by 1080 and we'll select ok now I am on the screen so what you're looking at here on the left hand side is a preview so this is what you can create before anybody sees any changes that you're doing and on the right side is the program side that's the live side whatever is on that side is going live to the world so let's add on some other simple elements that you might want to have during your broadcasts you may want to have a logo of your ministry or your church again maybe even your business you can use this for anything so let's add another element source to this we're gonna go down to the plus sign in the sources column and we're gonna go to image we can call this image anything we want in this case we'll add a logo and now just like you're used to using a traditional file browser we'll just simply look for where our image is stored on our computer so we'll go into browse I have an image on my desktop I do believe and then I'll double click on it and now I can add my logo so now you can see my logo is in the top corner of the screen you can move it wherever you want to by simply clicking on it and then dragging it to wherever you want to go you can actually resize it by clicking on any other outside squares to open it and close it and make it smaller or larger very simple program to use now will add another element maybe we want to add some text on the screen maybe it's a scripture maybe it's the person talking we'll go down and hit the plus sign once again we'll look for text we'll call this name and I'll hit ok and now we can simply type in the name or verse or whatever we want to type in of what we want to use we can change fonts if we scroll down this we can change font colors we can change the background colors as well so you have a lot of flexibility to make your own custom broadcasts we'll select ok and again I'll make my name smaller I'll put it down in the corner I'll move it there and we've that correctly and now we have a camera we have a picture logo and we also have text on the screen so we've already created a broadcast that looks way better than just holding a mobile device now finally we need audio we have to hear you so we're going to add an audio element as well so we're gonna go down again to the plus sign we're gonna select audio input capture we're gonna call this our microphone if you're doing this inside of your ministry you want to use your soundboard mixer if you have one if you have an external boom microphone that picks up audience noise you can add those as well so we're at our microphone in here again you get prompted with a list of microphones now what I want to do is add my Road USB microphone so let me pull that over here so you can see it so this is my Road microphone I'll select that I'll hit OK and now sometimes when you add a microphone it doesn't quite pick up in the system all you'll want to do is simply close the OBS program you want to open it back up again so we'll go back and we'll open OBS studio and now at the very bottom you'll see my audio meter with my microphone moving up and down the sliders in the middle will allow you to increase the volume and I'll allow you to decrease the volume so based on allowed the speaker is or how soft the speaker is you want to pay attention to that but in most cases you won't have to adjust it that much so this slider will allow you to adjust the audio now now we have a full presentation that we can show now we can add multiple multiple multiple scenes and create different elements so maybe let's add one more scene so you can see what a transition looks like so we'll create a brand new scene and we'll just leave it as default we'll call it seemed to and in this scene we'll add one source which will be an image we'll simply browse for the location of that image so in this case I'll grab my live stream setup here I can simply resize this by grabbing the edges of it and maybe I actually want to make this a little bit bigger I can actually drag it off the screen as long as I fill in that entire sixteen by nine window you want to make sure that whatever you're showing on the preview is exactly what you want to share on the output side now to go from preview to program to the live side all you have to do is hit that middle button called transition and now we have a new live output so if you want to put up slides before servers so maybe it was a video file there and you want to play a video and then switch back to the speaker later you can do that as well so OBS studio is the platform you can definitely leverage when you want to do professional live streaming now there's a couple of options you have in the bottom right-hand corner you have an option to start streaming and start recording so based on your computer if your computer can handle it and most of them can you should be able to start streaming and you can record your services locally to your computer hard drive so what I would recommend is for your very first test is to just hit the start recording button and that way you can practice what it's like to transfer once to the next to upload everything if you've never done live streaming and you're at home talking to your audience it's a little bit different so you want to make me practice just talking to the camera and recording it and then watching the recording to making sure that you're keeping eye contact with the camera so it's little things like that that you'll definitely want to practice before you get live-stream committed all the way so just take one second to practice I know you're eager to get started but just take one second to practice once you hit start recording you are live and then once you're done all you have to do is hit that button again it actually says stop streaming and stop recording and then your broadcast will stop so this is how you can do it now how do you actually go to the live stream platform of your choice well at the very beginning I told you there was options of Facebook and YouTube now for the sake of this YouTube video will only focus on Facebook right now it's a very popular platform to go to the live stream on so in order to do that what you'll want to do is switch over to Facebook and let's do that right now so once you're on Facebook you want to go to the website facebook.com forward slash live ford slash create facebook.com forward slash live ford slash create and you want to click the big blue button create live stream now once you create live stream you will actually be prompted with a server URL information and your stream key information this is essential to actually making your live stream go so what we'll need to do is first on the right hand side make sure we check where do we want to live stream to do you want to live string to your personal page or maybe you want to live stream on page you manage will select on a page we manage and we manage multiple pages so we'll go down to our church's page here we'll do Victoria's believers Community Church to make sure that our live stream prompts and goes there we'll then title our message and we'll do Sunday service and now we can add a title so whatever the message of the title will be and then we can actually add tags and more but let's get this information over into our OBS platform what we'll need to do is copy our entire strand key so we'll copy that we'll open up OBS and we'll go into file we'll go into settings will go into stream and we'll make sure that we have facebook live selected don't worry about the server that's default that is the exact same for everyone but what we will need to do is paste our string key we'll hit apply and we'll hit OK now we're ready to go live are you excited all you have to do now is hit the start streaming button in the bottom right hand corner and now OBS is going to talk to Facebook now you're not actually live yet you do have a little bit of time before you're live so keep that in mind because there has actually one step to make it permanent we'll go back into Facebook and now you can see Facebook is connecting with OBS and it's gonna bring in the actual live video signal once it brings in the preview of what your livestream looks like all you're gonna do is at the very bottom right you're gonna hit go live once you hit go live immediately start talking don't wait for people to show up on a live broadcast because people are gonna watch your replay and they will see everything so start talking as soon as you hit that go live button so I hope that has helped you out with being able to start to livestream your videos my name is marty livre teaching you digital strategies to help you grow your organization's to help you grow your businesses and your nonprofits this livestream workshop that I'm doing is gonna be a 2 hour long livestream workshop so if you're watching this after March 23rd you can definitely still watch the replay if you're watching this prior to March 23rd consider subscribing to the channel checking the description in this youtube video to learn how you can get set up to actually join us as we walk through step by step how to set up live streaming for your nonprofit for your church and for your ministry if you have a team that's gonna actually be operating this for you I would encourage you to invite them as well so they can actually get the knowledge to actually do this for you on a regular basis after the world returns to its normal state being able to the live stream is something that you can continue to do and now you've already got the tools equipped and ready to go my name is Monte Weaver and I'll see you on the next broadcast
Channel: Monte Weaver
Views: 308,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live streaming for church, live streaming equipment for church, live streaming setup for church, church live streaming on a budget, live streaming your church worship, youtube live streaming for churches, facebook live streaming for churches, how to setup live streaming for church, best live streaming for churches, live streaming for church services, live streaming for churches free, how to live stream worship service, obs youtube live stream tutorial, media ministry, echurch
Id: eeVCBBpcndw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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