OBS Tutorial | Add Lyrics + Scripture to Your Livestream

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[Music] hey this is Mike Williams with the quarantined addition let me take this off so y'all can hear me oh Jesus there we go now you can hear me sorry about that hope y'all having a good week in the group I get a lot of questions about how to add lyrics to your live stream and/or add scripture to your live stream as well and so I'm gonna do a quick tutorial here and show you how to do that now the first thing you want to do is for those that have OBS you know what I might to my knowledge I believe that this could possibly work in other programs as well I just kind of choose to use OBS because that's kind of that's kind of my thing that's what I've been using so what you're going to do is you're going to download a program and this program is actually free and there's a couple of different programs you're going to download this program you look on my screen as a program called video song right and the reason I recommend video Psalm is because video Psalm has more Bibles in it then I was originally using open LP but video Psalm has more scriptures in it and I believe it's a little bit easier to do the formatting now that's just my opinion you can play with it yourself and kind of figure out you know hey what works for you but you get basically want to download video Psalm right now after you download video Psalm and I'm going to switch back here I've already downloaded it so I'm going to open up video Psalm and video Psalm is going to start and once it's gonna take a minute to load I might edit this out I might not yeah if not you're then you're just watching me ramble while it loads all of these beautiful bible scriptures and verses thank you Jesus so once video Psalm load this now I'ma tell you right now this will work better if you have a second monitor if you're doing it on a laptop just get any monitor it doesn't have to be expensive it can be a VGA monitor it could be DVI monitor it doesn't have to be expensive you don't necessarily need a high dollar a monitor but you definitely do want a monitor that will allow you to display it on another screen okay so I'm gonna open up my video psalm real quick and I'm going to show you exactly where you can do this so I'm gonna open this up and the transition is over so this is video psalm looks like up here on the upper left-hand corner and I believe I learned how to turn on my what was it my well I guess I forgot but whatever um Oh open that for nope okay there we go I learned how to turn on my my magnification so that's what you need to see so up here in the magnification you have your fonts over here you have your song books your Bibles the debt and these are the only two features you'll really really use in video song is you'll you'll do the song books is which is where you find the songs and you do your Bibles now you'll also notice that if you install all of the Bibles video some will only load 50 Bibles at a time so really don't don't don't install more the Bibles that you need just install the ones you need song books you want to install all the song books because as you see here it has 2200 songs from bit from from a big camp selection and I'll turn this on real quick big camp collection I can't afford any easy slides you Cantonese English I don't know if you need those easy slides English easy slides easy worship I will sing praise Matt Redman songs MediaShout songs a public domain media shout so you can add all these songs for free and as you can if you scroll down here you'll see that it's just a ton of songs that you can use to UM to to display lyrics so I'm gonna hopefully pick a song that uh let me see let's see of songs this song is older but let's see if it's in here open the eyes so let me see here I'm gonna try to pick open the eyes of my heart Lord mam easy song everybody knows the song obviously you have to go through and see if these songs are here but here's how you do it so when you open the songs up here there's two ways to do this so if you click on the chorus right here you'll see that the words come up right here in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and actually I'm gonna have to move my camera so that you can't see where they're at because you can't see it cuz my camera's on top of it so let's move it up there transition there we go so you see right here in the bottom right hand corner of the screen this is where the lyrics come in so that's what lyrics are being displayed okay so what you want to do is you want it and I'm gonna take this off there for a minute what you want to do is you want to output to your second monitor and right now oops and it's trying to pull my camera in so let me take the camera there we go so you want to output this to a second monitor as you can tell so as you can see right here now my lyrics this is my second screen right and so on this screen is where you'll see the lyrics of what you are singing and obviously to to you know you can either use arrow keys to go back and forth between each song or you can use the mouse to skip from the chorus you know to verse one to the end alright so that's how you that's it that's easy way to manage the transition of lyrics within video song now another thing that you can do in video Psalm and I'll pull my screen back up here a second and when I pull it up it switches automatically switches the output to my bottom monitor you can also control the formatting and this is key so right here in the up here at the top you'll see that you have several things that you need to worry about there's the font the font size and the position which would be the the alignment which would be your font spacing which would be left your justification your left justification your middle justification your Center justification your right stuff case full justification and in the alignment of it which would be here you want it in the middle top or bottom now the one thing that I would recommend is since you're gonna have a video overlaying on it and I'm gonna move my camera up once again so you can see what I'm talking about is I would recommend that on your font size is that you would change this to bottom so you can see it right there and I would also make the font smaller by just clicking on this button there's the button right here that you can click on and it should make it smaller so there we go now with with video song it's a little bit different as far as the formatting you have to play with the formatting to get these songs spread across the bottom of the page which you can do some editing on but for the most part I'm going to show you how to do this pretty simple and fast so let's just say that that's that's the lyrics I have right now now you definitely want to make sure that when you change the formatting on the upper left-hand corner there is let me make sure I'm on the right the right space and I'm going to turn off the I'm gonna turn off the lyrics real quick stop the presentation in the upper right hand corner there are three there are three ways to format there's verse there's song and then there's global when you do the formatting make sure that this is on song alright so that way when you apply the formatting to your song it'll all be the same so I'm gonna turn the presentation back on I'm gonna click on this and on song I'm gonna click this I'm going to click the the choice for song I'm gonna make the font like 50 to make it smaller and I'm gonna bring this to the bottom that way it should keep the formatting for the entire song there we go so now you can play with the transitions here that that's your own little preference but anytime you make a formatting decision you're gonna click on song and then you know go down here and get fade so maybe you want fade so now it's gonna fade every single time okay so it's fading as you can see when you click on it and it's at the bottom of the screen now I'm going to bring my I'm going to turn the presentation off and the way you turn the presentation off is you simply click on this there's a presentation screen right here you turn that off and that's how you turn the presentation off I'm gonna bring I'm gonna actually switch this over to my OBS so you can see what I'm doing here how to get this into your video all right so let's switch back here to my main camera for a second and then I'm gonna set up my screen real quick so I'm gonna set up my video song to actually display on channel on screen number two all right there we go and I'm gonna turn on the presentation which is going to be the presentation screen and then I'm gonna switch back to my second monitor so you can see what it looks like so now my second screen you have the lyrics at the bottom once again if I go into video song and I just go back and forth between the lyrics it switches right here's what I want to do I want to in OBS and let me pull in my OBS screen let me just pull up a video all right I'm gonna load a video up here in my OBS and I actually want you to see what I'm doing here so I'm gonna switch this over to monitor one just for a second there we go so you should be able to see my monitor right now I want to add a video scene so let's just say I add a video scene I'm gonna add media source I'm gonna click plus and add media source and I'm gonna add a video I already have so there's a Bible study I just recorded on Wednesday it's right there so the Bible studies there I'm gonna right click on the properties up and make sure everything is good yeah okay cool and I'm gonna actually put my camera on top of that so you can see what's going on so my camera is gonna stay on top when I transition over when I transition over usually here's some audio there we go so I'm gonna turn the volume down so now you still hear me talking but you see the video right so this Bible studies playing right and say right now he's teaching but the lyrics are gonna come in so this is a Bible study from I don't know two weeks ago now on the right side of this and I'm going to turn the actual video off and transition back I'm gonna go down here and add a monitor capture which is the monitor capture I have I'm gonna click monitor which is I can't find it I'm acting slow display capture sorry I'm going to say second screen second monitor whatever you want to call it and I'm gonna pick monitor too right perfect okay so when you put your lyrics into OBS as we as we've added the second monitor you want to right click on second screen right filters and you want to add a filter called luma key so I tried to do color key it didn't work my son told me use luma key so we're gonna go luma key but usually color key works I don't know why but you're gonna add luma key and click OK what luma key does is it gets rid of the background as you can see on the left side of my screen now another thing you want to do is you want to add a color source now I already have a color source named black so I'm gonna add that and the black color source actually is already it has a it hasn't it has a filter on it already so I'm gonna add that black and put it behind this screen the way you make it oh um oh pace if that's aI don't even know this word the way you make it lighter how's that you right click on filters and you add a color correction on the color correction you'll see all the way down at the bottom or pay city so if I go here it's full 100 but I don't want for 100 I actually want to go maybe like 50 percent close there we go so now when I transition over you'll see that I have the lyrics at the bottom as well as I have a cover so you can actually see the lyrics now you can edit the song to stretch out the fonts a little bit I stretch out the lines a little bit to make it a little smaller you can do that or you can put you can break it up through the video settings within video song to actually allow maybe one half of the verse to go on each slide that's just a default how it's set for most programs what I want to do is turn the video back on and I'll leave my camera on and see what happens so now let's just assume that that this pastor is preaching and the you know just assume this pastor is actually talking or whatever they're doing and I can go back to video song and during the recording or the or the live stream I can move the words whatever I want I can move the lyrics let's just say the pastor is actually doing a scripture I can go into my Bibles and let's just pick Genesis 1 and it will pull up the entire scripture now as you see it's over the top the way I could fix that is I go into my video Psalm and I pick Bible and I'll show you how to do this real quick I'm gonna switch this up here to where you can see it you go click on in the upper right hand corner right here click on Bible first before you change the formatting and click the font you can leave the same but you can reduce this to 40 or whatever it is and then you know move this down to the bottom like that and maybe 40 to small maybe 50 and you'll see right there that as I click on each individual scripture it'll be at the bottom now I'll switch this to the bottom screen video some will automatically adjust it to the output of my second monitor and then I can go over here to my black background and move that down for the preacher or set up another scene where you have one for the lyrics and one for the singers and you'll notice this scripture is in the upper right hand corner you could turn that off in video song and as I'm going through video song I can actually still pick whatever scripture I want and just as they're speaking if you don't like that the little fade you can change the transition to cut which would just be a quick or slide or whichever one you want to pick and then now it just changes so I changed it to cut and obviously if you have you know as you can see a lower thirds popped up if you have a lower thirds in your in your in your in your video you definitely don't want to do lower thirds on top of this but this video is playing so the pastor's pulling up words or scriptures there you go so in order to turn that off you just turn off your black and you turn off your second screen and you transition back and as you can see you can add lyrics you can add announcements and you can use the second program now um from what I understand easy worship that's having a and I believe propresenter may have it too has a way to send the output to a second computer so you can pull it in but the thing is some of us don't have those programs at home we're using free software we're using open source software so the thing that you want to try to do is you want to try to use the resources you have just to do a quick recap download video song format video psalm by clicking on the upper left hand corner to choose song move the text to the bottom and then you want to pick a size that's readable on the screen you want to add a color source which is could be any color and a filter on it the filter can be color correction lower the opacity to 50% and then put your second monitor or second screen on top of that and put that on your video so I think that's the quickest tutorial that I can give you because I know we're rolling up on Easter and Good Friday and different things like that and so try that out if you have any questions obviously you can hit me on the inbox I talked to a few of you guys in the group already hit me on the inbox know if you have any problems and I can zoom in and help you walk through it real quick so that's my quick tutorial for today you guys keep it moving keep pushing we're almost halfway there to a destination that we don't know where it's at let's have a good day god bless [Music]
Channel: cre8tivstudios
Views: 52,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eUtO50f-G9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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