How to Live Stream your church service! (EASY!)

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everyone does it Brian from solid rock church youth group in Los Angeles California and if you're like us really a time where everybody needs to hear like message of hope but you're unable to meet physically but you're able to move digitally through a live stream but that can get complicated so in this video we're gonna show you how to set up a live stream on your congregation as we figured out ours so we're gonna cover everything you need and a step-by-step on to get your church on the internet so first thing you need is basically a computer with an internet speed of well 10 megabits per second on on the upload side because anything less than that you're gonna start suffering in quality of 1080p HD 30 frames per second all that jazz just know that anything less than 8 megabits per second you're gonna start losing quality you're gonna start losing resolution which is fine but if you're gonna go for the full of 1080p resolution you need an upload speed of minimum 10 megabits per second and right now I am using Windows computer on this macbook trust me when I say you want to stick with Windows PC on this one because windows people have figured everything out on this end Apple is just gonna be a headache after headache of trying to figure things out even though this is a MacBook I am running Windows you will need a camera we're gonna talk about cameras in a second you will need what's called a hardware encoder we are going to talk about which one you want and of course some cables and adapters we're gonna talk about all of those and we're also gonna have to talk about your software and your platform account we are going to be using YouTube but in this particular video we're gonna be talking about Facebook live because apparently our YouTube account requires 24 hours from this point on to really go live so we're gonna show you on Facebook live which is still a great platform and all the concepts are the same so let's talk about cameras the camera we're gonna be using in this video is an a7 s2 from Sony but any camera will do as long as it has three things first it needs an HDMI out just about every hardware encoder that you're gonna purchase today is gonna have an HDMI second thing you want to look for is a microphone in technically that's not required it's more of a highly recommended item as a backup you will have audio synching issues later unless you have a microphone in that's just generally the easiest way to take care of it we're gonna talk about audio briefly later a third thing you want is an AC adapter some kind of a power that plug into the wall in this case this camera you have to buy a separate AC adapter that plug into the battery and trade into the wall make sure you do that because if your sermons are as long as mine these batteries too will not last long enough to capture all of it and if you want to capture the worship team for example it will be even longer and these batteries simply don't last that long you need the AC power so quick word on the tripods oh okay whether you get this $24 amazon basic tripod here or this $1000 professional tripod unless you're doing a crazy camera motion they both will look exactly the same if you're just gonna go online and then preach from the pulpit and have one angle these cheaper stuff will do so keep that in mind so the encoder that we're gonna be using in this video is the Elgato or alligator I don't know how to promote pronounce it it's HD 60s so the job of this is to take video signal and turn it into something you can use on the computer look for example in this case we're gonna stream it online I recommend the HD 60s but just about any hardware encoder will do as long as it's compatible with your system just notice a lot of these things can get finicky it's really simple there is an HDMI IN port there is a USB C and that comes with a yes USB C to USB adapter this particular one that has an audio in it as well which is important because sometimes a camera mic in will have a lot of noise so this guy we tested it out it sounds pretty good and it has an HDMI out so let's try and set these guys up first you set go ahead and set up your camera quick word on lenses if you guys have an interchangeable lenses obviously if you want to zoom into the pastor you want to telephoto of the lens I recommend maybe Oh anywhere between 70 to 110 right now we're gonna be using 55 or in this case this guy's a 28 do want to be able to capture the worship team and we want to get close up so that we can capture the sermon so we were gonna use 28 just know that anywhere between like a 35 55 90 built kind of focal length and on millimeter on the lenses will all work this particular camera comes with a micro HDMI to HDMI and I'm guessing most of your cameras will come with a micro HDMI slot rather than a full HDMI or even a meaning so let's plug this in right here and on the other end we have an HDMI cable here so we're gonna plug that in we're gonna plug it into the Elgato in HDMI in here this particular alghero comes with USB C 2 USB cable and here is a dongle because there's no macbook you have to have a dongle so we're gonna put that plug that into the USB port and we are going to plug that dongle in the USB see it's weird because we just went from a USB C to USB to a USB C but for some reason this works but when we plug directly into a USB D it does not alright now that we have everything hooked up it's important for you to download the necessary software now Elgato has a game capture software it's called game capture and they do have here a Windows version as well as a max version down here but what's important to note is that the Windows version works far better than the Mac version right now we're using only Game Capture to test the software because it's the software that it came with okay here's the software right now it says no signal but it finds the correct model number so that's good right now it says no signal because we don't didn't turn on the camera all right so we're gonna power this on make sure it power is on and then there we go is the footage from our camera now notice that the game audio is cut most likely be the microphone on your camera so we're gonna be talking about the software side of this later on in this video just know that we are just using this to test it if you are gonna go straight from the camera use the camera microphone and all that you can stream straight from this software no problem but because we have a worship team where that mixer we got audio issues we're gonna be using a different software audio is a whole different piece in fact let's talk about it now so the audio will pop mostly maybe the trickiest part about all this because it depends if you're gonna go straight from the microphone into the camera or if you're gonna use some fancy wireless technology or if you're gonna use a microphone that's built into the camera all those things are the easiest solution actually but for most part I'm guessing you're gonna use something like this a mixer if you have a mixer with any kind of processing or in this case this is a digital mixer any digital mixer unfortunately will cause what's called will cause what's called lateness it's basically the audio will come slower than the video so your lips will not match when someone's talking the audio will always come out a little later so in this case we are gonna be using this behringer excerpt we're gonna be using the auxilary send from here we're gonna put it into al gato or the camera and we're gonna see how much latency there is and there's software that will correct that we're gonna talk about that later so let's set this guy up all right so we're gonna be using ops 3 so let's put this XLR cable into ox-3 it's gonna be scary it was so ox4 al gotta use it a 3.5 millimeter uh input so we're gonna be using a couple of adapters because these are the ones we have here at church so we're gonna go from XLR and - okay these quarter-inch adapters that goes into a 3.5 millimeter just to let you know your church setup might be different your mixer will most likely have a quarter-inch straight into quarter-inch mine just happens to fix a lot however you achieve it just know that this is the angle from your audio source to your source this is 3.5 millimeter just a typical headphone jack that will go into the algata keep in mind that this microphone in like mentioned earlier we can technically put plug that straight into the microphone and just know that this sensor is a microphone in you need to have a low level coming out of from there and low level recording setting inside the camera the thing to remember about this for some odd reason especially this particular camera adds a lot of noise when it comes from the behringer straight straight to here the advantage though is that the latency is greatly greatly reduced but again if you're using a digital mixer this will always have latent a quick word about noises a little bit of noise is not bad in fact if there's no noise it sounds like the TV broke a little bit of the room noise is actually a good thing it's just really distracting when it's really really high up so you just want to keep that under control but don't panic because you hear a little bit of noise there are there are numerous of free software there's one called OBS studio which is an open source and free but the one we're gonna be using is stream labs OVS it's also free but there are premium versions the last remember earlier we verify that everything worked through Game Capture HD the first thing you're going to realize is well there are a couple of logins we're gonna be using Facebook eventually YouTube it'll ask which page you want to stream to go ahead and select your church read through the option and see if any of these are appealing to you click done click OK and we're gonna start fresh we want to set up ooh hello we want to set up the Elgato Game Capture HD 60s and of course we still want to use the line from el gato because that's the way we set it up [Music] next we don't want to be using any theme at least for our purpose there we go alright so this is your studio screen on their sources we're gonna add video capture device which is going to be the el gato add source let's go ahead and name that vato HD 60s add source make sure you click on it click done there you go there is the elgato 60s that should be the elgato n all right just to let you know that we just had an issue earlier with el gato in between shots for some reason he was recording the microphones in this case all the settings were correct we just have to retest us reset the software and suddenly it started working these are very glitchy and buggy software's in general so make sure you guys try restarting and rebooting occasionally to make sure all the settings come back correctly so that is coming from the mixer microphone so once you set everything up let's go ahead and click live go live we don't want to share to Facebook unless you want to all right we're gonna say test we're gonna say yeah ah what the heck was that I see another test now if you use that method apparently stream Labs requires you to set a gaming category and if you don't feel like setting up a gaming category you're gonna have to go through a custom stream key now in order to do that go ahead and login to your actual Facebook account that you have an admin role is our church if you go to publishing tools you want to go to the creator studio it might be in it might not necessarily be here and yours might be down here just look for the creator studio and you're gonna create a post make sure your church page is selected when you create post you're gonna click go live don't worry you're not actually going live yet once you get to your goal live screen go ahead and put in your titles this is where you can actually put like some day worship and then start talking maybe a couple of notes about the video your sermon topics or verses of the week that sort of thing what's really important here is this thing called a stream key you want to click copy you want to click the stream key here is the Elgato making sure the audio still works here is a screen go to the setting which is a gearhead on the lower left go to go to stream and you are going to get this stream to custom ingest so we're going to go to nope we're gonna go through streaming services now if you have your own church streaming server this is where you will put your information in whoops run back the stream we're gonna select Facebook live server by default and this is where you put in your stream key go ahead and copy paste them up and paste it V yep there's that okay so we should be ready to go let's see if that works we're gonna click go live and you should be able to see this video stream through here now keep in mind if you're actually using the church page this is live so when you click this live for now it's okay this is not gonna go online just yet but if you click go live here you should be able to see connecting live video Facebook should be able to see on their website what you're sending there it is so Facebook is receiving your feed this is a good thing keep in mind though this is like 5 to 10 second delay but so don't freak out like I did earlier when you jump in front of the camera and suddenly you don't see yourself in order to go live you have to go to this left side here and click go alive once you click here now my entire congregation will see this empty space and wonder what's going on so we're just testing here excellent we're alive now the problem is if there's someone talking right there right now the lips and on uh and the video like audio and video is not gonna match so their lips and what they're saying the audio of it is not going to match so we're gonna go ahead and fix that right now we just wanted to make sure we went through a full sub circle keep in mind this is really broadcasting live right now and when you click end video and then click okay your video will be saved on the church page so make sure you delete that okay or it set it up in the beginning where it doesn't save also keep in mind that stream key has to be new each time new live stream there's a unique stream key to each live stream so audio syncing issue is gonna go through some trial and error you're gonna have to see someone is just gonna have to see like what it looks like on the other the best way to do it for us to do it is to actually stream it live just like what we did but make sure someone's out there talking the microphone and things and make sure someone else is on the other side actually on the phone or something where they could see the actual live feed and let you know hey the lip so matches too fast too slow that type of deal but this is where you actually kind of changed those type of settings if your video is coming in faster than your audio then what you want to do is click the source add a filter and the press the plus to add it and we're gonna go to what's called render delay and what this will do is add or slow the video down by milliseconds so if we put 5,000 that means 5 seconds on my particular software and for this setting it says you cannot do more than 500 so that's why you shouldn't be able to need more than that but depending on your computer it might be different because the desktop PC that we did at autumn we were able to do up to 7 seconds so we'll see how that works so you can put 300 click done and now the video will come 300 seconds milliseconds later than what it was intended if it's the other way around then what you want to do is click this gearbox on the mixer and you will see what's called sync offset now for the elgato hd60 s you want to add let's say 5,000 i think it's gonna say this anything oh it didn't well what do you know or audio you can actually offset it so you want to slow down the audio by a milliseconds then this is the window to do it so render delay is to delay the video the gearbox on the mixer is to delay the audio so you that you will be able to get pretty close you should be able to get pretty close on your broadcast well there you have it ladies and gentlemen now you can stream live your congregation make sure you guys reorganize a cable use a gaff tapers alike and then just tape down the cable because you have if you have any members or even tech that walk around you know it's safety issue it reduces the chance of just tripping over we hope you found this video helpful there are obviously other ways to do this there are simpler ways to do this in terms of you just use a webcam on a Macbook maybe we'll make a video about that if you guys will want that if you guys think it'll help be helpful for furthering the kingdom we were off obviously love to do that and of course there are fancier ways of doing this including multiple cameras or and using things like sling where you can use your eyepatch to do this if you have the budget for that that's great and maybe we'll even talk about that using video switchers and things whatever the case we want to hear from you guys was this video helpful was there part that's lacking is there something we can put in the description to help the churches give a message of hope because these days more than ever we need to spread the gospel because it's a message of hope and is certainly something people need these days so we certainly hope that a live streaming from your congregation will help spread the word thanks for watching see you guys in the comments you
Channel: SRC YG
Views: 36,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6bTuYyFu3aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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