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that ball hit standing right up in the face area it looked like his hands covering his face he turned into that ball and it caught him right it looked like up under the helmet and the Marlins quickly out there oh wow goodness right and looked like the cheek underneath the left eye stand still on his side knowing that one get some flush yikes right on the helmet we're gonna get him all my gun writing them all right in the mouth right in the mouth in case you needed us to tell you that oh my Wow apini never went down he's stunned he doesn't know Oh kisses here the problem shoulders my console his chin down the left-field line and it will be chased by Arcia and got him in the jaw Rennick eat grimacing Marcy is lucky that ball didn't do some damage back to pin the Knicks towards third-base Bogart says no play first and play is staggered in the face or not I'm going to come out a check on it let's take a look at that last hop right off the glove and off the face and Down Goes Buckholtz the o1o that got him and it got him in the face oh my goodness start oh man Oh turn around the bunt fastball 95 it did get the helmet it and thank God for that and don't wear for him to go couldn't get out of the way and got the helmet then boy is he lucky it did ken Crenshaw is the gentleman with his back to the camera the head trainer brian de pantalons assistant truck apparently on the side of the head by a Carlos Gonzales live live and actually grab the exits expecting a packet Oh off his head and the throat of first is in time and Alex's straight down on the front of the mound good play so far and I'm a little bit worn out down here a child that came up at gachi of a telomere he got on forehead so that would pull holes not too long ago same thing knocked his helmet off reaching for this off-speed pitch knock the helmet off I've got the forehead it's Tim to size up the American League West and what he liked about the top three teams here's a one that may have come back and hit Cowgill on the face and it did all wow wow just one of those heat seekers just go I don't know if he found that off or not Oh hit Rollins in the face or at least it the top of the head as it came up I think no maybe toward the eye he was a slider down an end and right guy they call an eye burger and I burner or I burger burger you're getting paid to go to Jenny's took that one let's hope he's okay the ball ends up out Wow and it was my hot Jenny's is up is being held up my jarrod saltalamacchia the ball came off the bat and a hundred and one miles an hour that cait's Mitchell and let's see if he's okay a run scores and Ellsbury gets the ball went quickly looks like Mitchell got hit above the shoulders let's see exactly what's happening out there Steve Donahue makes his way to the bow you can see the blood on his right hand the cow trying to compress the wound here's the pitch up and in with him in the face mostly the know who look out that ball came back up and hit Kinsler in the face two and two so wicked ricochet right there it bounced definitely breakfast out to undress he walked one and struck out six 93 pitches he's in good shape then he burns he can hit pan he flares it down the right side Mounties tickets over crippled takes the throw of his second and Reyes he got a nasty hop and the ball came up and hit Reyes he was sliding in watch the ball hit burns in the back and it bounces up and hits rest in the face this is an unfortunate bounce going back away oh that's a shot Nelson's town carpenter is going to come into scored and the ball still live here still in play Pham to second Jimmy Nelson is down this is not good exit velocity on this ball was a hundred and four miles per hour I don't know if I'm misinterpreting this it looks like Jimmy's trying to talk his way into the game here Jen writes in okay I'm not gonna happen so how'd it goes oh man they had hit Infante right in the head oh it's just a fastball two-seamer got away couldn't get out in time oh gosh that's terrible why you got him on the chin yeah chin left side on the chin face now the Yankee team doctor is coming out dr. Christopher Ahmad we've got to get some experience going through the lineup more than once and a foul ball that bounced up and hit Adam in the face yeah that protect me loan away slider swing Ritchie bansal's head trainer out there manager all the buttons that you push you hoping for good things and they just haven't happened that way Oh half this on the ground Elena comes into score Escobar scores be taken off the food very frightening moment here nabob there and quickly reminded how insignificant of this program from becoming you
Channel: BronxBomber42
Views: 8,209,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: btsSJC4wrXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2016
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