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[Music] got a piece of it and shake it up is Sanchez [Applause] breaking ball kind of hung up there in the middle of the plate a little bit of a mistake there from Robertson but those you're a little on top of it Sanchez gets it where he you don't want it see if he's going to be able to continue looks like he will Joe Girardi's headed to back and Robertson saw right away and he knew his battery mate was in considerable pain but Sanchez RI [Applause] that got Stephenville you and me goes down Oh No well you can sort of take guests on this one job your channel II yeah I think him rolling around kind of said it said it all it's Carson Blair who is the third catcher generally the expanded rosters in September teams will always call up a third catcher you know I'm not even sure that he you can make it back there continue this game that's that's painful so Blair is gonna head to the dugout and get himself ready oh my goodness Wow [Music] [Applause] Wow [Music] so Blair will come in and Stephen vote we're thinking about you and man you just hate to see that [Applause] [Applause] and then it seems like every game he goes back there he takes a ball somewhere yes he does he takes a beating back there and he's he was playing first all day today feeling comfortable everything going good and you have all these switches go pitch out throw it again [Applause] looks like he is hurt they tried to make a funky slide to get out of the way let's see if he's okay it's like he might have pulled something is the Yankee staff out there quickly to see if Hicks is all right great call from the Texas [ __ ] on the pitch out hicks tries a trick slide pops up [Applause] hard to say don't want to speculate the dangerous-looking slide you hope all it is David is that got the wind knocked out of him he doesn't wear the tag was applied he knows he's out he tries to pop up quickly hit her lake trout shot to third and rebate he got nailed by that ball yes he's down he's in a lot of pain outcomes Jeff - Arden along with Terry Francona little take a look at a rebate [Applause] just like it yes I was going to say this is exactly I think what like what happened to Gomes in Seattle Uribe that ball was add some top spin to it coming right there Adam and you know it's not it's not going to be pretty it's a one hopper you know I just couldn't get the glove to it he's gonna need a lot of time the odd game Gomes missed what three three straight I believe he did trying to think of what game it wasn't Seattle was it the first one okay maybe yes he didn't play till he got here now anybody has ever had that happen to them before you know that all you can do is just wait for it to subside there's not a whole lot anybody can do for you Terry Francona's probably wondering okay Michael Martinez could come into play third then you need somebody to go into the outfield live with a suit Tyler Naquin if assuming a rebate is not able to continue don't think he's gonna continue he can barely move it's taking up a few minutes just to get him to roll over to the other side Jason Kipnis is starting to get loose so maybe he'll just come in to play second base and Ramirez will go to the outfield yeah I do not see Uribe in this game the rest of this day that's for sure let's hope he can get up and walk off they're gonna help him do his feet and it looks like Jason Kipnis is indeed coming into the ball game [Applause] now the Indians jumped out early today with a solo home run the first inning with two outs by Francisco Lindor and Santana led off the second with a solo shot I think they're going to bring the card in here and then they tacked on three more to make it a four run second inning and David Huff did not survive inning number two and that's been it through three innings Danny Salazar has been very good today how they score that they gave me hit oh yeah that's a base hit that ball was smoked here comes the cart they are gonna cart them off [Applause] I almost look sick sick to his stomach sure does he is in some kind of pain look at each se he can't even take a step watching a rebate make his way to the car he's not early moolah I know that they're gonna either gonna have to pick them up or they're gonna have to get there it is that's the first couple of steps we don't hit any bumps on the way out [Applause] oops this little misjudge meant right there on that [ __ ] and as good as Salvi's hands are he couldn't get he couldn't get his glove on that one now usually it's a curve ball that bounces but that was a fastball and that threw Salvi off [Applause] people I'm not sure exactly what that but yeah maybe it was a cutter but it 89 and certainly wasn't off speed away if it was his curveball and that's one of the shortest curveballs I've ever seen from Wade Davis but anyway Salvi he's not used to seeing that pitch either and he just misjudged it he came up out of his crouch [Music] [Applause] think Salvi will be fine as long as he can stay in that position the rest of the night yep some deep breaths here we are [Applause] gentlemen we apologize for what you're about to see it was a curveball [Applause] there's no triples of course is not a base stealer he seems like he's all or nothing eight home runs 20 ribbies he is hidden for a good average behind it's a wall that's nailed an Indian's player this one got Yan Gomes pretty good and up comes James Quinlan again with Terry Francona are you kidding me I mean this is in a span of about five minutes to India's players dropped by foul balls Seattle out to a two nothing lead on a first inning two outs two run homer by Nelson Cruz as we'll take another look here well this is like what would happen back in Cleveland when we were there that I'm fire that we had hit twice and had to you know take a spell and a breather both times there's absolutely nothing he could do there the Indians came into this game having won six in a row Seattle has lost four straight Mariners though just four games back at Texas in the AL West and they've got a four-game lead on Houston Astros are playing Texas yeah well Texas took the lead in the bottom of the eighth Ford it to it that game is heading to the ninth down there in Arlington speaking of that the Detroit Tigers were down 2 to nothing going into the bottom of the ninth at home against Toronto they rallied for two to tie it Ian Kinsler with a walk-off knock in the 10th to win it for the Tigers as Detroit gets two games over 500 now at 30 and 28 and they've won five in a row yeah they've battled back they're playing much better there you'll see the city get pounded by Baltimore Chris Jimenez has his gear on and it looks like he's coming into the ballgame well he has suited up no doubt and he's coming on me at least he'll keep Cody Anderson loose until a decision is may not gulps Bill welke saying hold on a second he's he may not be allowed to go out there and warm up the picture decision he's that appears to be what welke told him Gomes is gonna call in tonight I yeah I think you're right this time yes he isn't back that's awful I mean about it it certainly is there's not much you can do about that's all about playing that position but I I think that's smart get him off let's see how he's going to be feeling here so Jimenez will be coming into the ball game fouled off a don't plating that got a Vila [Applause] and it got him good so much so that Kevin ran comes trotting out out it's gonna last a while no balls hit one strike he is taking one off his finger - left shoulder home where he's taking one off the left inner thigh one and two and I got a piece of McCann somewhere on that right leg you don't know if it's the foot the ankle the knee [Music] and then when you have those shin guards they give Val ball off the crease take a look and see where this gets McCann you know better than I do flash I don't know that that to hit you on your shin bone through those or what in the world I think that hit him out of place that has a little protection but just not enough I had a bad angle on the first one flash sorry we had to see that second one I always say that the foul balls off the mask don't really hurt it looks a lot worse than it is tell me those did not say the same thing for that foul ball right there you know one time in spring training I went up there and I found you know your mechanics are so bad I foul a ball off the plate that came straight back up and he wasn't running around the bases [Applause] that woman takes a piece out of Derek Norris [Applause] [Applause] Morris has played a ton early on here this season [Applause] take a moment for himself I'll be black have to check with him only to borrow the Padres athletic trainers being a catcher it's not a joke back there [Applause] off but we let the right foot inside of the flip that's where initially God hey remember he got one of the Tokyo today last night correct yeah you know they got the little piece of the shin guard that hangs over the toe and somehow the ball finds the one little part that isn't covered so that was kind of a twofer for Derek Norris what he is working up a serious lather underneath that helmet as well and a human night here in San Diego so you want to be a catcher huh well Nieves here on this 25 man roster like notice he's gonna try and stay in the game but put the mask back on does that surprise you come man talk to you vanya would get loose give Norris an opportunity to see how he feels sister I'm good I'm good I love that guy couple deep breaths and he's gonna stay in the ball game foul ball and it caught a piece of Sucre whatever Gatos could certainly feel for hey see Sucre let's see where I got him never catch me former catcher himself sympathizes with that help to his feet there Wilson Ramos looking on from the Rays dugout less painful pitching than it is catching oh yeah I mean there's just not words when you get a hit where hey Suz Sucre got hit you need time it is a it's a horrible horrible feeling and now able to take a deep breath and let's get back to back [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: WesleyAPEX
Views: 1,010,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MLB, Nutshot, Baseball, Injury, Funny, Comedy, Professional, Pro, World Series, Home Run, Sports, Hurt, WesleyAPEX, Ball, Kansas City Royals, Texas Rangers, Houston Astros, New York Yankees, San Diego Padres, Detroit Tigers
Id: 1UdNaaT5SqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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