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foreign [Music] there it is Winter's the first base subfire it's like perhaps getting some sort of reflection or a light this is lifted to left was this a bang it is going to spin into the bullpen and uh see you know you hate to see it too if people got to quit throwing beer cans out of the upper decks you're hitting people down below you know someone in the first row just got hit by a beer can on the upper deck earlier he's trying to get there quit throwing stuff that's what he's doing calm down I don't think that was going to go out [Applause] oh please nothing would make me happier right now to reverse this on the kid around five of eleven foreign [Applause] makes the catch who does this JB shuck think he is kept blind Drive Fair ball down the right field line Marlin scores easily pitcher being sent home and they interfered with the ball pulled a different score to this ball game too 2-1 Clevenger out of the game it's in real good shape here in Philadelphia so this guy gets blindsided by the Braves outfielder [Applause] lucky that one Mike Curtis clotheslining him and that's the only reason we're showing this idiot was to shoot side hey Adrian Gonzalez leans in and over and can't hang on that wait a minute they gotta call that right I mean he Adrian's talking to him oh yeah took it out of his gloves daddy dearest over there has nervous Mass above Gardner who's a good hitting pitcher now Bob Davidson is hearing it from the Giants Dugout oh no he's here [Music] [Applause] very interesting the fact that he's able to hear is he is there a fan that he's upset with Bob Davidson has ejected a fan I don't get it the guy paid his money I don't know how you can eject them they may put him another seat oh Bautista gets it as he has to deal with the fan Bautista had a chance to make a throw on snow and that's why he's disappointed well that was a costly souvenir for that fan it cost him his seat and as he interfered with Ballin Kendricks back goes flying into the stands this is a very different obviously situation than what we saw in Boston where a woman was struck by a broken bat good news roller foul through the third base coaching box oh cost you and him out of here right now [Applause] that happens we've had uh great turnouts throughout this see through a water bottle on the field [Applause] the fans be I don't play to try to impersonate Kimbrough [Applause] [Music] Franklin coming over in a hurry foul ball and a fan reaches over into the field of play and so after that review and they're going to call it a day down there he's on his way stands and couldn't get it and he's limited with a fan foreign s it's fair game for the fans to catch the ball at the fan there he is it's my ball come on dude because Gomes would have scored on this ball now second and third with one out here lion drive towards the corner this could be trouble it's headed for the corner and back to Fan reaches over that'll be fan interference all drops over the outside corner yep good night but he has a nice parting gift with him I'll Adrian coming over doubtful cleans in and out probably figures well it's coming to my neighborhood so I'm entitled to it and really I couldn't argue with him one day Fair ball down the left field line that was grabbed by a fan so yeah he feels very bad about it yeah don't let it bother you that much and hafter hits it hard by the first baseman Loney on down the line after will turn it first and looks like one of the fans might have touched the ball yeah he's got a souvenir an easy double Matt Joyce does not get a chance to make a play so I have to pee made the catch I think and well no he's asking for fan interference he's saying that that fan leaned out over pitching over in the field of play that part was coming and now he is being escorted out and a drive down the left field line that is going to be a close hits battle around in comes Turner we will see now what that does to the runners Kirk Gibson came out that's such a thoughtless thing to do yeah you drop it now but going back to the track to the wall and what happens here he contends that a fan reaches up and touches it day for this young fan so he had this foul ball that he could not make the play on then this ground ball he couldn't make the play on report about it third time's Target they're ready to fight it out over the souvenir but watch How This Ends cooler heads prevail and give me some love come on bring it in nicely done but she's gonna he's not gonna jump see that ball is coming down he's coming down it's not going out it was coming down I think he would have caught the ball he catches that bounces foul it was aggressive here early against nice these gives you a lot of different looks he's not a hard drawer fastball and now they walk him out eight three rays Nick Franklin says bye swing and a line drive Fair ball inside the bag hits the sidewall a fan grabbed it they're going to call fan interference and they did eject we're in the process of ejecting the fan that made contact in this jerk he throws the ball back onto the field and I will do it again [Music] thank you [Music] thank you
Channel: Sporting Cut
Views: 3,698,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MLB, Baseball, Sporting Cut, Major league Baseball, Las Mayores, Beisbol, mlb2023
Id: yXxLOL7kkes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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