F-16 vs MiG-29 - Why does Ukraine Want Them?

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Welcome to our video about the comparison of the world's most legendary fighter jets the F-16 Falcon and the MiG-29 these aircraft have been the subject of countless debates over the years with Aviation enthusiasts and Military experts alike weighing in on which is superior today we're going to delve into the details and compare these two iconic aircraft in terms of their design performance and capabilities so get ready to discover which fighter jet comes out on top let's begin with their historical background [Music] F-16 fighter jet the F-16 also known as the Fighting Falcon is a single-engine supersonic fighter jet designed and produced by General Dynamics or recently known as Lockheed Martin the story of the F-16 began in the early 1970s when the U.S Air Force was seeking a lightweight cost-effective and maneuverable aircraft to replace its aging Fleet of fighter jets as a result General Dynamics developed the s16 which made its first flight in January 1974. its design was based on a small highly maneuverable aircraft with a low weight to thrust ratio giving it an exceptional acceleration and turning ability it was also equipped with Advanced avionics including a head-up display and a fly-by-wire flight control system which allowed the pilot to control the aircraft with precision the F-16 was put into service with the U.S Air Force in 1979 and quickly proved to be a capable fighter jet since then the s16 has been used in various conflicts around the world including the Gulf War Kosovo War and the war on terror over the years it has undergone several upgrades to keep it relevant and competitive with newer aircraft today it remains a vital part of the U.S Air Force's Fleet as well as the air forces of many other countries and has been used in both air-to-air and air-to-ground combat roles thank you MiG-29 the MiG-29 also known as fulcrum is a twin-engine air superiority fighter jet designed and produced by the mccoyan design Bureau in the Soviet Union it was developed in the late 1970s as a response to the usf-15 and F-16 fighter jets and took its first flight on October 6 1977. the MiG-29 was designed to be a high performance aircraft with exceptional maneuverability and advanced avionics it was also equipped with a powerful engine and Armament the aircraft's capabilities were showcased at the 1986 farnborough air show where it performed a series of impressive maneuvers the MiG-29 entered service with the Soviet Air Force in 1983 and was quickly exported to other countries including India Syria and Iraq it saw its first Combat Action during the Soviet Afghan war in the 1980s and was also used in conflicts in Yugoslavia Iraq and Syria over the years the MiG-29 has undergone several upgrades and variants including the mig-29s which had improved avionics and weapon systems and the mig-29k which was designed for aircraft carriers today the MiG-29 remains in service with several Air Forces around the world and is still considered a formidable fighter jet now let's move on to their comparison number one dimensions in weight the dimensions of both fighter jets are quite similar with the F-16 measuring 16.1 feet and the MiG-29 measuring 15.5 feet in height however the s16 falls short about 6 feet in terms of length and wingspan measuring roughly 49 feet and 32 feet respectively while the MiG-29 measures 56 feet in length and a wingspan of 37 feet in terms of weight the MiG-29 is heavier than its rival with a maximum takeoff weight of 45 000 pounds and an empty weight of 20 000 pounds while the s16 has a maximum takeoff weight of 42 000 pounds and an empty weight of 18 000 pounds however the F-16 has a slightly larger fuel capacity ranging from seven thousand to twelve thousand pounds and the MiG-29 ranging from six thousand to nine thousand pounds depending on the variance these differences could have an impact on the aircraft's maneuverability range and Mission capabilities number two engine and performance the MiG-29 is equipped with two powerful turbofin engines each producing up to 19 800 pounds of thrust or 39 600 pounds in total this gives the aircraft an impressive thrust to weight ratio and allows it to achieve a top speed of match 2.25 at high altitudes it is also capable of super Cruise which means it can sustain supersonic flight without using afterburners which conserves Fuel and extends its range the F-16 on the other hand is powered by a single turbofin engine that produces up to 29 000 pounds of thrust this gives the aircraft a lower thrust to weight ratio than the MiG-29 but it is still a highly capable fighter jet the F-16 has a top speed of around Max 2 at high altitudes but it is not capable of super Cruise in terms of acceleration the MiG-29 has a higher rate of climb than the s16 the F-16 can climb at a rate of around 50 000 feet per minute while the MiG-29 has a maximum climb rate of around 65 000 feet per minute number three maneuverability both the MiG-29 and F-16 are known for their excellent maneuverability but there are some differences between the two aircraft the MiG-29 was specifically designed to be a highly maneuverable fighter jet with a Thrust to weight ratio that allows it to accelerate quickly and perform tight turns its wing design and high lift to drag ratio also give it exceptional agility at both low and high speeds Additionally the MiG-29 has a relaxed stability design that allows it to perform Advanced Maneuvers such as the cobra in which the aircraft pulls up sharply and then quickly drops its nose the F-16 is also a highly maneuverable aircraft with a low weight to thrust ratio that gives it an excellent acceleration and climb rate its fly-by-wire flight control system allows the pilot to make precise Maneuvers and control the aircraft's movements at high speeds however the f-16s maneuverability is somewhat limited compared to the MiG-29 particularly at low speeds and in tight turns overall the MiG-29 has a reputation for being one of the most maneuverable fighter jets in the world particularly at low speeds and in dogfight scenarios the F-16 while still a highly agile aircraft may not be quite as agile as the MiG-29 in certain situations number four radar and Avionics the MiG-29 is equipped with the n019 radar which has a range of up to 81 to 90 miles it also has an infrared search and track system which allows it to detect and track targets based on their heat signatures the s16 in contrast is equipped with the an AP g68 radar which has a range of up to 284 miles it also has an advanced avionic Suite including a digital flight control system a heads-up display and a multi-function display in terms of avionics the s16 has a more advanced avionic Suite than the MiG-29 which includes a digital flight control system a heads-up display or HUD and a multi-function display it also has an advanced radar warning receiver a countermeasure dispensing system and electronic warfare capabilities the MiG-29 on the other hand has a more basic avionics Suite it has a digital fly-by-wire system and HUD but it is not as advanced as the s16 system the mig-29s radar while effective is not as advanced as an ap68 radar however the MiG-29 does have an infrared search and track system which allows it to detect and track targets based on their heat signatures number five armament the mig-29's primary air-to-air missiles are the r-73 and r27 missiles the r-73 is a short-range infrared guided missile while the r27 is a medium range radar-guided missile the MiG-29 can also carry unguided bombs and Rockets for air-to-ground attacks the f-16's primary air-to-air missiles are the ain-120mrom and A9 Sidewinder missiles the aim-120 amram is a medium range radar guided missile while The aim-9 Sidewinder is a short-range infrared guided missile the F-16 can also carry a variety of air-to-ground missiles and bombs including the agm-65 Maverick missile and the gbu-12 Paveway laser-guided bomb in terms of guns the MiG-29 is equipped with a single 30 millimeter GS h30 to 1 Cannon while the F-16 is equipped with a single 20 millimeter and 61 Vulcan Cannon overall both the MiG-29 and F-16 are well-armed fighter jets but the s16 has a wider variety of weapons to engage in air-to-air and air-to-ground combat the s-16s aim 120 Amron missile is considered to be one of the most advanced air-to-air missiles in the world giving it an advantage over the mig-29s r73 and r27 missiles the s16's ability to carry laser-guided bombs and advanced air-to-ground missiles also gives it an advantage in ground attack missions [Music] which is better if the two fighters are positioned at a medium distance of approximately 40 miles facing towards each other the F-16 may have an advantage due to its Superior radar and avionics allowing it to detect the MiG-29 first however in a dogfight or close combat situation the MiG-29 super maneuverability may give it an advantage it is important to note that the Pilot's level of tactical planning response and ability to cope with the pressures of combat also play a significant role in determining the outcome of the engagement that's all for today thank you for watching [Music] yeah we told him you were coming we didn't know if you wanted anybody [Music]
Channel: Military TV
Views: 604,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mig 29, f16, mig 29 vs f-16, f-16 vs mig 29, f-16 vs mig 29 - which would win, fighter jet, f 16 vs mig 29, f 16, f-16 viper, f-16 vs mig-29, f-16 fighting vs mikoyan mig-29, f16 vs mig29, f-16, dcs f-16, fighter jets, mig-29s fulcrum, f-16 fighting falcon
Id: YcjTa5sX8FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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