A-10 vs SU-25 Which is Better?

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[Music] foreign close air support jets are highly specialized aircraft designed to provide front line assault operations and assist Ground Forces as a result these planes require significant armor and a formidable array of weapons because of their specific role there are only two aircraft in the world that were purpose-built for this task the Sukhoi su-25 frog foot which has been updated and is currently in use by the Ukrainian Army and the U.S Army's A-10 Warthog these aircraft are often referred to as flying tanks and are competing for the air support mission for ground combat units they are emblematic of the two most powerful military forces in the world they both possess Advanced armor low altitude attack and bombing capabilities that Aid infantry and attacking enemy Ground Forces so between the two which is better [Music] the A10 Thunderbolt 2 aircraft was developed by the U.S military as a response to the lessons learned from the Vietnam War in 1972 the military realized the need for a specialized aircraft for ground attack missions as the existing options including the F4 Phantom F-111 and A1 Skyraider were not sufficient for the job the A-10 Thunderbolt 2 was designed to address the shortcomings of these planes and fill the Gap in the U.S Air Force's air-to-ground combat capabilities [Music] the primary function of the A10 is to breach enemy air defenses eliminate armored targets and return to base this objective is reflected in the aircraft's heavily armored plating unique engine placement located in a way that Shields them from ground fire with the horizontal stabilizer and the enormous cannon that the plane is specifically constructed around [Music] well for the su-25 the production by the Russians began in 1978 following a similar development path as the A-10 the Soviet Air Force identified the necessity for a low altitude highly survivable aircraft to complement its attack aircraft Fleet prior to the su-25 aircraft such as the su-17 su-22 mig-23bn and mig-27 only had a single engine and lacked armor their combat experience in Afghanistan indicated that they were highly vulnerable to ground fire thus an aircraft equipped with armor protection and two engines was required to enhance survivability the su-25 while also classified as an air support attack aircraft is more of a multi-purpose attacker it relies on a combination of higher cruising speeds ground cover and maneuverability to evade enemy fire and emerge unscathed design and payload the su-25 and A10 differ in their design with the su-25 being smaller and lighter weighing in at 19.3 tons for takeoff compared to the a10's 22.7 tons although the su-25 is a smaller aircraft it is believed to have better protection for the cockpit it carries a significant amount of titanium armor on board up to 1.2 tons with armor thickness ranging from 10 to 25 millimeter in contrast the a-10's cockpit is safeguarded by a nearly four centimeters thick titanium armor weighing over 0.5 tons however the su-25 carries a smaller payload 4.4 tons compared to the A10 7.99 tons due to its smaller size and weight Additionally the su-25 is faster and more maneuverable making it a harder Target to hit in summary the su-25 is designed with a lighter armor than the A10 but this is because its designers prioritize agility and evasion rather than heavy durability all right Armament and power the su-25 and A10 are both heavily armed aircraft that are feared by Ground Forces both planes have similar options but the A10 has the advantage of carrying twice the payload of the su-25 however when considering the number of hard points and equipment on board the difference is much less significant [Music] the a-10's primary weapon is the 30 millimeter gau8 Howitzer which holds 1174 rounds of ammunition and can fire up to 4 000 revolutions per minute its uranium poor armor-piercing ammunition allows it to destroy tanks and armor with high efficiency the A10 has 11 weapon hardpoints with a total tonnage of 7.2 tons giving it a significant advantage over the su-25 it can carry a variety of weapons including conventional bombs cluster bombs agm-65 Maverick air-to-ground missiles and M9 Sidewinders mounted on lau105 launchers on the outer pylons foreign the su-25 on the other hand the su-25's gsh32 gun is three times lighter has a firing rate of 3 000 revolutions per minute which is more than sufficient and has no limit on burst lengths it has a 30 millimeter double-barreled Cannon and 11 hardpoints with a total payload of around 4 tons its main ground attack weapons include Rockets bombs and surface-to-air missiles such as the kh-23 kh-25 and kh-29 the su-25sm can also be equipped with r73 air-to-air missiles engine and performance the main distinction between the two planes is their engines the A-10 boasts two tf-34 engines which are stronger than the su-25s r95 engine however the a10's engine is more exposed and vulnerable to ground fire while the su-25's engine is located within the fuselage and features a protective layer of titanium armor in addition the su-25's engine is multi-fuel whereas the a-10s engine can only run on jet fuel [Music] compared to the A10 which has a maximum speed of 437 miles per hour the su-25 has a higher top speed of 590 miles per hour but with shorter operational range of just 307.5 miles half that of the a10's 640 miles to extend its range extra fuel can be carried externally but this will reduce the available payload beside this the su-25 requires only 656 yards of takeoff distance which is half of the a-10's 1312 yards and it can take off from unpaved runways additionally unlike the A10 the su-25 is capable of operating from an aircraft carrier survivability in terms of survivability the A10 is slightly more capable of surviving serious damage than the su-25 this is because its engines are shielded from ground Fire by the horizontal stabilizer and the aircraft can fly at higher altitudes According to some reports the number of deployment losses for these aircraft is comparable when considering their deployment in Afghanistan and Syria in Afghanistan the mujahideen reportedly shot down around 22 Russian su-25 during an eight-year deployment period while no A-10 were reportedly shot down by Al Qaeda during an 18-year deployment period in the region in Syria one Russian su-25 was reportedly shot down by the isil group using a man pad system during a three plus year deployment period while no A-10 were reportedly shot down by isil during a four plus year deployment period in the region [Music] these facts it cannot be concluded that the A-10 is more suitable for the conditions of the war in Ukraine as there have been no dog fights and the current missions of the su-25 involve low altitude flight with a high risk of being shot down with man pads in conclusion the A-10 has the benefit of a highly potent automatic Canon self-guided missiles and missile evasion capabilities on the other hand the su-25 is adept at precise bombing with laser-guided missiles the su-25 has Superior speed and maneuverability while the A10 stands out in its payload capacity the su-25 has been a prominent symbol of Russian air power having been utilized in all conflicts involving the Soviet Union and Russia since its introduction similarly the A-10 Thunderbolt 2 has consistently been utilized by the U.S military in all conflicts in which the U.S has participated and is known for its Effectiveness against infantry and enemy tanks so which aircraft do you think is better share your thoughts in the comments section below that's all for today thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Military TV
Views: 85,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a10 vs su25, su-25 frogfoot, su-25, su25, a-10 vs su-25, a-10 warthog, air force, su 25, a10 vs su 25, a-10, close air support, su-25 vs a10 thunderbolt, a-10 warthog vs su-25
Id: GM3zn3Xx680
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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