F-16 scrambles on a Wild Goose Chase! Intense INTERCEPTION of a piper #atc #aviation

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B 56 bigot big foot ban 56 up to a with uh Nation 04 take the copies we got the pending track entering the airspace Bullseye 088 33 2000 heading 270 5 B 55 big foot bigot go for 5 B 55 TI bra 072 38 2000 track 270 Mission [Applause] [Music] monitor big foot B 560 want me to uh wait a 56 a firm B 55 track number whiskey uniform 615 B 55 negative looking give me the bullseye for that track for B 55 B 5 big foot recycle [Applause] SS 86 312000 track whiskey whiskey uniform 615 and55 Bigfoot commit toi Bullseye 0873 2000 heading 270 Mission inspect time is 1636 Zulu I authenticate here Papa F 55 Bigfoot 5 C good authentication F 55 Bigfoot work 3C the descend intercept Qi Target fated B 55 Bo [Applause] 55 qi1 bra 06622 1800 fan 55 big foot big foot fan 55 Target 628 10005 bigot targeted tii 1 4 38c descend Angels 1 [Applause] z b 55 big stand 55 Big Foot go ahead big foot go for 5 5 confirm AC is letting you descend to 10,000 a firm and big foot B 55 lost that aircraft in the ground cter so I'm going to continue eastbound then turn back to the West at 10,000 try and pick him back up B 55 big foot to BR 3375 1800 heading 280 B 5 955 big foot go ahead 55 work 38c Vector 3 3 all right Bigfoot I've got to continue this way if I turn around I'm just going to run him over again and not be able to see him I got to get behind him to be able to pick him up on radar big put bampire 6 confirmed toi is Bullseye 1 036 4000 heading 260 big foot negative 21 Bullseye 084 23 177,000 [Applause] 1,700 and 56 big foot B 5 Six B 56 B fo B 56 you're cut off B 56 bigot go for B 56 56 q1 bulli 083 21600 heading 270 and 5 [Applause] B 56 Cod B 56 work 3C Vector 320 Max sub understand Bigfoot you want ban 56 to intercept toi1 with ban 55 hey we just don't know B 55 OT go for B 55 55 push it up Max sub say again go ahead Bigfoot push it up Max up Sonic Bigfoot B 55 if I push it up I'm just going to run this dude over and I'm not visual you want me to stay behind him I'm closing at uh 140 knots at this time 55 big foot stand B 5 five big foot work 3 DC Des send Angels 3 push it [Applause] up B five5 in the decent of 2 two point two big fot 5 go for big FP what do want me to Mission inspect attemp contact1 on [Applause] [Music] guard visual stand by for an ID targets turning uh looks like Northeast now go ahead confirmed toi intercepted intercepted I can't get a uh let me spin around see if I can get a uh 5 confirm ATC aware intercepted I'm just trying to see up right now two are able to hold point on this guy two our last contact is behind you now B 56 B go for B 56 5 we're broken with 55 if you can relay what he's [Applause] saying bam 56 5556 will rate your status 5 55 intercepted to Tui shring South eastbound I'm coming back up through the weather Big Foot relay for 55 pite intercepted tracking North Eastbound and uh 55 is coming back up to the weather I couldn't get his uh tail number or anything and reway for 55 he could not get a tail flash or [Applause] [Music] number big ban 5 five I need to head to the tanker big for copy go ahead tanker Bullseye 068 39 27,000 1055 big foot skip it skip it new Mission re fuel time is 1649 Zulu authenticate Alpha Echo tanker ra 049 [Applause] 27,000 B 56 B 56 go B 56 confir you're the one who needs to go to the tanker or is a 55 B 56 I need to go to the tanker B 55 big foot big foot go for B 55 and the climb back at the 230 towards the C B 55 uh Mission monitor Tui above 10,000 go ahead by 55 Bigfoot skip it skip new Mission reset cap time is one 650 Zulu I authenticate Tango kilo Tango kilo B 5 b 5 [Applause] big and [Music] 5 big but uh still one quick point we were trying to intercept the T as quickly as possible he was around uh 8 minutes from the TFR center from our protected asset that's all we need to do to push it up I understand but it's a really fine line [Applause] between pi the copies uh we prefer maybe a instead of a Max sub perhaps maybe. five6 mon no no it's fine but I mean when I'm intercepting a guy doing 140 knots and I'm doing I can push it up Max up Sonic a d 650 but I'll be buy him in 2 seconds never see the dude and and really there's no point to it okay big copy how close was you when he start Big B 5 how close did it get when he started turning uh South and bigot I had him about 10 miles off TFR Center yeah copy as soon as I got below the weather and I could visually pick him up I don't know if he saw me at the same time but he immediately started turning away from uh from LA yeah bigot Bigfoot B 56 AR complete resetting cap big copies B 56 bigot go for B 56 Bigfoot B 56 go ahead B 56 Bigfoot looking for a [Applause] pirate uh it's clear above there's a low deck that's pretty solid throughout the whole valley B 55 what altitude was the weather at bottoms were about uh 2500 ft tops are about 4,000 and it's kind of uh plus or minus 500 ft everywhere Bigfoot uh the bottoms are at 2500 ft the tops are at 4,000 about plus or minus 500 of those uh everywhere throughout the whole valley take for copies F 55 FL Big fooot Marine One [Applause] [Music] Airborne and55 Marine One Whiskey Whiskey [Applause] 241 55 pimper sweet whis 5ot bigot go for B 55 B 55 bigot Mission monitor POI Bullseye 1 37 13,000 heading cell copy 1 0 373,000
Channel: Flight Follower
Views: 18,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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