MUDDIEST Trip Ever Camping In Spring Snow Melt

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[Music] a little creek than it is road now my truck is disgusting it's a sloppy man it feels heavy well you probably got a half a ton of a cake to the outside [Music] there goes my fuel economy yeah it's ruined now [Music] what's up guys we are out in Utah at uh a nuclear missile silo yes an abandoned nuclear missile silo that's where we're starting the video today guys God Kara from Ozark Overland Adventures hey guys and we've got uh Rob from Revere Overland and myself what's in this hole computer a computer lots of beer we are standing on top of a nuclear missile launch site do you think we gotta both turn a key at the same time to launch is that did you bring the code book I did bring the code book and the one-time use keys right yeah the biscuit we can go in you want to go into the lot obviously yeah uh yeah I take one with me everywhere who goes operating without spare door handles man crazy oh wow this is the control room I don't I don't know I was just kind of making it up it seems right we have entered a mysterious tunnel in a nuclear missile silo what could go wrong get me out of here I'm not going back through this thing dude no do you see how much poop there is there whatever this is it just goes straight down and there's another one of those tubes that goes to the road but I am not oh there's something dude I'm telling you this is a table there's something dead what that's something dead two things dead it looks like there's a storage building over there we think where they store the nuclear missiles we're gonna see if we can drive through it and head further into the base [Music] [Applause] hey Rob no nukes I think just gotta get out of here it wasn't even worth coming [Music] from here we'll be heading deep into the San Rafael swell one of the most interesting and beautiful areas of Utah all right guys we're just getting aired down we're gonna continue exploring we're gonna head into this Canyon here behind us and uh see what we can find eventually find somewhere to camp for the night carry on tomorrow it's gonna be a good day stick around all right this road is marked on onyx so this is where we're going to be going through here gonna need a new alignment after this drill yeah that last one was rough on alignment what's that are you telling me my steering wheel is not supposed to be upside down yeah you're actually supposed to read the word Jeep oh I thought that said Burr I'm gonna say beer or deer stop trying to spell it upside down it's not upside down that's right Santa yours is upside down foreign 51 where it said aliens are real on the wall I'm convinced I mean TV head over there yeah that's it's a TV man yeah from space yeah absolutely and then there's like a dinosaur chicken dog this trip was already off to a spectacular start we're just out here solving the mysteries of space time and the universe heck yeah laughs make it that way comes there looking definitely dark ahead of us turning on my heated steering wheel [Music] just a bit further down the wash we've come to a rock obstacle there's a bypass for it but we all decide to have a go at the Fun route thank you [Music] keep going [Music] you're a turtle just started snowing yeah it's pretty cold now the sun's gonna wait miserable are you gonna try again um driver [Music] driver s I've got it stuck the cam hello how you feeling right now defeated discouraged I got it yeah you're so strong we don't even need winches around here [Music] sometimes when you're driving through here it feels hard to believe your surroundings it's wild and beautiful [Music] can't believe it's snowing in here it's crazy five to you back along the valley we came from it's really cool to let snow two times snow in Moab in one week I think you're bringing it with you man the background the red rocks and stuff it just goes so well with them [Music] I think it's not normal for the area you don't think of it because it's desert [Music] [Applause] [Music] snow was not in our plans but I'd be lying if I said it didn't excite me a little bit and make things potentially a bit more interesting [Music] we can take a right further along it right before you get to the highway and head up towards the wedge overlook [Music] or all right we've been driving for quite a bit here we've just stopped to kind of decide what we're gonna do there's there's two different ways we can go we can go this way and get up on top of these cliffs it was quite cold I don't know if we want to camp up there it's like minus four Celsius it's been snowing it's not snowing right now but uh the other option is we can go this way along the base of these Cliffs which may be longer and Technical more technical according to Onyx so [Applause] we're gonna make a choice here I want to go up there and I think that's where I'm gonna turn around and then come back okay because I think I think it'll be a better shot for me I think that would be a good place to turn around because if we get going down there you're gonna be stuck down there yeah yeah and I really want to go into that so you're thinking head up to the Overlook head up to the Overlook this is so much fun exploring out here green is just crazy it's so beautiful good we found a cave I'm gonna go check it out it looks like there's hit the grass but I'm not sure if it's just graffiti wow this is just sad this is sad look at this ancient uh pictograph who am I hey who comes to like a place like this and does stuff like this that one just says bruh [Laughter] future civilizations are going to find this and they're gonna be like what does bruh mean [Music] thank you man that view behind us is crazy [Music] you guys ever think about how crazy it is that this is our job it's pretty crazy living the dream guys we're living the dream I was telling Matt but you know whenever we first met you and had you on my podcast like we always we admired your videos and we like loved everything that you did and we were excited to be able to say we're going to will within when we go back to Moab because you had said then that you were going to come and it just our friendship has evolved you know like so now we're just thankful to be able to hang out with a friend isn't that crazy I told you I'd come to Bob and hang out with you yeah you did and it's just so much more than even I would have imagined back then like just because of our friendship now heck yeah I love you guys well we're standing on the edge of a canyon this is uh probably the best campsite anywhere around here it is really really cold though it's supposed to be like minus nine or something tonight and we're on top of a mountain it's like Canadian cold this is like Canadian cold you might as well just still be in PC might as well care is cold like the wind touches any Exposed Skin yeah you just immediately lose it so you're thinking this is not a camping location for this evening no maybe we come back here in the middle of summer I think right now probably right too cold I'm gonna find I think I need to find the valley out here camping somewhere a little lower a little more sheltered that's part we found earlier that we passed around into the cave that's calling my name is it yeah and so as the sun set over the mountains above us we headed for lower ground to spend the night all of us were on a high after such a good day of exploring [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys it was way too cold up onto the canyon there so up onto up on the canyon so we came down here to Camp a little bit lower in this Canyon we get a little bit of a break from the wind the temperatures a little nicer so we're just going to get all set up probably one of the coldest nights I've ever been out here in Utah oh yeah for sure it feels like winter I've never been I've never done Utah winter usually by the time I get here it's warm but we got here like a week before spring I guess the spring has sprung I gotta tell you rob it doesn't feel like spring it doesn't feel like spring to me like spring foreign good night all right guys Rob and I are back on the road Cara had to take off and head home we're continuing on to this place called Devil's Canyon so it's got a cool name should be cool let's check it out [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't think I've mentioned to you how much I love Utah I come here like four or five times a year and every time I go somewhere new and it's always beautiful it doesn't matter where you go yeah I think Utah's my favorite place I love both the the scenic exploring side and the trail side it's so much fun it has just a little bit of everything I'm really glad that I decided to spend a considerable amount of time here on this trip [Music] just ahead the trail conditions were about to change dramatically and unexpectedly Trails flooded up here yeah see that it's pretty floppy back here dude all this snowmelt is just turn this into a sloth River this is the kind of stuff that your Toyota must Reigns and my entirety Trails has made more than just a heating out daddy fires are killing him oh we've run into a group I think there's some winching going on doesn't look like it all right we just came across this Tundra stuck uh with the trailer and some mud so he's hooked up his winch line to me good and we're gonna see if uh we can use me as an anchor point because there's no trees around here [Music] thank you there we go yeah I'm out the truck's out let me get the winch off we'll get the Rope off and then I'll see if I just pull the trailer for no problem I'm hoping that'll be the case is that like a 10 trailer yeah I've been watching these guys they'll just Trail you use something oh yeah you know I got six kids so I'm like that that's nice you can still go out and try it yeah I've done a few small trips this is the first one where it's been muddy and nasty so what happened you just go I went you know we actually came we came in to go that's where the copper uh glow mine is so we've been there all afternoon and going in there wasn't any problem and on the way out it like the tongue the tongue hit like rock so they've been you know the angles were different on the way coming yeah going that way when I was pretty sloppy and I was like We'll go slow maybe he can come true because I was hoping I was hoping him you know winch him to a tree and then connected his back bumper then pull out that way gotcha they die we rushed too fast today we showed up at the right time me too like I said I've never dug a giant hole well you know you try to be prepared yeah I don't know if that would have worked but it's made for like sand recoveries I've never I've never used it yeah it's like called the dead man was the brand oh yeah yeah go take a look oh I see and you just fill it with sand fill it with dirt one I've had to winch one time in a Sandy location and thankfully that's just like this most bedraggled looking Bush off to the side and I was able to wish up that if it hadn't been there this would have been a lifesaver this is your people Rob it's Tundra I know right I'm doing so well yeah you'll see it's quite a bit of a hole here but it was stuck in that tent trailer this thing's sick all right he's out [Music] [Music] unfortunately the second vehicle was completely off the trail as they decided to go around the tundra so there was no choice but to do the same in order to recover it and get them out nice where does that live somewhere this lives in the back of the truck now where it will get um thank you guys no problem it's a way to help [Music] okay give it yes no the mud on this trail from the snow melt is just a crazy slop but it's uh it's making the adventure a little bit interesting you can see the trail Destroyer is uh coated in some some muck and luckily we came along and we're able to help these people out here they had that cool Dead Man's anchor yeah that works well I wish we'd shown up it's too bad we didn't we showed up after they finished digging a giant hole for it well we're gonna keep going and uh see how much more slop we can drive through [Music] [Music] it feels heavy probably a half a ton of that cake to the outside [Music] there goes my fuel economy yeah it's ruined now the whole area here had just completely turned mud from the Melt we had to just keep pushing forward through all the muck [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign there's mud everywhere my truck feels heavier because it's covered in mud and I'm covered in mud I love it this is so much fun finally we gained some elevation and gotten up onto more solid ground there appears to be a trail to the left and also to the right the main trail is to the right yeah we want to go left here yep that's cool oh wow look at that that's a clear patch yep that's cool [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] tastic so far today [Music] thank you [Music] there's an extreme wind warning in effect so basically Rob and I are trying to find a campsite that's a little bit sheltered just in case it gets crazy it's like a pretty serious wind warning I guess there's tornadoes going on in some parts of the country and you know big wind movements so no tornadoes here just like 60 mile per hour winds so yeah a little shelter would be good wow that's a floppy that we want to go back and go the other way I like this way that is the theme as well sorry for the owners of the Moab uh Car Wash when we get back yeah it's gonna be a bad day for them might be worth looking for a place to Camp along here because I bet it's a lot more sheltered than when we come out of the end yeah that's true let's keep going and see um where it pops out foreign as we climbed up on top of the Badlands the sun was setting in the distance making for some spectacular views [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right guys we've been driving all day the sun's starting to go down I wanted to find a fairly sheltered area to keep warm for the night so I drove down into this Canyon just pulled off to the side of the road we're gonna set up camp here and get a good night's sleep how about that drive Rob that was beautiful was that incredible I'm gonna have to pull out the Drone footage and just watch it back because just coming through those Badlands with the red and the golds and the sun it looked like we were on Mars yeah it's that was worth coming out here just for that so many things were worth coming out here this trip has been incredible it has been it has a little bit of everything yeah we've got a decent campsite yeah nice and sheltered thank you what are you using for heat I think he did blanket and I was hoping that uh someone had an anchor around here that I may be able to plug into to run it off totally I've got an extension cord here Walker into that guy right there thank you and you shall be warm he got all my lights in the truck running off the anchor 767 Powerhouse you can charge it up to a thousand watts of solar it's got fast charging it even has a 30 volt plug for your trailer which is kind of cool right now because we're living in a tent trailer in Moab so if I need to get some extra juice I can and I'm using it deep warm tonight with my diesel heater which is running off the 12 volt Port so 2048 Watt hours there's a lot of power I've yet to drain this thing I have it charging from the uh 240 watt solar panels on the roof of the GFC and that's all I've been using to charge it while I'm here at Utah because it's so sunny definitely my new favorite battery check out my link in the description if you want to know more by the way guys we recently passed 200 000 subscribers thank you so much we're gonna keep going we're going to try to get to 250 000 subscribers this year a quarter mil so if you're not already subscribed about 50 of people watching according to YouTube are not subscribed appreciate it if you hit that button it means a lot to me thanks so much [Music] a little chilly this morning it's a little chilly this morning diesel heater you're good not so good with my jacket pillow because we're sleeping in a tent trailer in Moab I left my pillow in there so I'd use my jacket as a pillow not the greatest yeah Windstorm never really materialized though wind warning 30 to 40 mile an hour wind with 60 mile an hour gusts yeah Sun's gonna come up warm us right up and then we're going to continue on on this Trail and we're going to head for a crazy Overlook look in the canyon [Music] [Applause] these weird black stones scan it around they from a volcano dude are those dinosaur poops [Music] [Music] those are dinosaur poops [Applause] [Music] I mean if the river's as dry as that one we just crossed we can probably drive right across without a bridge anyway is true exposed yeah there's nothing here oh I mean there's there's a bypass why are they even building a bridge here and I've ever seen [Music] we'd seen so much already on this trip and I wasn't prepared for the scale of the Overlook we were approaching and some of the best views I'd ever seen [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] wow look at that this might be one of the best viewpoints that I've ever found this is incredible even behind us is just amazing what do you think Rob one of the best spots ever yeah I I don't know what I can add to this the Drone footage hasn't already said speechless yeah well guys on that note I think we're going to end this video here so make sure you're subscribed lots more crazy trips coming up in the next few weeks appreciate you guys see you next week [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Story Till Now
Views: 350,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, snow camping, snow storm, utah, jeep gladiator, jeep wrangler, overlanding, camping, truck camping, wild camping, 4x4
Id: rUCjUnDe6pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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