-10C Winter STORM CAMPING! We Barely Got Out...

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[Applause] every year Casey and I head out on an epic snow camping trip in our jeeps and this year things escalated quickly as a snowstorm moved in on us we'd be forced to battle our way home after a night of Lakeside camping on the wrong side of a mountain pass my name is Sean and this is the story till now what's up guys hope you had a good weekend welcome back I've got here with me mr250 what's going on we haven't seen uh on the channel for like half a year Where Have You Been what have you been doing trying to be building another Jeep it's taken everything I have yeah I took a little bit of a break from over Landing because I do like building jeeps and uh testing new parts out kind of look like a doctor like yeah the big whatever let me get my gloves out yeah you know I know walk away guys we're expecting some serious weather this weekend right now it's about minus one down here at the bottom of the trail but it's supposed to get colder and then a couple of hours supposed to start dumping snow uh Casey what are we looking at as far as a weather forecast 15 to 35 centimeters of snow in some areas rapidly accumulating snow will make travel difficult visibility May suddenly be reduced and surfaces may become difficult to navigate due to accumulating snow prepare for quickly changing and deteriorating travel conditions I mean I literally couldn't write a better way to start an adventure well the good news is traveling surfaces is our specialty it's I mean the space glass yeah you think this pass could be a problem tomorrow if you watch our adventure from last the last two times we went out I think on the way out yeah I'm gonna be a whole different I think so animal it'll be a lot of fun it started snowing at literally any minute and it's cold it's cold I've got my heated vest on you gotta the dirty dangerous hoodies are not heated comfortable and stylish.com there you go all right well it's going to be an interesting weekend wanna explore this one let's do it this one looks a little more used we decided to explore some side Trails on our way out to Camp as we got started pretty early and made our way down to a nice Lakeside Beach nice spot yeah not bad for a late drive that is all right is he gonna jump in just go uh for a plunge how much 100 bucks no way so yeah that's cold well it is like minus whatever out here yeah I mean the water that isn't moving is completely Frozen I've slipped on ice enough times recently for for my taste I'm not gonna hang out here but we're gonna continue on and head towards the lake another Lake not this Lake I'm gonna head towards another Lake I wonder if it's frozen despite the weather forecast calling for a significant snow to start around 2PM there was no sign of it so far and I thought maybe we dodged a storm altogether out here we still had quite a bit of ground cover to get to Camp though as we'd cross a high elevation pass on the way all right cool I'll uh see the wheel yeah that's a fun little side mission so did they repair this because this was washed out last year when it came through here yeah we had to drive as a ditch but it's all fixed up now that snow Line's not that far above us yeah like one or two hundred meters Maybe [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there was a dry cold in the air as we rolled onto the beach not another person or vehicle anywhere to be seen for Miles just how we like it [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right guys we just got into camp hasn't started snowing yet it is chilly out but no wind so that's nice we're gonna get camp set up here probably get a raging fire going because there's a thousand pounds of Driftwood right here we shouldn't have any wood shortage which should not be a problem Casey's over here making a sandwich somewhere behind me [Music] we're gonna need a fire you can see from space so when it starts snowing they just the heat we have like a heat Dome and it's just going to melt the snow before it touches us that's that's the goal [Music] s [Music] Casey's retired from Rooftop tent life and has returned to ground tent life how much of these these pod things are like 900 it seems excessive and then between that and the air mattress the uh caught in the sleeping setup that's probably another 1500 bucks so we're probably like over two grand dude I don't get it that's a really expensive ground tent you can get a nice Coleman for like 300 bucks you can't no you're right you can't go to space in a Coleman [Music] as we were getting camp set up we could feel the cold air moving in on us there was a calm before the storm [Music] [Music] true [Music] blue you guys probably can't see it on the camera but just up here above these mountains it looks like the uh the snowstorm is moving in it's getting dark too and it's not that late in the day I feel like probably within the next hour to two hours it's it's 2 30. 3 30. yeah it's gonna start snowing pretty soon so I feel like it's getting cold too but that might just be because I took off my jacket I think as we get away from the fire yeah as we get away from the fire it's colder who would have thought so weird I'm not a scientist but yeah update it is windy and snowing sideways wasn't super excited about the wind we are again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good morning Casey [Music] oh boy it snowed a little eh [Music] hello there's no push yeah something like that that's great it's gonna be interesting [Music] [Music] well guys uh I think we got snowed in yeah we're on the wrong side of a mountain pass for this much snow this is definitely more than I expected all right we gotta get out of here because it's still coming down crazy the windshield so I can see and our wipers working we got her packed up there's uh some knee-deep snow out here we're gonna have to navigate our way back to the trail there's lots of rocks and stumps and stuff out on this riverbed so we got to avoid that and then we got to get back over the mountain pass which uh could be even deeper this is going to be interesting stick around navigating our way out of here could prove to be a bit of a challenge depth perception goes right out the window with snow and I almost immediately drove into a big hole and had some trouble getting out you start moving I can't see anything yeah I'm trying to turn around and I accidentally drove down this hole oops dude it's not so deceptive I can't tell what's in front of me okay I'm out of the hole excellent now I will try to turn around snow is super deceptive as far as depth seems pretty sticky though is this the way down like to our left here or was it further in front of me I can't remember thing we can go to our left here if you back up and that's what I'm thinking and go on the right hand side of this tree and between that bush it's definitely a hole there I'm just trying to figure out did we drive around further to the left or not yeah I kind of feel like over here might be the way to get so where I'm facing intersects with the route out we just have to go to my left and around yeah I think I made a wrong turn we got to go back oh really can't keep going to the right there I got my route we're right on it Loops straight in front of you uh looks like there's logs blocking the road to me but it is an absolute maze trying to find our way out of here it's all like tight tree trails and now that there's snow covering everything you can't really even see where the road is going well no this is totally blocked [Music] I think I found it yeah this is it I recognize these trees get snow Wheeling yeah and it's not frozen yet so it's still got good traction yeah it's super easy [Music] way back to the main road now we just have to hope that the pass isn't too deep to get out oh that you gotta get a shot hahaha a little too much speed there some fun snow I didn't want to hit your truck dude let's Shred deep stuff yeah she's deep but trucks are handling like Champs this is the best kind of snow Wheeling it's just like powder and you can shred [Music] [Music] this is some powdery stuff here's our summit we're here at 515 meters yeah we're looking good on the past were absolutely perfect fresh fluffy powder that posed almost no resistance for the truck these conditions for snow Wheeling around here are rare and we were loving every second of it [Music] [Music] guys ahead I think this is the coolest snow Wheeling I've done same let me get much better conditions for this for snow Wheeling [Music] [Applause] dude what a morning it's pretty good this is awesome it's pretty good so far we've just been shredding this snow the sky's clearing up in front of us wow look how deep it is in your feet though yeah it's deep I love this stuff this is like this is why I do this the sun's starting to pop through the clouds we started our final push through the pass [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Casey brake Trail for a bit looks so cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you got down to the bottom of the trail I don't think you could ask for a better morning than that what do you think Casey uh that was uh some of the best snow Wheeling I think I've ever done yeah look at this the sun's out like what a good morning that was a really good run and nothing feels better than plowing fresh pow well you know what's going to feel pretty good is some bacon eggs and bacon and eggs that's right all right guys we're gonna finish off this video here make sure you go check out Casey's Channel check out his version of this video kc250 and if you're not already subscribed to my channel we're trying to get to 200 000 subscribers appreciate it if you hit the Subscribe button this is too bright I can't see it turn it off quick all right [Music]
Channel: The Story Till Now
Views: 1,002,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, snow camping, wild camping, camping in snow, camping in winter, winter survival, camping in a snow storm, jeep gladiator, jeep wrangler, overlanding, snow wheeling, extreme off-road snow camping, roof top tent camping, blizzard camping, how to winter camp, winter camping van
Id: MG1o4GUtedk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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