We Needed a Different Rig For This One...

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should fire right up it's a trusty old 5.3 I'm going to see this truck in action for some time two electric motor conversion on this [Music] yeah there she goes this truck is just huge it makes my truck look small my truck is huge we'll head up the main which is probably gonna be pretty icy and crappy and then across the kvr which is The Kettle Valley Railway it should be pretty good shape I love driving The Kettle Valley Railway this is my third time here and it's just a really cool Trail to be on snowing blue skies does not get much nicer than this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] going down we were going to need a different Ride To Conquer this mountain foreign [Music] things up a little bit and we're taking my snow cap that I've had out once already for a quick little test run so this is test run two and we're going out with some big bad mama jama snow wheelers 58 inch tires all that stuff and it's going to be awesome flooded awesome Yep now we're doing the uh 20 kilometer Trek to where the trail basically begins so this is just rutted roads the most annoying stuff for the snow cat but uh it'll still be fun I've never been in a snow cat or any kind of tracked vehicle before so I was pretty excited to see what this thing could do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this road used to be train tracks so it's really unique as far as the curves the way it's carved through the Mountainside and completely flat you really feel like you're in a train engine especially in this kind of cockpit [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah actually you'll probably want to go in front for that you think yeah you don't think it'll help for you to pack it this doesn't pack at this point there's ruts like we drove there no problem yeah yeah I took it out I think last weekend had a peak but so the shoot late Lodge here used to be a railway station imagine it was the shoot Lake Station on the old Kettle Valley Railway we've been here before stayed in one of these cabins the first time we came out here with Bruce really cool place [Music] we got word on the radio that the other group had gone up another way so now we'd have to catch up and Cat moves quite a bit slower than a Jeep so it was going to take us a while to make up the ground foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] she did is Denny slowed down got a little stuck so I'm gonna pull him out with the snow cap foreign about three weeks ago and we got completely buried in the snow didn't get any further so now we're gonna try and get our revenge with the snow cap well yeah no problem so far [Music] foreign [Music] jeep was really struggling in the snow so we made the call at this point to leave it behind and just continue in the snow cap [Music] [Music] [Music] finally we caught up to the group of snow wheelers led by a sherp which is a pretty cool vehicle to see in action [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] to the other rigs with the big tires here but looks like they're not making it so we're just kind of waiting to see what's going on received a message by drone come down here it's good and they're watching us right now and listening no no no audio done this before it was incredible I guess they need some assistance down further down on the trail what are you doing up there maybe just to visit Maybe yeah pull someone out but we're gonna go down and see what they want how come everyone's struggling so much what's easy yeah [Music] big snow truck pretty cool [Music] foreign stop is where the snow cat really shines it felt Unstoppable [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] not seeing any obvious problems we had it onward into Fresh Tracks [Music] [Applause] [Music] my body's ready yeah all day thank you you're welcome thank you sir yes thank you very much Melissa Bruce thinks there's something wrong with the cat it'll get better what's up you know a good bet a bet I do actually yeah the cat's been making a clunking noise as we've been plowing through the snow Bruce thinks it's uh maybe U-joint on a drive shaft or something see if we can get a closer look because we don't want to be stranded out here but there's also nothing we can do basically whatever it is so that's true just head back I think what kind of uh pick and plow our way back down at least we made it to them yeah it's not exactly what I was uh expecting or hoping but we really wanted to get in some higher elevations and put this thing to the test but sometimes the best course of action is to just not push your luck it had already been a long day and if the mechanical issues got worse we could end up stranded out here in this thing so we turned it around and began the long slow crawl back to the shoot Lake Lodge foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign we made it back down in the snow cat it seems to be struggling so we made it though that's the main point that's the most important part thanks for watching guys if you enjoyed this video hit the Subscribe button for more Adventures every week and maybe watch another one right now I'll see you next time
Channel: The Story Till Now
Views: 64,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeep Gladiator, Snow Cat, Snow Wheeling, Overlanding, Adventure, Snow, Offroading, off-road, 4x4, Snow Adventure, Kelowna Snow Wheelers, Adventure Travel
Id: v8GCJd-rOsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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