Deep Into a Winter Snow Storm At Night

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Fresh Tracks and it's snowing this is awesome we should have it all to ourselves get that dip in the spring is going to be so sweet [Music] [Music] failing so much that the ground is turning white it's crazy I've never seen hail tile up on the ground like this ever yeah it's crazy the road's so slick [Music] all right guys we just got to the trailhead we're getting air down pretty cloudy up there I don't know what we're in for today I suspect we're gonna hit some snow I mean I know we're gonna hit some snow I mean I think it's going to start snowing we'll see how it goes pretty soon here by the way guys we're trying to get to 200 000 subscribers getting super close please do me a favor if you're not already subscribed hit the Subscribe button we do crazy Adventures every week every Monday morning so we're just very short ways up the trail so far and we're already into I don't know like a few inches of fresh snow so I suspect we're gonna be in for a lot of snow because we're getting pretty high elevation our destination today is remote Hot Spring High in the mountains generally it can be a challenge to get there in the winter exactly our kind of Adventure [Music] there's probably ice under this all that hail yeah he says up here it was actually snow [Music] well so far there hasn't been a whole lot of snow on the road but we've been traveling at kind of the same elevation the whole way so we're going to be taking a fork off and heading pretty high up into the mountains here so I think we're going to be getting into the snow here soon here comes the snow [Music] let me go bro just fill up I saw that [Music] hello guys all right we got into Fresh Tracks here looks like we've got a fairly steep hill climb up ahead could be icy underneath the snow who knows so see how she goes take her one other time icy hills are my least favorite kind of challenge so far though the trail Destroyer has been pretty Unstoppable let's hope that continues today as we head deeper into these Frozen mountains [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I can't hear you but I'm assuming you're putting a camera down unable to reach Teddy for several minutes I fly the Drone back to check on him and I see that he's wiped out on the hill I'm coming at the same time the battery was dying on the Drone and I was forced to land it on his roof [Music] all right what happened that's coming up the hill and it was like whoa and then I guess you slid to the side oh no oh no wonder there's like a sheet of ice under here it's just pure ice yeah yeah that is slick foreign by Vanilla Ice and not snow ing thanks to that times like this and this is gonna be a little tricky because I'm down to my last little bit here I was wondering what was taking you so long you can't hear me all I hear was static and then I thought I heard you say putting down a camera so I was like oh he's just filming yeah and then I send the Drone back there you go Robert keep winching keep going there you go you're getting traction the first pull wasn't quite enough and the unwinder was still sliding down the hill making another winch pool necessary I should be able to get you here right and then yeah and then you should be good [Music] huh yeah oh yeah no problem all right I think Teddy's in the clear we got him winched up the hill the ice was Gnar there's a lot more Hills to go so I need to tell you to air down a little bit more I think we did it we did it where's my drone my poor baby oh he's got 30 on it it got dirty crashed it looks like the gimbal is okay put another battery in her and get her going there we go gotcha oh no it broke off inside I always carry extra propellers boom let's check the other ones make sure they're good look at these snowflakes guys it's amazing see if she's good to go the hill climb out of the way and the Drone repaired we carried on towards the hot spring as snow really started coming down we're dragging discs now I would like you to air down a little more I'm at the highest is 12 the lowest is ten so I go down to like eight I don't know if you feel like you're slipping around are you locked I am yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] no problem good to go [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're starting to lose daylight but we were making good progress towards our destination we were determined to push all the way even if we got back late snow is getting pretty deep now pushing Fresh Tracks but lots of traction so far so good so we're probably like 50 to 75 percent of the way to the hot spring a few more hill climbs to go hopefully nothing too crazy Fresh Tracks and it's snowing hell yeah this is awesome we should have it all to ourselves that dip in the springs is going to be so sweet foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign I was just thinking we haven't seen anybody at all yeah there's nobody camping out here or anything [Music] after a long day we've made it to the hot spring [Music] we did it we did it okay that was probably one of the most fun snow days ever it just kept getting better and better now we get to soak in the hot springs this is definitely the most snow I've ever come here in old school story till now sticker foreign 's cold yeah I love this spot dude I'm feeling tropical all right gonna get in [Applause] oh it's pretty hot Cheers Cheers woohoo [Music] ah it was perfect all right so I brought the anchor five I think I think it's the 555 it's just over a thousand watt hours and uh we're gonna use this to run a speaker off you ever have like a Bluetooth speaker that loses its charge after a while when you're trying to listen to some tunes when you're sitting a hot spring in the snow in the middle of the forest yes problem solved now we have uh unlimited Tunes best thing about that power station is only 800 bucks super affordable tons of power perfect for hot springing check out the link in the description to get one for yourself let's get back to Hot Spring let's get back to what we're doing yeah Teddy get in the hot spring dude let's put some tunes on let's go [Music] well it's dark now the snow stopped a little bit we've just been chilling in the hot spring for a couple hours we're gonna start getting ready to make our way back down this mountain hopefully nothing goes wrong wow my lens is fogging up already from the steam classic but um yeah it snowed a little bit since we got here so I guess we'll be pushing some tracks out again and hopefully some fun night snow Wheeling so all right there's almost a full moon out here which is crazy but time to get out of here foreign [Music] that's where the other half of the monster comes in yeah I kind of wish I had another half too [Music] [Applause] shoes [Music] hot spring runs are my favorite and this one made for an absolutely epic day I didn't even want it to end either make sure you're subscribed because I post new adventures every week [Music] these trips possible
Channel: The Story Till Now
Views: 1,838,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, camping in snow, snow storm, off-road, overlanding, jeep gladiator, v8 gladiator, ecodiesel gladiator, snow wheeling, 4x4, hot spring
Id: I3JvsKcxkBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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