Unbelievable Thai Street Food in Bangkok - The Most Expensive and The Cheapest! @extremeletsgo

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foreign [Music] [Music] this is the most famous chef in Thailand this is the most famous restaurant where Thailand's most famous chef works there are famous lines at the most famous restaurant where Thailand's most famous chef works and these are some people who have set up a scam to make money off all of this and today we'll tell you about them people are trying to bribe her in order to skip the line a bribe to get into a restaurant [Music] the Michelin guide has some incredible influence on Thai food and that there are still those who resist the temptation and continue to sell delicious and cheap food we'll try some of Thailand's cheapest food I honestly feel like I'm robbing someone and the most expensive food there's so much crab inside I mean it's literally full of crap guys this is one of the most expensive dishes I've ever had [Music] guys we're in Thailand a country where street food has reached the level of Michelin restaurants today's another extreme food trip let's go [Music] generally speaking Bangkok is the perfect place to film a futuristic techno apocalypse like Judge Dredd or Blade Runner and the like such a mix of old and new tuk-tuks almost handmade right next to Ferraris and Porsches super Modern Skyscrapers stuffed with electronics and next to them old Shacks and this dissonance is in everything and it creates a kind of Harmony or something like that and a sense of that very technological apocalypse [Music] the square and the street across from the Siam Tower is the main hipster place in Bangkok the street doesn't even have a name they just say let's go to Siam and everyone understands teenagers gather here and young people play musical instruments over there cosplayers and other groups of people gather here [Music] this is the most famous restaurant in Bangkok it's basically just a regular Diner Street Food but it is the first restaurant in Thailand to receive a Michelin star just an ordinary street food restaurant with a Michelin star I'm sure that you know Michelin in addition to producing car tires publishes the world's most authoritative restaurant guide the red book more on that later the maximum number of stars in it is three but even one is a huge achievement the head chef and owner of this restaurant is J5 that's how you pronounce it Phi is known throughout Thailand she still personally Cooks she is always in the kitchen just look at her always with bright lipstick gold jewelry around her neck and arms with a Stern face even a potty look she's like a queen in the Street Kitchen what have you brought me here that's all wrong and at the same time wearing a khaki t-shirt and ski goggles they protect against the Heat that comes from her Wok burner [Music] they only use coal here so that the flame almost Burns through the pan by the way the bird ones are lying around foreign [Music] is covered with soot guests sit on plastic chairs at clumsy tables but that seems to be just the way Everyone likes it J5 has no culinary training she used to work as a seamstress in her Youth and started feeding others by chance all the more deafening was her Fame congratulations defy it looks like the first time she wore a chef's outfit was on the day when she received her Michelin star became a heroine there are several movies made about her including a cooking series on Netflix she's doing commercials here she's selling burritos in a store all in all a major culinary celebrity in Thailand it's 8 am the restaurant hasn't even opened yet but there's already a whole line in front of it they've been here since 7 A.M since 7 A.M people have been lining up to get into this restaurant however there are several ways not to stand in line here's some VIP guests pulling up to the restaurant a certain woman with white hair comes out to her remember her this woman after a brief chat goes to talk to Jay Phi herself the conversation is very emotional tell them no I don't know who she is tell her to get out or wait with everyone else in front of the restaurant which hasn't opened yet there's a huge line and at the entrance there's a sign that the waiting list of the day is already full please don't wait and it's already an hour before the opening people have been waiting since Dawn [Music] and what was your number in the line 20 20. yeah 20 so you burned first no no not even close yeah and when did the line finish I mean when did the like around eight or around 8 20 8 20 no no yeah no more yeah crazy right yeah [Music] at the same time the VIP guest in the alley doesn't give up hope she is talking to the woman with white hair again we will meet her again and again people try to bribe j5's manager to keep the line a bribe to get into the restaurant she is given money and a business card to give to J5 which she does but J5 still says no although there was I didn't get a chance to film it an impressive amount of money [Music] before the Michelin star this establishment was very Democratic and J5 was happy to take pictures with customers and was generally very welcoming but Fame changed everything now she only goes out to Alibaba owner Jack ma or director Russell Crowe at the very least that guy from American Pie who had intercourse with an apple pie what a foodie with regular customers even rich ones she has not only stopped socializing she forbids taking pictures of her so that no one bothers the queen of Thai street food while she's cooking although people take pictures anyway [Music] anyway the VIP guest who offered the bribe wasn't VIP enough to get into j5's restaurant today there's even a separate business in standing in line for tourists who want to get into the restaurant for a small fee a tie can stand in line for you you can find such services on social media these companies blur the faces of their customers as there are many rich people who do not want to advertise it a place in line can cost from a few tens to several thousand dollars depending on the season that said you can officially reserve a table not that I'm greedy but I decided to get into j5s by myself so I got up at 6am the next day it's 6 30 in the morning people are already starting to line up in front of j5's people are already sitting in chairs waiting for the restaurant sign to open now look at the first four occupied chairs in that line these are the people who will help you get a seat one of them is covering his face so that I can't film him when the restaurant opens they will take a significant portion of the waiting list which is why 10 minutes after the opening there will be no seats left people are starting to arrive in droves but those who arrive an hour and a half before opening apparently won't be able to get inside until about three hours after it's open if they get there at all and then with only 10 minutes to go the very same woman with white hair walks up do you recognize her she does not get in line she would be far behind in that case and just before the opening she walks over to this group of people in fact she's sort of their boss as far as I get here we are lined up for the sign up and the woman disappears but look as if by Miracle she finds herself in line pretty close to the beginning so why is she standing here the first people in line are signing up their clients and don't walk far away after that the thing is if they take up the whole list right now the ordinary tourists will Revolt so they step away for some time they let one or two Realtors through and then they go back and write their clients names again see the woman in white and red blouse in front of me here she takes one place in line she lets me through and then comes to the table again to sign up another customer and so it goes for each of them But Here Comes their boss who just unceremoniously starts taking places all over the list and then she goes back and signs up for more as a result this small group has taken up more than half of the seats and they ran out so quickly that many of those who had been in line since 7am just didn't have time to sign up the people who had already bought the seats on the black market are starting to arrive there's a group of Chinese tourists around the man who was covering his face and those girls who were standing at the beginning are selling their seats to those who didn't make it here they've set up sort of an auction between two women and the lucky ones take pictures with a sign saying that the restaurant has packed before it even opens the funny thing is that it's those who bought their seats online who take these photos I mean the guys bought their turns and now they're like oh wow they ran out of space on the list before the restaurant opened as a result when it does open most of those who waited in line are left with nothing and the tables are mostly taken by those who paid on the black market and didn't spend it time in line yes it's me oh and remember your number in the waiting list they don't call by name here but by number the menu is small and prices of course are high but what do you expect from a Michelin restaurant the main dish here is the crab omelette so guys I finally got the crab omelet it's j5's main specialty and I also got tom yum which is the main Thai soup in general so it makes sense to try it here too but let's start of course with the omelette to make it J5 pours a whole bowl of crab meat into hot oil and after frying it quickly she begins to form a kind of roll then she pours a little bit of whipped eggs over it creating this huge egg and crab cake first of all it's very soft meaning it cuts very easily just look at the Mount of crap that's how much crab is inside I mean it's literally all filled with crab and there's a very thin egg crust on the outside foreign [Music] well aside from the fact that it's very greasy actually though J5 says she squeezes all the fat out of it the fat is still there inside but the crab it's pretty good I thought it would be much greasier given that it's all cooked purely in oil like in a fryer look at the size it is such a huge huge huge bun stuffed with crab the size is certainly impressive the way it's done is also impressive let's try the tom yum Tom Yum is the main dish of Thai Cuisine a soup made with chicken broth and herbs with chili peppers in which they add shrimp or pork the soup is very spicy so in the 1980s they started adding coconut milk for tourists this soup is called tom yum namkon but this is obviously the most filling Tom Yum I've ever seen but let's just count on the other hand how many shrimps there are here's shrimp number one [Music] and basically that's it now let's count squid there are two squid rings the third one okay and that's it okay and one piece of fish there's one shrimp three squid rings and a piece of fish that said this is apparently the most expensive tom yum in Thailand it cost 800 Baht the normal price of this soup is 150 tops let's try it I'll tell you the tom yum soup itself is just some kind of culinary masterpiece because it's at the same time sour sweet spicy and salty it really has all the flavors in it and this fifth flavor which is a very popular flavor in Asian food is also here that flavor which I think we have replaced with monosodium glutinate well all in all it's incredibly tasty but I'm talking in general about Tom yum I mean in general any Tom Yum is delicious and this Tom Yum is also delicious it's as delicious as almost any tom yum in Thailand its main plus here is that it's big I mean the proportion is big I wanted to say something about it having a lot in it but no it doesn't have a lot and given that it costs 800 but you can basically get Tom Yum for 150 baht in any Cafe five tummyans for 150 Baht and there will be more prawns and more squid and more of everything else it'll be just as delicious so if you have an extra 800 baht you can certainly do it here but if you try Tom Yum somewhere for 150 Baht you certainly won't be disappointed however I have a feeling that most customers come here not so much to eat as to take pictures of the food and post them on social media I ordered a crab omelet and I ordered a Tom yam and this is also something with crab I don't remember what it's called so I got crab and crab and shrimp it's really good how good how long did you wait three hours three hours I came at seven o'clock and I sat down at the table at 10. three hours of course it was worth it it's so cool it's unbelievable I really like the food so yeah it was worth it I would have waited longer for food like this I thought I'd have to wait even longer and three hours is absolutely fine it's still fast so three hours is okay I think you woke up at six o'clock you came here by seven you waited for so many hours yeah was it worth it yeah it is worth it worth it so you don't worry about these hours of waiting and yeah I mean because I'm waiting here with my husband and then we also like chatting around with those tourists like you just I mean yeah um video like taking them yeah so it's totally worth it I don't I don't feel like I spend so many times but the food itself yeah it's really good yeah man I don't know after spending three hours in line I gotta express my admiration for the food I didn't get to do it that's a shame I've spent three hours in a line it must be delicious delicious very very tasty that's it I'm done that all the tourists hustle and bustle the guests who take more pictures than they eat the rich customers and so on have exhausted J5 who continues to live on the second floor of her restaurant she once announced that she wanted to give up the star to start cooking again only for people who really like her food All Things Considered real queens know how to leave gracefully [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys we have arrived at the most unusual establishment in Bangkok I honestly have no idea how it can exist but it has been operating for many years more than 10 years in the same place this is the cheapest buffet in Bangkok for only 50 Baht a few years ago it was 40 Baht then 45. now the guys have raised it to 50 Baht freaking inflation for 50 Baht that's less than a dollar and a half you can eat as much as you want you get what you want eat it and come back for more everything is cooked using the freshest ingredients right in front of you the most incredible thing about this place is where it's located right behind this fence is lumpini Park it's the main green area in Bangkok it's surrounded by skyscrapers and it's one of the most expensive areas in Bangkok so it's an expensive neighborhood like the neighborhoods of Central Park in New York or Gorky Park in Moscow it's the trendiest hipster Center and here is the cheapest Eatery in Bangkok so taxi drivers and bankers sit right next to each other at tables here teenagers drop in after clubs pensioners come for breakfast pretty much everyone Mr pod owns the diner just as his father before him how many years 13 years here's Mr pot frying chicken noodles with spices and herbs the aroma is spreading all over the place it's the cheapest buffet in Bangkok yes it's cheaper than anywhere else but how you make a cow how you make so cheap how yes I just want to share the joy with everyone [Music] I got rice I'm not going to take a lot of it it's not the rice that makes this buffet special let's see what else is here so besides rice let's have this fish no of course noodles it was cooked just now literally in front of me I mean it's so fresh juicy look at the giblets with beans with basil yum yum personally I want to try this already it smells really good the aroma is insane [Music] okay guys first course rice fish fried really well to a crisp noodles and chicken giblets I don't know where to start I think I'll start with the fish hmm crispy okay let's move on to the noodles they are cooked literally in front of me there's egg herbs um lots of different spices it's delicious let's see how they made the giblets I think they're stomachs [Music] they're marinated in soy with basil with chili peppers watch this it's just some kind of flavorful Joy bazel is used generously here honestly this is the first time I've seen so much basil in one dish in Thailand the chef clearly has some imagination that is he doesn't just cook whatever he can get his hands on he's experimenting and developing dishes [Music] in any restaurant in the world you can sell these giblets for at least five six dollars as a separate dish I'm going to finish all this quickly and go for the second course [Music] what is here shrimp and Squid fried [Music] while I was eating they brought in Seafood let's get it squid whoa these I think are some kind of pork tendons or something and I want to try this one here also looks like some kind of tendons or some kind of giblets [Music] and guys I see everybody's getting this fancy fish soup I want to have some too [Music] this soup is considered the buffet's specialty it is cooking non-stop all day long Mr pot and his mother only pour water into the pot and add fish bones and spices as a result it's light and refreshing in the morning and as thick as possible in the evening and while I was pouring my soup Mr pot fried pork in basil topped it with oyster sauce and a sprinkled chili and is already serving a new dish which I also added to my plate now look how thoughtful that is while I was away to get some meat they covered my broth with a plate and I didn't even ask for it just a woman came over and covered it up so that flies don't get in service here is just at the highest level everyone is smiling at you helping you explaining this place is awesome okay guys I'm on my second course here is a mishmash I think of sausage and Squid two dishes I don't understand at all and basil with pork rinds squid squid Folks at the buffet for 50 baht for a dollar and a half less than a dollar and a half squid they're with basil again and awesome with basil very cool see there's basil in almost every dish here maybe some people don't like it [Music] apparently the chef has a soft spot for Basil personally I like it a lot I would give the squid a solid eight out of ten eight out of ten maybe even a nine let's leave these unknown dishes for the variant let's have the fresh pork and greens first it's just been cooking look at that piece of course most of the meat there is not the most expensive parts of the pork it's more like gin fatty Parts tendons and so on but here look at this piece of meat a real piece of meat hmm it's delicious but I must say all the dishes here are moderately spicy I haven't had one where I eat it and it sets my mouth on fire what's with all the weird tendrils interesting they look like noodles or something nah it smells like something meaty it smells like pork no no it isn't it turned out to be dried daikon fried with egg in general it tastes closer to sauerkraut with soy sauce and various spices [Music] imagine Bavarian sauerkraut but only with the addition of Asian flavors to it and on an important component of any restaurant in the park is Birds anyway watch out for them [Music] I was going to eat soup with a spoon I ended up having to change the plan oh and the broth I'm just going to drink it out of the bowl I think it tastes best that way [Music] wow wow it doesn't taste like regular fish soup the broth is more like Tom Yum broth except it's completely clear by the way I've been told that in a real-time yum the broth is supposed to be clear as well of the tasty Foods I would also recommend Curry Mr pot's father started out as a curry Cafe fresh Curry which look there's meat in it too oh and giblets oh look it's beautiful I'll put it right here 13 years ago this place started out as a curry Cafe then they kept expanding and expanding the number of dishes expanding the number of dishes selling them for 40 baht let's have this zucchini a piece of chicken did turned out not to be a spicy curry but Swedish even Europeans would be fine with this I feel like they're sparing our taste buds here [Music] guys I just had two kinds of rice fish and fish soup some assorted giblets squid two kinds of Curry and two dishes that I couldn't even recognize and for all of this I'm now paying 50 Baht I personally feel like I'm robbing someone of course of course it's not some fancy food it's not large lobsters it's not huge shrimp it's not super expensive Seafood but it's very tasty it's very cozy somehow and it's very Asian very local however I'll tell you later where to get cheap Seafood in Bangkok I'm all like Malcolm don't come at me with all that peaceful talking black steady dying I'm still walking many times come here to the Mahala Pier to feed the fish fish are not caught here they are considered sacred they live near a temple and the fish speaking clearly they are so impudent that they constantly swarm around the pier in search of food these see the tourists and they surface asking for bread [Music] I saw one place where everything was just swarming swimming with fish you could run all over them yeah yeah and it was swarming just the whole surface of the water was full of fish there are these fish catfish they eat everything and usually there are ponds near temples and ties don't eat fish from these ponds because it costs money to burn a dead body and not everybody has the money so the dead body is thrown into the swamp a dead body gets dumped and the catfish gobble it up well not everyone has the money it costs money I don't know how much per person but we have a lot of cats when they die one thousand to one thousand five hundred baht to burn a cat for a person it's more I don't know how much gas is there they run everything on gas and the ties throw people into the swamp if you have no money what can you do you can't leave them on the street and they get eaten by catfish well they eat everything that's really scary well there is a lot of scary stuff here Bangkok is not only a city on the river but also a city that is gradually going under the river look a purely Bangkok phenomenon stores floor is lower than the main road this is due to the fact that Bangkok is constantly sinking a little bit lower and lower each year and stores that were built a long time ago they are lower than the asphalt that is put down every year in this store so that they don't get flooded every year look what they did they made a step so that the water doesn't flow over there look at this you can see right there yeah dog stop barking the whole area is below sidewalk level the whole neighborhood all of the residential development the stores houses people living in it's all below the road level because of the fact Bangkok is sinking originally this city was practically floating the whole of Bangkok was on water like Venice you traveled by boats not Cars yeah and when they became afraid of water they built these walls and what do you call it oh damn a damn and they took away the transport function from the canals ah that is they would get out of the house get on a boat and go so these houses were houses on the river and then they built this high wall and people lost access to the river otherwise water flooded their houses and they used to travel purely on the water yes Valera takes me through the oldest part of Bangkok here guys is a clear demonstration of why you can't swim in the river near Bangkok the sewage system is like this this house collapsed but the toilet remains note that this toilet has all the discharge just into the river this is an old and poor house there are four kids living here judging by the number of shoes maybe more and look at the floor level and the floor level of the rich one it's right in the middle of the old one this is a new house a rich house the owner had the money to raise the house that's the case when the difference in living standards between the poor and the rich can be seen with a naked eye technically this part of Bangkok though in the center of the city is a village it is a private Village this Village on the river belongs to one man the land everything well not the land the water well it's how should I put it Coast swamp he separated some houses and sold them and some still belong to him and some houses stand on this land and he doesn't charge anything ah he doesn't charge anything but still the man has a whole village here's one I've never seen before it's a three-story house but its wall is made of whatever that's usually how one-story Huts are made planks pieces of roof [Music] and here guys is the most popular Thai dessert for the poor can I try it this guy's is purely Thai dessert it's it's a fish thing [Music] it's it's a fish thing [Music] with rice cream it tastes incredibly special it's called a purely Thai dessert its name translates as fried fish with turtle eggs but it's actually made with just rice water so it's a dessert for the poor and to make it tasty they use spices and a special cooking method that can take all day very good it looks like some kind of worms eat it Ikea very good let's hope I don't get pakimaita tomorrow but Valera and I are here to show the most traditional Thai drink that has become an international hit though you probably wouldn't guess it's time these guys are Kratom leaves they often just chew it in Thailand I mean you can put it in your mouth and chew it all day long it gives you energy it makes you strong it gives you energy very strong that's how you do it very good [Music] now you do it there's a second option this kratom should I try it chew it chew it just don't swallow it chew chew it and throw it away chew and spit cool it's bitter it's bitter good good the second way to consume kratom is to boil it Kratom is boiled for several hours and you get a drink like this you see it's a little cloudy it looks like kavas and it has almost no smell ah it has a little bit of sugar in it [Applause] the ties like the way a European drinks their kratom but really a lot of you guys have probably tried something like this because kratom is the basis for Red Bull hard to believe but Red Bull was invented here in Thailand and then spread around the world [Music] so here it is the official Kratom product and here's its more famous Global counterpart let's try both [Music] very sweet non-carbonated very sweet like all energy drinks only five times sweeter let me compare it to regular red bull and the regular red bull is also not carbonated is it supposed to be carbonated I just don't drink energy drinks I think they're bad drinks who drinks it please write in the comments should Red Bull be carbonated or not because here in Thailand Red Bull is real and it's non-carbonated the point is energy drinks were invented here and then one of The Travelers saw it and made this Global version and even replicated the logo with two bulls of course [Music] man what a gross thing that is I don't know how people drink it sugar and sugar coated with sugar uh that's go drink water or coffee or something nice here is typical Thailand watch this a luxury Office Center a skyscraper there's a bank inside but none of the employees in this office Center who wear jackets and ties would think of going to a fancy restaurant here next to this huge skyscraper are these Diners right here right there over there and there's a whole street of these eateries around the corner and all these office workers hands of men in expensive suits and patent leather shoes all these office ladies in their expensive outfits come down here for lunch and eat here and this is considered completely normal that's the only way ties would act there aren't even restaurants inside this office Center no one can even think of anyone in the building who might want to eat there what a choice there is [Music] and look these wonderful people have stolen umbrellas from a nearby McDonald's they're right here and right there and they're using these umbrellas for their restaurants because I mean really what the hell is a McDonald's if you've got dim sums Tom yums shrimps noodles and other cool stuff this is the McDonald's look there are no umbrellas left at all so there's that [Music] Valera and I came to try the famous bird's nest one of the most expensive kinds of street food this is what they look like when they are dry but then they're boiled in water and flavored with honey syrup the price of a small plate of nests can be as much as 200 Baht that's six dollars and two thousand Baht that's sixty dollars cheap nests are from captive Birds oh I see and the expensive ones are from wild birds the nests also differ in color we took for comparison the 200 and 2000 Baht variants which one is which I don't know so we have two yes one is expensive the other is cheap yeah guess I don't know I think this one's a little darker and it's 2 000 Baht and this one is lighter 200 baht no no it's the other way I'll explain the logic if it's small it means it's cheaper well I just thought the darker one means it's natural it means a bird pooped in it this one is light this one too it isn't white but it's like the bird pooped in it less that's why it's lighter and I think it's artificial it's not white either it's actually natural isn't it well it just tastes like honey syrup it's expensive but let's start with a cheap one that's the cheap one right well it has such a honey flavor it's like honey and snot I just admitted that I've tasted snot I guess right man well it's just not just sweet snot really it's so I don't even know how to explain it's just a slimy texture to it you put it in your mouth and it dissolves okay let's try the expensive one guys one of the most expensive dishes I've ever tasted [Music] wait let me I want to make sure again I tried the cheap one again there's no difference I don't know [Music] here maybe a little less sweet because there's less honey it might taste almost the same very little difference and what's important what is different is that this one is longer ah the fibers are longer there's 10 times the price difference between them 10 times and the taste well I can't even grasp the difference in taste but the expensive ones supposedly have more beneficial micronutrients bird's nests are an important ingredient in Chinese medicine they only use the nests of swiftlets this is an Asian Swift which is found mainly in the Malaysian part of the island of Borneo the wholesale price of the nests reaches up to 2.5 thousand dollars per kilo the nests are eaten with a raw egg and spices that way they have at least some flavor they also stock them for the winter in jars like this and eat them when they get sick scientific medicine has not found anything medicinal in them yet [Music] soft boiled egg yeah here we go now I'm going to try that with an egg [Music] well that's just about the most expensive snotty egg I've ever tasted snot an egg that's it I don't know if you've ever tried bird's nests maybe I don't eat them right maybe they need to be seasoned and cooked differently tell us about your experience share it in the comments below man I gotta finish these sixty dollars after all come on Valera get it on let me give you the expensive one I don't want it I'll just share it from the bottom of my heart thanks what's up guys come here I'll show you something it's called heimek in Thai it's squid testicles they're pan-fried and served on cabbage with a hot and sour sauce is it appetizing or not what do you think I'll try it [Music] it's very tender generally in Thailand there are no food taboos so they eat literally everything now let's try a very popular Chinese dish here in Thailand it's called long fish well actually fish don't have lungs they have gills in fact they are fish guts which are stewed for a long time with herbs and spices it's kind of a rich thick soup it's I don't even know what that is I really don't understand you know a lot of people are afraid to eat straight food especially people who are new to Thailand do people get poisoned here at all they get poisoned they get a stomach ache it happens if you are a foreigner and not used to some dishes some types of food but for locals it's very rare [Music] in Bangkok there is a huge number of Street eateries with a name you know the ones that you go to year after year knowing that the food there is good here for example is the most famous noodle shop in the city [Music] this iconic Eatery is near the Vietnamese Monastery in Chinatown it serves glass rice noodles with a special sauce and a hot pan wow [Music] the show is cool at least yeah cool smells nice so Valera let's try it anyway you can walk through the Thai shopping streets and eat all night long but you have to end the evening this way so when I said okay I can't eat anymore I'm stuffed and I should go to bed Valera said okay so it's time for noodles so like when you're full the last thing you eat is Chinese noodles yeah yes and look it's such a huge portion as they say last thing before bed the last thing before bed oh these noodles are great and I've seen even Mercedes stop by such little noodle shops guys wearing suits Rich guys get out they sit down at a table and start nibbling on their two dollar noodles yeah because it's cheap here the money is for a Mercedes oh oh there's a Mercedes coming through the amazing thing is that in Thailand it's not only customary to end the day with soup but also start the day with soup [Music] have you ever had days when right in the morning somebody literally starts eating your brain at home or at work eating brain for breakfast if so you'll understand me now because my Thai friend of Valera and I will be eating brains for breakfast it's 10 a.m yes we're having breakfast okay is it okay that we're going to have brain for breakfast yes it's normal actually for us for local ties it's a normal meal a regular meal well regular food specifically for morning for breakfast for breakfast yes this soup is called that's what we eat with rice and the brain is like a delicacy [Music] the full name is smong in Thai is brain and moon is pork the chef slices pork legs intestines liver and other byproducts into a plate in small slices pours a rich broth over it and the brain is placed on top as the main delicacy a little cilantro and a little more broth over it tell me the rice so I get a little bit of broth and I pick up some rice [Music] mmm the broth is very rich a little bit spicy mmm very tasty broth I must say I'm going to get the brain now what else do I have here this I take it is the palate this is liver there are also fish balls in here [Music] and all kinds of giblets that's I don't know what that is tofu oh it's tofu tofu cheese okay and most importantly the brain [Music] let's start with the palette it smells pretty nice [Music] it's much more tender than I thought I thought there's going to be such a hard thing you'd have to chew it up like a tendon but no the palette is very tender delicious let's try let's try the intestines with broth [Music] very tasty and the main treat brains let's try it [Music] mmm they're creamy so tender soft it's it's like some kind of marshmallow marshmallow it's like [Music] like foie gras yeah like foie gras foie gras yes yes first time eating brains for breakfast and enjoying it so much it's delicious I'll have some more [Music] [Music] if you like our food episodes don't hesitate to like them and if you don't like them feel free to say so and yes I promise to tell you where you can get cheap Seafood in Bangkok not everyone knows how popular the all-you-can-eat buffets are here where you pay once and then you pick the food and cook it yourself this guy's is the biggest buffet in Bangkok the guidebook says there are 200 tables here I didn't count myself and there's an incredible selection of all kinds of food you can have as much as you can eat mountains of shrimp crabs mussels oysters fish if you want there's meat too to that you get your own mini stove or pot and you fry or boil there what I want to say in Thailand you don't have to go to Michelin restaurant expensive with huge PR to eat well eat something unusual 200 Baht 200 Baht and everything is Affordable Bon Appetit and see you later in a different place let's go
Channel: Let's go!
Views: 12,150
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Keywords: letsgo, natanzon, thailand, travel, bangkok, thailand travel, thailand tourism, thailand travel guide, bangkok thailand, travel thailand, thailand travel vlog, living in thailand, thailand vlog, bangkok vlog, bangkok travel, bangkok street food, bangkok food, street food, indian street food, thai, thai food, thai street food, thailand street food, food blogger, food blog, thai food guide, chinatown, chinatown bangkok, let's go
Id: Iufv3FIS4eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 6sec (3486 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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