Extreme Survival Kit Found On Amazon

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all right guys gals welcome back to SOS I'm sta badass today I have another found on Amazon survival kit and with a lot of panic you know there's a lot of panic going on I mean we just recently had a G5 solar storm that that didn't do anything right it affected a few things but you want to keep in mind that this was what was the the scared freaking everybody go run to your bunkers event that was found in a lot of prepper related literature and I know a lot of people kind of freaked out about it but not me I just I didn't make a video about it I didn't go on about it and they say there's more events worser than this one to come and then with all the cyber attacks possibly on water supply facilities and all that stuff going on and then you've got um conflict and War and talks of World War III there's a lot of panic buying so I like to show a lot of these kits that are found on Amazon before you go and buy them see what's in them before you go and buy them so uh a lot of folks like myself and you guys might make kits yourselves and uh but I like to go through these and show you guys kind of what's inside of them so I've got this bag behind me and we're going to pick it apart and see what's going on this is the bag I'm going to kind of turn you down here a little bit and we'll see what's inside this thing I know a lot of people had freaked out about the whole solar storm thing cuz in reality I mean you're it would have affected the entire power grid everything would have went black we would have back to the 1800 style living just like that people don't realize how close it is and it could be the hand that causes it you know what I mean I mean it could be something if you think about that I didn't really talk much about it but you if you think about that you got this nice okay back to this right here at the top you got this flat un snaps it's supposed to be for weather proofing right keeps the supposed to keep this all dry it kind of seals the top of this CU a open ruck sack so you you open it up real wide and you got a you've got storage up here kind of want to Blink this stuff out you're probably hearing my Cane Corso puppies in the background uh day day a AKA Meg anyway she uh she had her puppies and English masive mixed with canoro which is Italian Mas so it's going to be interesting all right so you got that little pouch there you got a side pouch I'm not here to talk about dogs here to talk about gear you got straps on the side you got another one of those pouches over here so this is just the bag I'm just going to go over the back real quick you got a pouch down here got two little straps here cute little little bottom piece there and then uh over here you got your you've got good shoulder straps you've got a a good waist strap waist straps are important it keeps the bag off your shoulders you don't want the bag on your shoulders it sucks after a while take it from a marine who knows sucks here we go it sucks all right another good size bag here now let's get to the contents what do you get for all the money you spend this is what I want to know I'll put the link to this bag below for any of you that are like I just want to go stare at this for a minute all right so end up with this I don't I think it's a bag full of stuff that's kind of what I feel going on in here there's more stuff in here and I just I've got to go through it let's just kind of start from the top over here so you got your alcohol prep pads whole bunch of those got some there's some just standard bandages butterfly bandages standard bandages my wife would be laughing right now she's a ER nurse so she's like ER Trauma Nurse but she'd be laughing at that she's like little B vages that's cute I think you know how they Count Their items when a kit says it's got like 250 items so you got one of these uh here we go that's a little bracelet par cord like you got a whistle bar Rod there's your Striker you can take that out too A lot of people don't do that but that's supposed to slide out Compass there we go anyway got some gloves these are rugged actually kind of dig these check these out these are thick these are kind of cool I mean those are that I mean these actually feel pretty tough they don't feel like your standard garden gloves you would think garden gloves I'm just glad to see they're not like just plain Jane White garden gloves at least there's something they're very tough texture all right oh these are nice get your fire going with these things let me just try and open that up rip that open these are good you you pull these out and you you you blow through here you put or you can blow actually I think you just blow through here I've used it like this I can't remember doing it like that so you put that into your fire I know I sound stupid it's all good I hardly ever have one of these with me when I'm out camping or making fires but I usually have one in a kit somewhere around here but uh you just put that in there wet conditions and you just blow and it gets everything real hot it's kind of like uh you ever take a leaf blower to a fire and you get it real hot and then when you get it real hot you keep the fire you kick the fire out and then you let all the Embers kind of smoke it smoke it and burn everything that's kind How We Do brushes and stuff like around here like big piles of brush you got to get rid of but it's kind of how that works you put that in your kit just helps you get wet fires going little tweezers that's a bottle holder you put that around your water bottle and you clip it on here and then you clip that to your side or you clip it to your bag and it carries you a water bottle I got some paracord it's not it's not real paracord it's that cheap stuff get some oh my goodness they shouldn't even have put those in there uh those are supposed to be scissors it's one of those cheap flashlights telescopes got a little cre LED in it I don't believe there's any batteries in it nope no batteries but it is a fairly decent flashlight I've got many of these they actually work but you know these are not very expensive all right there's your uh survival saw Camp saw whatever you want to do it's uh put your fingers through it it go put throw it around the tree you throw it around the tree and then you put your fingers through it and pull back and forth got your little fishing kit you got enough stuff here to irritate you right here I'm going turn you down a little bit so you can see kind of what I'm looking at here got your little fish kit here it's got your line and hooks you got some Juke cord looks like it's got you know like a beeswax and juk that stuff works really good good for making fires you can make this stuff yourself just get yourself some Juke Juke cord it comes in big spools and then you just soak it in your beeswax and uh you got the same thing that's they've got it twisted here together in a big rope um you got some medical tape whole bunch of these These are actually very useful uh uh I use I mean I can use these for like 90 million different things I know you just see you see this here is and it's like that's ridiculous you know I could probably think of one thing but I could think of a million things to use that for um this is a this rubber band here is uh technically a u it's it's it's one of those like disposable tourniquet kind of things that's what this is actually for so you take this it it I wouldn't recommend it for everybody cuz some people they're thick like thick people uh their Skin's too thick they got too much uh meat or fatty tissue and it cut cuts into them and it's really hard to get it off so these are very difficult to remove but they will stop the bleeding it works more I mean pets and uh kids works better for that all right um look like a little survival whistle type thing that's cute got a carabiner not for rock climbing does have that it's actually cool looking char B there some more Jukes you got a glow stick and then these things now I haven't really cared much for these these are like your check in the box okay I added a rain poncho it'll work but it's thinner than a Walmart uh plastic bag I'm just going to point that out this is thinner than a hefty trash bag or a dollar store F trash bag just look how thin that is it's very disappointing you see how thin that is it's very thin and I mean I'm just going to kind of pull it let's just kind of pull it a little bit see how much test it is it's not much that thing get snagged on uh uh one little Thorn around here would tear this thing to Pieces let's move this stuff to the side let's see what else we got here there's some more stuff in here it's a pretty deep bag got here Q-tips I wonder if they counted them it's probably 25 Q-tips what's this thing here we go this thing again comes with a lanyard I always like this it's a spoon it's a whistle and it's a knife and a can opener let got a little saw back here that's for like uh scaling fish that's what that's for that's for scaling fish a lot of folks don't know that I think that's kind of neat though that's just a crazy looking Spork hey it does the job you know what I mean I don't I don't know how much it's worth though I don't know how what I would value that at emergency blanket it's a good mean you could probably use that for maybe a shelter or something we got another glow stick are we getting here we go let's thing oh we got one of these things oh those things are just great they have so many uses compass and all kinds of stuff but I mean I I've got like a whole drawer full of these things you know what I mean after so many kits you're like dude dude what the heck anything else in that bag we got this thing here I just want to make sure I don't want to disappoint you let's see what this thing is it's a cool pouch what is this what is this thing oh we got some crazy Contraptions going on here we got a landard fort that goes to this what's this thing knife little knife here woo glass breaker pretty simple little knife I cut myself with it I'm up to date on my teist it's all good all right so that's empty let's see what this is what's this thing holy moly what is this I like that coating that's pretty rugged I like the I like the wrap on it trying to be honest these are great for throwing you know I actually have one of these is a throwing knife I can nail every freaking time throwing one of these it's insane you can go straight Patriot with somebody with one of these things I I never understood the the bolt patterns and stuff on here uh sleat belt cutter sure butan you could probably use that for skinning in some cases you could probably use this for skinning it' be kind of hard to get in some spots I tell you it dull quick you ever skin something it it it dulls fast you got to keep a sharpener on you that's why people always like I tell them pack a sharpener and said oh it's just more weight you ain't never been hunting before have you anyway so this yes this this actually is a great it's cheap but it is a great little I wouldn't use it for chopping a bunch of wood or anything but you know what I mean it'd be great for throwing at somebody most people don't throw things cuz it's like you know I just threw my weapon at them why' I do that but if you good you good the heck in the world all right what are you oh wow here we go now we got all all this stuff going on boy that thing is oil measuring that's sharp that's actually really sharp believe it or not I ain't kidding that's actually sharp I'm not playing with you this is nuts I mean I never seen teeth like that I a never seen teeth that fine on there like that that's pretty crazy like a little piranha teeth and you got a cutter here so this would go you know in different angles you tighten this up right obvious I should go the other way so it's it's just basic e tool you know what I mean entrenching tool for those of you uh weirdos out there that are going to correct me that comes off you got a whistle in there so we got to have more whistles so how many whistles do I have so far like three boy I'm making sure I'm calling for help I guess if I bring two buddies I guess they can cry for help with me help glass breaker landard hole there that SC actually looks pretty nice I'm just going to be honest what's this woo there we go now we can go straight dagger where's that screw into here that's cool there we go got that all fixed up well you can just go Street figh on somebody with this and I I'm assuming this just goes in here putting it together I had Legos as a kid first I know what I'm doing slap this guy and that's actually a decent shovel I just hate these I want to be honest about one thing that annoys me with these and it's not this is thick I mean this ain't I don't I don't picture that breaking or anything it's not like the other ones I've had to just obviously the shovel is going to bend backwards CU it's so cheap but it's the spinning I hate that you got to get some kind of lock tip get some thread lock you got to put some locktite on these threads right here cuz that's annoying it'll come loose in a heartbeat but uh get yourself some lock tight red once you get it singed and you're keeping it like that and just slap it on the back of your backpack don't even bother putting it back in this thing put the cover on it fold this down to save some room just fold that down like that close it up be on I'm being honest with you just so it won't let you close it up close it up but you can lock it pretty good right there there you go just do it like this and just mount it to the back of your bag if you have one of these I would just let's turn this around I'd take this thing here honestly and uh come up with a way to mount that to the back of your bag like that or off to the side or something you I mean because do some thread lock on it then if you ever really need that poker knife you can dig it out or if if you don't like this sort of thing just get a regular entrenching tool you know what I mean they're like 20 bucks but see you start breaking up the price of stuff and that's where it all comes into money but that's it right there you rate it I'll let you be the judge I say um you it's probably not worth the price but then again it might be the bag's not crap you know and you got a couple of decent tools here I mean if you're putting together a kit as a a spare you know I put together spares spare kit uh you get people that Evac get evacuated from their areas or they leave their area and come to you because your family or you just know each other so well make sure they've provided provisions on top of that if they know they're coming to you you better have them bring you some buckets of beans and rice and keep them at your home for the occasion that they come and visit so always keep that in mind beans bullets and Band-Aids you need all of those and just keep repeating all that and doing it again and again again all right I hope you guys enjoyed it go check out the link God bless take care stay saane
Channel: Step One Survival
Views: 18,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bug Out Bag, Get Home Bag, Emergency Kit, Survival Kit, Prepper, Survivalist, Etool, Knife, Compass, tent, first aid, tourniquet, cat t, sing bag, 72 hour kit, fire starter, fire kit, flash light
Id: mj9b-lrIj2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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