STAY WARM AND ALIVE - Why You Should NEVER Throw This Away!

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welcome back hacks Maniacs did you know that every year in the U.S alone over a thousand people die from cold exposure essentially freezing to death now you know what instead of throwing this trash away I'm going to show you how using the trash in this bag you can stay warm and stay alive in a catastrophe good job monkey super windy out today so we're gonna do this on our back porch and I've got some help from my beautiful assistant Cameron today now to be honest cold weather disasters aren't something at the top of my list for likely threats living in the South it's that type of thinking though that can make a freak winter storm like the one that hit Texas and I think it was 2021 so devastating unlike us if you happen to live in a part of the country or the world that regularly deals with cold weather you're probably prepared for it but when 70 degrees Fahrenheit is Sweater Weather you don't really give staying warm much thought let's assume you've exhausted all other methods of staying warm and your last resort is a fire even if you've got firewood in a lighter you'll probably run out of lighter fluid before you get that log Delight using this method now I am by no means some master bushcrafter so I'm going to focus on starting fires and I'm going to show you an amazing way to build a small portable fire that you can take with you wherever you need to go and keep you warm are you ready to bring out your inner raccoon and start playing with garbage I'm sure there's a collection of absolutely random yet highly valuable and useful stuff in this bag of garbage let's pretend that we don't have a lighter or a Ferro Rod but please people please tell me you have a lighter okay do a little pre-planning first off the bat is we have a piece of steel wool here slightly used steel wool still highly valuable what else is down here oh what is that a nine volt battery another I mean how fortuitous also take one of our food pans here all right baby you take a piece of that kind of tear that in half all right take part of that yeah spread it apart because we want air to get to it as much as we can let's put that in there and then you take that and then touch it to that look at it go look at it go that is wild [Music] it's like ants crawling we've got a spark but we need a flame what can we do about that I noticed that we just so happen to have some used cotton balls balls and we got us some Vaseline some petroleum jelly all right ooh and a dog hair cool girl did you light the steel wool did you you let the steel wall win already take the Vaseline and we're going to rub that in there really good get that Vaseline all over that cotton ball you can kind of pull it apart a little bit now you can take as many of these as you want I'm going to take another piece of that steel wool and wrap it around this cotton ball all right now like that there we go nice now we got a little far going one cotton ball dipped in Vaseline like that will probably burn for at least five minutes this is a tiny little fire but I already took the liberty of collecting some small dried leaves make sure you get dried ones that have fallen and not ones that still have moisture in them then I also got some dried grass you want to start out small and really dry before you start putting anything bigger on top even that small little fire is good and warm oh yeah that pan is hot I don't know why I thought it's it's aluminum so I thought it would not be but it is that's hot all right okay Cameron let's see what else we got here I see some nasty disgusting dryer lint although I must say if you've got a large belly button dig in it because it would work just as well Cameron do you have any of this in your belly button none go check your dryer because you got it don't throw this stuff out this stuff's like uh you know gold when it comes to starting a fire so again we're gonna kind of get it really fuzzy pull it apart just like we did with the steel wool you want to try to use that we're going to get bushcrafty here do you want to try to use the Ferro rod ready [Music] there it goes look at there look at the Sparks that stinks again you take that and start throwing some dry stuff on there and you can look right over here and see that our fire that we started earlier is still going [Music] out again hot again people don't touch the pan okay it's hot I'm doing this I'm here for adult supervision we had this egg carton in here as well and one thing that you can do if you want to pre-plan is you can take this lint and you can stuff it down into the voids in the egg carton then you can melt wax on top of that and tear each one of these sections off then you'd seal it with wax you can just melt a candle on top of that and then you've got pre-made fire starters ready to go that are easy to store Tim good Lord woman are you shedding there's like your hair is all in this your oh I can only because you don't your hair doesn't come out that's look at that is that a mommy hair it's a well that was a long time ago Kim before we get too far away from the cotton balls let's use this cranberry sauce pan let's take these cotton balls we're going to put those into that can and then I'm going to get something that is uh not trash okay but hopefully you have it somewhere in your house because you should have this while I was uh gathering this I went ahead and grabbed some more cotton balls from their place of origin in the bathroom this is I well tell me Kim what is this it's a purple Iso Purple alcohol okay isopropyl alcohol okay then we're going to take the pour right onto the cotton balls yep okay so let them soak it up okay pour a little bit more on the cotton balls real slow okay or not it's okay nothing's pouring out so see they've soaked it up yeah it's hard to see that flame but there is a flame there and now it's coming up this will burn much longer than five minutes maybe we should time that out start here we go there's a rumor going around Cameron that marshmallows potato chips and duct tape also make good fire starters I don't know if that's true or not let's let's see real quick shall we see okay let's start with the potato chips hex Maniacs my mom has been working on a series of children's books for over 20 years and we've finally got the first one published these stories are about the different creatures that live in ladybug forest and the challenges they face there's no hidden agendas in these books they just teach good old-fashioned patients understanding kindness and manners this one is called Henry Hopper's first day of school and it was illustrated by my dad before he passed so it really means a lot to us if you have kids grandkids nieces nephews or even pets that love stories when you finish breakfast I'll walk you to school said Daddy Hopper I know all about school remarked Henry this will make an awesome gift if you want to order Henry Hopper's first day of school for your favorite little one and at the same time show some love to my mom people it's my mom show some love I'll put a link in the description Christmas will be here soon so do not delay duct tape B minus potato chips fail that's not much of a fire starter marshmallows fail there is another source of refuse that is in your house is probably trash let me go get it real quick if you don't have any of this your kids probably do no pencil sharpener alrighty then let's see how well this works why'd you make that mess why'd you make that mess hold up let's try it with the uh Pharaoh Rod first there we go look at it burn oh that stinks now one thing you can do if you want to always be able to do this is to have a little pin for sharpener with you might be kind of a cool thing to put in your bug out bag I don't know just a little handheld pencil sharpener because you can either sharpen a pencil and use those shavings or you can take small sticks that are about the diameter of a pencil and make your tender that way and then you take that little stick and you can poke the cameraman in the hand 19 and a half minutes since we lit our fire now all these fire starters are all fine and good but what if you want a bigger fire that you can take with you let's take this old uh can of stain and use my tractor key to pop it open while staining there oh grass that's my day foreign take this whole roll of toilet tissue and kind of work it and get the tube loose inside there oh Cameron Burns [Laughter] steel wool over here she's fascinated by it now don't throw away that tube because it makes an excellent monocle or monocular I should say you can do the same thing with the lint or really any of this stuff just like with the egg carton fill that up with lint seal both ends with wax and you got a fire starter we're going to take the toilet paper and we're going to jam it down in there it seems easier said than done oh that's a that's that's a big roll of toilet tissue here let me help you if it was Halloween this would be perfect there we go pour it slowly in there though slowly love slowly pull the Iso Purple alcohol onto the toilet paper I'm gonna let it soak in Okay go again okay he can pour a little bit more in there oh girlfriend hold up hold up pour some more I believe I may have created a monster here okay pour some more alcohol in there rest that on there hard hard don't don't go at it let's set it on it set it on it and grind on it there you go harder [Music] yeah you do it now you're getting it oh there we go back up we are lit that put us out that's some good heat right there oh Lord don't get yourself burnt watch your hands now watch your hands all right be careful wherever you build this and also be careful yes the the fumes you got to be careful about breathing in the fumes especially like with this because this was put in a old can of stains there's still a little bit of stain in here anyway you don't want to be breathing in noxious fumes let me show you another way you can do this if you'd like to pre-plan now that other one is still burning okay let me see real quick let's set this one beside it let's try not to catch the house on fire so we got that one going let me check and see here what our time is on here we are at 28 minutes and if you look down in there that's nowhere near going out yet can you see that flame is it showing up it's the other one yeah it's showing that right there we go yeah so we're at 28 and a half minutes still going no signs of going out go down to your local paint supplier get an empty cork can take your toilet tissue just like before soak her down take a can put up put the lid on it seal it up take a quarter a quarter on the lid can you cut that for me take that quarter down the reason you put the quarter on there is because then whenever you need to remove the lid you've always got something you can use that quarter to go around the rim you could also go ahead and tape a lighter to it to the side of it if you want to you know just be super prepared or on top you could actually give those as gifts to people as emergency fires or emergency fire starters depending on how you wanted to look at it 32 minutes and this one has just gone out I'm pretty certain this is going to burn for a couple hours based on how long the small one stayed lit but now you know how to stay warm but you know what you also need to know how to have water that's clean that you can drink to survive so watch this video right here and I'll show you how to make sure you have clean water if your water is contaminated
Channel: HAXMAN
Views: 1,451,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stay warm, how to stay warm, stay warm in an emergency, how to start a fire, how to start a fire without a lighter or match, build a portable fire, how to stay warm in winter, stay warm in winter, winter survival, power outage, winter power outage
Id: Ia68aZfAwfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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