Extreme PAUSE CHALLENGE (Hot and Spicy Food)

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hello friends it's me your favorite messy hair youtuber and it's me did you that's not important today we're going to be doing at the paws challenge by the addition unpause Thank You Jo max what is the postulate I've never heard of this challenge we have a controller over here but it's not just any remote control not only do you guys Google and Netflix on it I have the ability to pause and unpause your actions and you know you can do the same to me so anytime like cause we have a lot of spicy things I went to the store and I got all the spicy things I could find we're gonna start probably the least spicy and make our way to some ghost pepper okay we should probably mention right now neither of us likes spicy things we can't handle them I can barely handle a hot cheeto so I don't know how well this is gonna go sane and that's what we're starting with today you just like a hutch you don't hand on that help hot cheetos for recreation these are spicy oh man probably get some chopsticks oh I got the wishbone one look at this cheeto I got this special uterus cheater bone Apple teeth you know it's pretty mild my mouth is not that I'm desperate on fire not to the point where I'm screaming it's one else next we gotta just keep piling it on just to get over get it over with pretty good Oh crazy just in case let's take our precautions okay so our lifelines include milk you're only allowed to use this once and if you desperately need it oh another lifeline we've got right escapes let's suppose stop burn but you know we've done what's the next step so I actually just saw these and they are extra flamin hot crunchy older brother in there look at this thing goodbye a few moments later are you ready to come right now okay that's hot that was pretty hot you know after the ghost pepper thing we did I said never again with hot stuff but look at us again we never learned team never learns why am I being punished for breathing oh my god my eyes I got mine alright next up we got some noodles these are regular noodles there's nothing in them yet so basically putting in the spicy flavor packet from these noodles which are the spiciest noodles that Walmart can offer so these are supposed to be extremely spicy noodles we're gonna put all of that in that's a lot man that's what he's gonna mix this bad boy up you hear that slush the table eating good tonight you can have the pleasure of going first I'm standing all the way over there and I can smell it yeah take a good bite no that's not it because I pause let it sit there let it burn I think mr. faucitt gonna know water for you all right oh man that's spicy that's spicy noodles water mmm delicious don't you love noodles and spicy noodles okay that's a small bite just drink it straight from the things my hand I don't have the coordination Easter in the spice stained I hope you like spicy sauce okay you gonna have to drink it straight from the cup oh there we go delicious finally some good hacking food what do you think it's pretty good huh no no it's not good I don't like that one out of five yeah no one other times I wasn't high enough for you this is such a dumb challenge you like to use a lifeline you ain't fallin for that noodle feet on what's next shall we go this is a tasting part of this challenge I can open as I need a guy to do it all right structure all right come on if I just just as I would have been able to - oh wow Wow you just wait for it to happen the spiciest Tostitos salsa you come by this is chunky habanero salsa hot you know going up we always used to eat mild never even medium I never even had a spice growing up like a spicy spice I've had Spice Girls Spice Girls was the only spice we had growing up that's why we can't handle the spice now see if you're a kid and you be here - hot cheetos hot wings you grow up accustomed to this stuff we've done it we only had chickens and these on right you know high school growing up by my nickname was chunky habanero because I was Mexican and chunky narrow all right take a nice big thing of salsa how about you you go first I just did the last one it burns in there yeah does okay I'll be nice unpause you don't let me take the first crunch you know you say that for bet it's not that it's hot yeah is it still pretty good dummy yeah and the first bite was pretty good at Alex like if it wasn't spicy it would be delicious delicious finally some good spicy food all my mouth is on fire it's actually on fire but you posit what Oliver sat on my tongue what would be a cool thing for food if we just burn ourselves that was only salt surrounds one we got even hotter socialists coming up and see this everywhere Tapatio is this heart I've never had this no put that on there AIDS I know people put this on everything I've never had it before so you don't have some on a potato chip where we drop in boys will just keep on ah there we go there we go that's a good-looking chip right there but I've ever seen one perfect oh that's the worst that's not what is it that's the way oh my god that's the worst words oh that's really not that's really bad that is the worst my whole entire face I feel like you have a fever mmm that's probably as spicy as that pepper that we had I'm gonna need the rest of the night to recover from the Tapatio that people eat with their eggs I don't like that part sniper are being yourselves mean that was really bad this is the devil's sweat it's spicy it was exactly what he did last time ever despite the challenges dude this is the last time I ever I see how much okay nice stuff we got a big old bottle of sriracha my brother he put this on everything you know I've never had sriracha of course you do okay oh okay it's like ketchup hopefully it's delicious like ketchup I don't trust it start out this thing good oh it tastes kind of like Oh God oh my mouth is already on fire this is just like adding to the fire my mouth is the whole entire California forest fire Mae got a whole entire ice what's wrong you put an ice pack on your mouth Wow you don't have an ice maker we have use your milk all right we have one more left this one is the spiciest of the Spice Girls pepper salsa what ghost pepper salsa so all of these that we've done so far are just a joke yeah have fun do never again there's a tap out that's it I'm not kidding you but this one's the worst nightmares about that no we did the Carolina ghost bar can Elena ghost Reaper what is it I don't care what the dumbest name are they're all hot but this is the ghost pepper so I think it's a seven below the hottest that we've ever done made into a salsa so I mean you got the tomato you got the green Chili's and whatever the heck they put in here all right open it because I can't whoa whoa who smells like death hi can I have a get over oh man he's going for it it was at this moment that he knew that's pretty hot it's pretty hot oh I'm gonna do jumping jacks be bad yeah I know it's pretty bad my turn there we go so don't up surprise for you oh man okay all right here we go nothing [Applause] [Music] not so much better oh man that feels good what do I do now look we got the cleaning crew going wow caz Wow oh my god my tongue swiggity swoogity yeah that booty anyway that's all for today hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that's not liked by a Nimba and subscribe to the wolf pack and make sure you check out digital nexus channel the description below subscribe to this boy notifications link okay I love you guys so much like stretching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,188,360
Rating: 4.9486203 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, challenge, pause challenge, spicy, pause, food challenge, spicy food, hot
Id: 2s6kewCcInU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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