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ladies and gentlemen today's video is very dark I gave are you doing okay so today's video is dark and it's scary we are on a huge ranch in the middle of the woods and we're gonna play hide and seek in the dark the boys ready Gabe you ready yeah you ready I'm ready I'm scared of the gun alright so for round one I am gonna be the secret everyone has a flashlight the secret has a flashlight and all the high daytime flashlights so we can see what's going on but other than that it's gonna be insanely difficult because there's so many woods and there's obviously nose really it's pitch black yeah it is pitch black out here it is middle of the night there's no boundaries to this hide and seek you can hide as far as you want you can hide in the house you guys yeah no boundaries you boys got a hundred and twenty second side maybe a hundred and nineteen maybe 118 117 maybe no what you go right now oh my gosh I'm terrified I'm so scared of the dark you have no idea what it's like out here hi boys and girls huh where in the world is creepy as heck back here hundred and fifteen hundred and fourteen hundred thirteen hundred okay check this up I have a secret weapon that I hit over here none of them know about this this is a thermal camera so even though it's really dark outside I would be able to detect their body heat from up to five hundred yards away with this camera so yeah I'm kinda cheating and hiding sink a little bit whoever is the secret for round two they're gonna get this camera to use to oh no I'm not that skinny maybe ten years ago hide out in the field what could be better than hiding out in a pitch pitch black field house is really dark you can't even see my face I bet and oh this is actually terrifying I'm going dark boys here here we go okay we're no stealth mode we are stealth phone upstairs window did not work under us I think in that one spot I was in before Watts cows 50 49 48 47 46 [Music] I'm pretty far out I'm liking this tree I'm just gonna chill by this tree so I can buy this tree I'm gonna turn off light so I don't get spotted 25 44 43 42 41 came for me to hide my street so pokey I want to flip someone's flesh and they're really bright light over there and it's kind of creepy oh I just cut my face I hope I did it again what is this tree man huh oh my gosh 19 no I forgot the 20 and you know what I think that's at least 120 so I have this spotlight here that will allow me to see very very far distances I think unspeakable started to search yeah I can see the spotlight is like shining a light off spastically or they don't know it's gonna happen I see Jake right there pretty good spot all right boys so check this out so this is a thermal-imaging camera if you look right here there's no one out in front of us but I can see the temperature of the tree and the lights in front of us obviously the lights are very warm so it's telling me the light so we just need to walk around with this camera and we should be able to find people I think I saw Jake run over there don't see anyone behind that barn over there that's right there oh he's checking out the red barn area who is that someone Paul there's a light I don't know how well you can see that but he's scanning the area he was right on this tree he was right on this street I think we might have someone up there hard to tell because they're super far away I'm not seeing anyone right now on the thermal it honestly looks pretty clear these boys must be hiding behind something warm let's go around the house so I'm just gonna be using the thermal and the spotlight but man I'm not gonna lie it's kind of creepy out here boys I'm next to Andrew right now unspeakable is going around the house I turned on my light real quick just to bamboozle him I don't think you saw it though wait till it has a band he's walking towards the barns right now there's nothing over here all right let's go this way all right I'm just going thermal it's a terrible Illinois's I know don't judge I'm not seeing anyone yeah I'm getting some serious signs of warmth over here but there's a lot of buildings over here that might just be from that and you know the heat lights electricity well what was that I don't know if you can see that it's kind of hard to see there's a white dot right there that's picking up more heat oh I found you you've been spotted you have been spotted big boy yeah you got me yeah look at that okay so that's what it looks like on the thermal cam right there so that's what a person looks like there's Angie right there yeah I did well that was easy that was a piece of cake so I know there's another person in this field I saw some heat sensing okay I'm not seeing them now they might have moved there was a large area of heat I'm just walking out of the house I think I broke a chair i straight-up just like body slam Vijender rubbin I'm not seeing anyone now I think we should still go and try and clear this field this is right on the tree because I definitely saw some heel over into this field a second ago oh I'm gonna hero there is someone far out in that door just opened up no one back here checking under the beds no no no wait yeah I've seen you found a fella hider let's take a closer look I mean yeah we know each other cuz across the property oh you might this rooms clear bathrooms clear down here whoo someone's someone was up here just like that a little mini room under here there's a light on in here someone someone was up here what are you doing ah it's pretty bright is he inside yes yo you either yeah all the door it's on the roof where's it downstairs customers downstairs garage gonna start over that's right so quick I'm gonna clear the master hey those open doors open yes what the doors open yes the phone goes open someone just ran out the door he's looking outside turn off that light shining a light over here he's gonna see you if you don't hide behind a tree or something oh you just totally in the same spot this this is so creepy alright I'm gonna clear this other side of the house I'm turned back on the thermal since we're outside it's really dark how you even supposed to play hide-and-seek like this this is like almost impossible someone's over there to the right thermal camera is on and rolling I'm not getting any heat sensors in the backyard at all I don't think there's anyone back here yo check the hot tub nope no one in here I am getting a lot of heat from the sauna but that's probably because it's a sauna and it's like a hundred degrees oh there's someone I'm sorry okay they're in the backyard go by the sauna alright this is the door right here no one in here alright it looks like we're going out into the fields of the farm that's the only place we haven't checked ins the fields of the farm somewhere you like over there I just heard screams those open again doors open again oh that's creepy messing with you shut the door no there's a light right there right there right there man that Street behind the tree let's go let's go I got eyes on him oh dude he totally does all Jake I'm dropping the thermal I got eyes on on this tree right here where's that same tree behind it Jake you run right Jake let's go he's right there I see him I see you called me you called me fine I saw running I got to you following you guys 20 minutes I'll just walk around you guys in circles oh I can't wait to do the hi externalities it's gonna be so much fun I see you guys right there the con red-handed Gabe you okay I meant down that's what I tripped on look at that giant stomp I skidded at least three feet on my stomach it's time for round two our final round of midnight hide and seek I'm the seeker sadly but I have this awesome little beam of light and I'm gonna find all of you guys six seven eight nine ten eleven I cheated the last round to use the thermal-imaging camera here you go have a good time you can heat since anyone thank you right here right here Jake I'm gonna help James gum roof you ready I got one two three oh it slipped no focus I don't have a hundred oh that's awesome do you think it'll actually help you know I've seen up one last time so see if this baby works oh yeah all that stickers on we're going to hide right now I honestly don't even know where I'm going this is insanely creepy God our kids out here this is scary its pitch black out here well I don't know where to go well doesn't that look advertising I'd like it in the tree oh man oh no I can't believe a fill-in poop just go not a bad idea sir just leave them all okay I don't know where I'm going I vote I'm going behind this giant metal thing what is this what if I get on top of it I can't watch myself get what behind like we should be good okay guys luck it's this one Madhu I know we're inside of a little shed and there's a ladder goes up to these beams and I'm gonna sit on these beams yeah let's do it we're sending it we are in their afters three two one they're probably all in the field no actually I'm just gonna start off using this I'm currently on top of this giant metal container Oh bro this is so creepy okay I think a game just got done counting guys so I'm gonna have to turn off my flashlight so I can hide it but look at this I'm gonna top of this giant like metal crate you know he's never gonna find me up here all I got to do is just lay down you know somebody's over there and I can't really see him but I know I can hear him why are the tree is so worn the trees are like actually just warm alright guys I turned off my light I gotta be really stealthy right now where are ya bulb I see them shining a light up there I can't focus on both of them at the same time I can't use the camera and the flashlight it's actually insane I'm like literally had like two inches from the ceiling I'm off the floor do you see that beam light over there someone was shining a beam of light in the sky in that direction oh I think I just saw someone I mean if you guys can even see one laying down right now on the continue to AIDS right there oh he just shined the light right at me no one is under a car I'm gonna try to run across the field I see Gabe he's in the truck right now no I think he got me the camera is showing a complete and utter nothing weird okay yo I'm gonna mess with him I'm gonna shine my light towards him I just said my light ride and you know yeah I see you I'm gonna pretend like I don't [Music] okay I gotta be polite guys it's probably true for me I don't want to win one round I haven't won a single round I want to wait I need to see if I get from run only to the house now I fell will be well heard a couple people over there screaming I see okay first you shine the light in the sky I don't like I'll kiss someone's over there and then I looked and I saw your head bro are you kidding me yo dude ha sketch it was walking over here by myself how did you get up there do you go up the side lined up I climbed up from the back of the battery am I the first person you found yeah oh my god you are the ultimate loser alright well if I'm getting down Gabe has found me thank you for the thermal camera I should have never shined my flashlight towards him I literally gave of that to use and cheat with and he used it against me someone's over there behind the house yep that's definitely James someone's in that barn dude the barn the little barn yep you're selling people out now I just heard them dun dun dun stop several time I thought I heard the door closed definitely James James loves creeping people out with doors oh wait oh I'm thinking I should probably move cuz I don't think they're gonna find me [Music] the glass blocks the thermal camera [Music] tore my pants hiding [Music] he found me I stepped in a lot of poop and yeah you're sweating really hard that's no cut down but I saw a hot spot over there probably the truck okay well this is dead so no more all the thermal cameras down I'm after you fine looks like you gotta find people do you think anyone's in the field what who that guy just tasted my coffee that was a weird laugh someone was like over there and someone was like ray in front of us nobody so did you not like my trap for you over there by the fence trap yeah I left a flashlight over there on oh is it still on no I have it in my hand now oh no I didn't know I thought about doing that last round I was like yeah man I should just ditch my flashlight is anybody up here anybody home [Music] we know you're in here [Music] [Applause] probably on the beams crawl over the front I don't know how maybe down else that explains one of the ladders are right there Andrews in the field let's go get him boys yeah I really thought you guys found Andrew already date hiding in this good at this Bombyx miss sleeping we're coming for you Andrew like a good neighbor I need it covered himself too all right but you know what we're gonna give you guys a bonus round but it's going to be indoors only no lights on how the life will be the secret only person and the hiders will have lights but whenever they get to the spot they have to turn them off and they can't use them again all right okay Alan just for safety purposes so no one trips and falls and breaks right okay so this is our bonus round Jake is gonna be the secret good luck no peeking you can't peek through the windows qualifications good luck two three hi boys so whenever you find your spot you gonna turn off your flashlight some groups Oh what they don't know is that I'm the king of hide and seek okay what these guys do not understand is that I was born and bred for this game okay I meant for this where are you guys hiding James oh you think you could fit up there bro yeah oh good luck my friend good luck I'm gonna go upstairs twenty two twenty three twenty can't peek 26 I'm just afraid about the weight thing man I don't know it's pretty solid I don't know if I can get up you I'm gonna try alright boy so I think I'm gonna go upstairs I'm gonna hide and some attic alright boys this is where I'm hiding one of them's gonna be hiding in the bathroom guaranteed another one's gonna be under the bed there's gonna be two people in that cubby room upstairs I guarantee it you know I'm just gonna call their hiding spots right now someone's gonna try to fit underneath the couch cushions in the kitchen someone's gonna do it I just I can feel it cramp I don't want to break it doesn't my main like do you think it'll hold my weight it's doing it the cabinet's class is too predictable crying baby noise 5455 oh there's a light in here alright so this is where I'm gonna hide I am literally in like an attic kind of closet thank you Father I don't even know what this is I'm in one of the closets behind it whatever this thing is I don't know extension what it is I'm sitting on some pillows ready to be quiet 73 74 75 76 77 78 okay 20 more seconds I'm gonna sit in this corner and I have found my spot so I have to turn off my flashlight as that is the rules so I'm gonna talk to you guys in a pitch blackness it's a pitch black now okay there's at least a hundred degrees in there guys it is scary in here I cannot see my hand in front my face I have my hand right from my face right now and I can't even see it how fast do you think you're gonna catch up seven minutes exactly all right let's do it I do this is not if this is like I don't like this that's a diversion tactic all right guys it's time to play some hide and seek yeah joke wasting my time all right fellas no more baby talk you in there huh someone in here huh let's go inside this yeah we're yet okay that's not funny at all we're gonna go this way we're just gonna yeah over here I can hear them downstairs I think you might have found someone but I'm gonna keep quiet [Music] did you find me or did I find you following me actually you felt like moving my pants okay there's one I found one okay I feel like someone's gonna be close these are known about of me all right we lost James okay hey guys okay no one there you know look at that I think that's the chimney y'all thought was to slide down there that would be the ultimate hiding spot I have a big feeling that someone might be over here you might just be using this as a diversion because we already found him through the walls no one get fit in there you can check if you want to yeah hello hello your boys I'm gonna do it I'm gonna slide into the chimney I'm not even kidding boys guys leave a like on this video this is dangerous I'm not gonna go all the way down also I just want to say that there's a wasp nest right there so that's just wonderful you better know t is Rahmani where'd it go he was just in here [Music] I'm hiding in the chimney right now boys look at this I'm sick of the games come out come out Oh a little garage action huh oh come on now why do they got it come on leave any trails huh there's like there's like no way there's just no okay we're gonna search upstairs real quick it's just so sketchy boys I cannot believe I'm doing this right now I can literally feel spider webs on my legs no one's in here we're good okay here we got this attic open what was that why did I decide to do this why did I decide to get in this hole oh you think you're slick huh I think you're slick okay we got to now it's Nate no I think he's found everyone except for me Wow are you Nathan dude you check the cabinets I'm on top where you put my phone Audrey creepy noises check out of the beds real quick left all right nothing under there yeah we're gonna go ahead and check in here I'm gonna put my pants okay wait he's back there he's got to be he's got to be who else would do it gave you is the only person I know he actually didn't okay so Nathan he's in a really good spot I haven't heard Nathan make it one voice okay when we found him still hiding boys I think I might be the last one it is really dark down here and really nasty I honestly want to get out of here I don't even want to hide here anymore I don't think you guys realize how gross this is I feel like I'm locked fear factor yeah didn't even open this door yeah he hasn't even checked in this little room that I'm in just James making diversion sounds let's go they're over here I don't know whether you are but they are over here somewhere okay really I'm looking for Nathan first honestly cuz he's scheming he's hiding somewhere that's really small and he's any you guys supposed to play this a lot with your kids this has got to getting out Hamlet James if you scared me I might have to poop my pants so I would appreciate it yeah I just look at this look how creepy downstairs only one person is upstairs okay that was the creepiest thing I've ever heard is that Nathan I'm trying to give them noises but they still can't find me don't worry yeah boys I go hard when I play hide and seek I don't messing around they gotta keep moving I don't know how they're doing this do they're so good at hiding I'm like done [Music] where is Nathan you are absolutely out of your mind I kid I told you he was in the smallest place I said not believe you're actually fit right now look at what I'm in right now you are you in the chimney I'm in the other half of it creepy there's so many spiders come in here brother come over I feel like I'm playing for your factor right now yo that was crazy you guys are really gonna plan on cleaning on your horse I knew you still have a found a bug Joey I honestly because you just kept making noises because you were making it fun I know Gabe it just keeps hiding in the weirdest pot okay is that we're trying to find them you would have never found me if I didn't give you there's no way you were the entire time Wade's not destroyed he said you could find you guys in seven minutes yeah it was like 20 ma that was a pausing about 20 yeah and we did you so with so many heads dude remember when you check these cabinets oh I did do that I'm gonna need you guys to go subscribe to my boy on twitch he streams I'll link it down the description I'll see you guys soon and a brand new blog go subscribe I love you group hug group hug guys
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 8,321,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: qwCLzz_Lj3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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