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gobble gobble gobble and clusterous I can't find anything do you know where I am right now we are in the forest we are in an undisclosed location and we are about to play a game of hide and seek but this is just not any game of Hide and Seek the hiders are going to suffer a little bit because we have this mystery Wheel of Fortune full of costumes there's gonna be two hiders and one Seeker the two hiders will have to spin this Wheel of Fortune and whatever costume they land on that's what they have to wear and that's what they have to hide in let's begin you guys ready come out let's see these costumes that's it yeah dude it's gonna be impossible to find you you're literally gonna blend in with anything we're gonna find a tree a pile of leaves okay where's James James he's not in here is that in there game's already hiding I guess so okay well I'm gonna start counting I will go in here I am going to count to two minutes you guys have two minutes to hide James you got two minutes if you find James tell him that he's got like two minutes side I don't even know what costume he's in well he's got the mystery costume so good luck two minutes the two minutes have started there is uh minute 53 seconds left we're just gonna sit here and wait the only thing I'm worried about is I don't know what James is he literally escaped out of here and went to go hide so I don't even know what I'm looking for I don't know if I'm looking for an apple or um I don't know a toothpick I don't know so I just heard Nathan say that the two minutes have started I'm Not Gonna Go Far I'm camouflaged I don't need to go far I'm gonna kind of bamboozle him and be kind of close I'm thinking maybe I'll hide under there you know in the shade in the dark yeah I know plenty of time I can literally just walk take my time enjoy this lovely nature I should attack like life lessons from a Bigfoot and how to hide minute and 30 seconds left these boys are going down I hope these guys pick some good hiding spots because I am the king of hide and seek I look like a bush so I'll hide in a bush right that's how that works I can have a view of him coming out and he will not see me the one problem is is uh I don't have the mask I just have this like scarf thing so I kind of have to make that work ow ow there's less than a minute remaining now real quick guys let me know in the comment section below where should we play hide and seek next we've done hide and seek in Preston's house in my house we've done it in the woods we've done it in many places where should we play hide and seek next let me know down in the comment section below this is terribly lovely that's nice I think I'm laying on a pine cone nope it's a stick just about 20 seconds left 18 17 16. all right I'm trying to think strategy Gabe is literally he can blend in anywhere I need to look at the ground if anything is going to be laying down okay here we go five four three two one timer's up timer's up let's go that's my view hopefully he will not see me really looks this way I'm gonna hide my shoes the gray and white so this thing now first let's look at the most obvious places like right around us okay so I see him he's right here yeah I don't think anyone's hiding under there that's gross nasty way in the distance if I was in a Ghillie suit I would be hiding somewhere deep in the woods so I need to focus on wooden areas like this dude there's literally so many places he could be I don't want to move oh I don't think he's it could be anywhere there's no way he didn't see me why look at his toes oh my gosh I need some toenail clippers let's check up here actually yeah no one in the trash can that was sharp I just heard something that way it kind of sounded like branches breaking oh what is that what is that oh he's off he's off let's go this way I got a brain stuck to my butt while he's running on the ground we're gonna be up in the sky that man is gone he just ran under us he was just right under us right here it's nice I'm gonna go just a little bit back okay good I know exactly where he went come on looking for a tree to climb right now never expect a Sasquatch to be in a tree you definitely went this way people talking I don't see anyone over here I don't need to hide I am high there's just so many places to look we're literally in the woods literally on the first round they got the most obvious suits a deadly suit could be laying right and saying any movement over here it's getting really hot in this mask I don't know how Bigfoot does it looks like Gabe is tricked me he is not where I thought he was no [Music] that would have been a good place to hide look what I found you see that I don't know if you guys can see it it's kind of hard to see I think it's I think it's I think it's uh I found you I'm just trying to photosynthesize well you have been found the only reason I found him dude I saw the GoPro I was trying to get good footage well now we gotta find James my hands like real I feel like I'm one with the Sasquatch pretty solid spot by the way did I ever walk past you like four times really yeah okay so apparently I walked past Gabe four times I had no idea dude where do I even begin if you were James where would you hide I don't even know what he is that's the thing yeah see the other problem with this game is we didn't set boundaries There's No Boundaries you can go as far as you want he could still be running in one direction for all I know that's a big Forest I don't know where to go kind of like lost a little bit I mean it can't be as good as my ghillie suit right I mean there was only one ghillie suit on the board the other one is a mystery yo what if he's under this bridge The Bridge Troll I'm not seeing any movement there let's check all these Huts real quick no one in there that one's empty yeah that one's empty empty what if he's in the trash can what if he's in this ditch what if he's in here nope not in the trash can no oh yeah I wouldn't even hide in there and I'm in a Ghillie suit I'm looking deep into the woods dude I'm not seeing anything James maybe he's the most OP suit of them all and the Mystery suit is actually the suit that allows you to just quit the game he's probably like in the car like driving to Louisiana right now okay wait let's go check these another thing we got to think is he could be moving around we should check where we started too you get those Huts I'll get these Huts all right you go check those nothing in there nothing in there game empty I have no idea where he went they're all empty where did he go foreign to the woods now it's really our only option James oh where are you all right so we got two ways to go we can either go left or right right looks like the more difficult way if I was hiding I would pick the more difficult way so let's go right I don't see him oh wait what is that is foreign let's go let's go I just saw him cross this bridge what do you look like he's just crossed the bridge he was a big brown hairy a bunch of fur so me but Brown yeah like green camo but had like a weird gorilla looking face he was crossing this bridge [Music] oh there he is found you what are you yo you Bigfoot yeah you're kind of scary yeah he's definitely Bigfoot he's it's actually scary it's actually kind of terrifying here like yo you just running through the woods that was a low-key terrifying I was like what is that are you as sweaty as I am yeah all right that concludes round one Gabe since you were the first one found you're gonna be the Seeker for round two let's go spin the wheel so me and James are now going to be the hiders that gave you the Seeker so we get to spin the wheel yeah ready span that wheel man I hope I get something better I got a turkey costume really you have to make turkey noises you guys get two things that let you blend into the woods and I get a turkey cause all right all right let's see what you get James all right I'm hoping that's a little thinner than this pickle oh a morph soup okay I mean that's better that's better than that morphsuit and a turkey let's go change it's gonna be easy I'm gonna grab a rainbow one all right boys you ready come on out I'm ready to count if y'all are ready to hide what are you Christmas you're a little early stop Thanksgiving we had two morph suits giving I am Thanksgiving get out of here hey you're laughing at me but you're never gonna find I'm gonna eat you for dinner you're never gonna find me I'm gonna be so fast I don't know we'll see about that we are like Lightning McQueen see these women hear you gobbling in the distance I'm gonna be like turkey I think I'm gonna run into a tree you're probably you can barely see I'm gonna find you sir he's probably gonna run into a tree um all right well uh you go in there count to two minutes and uh where do you hide hey be quiet Gabe I know you're in this Hut we're not hiding anywhere around here I'm gonna go hide in the best spot that I can uh I should probably move a little bit faster because I only got two minutes you see hiding as a as a chicken isn't really the easiest thing to hide actually wait I'm not a chicken I'm a turkey right turkeys just hide way easier than chickens ah this is stressful the life of being a turkey I think what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go really deep into the forest where no one will ever see me and I'm gonna hide behind the biggest tree that I can find okay we got a minute and 40 seconds I hear you you're not hiding at all I'm Christmas fast Yeah Christmas does come kind of fast it also ends fast don't jinx me all right I'll be underneath the TP if you need me [Music] um one minute 20 seconds all right going into the woods here I just want to go deep deep into the forest all right what's your strategy going inside uh I'm gonna use my eyeballs and I'm gonna look around and I'm going to see James's red and green morph suit easy no problem I'm literally green and red the most obvious I mean not most obvious colors but how is he not gonna see me I'm gonna hear a turkey gobbling in the distance I'm gonna be like turkey well I did ask to go deep deep into the forest so here we go do you think you have an advantage from how many games you've played I've played more games than James not really sure where to hide but Nathan has played way more than I have oh yeah we're going into the four oh yeah oh yeah Gabe is not going to find me I can barely see anything that's a far drop let's take it that's a pretty big tree I could hide behind this don't die James Street Professional uh we're gonna keep going we're gonna see what we can find I didn't think this way where do I go I think I'm gonna hide behind this big plant all right well they better be in a good hiding spot because we have not much time left at all down to five seconds now and it's time did I hear a turkey did I hear Christmas oh this water is so muddy oh gosh oh gosh I'm just gonna go somewhere I normally would probably go up there but I know they know I'm probably going to go up there so I'm going to go past there still kind of far plus uh I can't really see that's a far fall for me oh this is not where a chicken is supposed to hide it is extremely muddy over here I don't know if you guys can tell this is probably where I would hide if I was a turkey as you can see I came from way over there so if I just kind of squat down and hide I think I'm gonna have to take this chance oh no this is scary oh no cranberry jelly other than my giant Yellow uh I think this is my nose stuffing um ham I think I'll be good ow ow why is nature gonna be so cute but hurt so bad at the same time I don't understand I think I found James oh yeah it's Tim oh yeah let's go in for the kill [Music] [Music] James has been here I see you oh come here Christmas merry Chrysler how did you run through this this is terrible yo he's gone I guess I did jinx myself Christmas does go fast okay well let's go in order let's find this turkey then get Christmas gobble come on I just went somewhere I don't know where it went I'm not trying to call out Nathan oh that's a turkey that's a big turkey I'm hungry that's way in the distance this turkey is fast he hears me but he does not know where I am I'm so deep in the woods literally the trees in front of me I can't see maybe like 30 feet in front of them [Music] I heard you moving around Christmas isn't quiet it's all about Jingle Bells baby I think Gabe found James because I hear James laughing I hope there's no snakes over here turkeys are scared of snakes I'm leaving I'm getting out of here I heard the turkey that direction I know I was trying to signal for him they're right up there on that trail I don't even know which way I came from I think it's this way hear them I don't see them they're making turkey noises do you think they're making fun of me are they making fun of me right now I'm not a person to be made fun of okay I play an important role as a turkey and I will not be disrespected and these boys will never find me well I heard him this direction and this is one of the main paths so let's go this direction see him oh my gosh why do I have to be in such a big turkey costume they're like maybe 50 75 feet in front of me I see them right over there oh my gosh I can see him walking around but if he is in a hut oh unspeakable is he still named unspeakable or uncookable okay after they leave this area I'm gonna leave and go find somewhere else to hide turkey rooster nope he's not in here turkey no turkey you think he's in the woods come here come here might be really hard for you to see on camera you see that red oh that's him he just moved I spotted him he's North he's North what is it 360 or zero 10. I saw you I'm coming oh no time to go time to go time to go time to go oh those are thorns those are thorns those are thorns ow ow ow did you cross this you are one dedicated turkey give up these are all swords I give up I give up you found me okay you tagged me okay so I found both James and Nathan the turkey and Christmas Nathan's already seeked I just completed my seeking so that leaves you to seek I am the Wheel Master now all right so um I guess the turkey didn't really fit me but whatever costume I get next you ain't ever gonna find me dude it's gonna take you like a century if you're a pickle I bet I could find you pretty easily okay all right let's let's go let me spin ready let's see what we got you're gonna get something obvious I knew it all because you said something well at least it's green I'm a dough pickle Gabe what are you gonna be for you come on oh that was a good spin I'm saying I don't know I really don't know I'm gonna get a turtle we can hide together man Kool-Aid and pickles that's not a good combo you know what hold on bring that wheel back bring that wheel back I think for the last round The Seekers should be something too so uh James you can spin the wheel for this one I'm gonna use my Christmas powers so for the last round James the Seeker is going to be the Grinch the Grinch that we're definitely not gonna find you guys you're a Grinch is searching for a pickle and a Kool-Aid man let's go change oh this is great I'm here all right so we got our costumes on oh yeah so James is the Grinch he's a Seeker me and Gabe are hiding I'm a pickle he's Kool-Aid man let's do it you go into that Hut you count to two minutes okay two minutes you can't fool me I'm a pickle come on let's go I'm the fastest pickle you've ever seen Gabe we're gonna hide we're red and green yeah you see um this is pretty bad I don't really know where to hide dude yo hold this hold my GoPro a pickle on a kayak what a scene what have you it's not something you see every day has it been two minutes all right guys so I'm currently hiding uh under a kayak I don't really know how long we're gonna be able to be under here because this thing's kind of heavy oh yeah what are you doing I don't know yo go hide somewhere I don't know it's not very comfortable and I think there's spiders in here oh there's definitely down right there oh timer's up baby I can't believe I'm hiding under a kayak I just found a random kayak I'm hiding under it can't believe I'm not even hiding I need to find a uh a pickle and Kool-Aid position posters I can't find anything I can't see anything okay they walk the other ass off they walk the other way yeah oh get me out of this thing that's unfortunate my back is uh soaking wet I'm going to call you Max you're gonna help me steal and win this competition should we relocate we should run as fast as we can as soon as we see him no like right now oh okay we should run like as fast as we can like right now yo actually you want to put me in one of those trash cans up there I mean you're a pickle you're trash that's kind of rude can you smell that Max here help me get one of those trash cans you could hide under the bridge and tummy no one okay let's go go go go go go go go go oh it's gross there's literally flies nope Merry Christmas these guys are good where are you going pickles is this one any better it's really gross I don't want to hide in there it's not too bad you know you can come back at any second that one's disgusting watch this oh wow all right Max let's go this way what are we looking for again Max okay hold on what are we gonna hide we're in the open right now that's the best place to hide right yeah the best place to hide is just standing right in the open area where anyone could find us what about over there is that a bad place what if we just lay in the middle of the field I think I'll never find it okay yo wait actually under there oh that's gross you're gonna become like a sewer pickle oh yeah it's really nasty what about under there let's just sunbathe yo and then whenever he sees us we should run as fast as we can because we can which direction we have to plan it we'll run the same way and then we'll split up into two different directions okay okay so I say we just lay here and figure it out we'll figure it out what do you think left or right Max so let's just lay down let's relax let's catch some sun oh oh man it is bright out here yeah my stomach's covering it oh you got some shade all the ice in my Kool-Aid's gonna melt you gotta remember dude he's the Grinch the Grinch can't find anything he also can't see out of that mask very well we're taking that to our advantage you can't see out of the Mask very well at all and dude he's just gonna walk over the hill and he's just gonna see us laying on it's gonna be like one best hiding spot ever hello you smell the max what is it Max Christmas Christmas let's go I think James is coming dude we found the mechs let's get them oh look he's right there yeah he knows we're here should we run yeah dude we should run okay let's run we should run everything he's coming hi Grinch I'm just Kool-Aid you know I'm not Christmas I can't sleep it's hard to keep up with them young kids nowadays trying to steal Christmas that's as far as I'm running I see him I saw Gabe go this way else that's all those people go that way so we're gonna go this way because I'm tired I'm just trying to find out where he's gonna go oh no I think he's coming for me first I'm now hiding ninth grade that definitely beat my mild time for sure you know I'm gonna scare him let's go Max yeah he totally saw me let me do something funny oh yeah we got Max I need to see you did you like eat your own costume yeah so right now I'm under a bridge I feel pretty safe here although uh it's kind of scary a little gross that's cool though I hope Gabe got away now let's go get a unspeakable the pickle oh I've watched him run that way let's go that way Max this is Max my dog oh oh my goodness so what am I then Cindy Lou Cindy Lou Who gonna help me save Christmas I'm gonna turn your angry heart Happy the Grinch costume is so funny it looks so good he's gonna stop laughing I saw him run that way okay so we shall adventure to who town you guys ever seen a pickle hiding under a bridge well today on unspeakable Vlogs huh that's what you're seeing I'm gonna give them another like five minutes I think I'm gonna get out from under the bridge oh yeah I guess we don't have to stir you no more yeah I'm pretty shook enough I'm dizzy he really Blends in what do you mean Blends in he's a pickle pickles are green Max has been smelling for me yeah pickles are quite smelly pickle pickle I hear him let's go oh yep there he is he ran he went up to the right up the ramp lead us cool amen back off I want to eat you pickle glass to be close all right I don't do good with stairs oh I don't but okay you go left you take the stairs make the fat man take the stairs okay where's the pickle I thought you said you saw him he was right here where's right here right here oh he's not right here right now what Max mark pickle that's quite a bit of a drop I saw it you look like you're in a pickle get it because he's in a pickle costume and he's in a pickly situation okay ladies and gentlemen I am out of breath but that's gonna wrap it up for hide and seek in the forest I hope you guys have enjoyed this video what a fun game to play we still have a ton of costumes too so if you guys want to see a part two maybe we'll do a part two but we'll do the hide and seek somewhere else besides the forest let us know in the comment section below where should we let us know in the comment section below where we should play hide and seek next thank you guys so much definitely be sure to click that subscribe button it's a big red subscribe button right below the video oh yeah click that button before you guys go otherwise you're gonna miss out on all the future videos but thank you guys and we'll see you soon oh I need some pickle juice
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 17,218,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: DIfokZSC6tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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