The Easiest Way to SKIM COAT A CEILING!!!

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welcome to Vancouver carpenter today I'm gonna teach you guys how to roll out and skim a ceiling so this can be used to get rid of texture like I have here it's just a light orange peel texture now you might want to make sure that there is no asbestos in your ceiling so if you haven't had tests done around your house or on the project you're working on that's not a good idea anything pre-1990 there's a possibility that there can be asbestos in the drywall but in the texture I'm going to apply the mud with a roller so this is a three quarter inch microfiber I've got a two foot extendable handle and I've got a decent roller cage so the roller cage for those of you that don't know is just this guy that's why it's called the cage but what I mean is don't buy the cheap ones you want to get the ones with a nice thick part right here so if this part is nice and thick then it holds nice and steady as you're rolling if you buy the cheap flimsy ones you just don't have as much control what I will be using to skim with is a 12 inch knife and a pan you might also want a six inch knife for getting into corners then you know touching stuff up that works well so I have the mud not super thick and not too runny you can see it's not dripping easily or quickly but it will drip and the process for loading the roller is pretty simple just dunk and then I often will drip it off a bit so it's easier to handle like this and I'll kind of you see there's a big blob that wants to drip so I'm not going to wait for it to fall off as I'm working I'm actually going to reposition it so it's like dunk and then what I might do is just sort of hold this thing and I'm kind of balancing this big drop of mud that wants to fall off as you can see so that's a pretty useful thing to know how to do is to handle the mud or you can let it fall off if you're willing to slow down a little bit next let's get into getting this stuff on the ceiling because it's a bit tricky so I've got this bit it just wants to drip so I'm trying to manage it here and I want to be quick so I'm gonna just look see if you're not fast enough you'll get that but you want just get right up here and move quick and if you don't put the right pressure what's gonna happen is it's actually gonna just slide so instead of rolling your roller is gonna slide and steam plow like steamroller this big snowplow that's the word I'm looking for it's gonna like snow plow all the mud onto your lap it's shirt head floor like big blobs so you got to be quick so let's see if I can be a little quicker on this I'm going to start in this corner where I would normally start from so dunk shaking off the excess real quick and slide real quick I'm going the whole length right there and I'm just spreading it out evenly it's close into the corner is I can get it shake off the excess material and that's looking good okay another thing I forgot to mention is normally you should have a coat over top of your joints first I have a joint right here but when I checked it it's actually flat already so two coats of rolling and skimming is actually going to cover this okay I'm pretty happy with how this is all spread all right clean up this mess okay here's how we're gonna do this I'm gonna get the extra material right here and I'm also going to go right into this corner with that extra material I'm just going to smooth it out and what I'm doing is I'm going to be changing the pressure of the blade so on that first one I'm angling into the corner and next I'm gonna start angling this way for every single one if you guys can see that so this way first and then this way so get that extra bit of material go right into the corner and I should have actually done that all the way along here first and if you get a spot like that where there's not enough mud just take a little bit real but just put some let's get back to here okay I want a little more in my corners right here is not quite enough and again I'm gonna take a little extra from there go into the corner and get rid of these big Chuck chesty krunk's crusty chunks in my mud it's a bit of an old bucket I mixed up okay back to my other work lifting off gently as I get there okay this is just the first coat it doesn't have to be totally perfect okay quick oh there was a good one hey that was from not being able to move in one smooth motion in this little spot so it's not the tiniest way better make sure you have the place well-protected or that stuff doesn't matter because then there's nothing that you're gonna damage with this big sloppy method but it's fast fast and it's beginner friendly I normally would never actually do this on a ceiling this size but you know content guys got a teaches we're gonna get this whole space rolled out and this is probably about five by five what I'm doing right now it's a pretty manageable easy size to do but you definitely want to make sure I'm gonna make sure I don't know what you want to make sure make sure it's something oh I was gonna say make sure it's even which is what I'm doing right now if you need just a little bit you can dump just a tiny bit in there like I do right here it's just kind of hard to actually place it exactly where you want it but did okay there okay so this is my first tote and I actually want to leave it on kind of heavy I'm not taking off everything I put on all right this exact same thing check your knife blade to make sure you're using it the right way that it's convex like the curved side up to the ceiling that matters okay grab some mud from the corner I'm doing the whole way back here either running the risk of it drying on me okay now let's finish this thicken up here some sort of concrete or rock in my mind that's not cool add a little there after this part before it dries up okay I need to come in at it this way and then come see I didn't have quite enough on here okay I'm happy with that it's pretty nice you can see the exposed bits of mud we're sucking up the moisture there but it's generally pretty flat there's that tape joint now let's look at the walls yeah looking good look good good the floors looking even better don't step in that and somehow I survived the onslaught of mud relatively unscathed except for my arms next wrap this up for the next day the ceilings had a chance to dry and I just give it a quick sand with my trusty old sanding bowl with some 120 grit on it to burn it down real quick really quickly push the sanding sponge through the corners and now I'm about to do the second coat and just to switch it up a little I'm gonna do the second coat with the Hawken trowel see if I'm any more proficient with that I'm now gonna roll this up again but I'm gonna go in the opposite direction for no other reason other than to get a little more distance in here I've also got this mud mixed a little bit thicker the reason being I just mixed up a whole bucket and I don't want to have super thin mud for my other jobs but it's putting on a weight thicker coat right now which is actually a good thing one of the things I love about this method is it really by pushing it around it seems to work the bubbles out a lot so when you finally go and trowel it down there's very few bubbles because they've all been pushed in and worked out get in here closer a little bit better okay that is looking nice and ready get everything put in the corners [Applause] [Applause] [Music] wanting to bubble a little bit over this stench shield kind of annoying make me out take it off a bit more but overall it's leaving a real nice coat I'm wiping it pretty tight and maybe only having a big sixty of the mud on here but came out real nice where it started to go over the old textured ceiling instead of the dead shield and it just needs one last wipe in this corner to get all that stuff cleaned up so that's just a quick pass with a knife and here's where the 12 inch knife is a little bit more handy it's easier to get into those corners and clean up that looks better just give it a little dunk for spots like this get enough material on there just dip the edge instead of the whole roller I only moved into my work my existing smoothed out stop by a couple inches long if you have enough my down here just thick enough it's not gonna dry out on you too fast make sure to scrape the end of your trowel quickly because it will probably have been drying off while you've been rolling the trowel for this better but again I'm biased as I'm more comfortable with this okay keep your edges clean okay this is a little motion I want to explain and I do this a lot I kind of go in and then I slide my trowel over what I'm doing is I'm kind of sharpening up the edge I find when I just splat it up and then pull it can leave it a little crusty when I give it just like a little it sort of flattens and sharpens up yet let me know if anybody else does that I don't think it's like travel procedures 101 it's just something I do and just as always I've started on one end leaned over right I've started leaned over like this and I go over that way to not be meeting those lines huh that is traveling 101 [Music] when I see you on I just come back and hold it it go on no technique I'm just guessing okay I'm staying away about an inch and a half from this corner on my last pass one more here oh why is there something into my now there we go that's all looking good so here is the line that I've left an inch and a half away roughly checking the curve of my knife and I should have done something to not have to look at my blade by this point but up into the corner like so gently and I'm keeping it a bit like this but up into the corner and then just right it past read it fast as you guys can see it's looking pretty darn smooth you know just some small liftoff nothing major real easy sanding well guys the autofocus crapped out on me again still figuring this thing out but what I was going to say is after those couple of skims I let it dry overnight and I just sanded it down with some 150 sanding paper this foam back stuff on a roll this is the best stuff by far you're gonna get the least amount of scratches and the nice finish the nicest finish so always look for the foam back stuffed if you can find it I'll try and put a link in the description if I can and one last thing while you're sanding if you can get a light up close to the ceiling and shine it down across the ceiling that way you're gonna be able to see all of your liftoffs and so instead of over sending the entire ceiling to make sure you get the whole thing you can see all your liftoffs and you can see when you're done and you can also see if you're scratching it so that way you're gonna leave a way better finish with way less work anyways that is finally it so thanks for watching Vancouver Carpenter I hope you guys got something useful out of this video I know it's pretty similar to one I already put out but I wanted to do something a little more in-depth so thanks for watching and until the next video
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 150,740
Rating: 4.9000807 out of 5
Keywords: drywall, texture, remove, flatten, flat, ceiling, skim, coat, repair, install, mud, crack, hole, wall, best, fast, easy, patch, plaster, tape, taping, mudding, joint, compound, joint compound, mesh tape, setting, quickset, DIY, finish, topping, paper tape, gypsum, wallboard, different, types, corner, inside, outside, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, taper, mudder, fix, knockdown, orange peel, popcorn
Id: L2h2qkx0vo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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