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alright guys welcome to another video and the skies finally opened up and just dumped a whole bunch of rain on us in South Texas so therefore the fish that have been living in these ponds where it's been literally 90 95 degree water finally have some relief from the water so hot they're just not active they're very lethargic you've heard me complain about it all summer we finally got the perfect rain where the rain fell when it was like 75 degrees and it just flooded these hilarious so much rain all this whole area right here is normally dry ground this this is normally normally does not even have any water moving in it but they're just water gushing out of here into this main language so we're gonna fix this we're gonna fish any culverts we can find try and find some huge fish they get really really active when it rains like this water that we might be eaten it's normally not even it's normally not even watering you ever the barometric pressure dropping in the rain falling in the air temperature drop into our camper growing so many little things that have such a massive impact on these fish this is the recipe for big fish guys thank you for watching all right we're gonna try to get crankbait well they want him to crack a little thing no oh we got something oh my gosh giant giant hit it right there holy pants bet the bean your head look it's inside of this bad guy wow that took us so long to get that fight we've been casting the jig and now the crankbait in there for ages whoo that was incredible all right guys check that fish out it's got a fish's had something stuck around its dorsal fin you can kind of see the star right there but it recovered all right just a solid solid fish guys just beefing up in this high water in the flooding probably eating whatever it can right there where we caught it from it hit right next to the bank awesome Oh oh my god no no we had one in there all night oh my gosh man stank that would have been so cool try and get this crankbait right down this lane Oh oh yeah oh my gosh you've gotta be kidding me right in that little alley in those weeds we watched that fish come out and crushed that six cents crankbait holy smokes that was incredible didn't get one from inside the tunnel but dang it we got this one nice little two and a half all right guys we've been fishing or water flowing into the pond up that way and the area that we're at now is where the water flows out through the great deer so although the water is not moving near as fast it's definitely still moving out we're gonna try and see if any fish up in here look at him we had one chasing oh there's a fish that wasn't just good night that's probably the fish that hate the crankbait a couple times guys we threw the jig up in there hmm there's a oh my god oh my god one no how do I do it without noting the line yeah oh we did it Oh terrible relief oh my gosh I can't believe that we hooked a fish in there got him nice man that fish does not fight at all well that's a strange you made it oh my gosh oh my gosh that's a giant who that guy ripping inches of water inches Oh mom Wow guys that is the biggest bass I've caught in a long it inhaled that six cents hybrid jig it's like ancient of water I was lifting the jig out of the water to make my next bash it's crazy how the flooding bushes those fish into just inches of wine oh alright guys I hope y'all enjoyed that even half as much as I did it was an absolute blast got big fish on the jig big fish on the crankbait this little alley right here it was so cool watching the crankbait right in there and seeing that fish come out of these weeds and just smoke it we got we got a two really nice fish one one of them was a real stud biggest one I've caught in a minute and just rounded it out with a couple of other nice fish I appreciate you guys watching you know it means the world to me please subscribe if you enjoy videos like this there's a lot more coming oh my gosh oh no no that was a giant guy
Channel: Ty PigPatrol
Views: 702,936
Rating: 4.7321086 out of 5
Keywords: houston flooding, fishing in a flood, houston fishing, sewer fishing, fishing high water, fishing in a sewer, pond fishing, urban fishing, mystery fish, unexpected catch, surprise catch, big fish, fishing, river fishing, city fishing, creek fishing
Id: 6NH49hpU35U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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