Fishing a TINY Pond HIDDEN in the WOODS!!! (After Historic Flooding!)

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holy cow what's going on everybody making six on a fishing here and welcome back to another fishing adventure I am very excited for today's episode because I am heading to a spot that I have not been able to fish this year because of historic flooding that also means there is no telling what I'll be able to catch today I am on foot on my way back to the sit in pond the cool thing about this location is the fact that whenever the Mississippi River floods the fish that live in the Mississippi make their way into this pond this year we have had historic flooding flaying like I've never seen I don't know if you guys could tell but there is a water line where you can see where how high the water actually went if I was here a couple months ago I would actually be underwater right now there is no telling what I'll be able to catch today I can't see it but according to Google Earth the pond is somewhere back in the woods so I'm going to start heading through these woods and see if I can find it you can tell how high the water was because of the vegetation on the trees if I was here about a month ago I'd be about 15 feet underwater that's insane all right guys I have made it to the hidden pond it is right here behind me and it looks really promising I did not skimp on the gear I brought a ton a ton of gear I actually purchased some worms and I brought my minnow catcher which I did not have much luck with last time I was using it but I'm gonna give it another shot I have three rods one for a lure my ultralight crank baits and then I have to bait rods I'm gonna get rigged up and see if I can catch them fish I have found my first fishing location but before I get started I'm actually going to set my minnow trap in the water i baited it with some cut-up earthworm I did not I forgot to bring dog food so I have a little bit of warm in there I'm gonna toss it out here and hopefully catch some bait fish all right guys I'm gonna start out in this tiny pond with a crank bait I also have a worm rigged up underneath a float also I don't want to fall off this log all right here we go guys shoot I'm gonna start up using this little rebel hellgrammite crank bait first cast okay no luck with this crank bait I'm gonna switch over to my to my live bait rig see if I can get something go for that oh hey John yes no way you guys it looks like a little largemouth bass that is awesome see you later buddy it'd be awesome if I could catch a decent size largemouth back here oh fish on fish on yes green sunfish this guy is gonna make some perfect bait all right I brought my big spinning rod I have that rigged up with a circle hook underneath a float that's where I'm gonna put my put my bait and hopefully I'll be able to catch a catfish or a gar I think that'd be really cool oh hey John yes another green sunfish awesome okay guys it's been about 10 minutes I think it's time to check my minnow trap here we go and it is empty that is unfortunate I have been fishing in this tiny pond for about 15 minutes I have not had any bites on my big bait so I'm actually gonna switch over to this big pond they're actually connected by this little channel but I'm gonna fish over here because if there's gonna be big fish they're gonna be over here Oh fish on fish on there we go looks like a little bluegill it says really lightly colored okay so I have not had any bites on my bottom rig so what I'm gonna do is actually try to find where this deep water is to achieve that I will be tying on a piece of lead and just dragging it across the bottom all right here we go fishing with lead this pot is actually very shallow I think I'm going to switch back to a surface presentation because I'm getting a max depth of maybe four feet I've got my bobber rigged up it's time to do a little exploring with my crank bait okay guys it is time to change something up I'm not getting any bites with my crank bait and I'm not getting any bites with my cut bait and I'm running out of time it's already past 4 p.m. so I need to make a move all right before I head out of here I'm gonna go ahead and check my minnow trap let's see if I see if I got any me holy that I actually caught one little bait fish better than nothing I have been fishing in this pond for the past couple hours and it is just not panning out so I'm gonna make a move to a different location in search of that big fish I have I've made it out of the woods now I have to walk to my next fishing spot which I am not too sure I know where I'm heading but I'm just gonna go ahead walk this direction see what I find here we are guys spot number two like the first pond this was also recently underwater meaning there could also be anything living in here I'm hoping there are some big fish holy cow what in the world fish on fish on I'm tangled but I got a fish dang that was crazy guys I had this one just sitting right up next to the bank and it looks like a buffalo hit it no way it's awesome such a cool looking fish [Laughter] [Music] alright guys something has my bait underneath my bobber here we go holy cow the shot what dang holy smokes check it out guys an even bigger Buffalo awesome see you later buddy could be another Buffalo it seems that they eat the bait very slowly and then they just casually stroll off holy cow you guys actually have a fish I don't think there was anything actually on there I've been able to catch a few bait fish but nothing big so I think it is time to change up locations here we are guys we have officially made it to the big leagues right here behind me is the Mississippi River which is home to the largest catfish in North America I'm not trying to catch that one but if I can break my personal best I will be happy all right here we go alright guys something's nuts with this one I think I have a fish I'm going for it Oh fish on oh no guys I have a fish on but it's around a snack ok the fish is still on I'm gonna see if he can get me out of this nag there we go guys I think Oh things off darn what happened then he came unhooked holy cow holy cow did he drop it fish on fish on guys it feels like a nice fish looks like a little channel catfish not exactly that monster I'm after I will take it it's a really nice looking channel cat see you later buddy [Music] Oh fish on you guys big fish big fish oh please stay on I haven't seen yet there we go felt a lot bigger I'll take it see you later buddy see you later buddy awesome [Music] [Music] well guys it has been quite some time since I caught my last bite so I think I'm gonna go ahead and call it unfortunately I was not able to catch that big fish today did not exactly go as planned I was hoping I'd be able to catch some decent fish in that hidden pond back through the woods that's that's not actually it's back there aways but I was hoping I'd be able to catch some decent fish it just did not work out I was however able to catch some bait fish a couple Buffalo and I eventually caught some little channel catfish out of the Mississippi River so I still had a lot of fun on this fishing adventure I hope you guys have enjoyed coming along with me I will catch you in the next one here is the bottom fishing rig I'm gonna use I have a slip sinker a 1 ounce bank weight I have my piece of cut bait on a 1 on circle hook all right here we go and I lost my piece of bait on the cast
Channel: 618 Fishing
Views: 485,161
Rating: 4.8464351 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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