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holy cow pick fish something let's pull my rod in the water what's going on everybody Nick from 6 180 fishing gear and welcome back to another fishing adventure I'm a little nervous for today's episode because I'm heading to a spillway that I've never been to it's over an hour and a half away and the satellite images they do not look great but if I've learned anything from the past it's that the satellite images don't always tell the whole story so I'm hoping that's the case for this location we're gonna find out I made the hour-and-a-half drive and I am coming up on the spillway now it actually looks like people fish down here there's no water flowing and the actual base of the spillway it's not exactly connected to a creek so I don't know this could be a fail but I'm gonna give it a shot and hopefully hook into something the catapult to storm the gays the champion is never given [Music] it is not looking very promising there is absolutely zero water movement but I am seeing some signs of fish so I'm gonna give it my best try and see what we can catch I originally was pretty skeptical about whether or not there could be fish living in this spillway but the longer I've been here I've seen some pretty big signs of fish so I don't know what they are I'm gonna try to catch one I'm gonna start by using this little crappie jig let's see if something goes for it first cast I'm getting bites but I think it's from small fish and if there are small fish there very well could be some giants living in this spillway so I'm gonna try to catch some of those fish using my cast net all right I caught a bluegill awesome I [Music] caught a couple more bluegill I'm gonna rig one of these guys up as live bait and see if something picks it up I'm hoping there are some nice-sized catfish in here let's find out that actually is surprisingly deep definitely deep enough to hide a monster [Music] [Music] all right fish on the Nightcrawler looks like a bluegill [Music] [Music] what in the world is this you guys what [Music] alright that was crazy I think something got tangled in my line but that felt like a decent fish live bait is not working I'm gonna try using cut bait instead [Music] finally something different looks like a red ear see you later buddy that spot looked incredibly promising and it was loaded with bluegill but I was unable to get a single decent bite and I would like to catch a big fish today so I'm gonna go ahead and cut my losses and head to a different spillway alright guys I just made it to spillway number two and this spot is looking a whole lot better than that first location I was at because there's actually water flowing over that spillway today so I think that's gonna be good let's get down there it's our fishing I'm still bummed about that first spot but I am very excited to fish at this spillway I'm I'm actually surprised that there's water flowing over that spillway because we've actually been in a drought for a couple weeks so I don't know where that water is coming from I'm not gonna question it I'm gonna get some baits out and see what we can hook into [Music] alright guys I'll just pick this one up [Music] holy cow pick fish something I was pulling my ride in the water holy cow please stay on [Applause] I just casted this one out there oh it's not a bluegill this is not a bluegill yes whatever this is it sure is powerful dang he is not coming up he's staying down deep just when I think he's about to give up he takes off I just want to see him come on man ok I can see the wait I've not seen the fish yet though no he's not done he's not done well I think it's a catfish yep it's a catfish yes there we go oh man I was afraid I was not gonna catch a decent fish today but we finally caught one this guy almost pulled my rod in the water what a beast see you later buddy yes whenever I travel to a new fishing spot I always make sure to have a plan B in case the first location falls through well that first bill away it did not work out but I'm still glad that I came to this one because within 5 minutes of being here I just caught a really nice channel catfish so cool [Music] all right I'm gonna go ahead and let these little crappie go it's illegal to use those as bait but I did catch a couple bluegill I'm gonna rig up this smaller one is light bait check that out let's see if we can catch a monster on my second rod I'm gonna be using a piece of cut-up bait because that is what caught the first catfish and it seemed to work pretty well [Music] holy cow holy cow clean this pick up the line beat [Applause] oh my god [Music] it's a catfish there we go this little guy totally demolished that live bait that was crazy oh I got a fish on here [Music] no I dropped it [Music] see you later buddy so far I've caught two channel catfish out of this spillway and I've only been here for about thirty minutes the first fish I caught using a piece of cut bait the second one I caught using a hole live bluegill I'm gonna toss out another live bluegill let's see if we can catch one ten times the size of that last fish this bluegill is quite a bit larger than that first one I used hopefully you'll catch a bigger fish it's been a while since I've gotten a decent bite I switched up baits I went from live bait to cut bait back to live baits I'm currently using cut bait on both of these rods I'm gonna give this a little bit longer and then I might try out some live bait again going on yeah hey I'll move over so you got some space I'm just gonna throw straight out big channels that's what that's what I'm after bluegill it's been pretty slow for the past hour and a half you use them live or cut them up I don't think is a flathead or a boy I would like that guy got a crawfish with my lure that's funny yeah yeah picked it up with his claw Jake uh guys I just got this guy using my crappie jig it is so wild yeah that's a nice one hey those guys fight hard don't they he's broke you all happy a good eating size one I've decided to leave that spillway I stopped getting bites it's honestly been over two hours since that last channel catfish so there's one small spot I'm gonna try on the way out and hopefully I'll be able to catch another one here is my final fishing spot for the day there could be a big fish hiding in there let's find out I'm gonna try out a night crawler on a jig head there's definitely fish in here and it is pretty deep let's see if we can catch one there we go finally got another fish guys and technically it's a catfish a little bull head see you later buddy there very well could be some monsters hiding but it's honestly starting to get pretty late so I need to start making my way back home well today it could have gone a lot better but honestly at the same time it could have been worse I fished at a spot that I've never been to you know I just went there from looking at the satellite images and honestly when I got there I was pretty I was pretty optimistic it looked like there was going to be some big fish in that first spillway but I'm glad that I came to the second location because I was at least able to catch one decent fish today so if you guys enjoyed this episode I'd really appreciate it if you left the thumbs up possibly think about subscribing if you haven't I will catch you guys on the next one wow they don't get me cutting through this game hunting down their prey to the ground that they're walking they couldn't do this skill on their brain [Music] alright guys I was just flying my drone and I lost it okay there it is we have reconnected whoo all right that was scary
Channel: 618 Fishing
Views: 514,081
Rating: 4.8909688 out of 5
Id: mRT-awjAe8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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