EXTREME Carolina Reaper Chicken Challenge

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- I acknowledge that eating the Reaper can cause me harm, including but not limited to bodily injury, property damage, emotional distress, and even death. (all groan) (all laugh) (upbeat music) - Hey guys, it's YB. - And Alex. - And Miles. - And welcome to another episode of, "The Food Babies." - "The Food Babies." - Today we are eating Dave's hot chicken and we're enjoined by the one and only Miles Bonsignore. - Today, Keith was too scared. So Keith stunt double, me, is joining "The Food Babies". - Woo! Keith does love his chicken but he does not like hot, hot chicken. - No. - He has an astrological tongue. - Is that what it's called? - I think it's geographic tongue. (YB and Alex laugh) - Astrologic? - His tongue is a Pisces. (all laugh) (upbeat music) - Hi, I'm Dave from Dave's Hot Chicken and I am the chef and co-founder. So me and my friend, Armand and Tommy wanted to create a restaurant concept together. We were really passionate about hot chicken. There wasn't many options in LA for hot chicken, so we wanted to bring it out here and we decided to do a parking lot pop-up, just put a fryer and a tent outside. In may of 2017 that's when we first did our pop-up on Hollywood in Normandie. We did that for eight months and then we opened our first store on Hollywood in 2018. - Okay, so for today's round we're starting off with a speed round. We're gonna be eating three no spice tenders as fast as we can. And then we're gonna go into the endurance round and eat our way up the spice level until we get to the Reaper. Now, this Reaper is famous for being really, really spicy. And it's so spicy they make you sign a waiver before you can order it at the restaurant. - Yeah, I have heard about the Reaper. I have never eaten a Carolina Reaper, anything. - See, I'm like good with Asian kind of spice. Like I'm good with noodles spice, I'm good with curry. Stuff like that. But with Nashville hot chicken stuff, I'm really bad. That's a different kind of spice. - I don't know that I know what to tell people when they ask me how good I am with spice. I feel like this'll be a good barometer for like if I'm good or not. - Yeah. - I really have no idea. - Let's get the speed round started in three, two, one. Whoa! - Whoa! - No way, dude. - These are huge. - Look how big they are. They're huge. - This is some big mother. - I don't think it's fair to call these tenders. - No. - I mean, I guess they're tenders but this is like a chicken cutlet. - Yeah. - [Director] You're ready? Three, two, one. - Gonna eat sauce. (high energy rock music) That's really good. - I cannot eat as fast. - I feel like I do want some spice though. - Yeah, I'm ready for the tick. This sauce, Dave sauce, is to die for. - It's kinda like a mix between In-N-Out sauce and spicy mayo. - Yeah. - I was gonna say it. It tastes like In-N-Out sauce. - [Director] All right, that's one minute. (YB laughs) - I think hot chicken is a new category that no one has really dived into yet. Especially out here in LA, it really doesn't exist. when you eat it for the first time it's really flavor fried chicken. So, it really sticks with you. - That's freaking done with one, baby. - Oh, no. - What was our fastest one, speed round? - I think boiling crab. I think my speed round was like two minutes. - This are (beep) huge. They are so big. - Okay, done with my first one. - Me too. Oh, God. - Miles, what kind of food daddy are you? - Every baby needs a bro and I'm the food brother here to enjoy my chicken in peace. - You're kind of a creepy food daddy. (Alex and YB laugh) - The creepy uncle. - Hey, babies. How we down here? I'm only in town for a couple days- - Oh, God. - Come hang with your food uncle. - We're aiming for, when we created the concept to be like the in-and-out of hot chicken. Fresh, good quality, simple. - This is delicious, by the way. - It is very good. - That's really good. - What has been your favorite food babies besides this one? - Boiling crab. - Boiling crab. - That was amazing. - Yeah. - I think taco bell was my least favorite. So I love taco bell, but like, there's only so many tacos you can eat, - This one, for the other member of the cleanup crew. Freaking big shout out to the J. Money. J. Money on the ones and twos. That's my third tender - Oh, no. - [Director] Four and a half minutes. - I'm so full. - I guess I beat YB. - [Director] Are you done YB? - I'm still chewing. (dramatic violin music) - I'm getting extremely full this is- - So much for two. - Done! - Wait, is that the end or you're doing the intro? - Done. - [Director] You're done? 5:07. - Nice luck. - If that was last, I'll see you guys later. Thanks for watching the- (laughs) - Miles Nation tutorial. - That was hard. - That was hard. Those were huge. - Chicken is probably one of the hardest. This is actually our third chicken video, I realized it. - Chicken nuggets. Chicken wings. Chicken tenders. - Oh, yeah. Oh, wings. Yeah, the bone was hard and this one was like, just like big and like- - The bone was hard? - Yeah, oh. (both laugh) - Light mild, mild, medium. - All right. So that should be easy. - I will say you all, you two have a great game face in these videos. You look like, like right now I don't feel awesome. (YB laughs) But I feel like it mostly be you. You have like a serene game face. You're like, "Cool, I just ate 45 full rotisserie chickens and we're gonna move on now." (laughs) - [YB] All right, let's go with the light mild. - All right. - More flavor already. - The spice is- - Is really good. - It brings a little bit. - You can get so much more meat in these in regular tenders. - [YB] Yeah. - I mean, obviously it's the tender of the chicken, but like, they're never this big. - Big (beep) chicken. - That's why they call it tenders and the tender of the chicken. I didn't know that. It's the tenderloin. - What part of the, like? - Is it, I mean, where is the chicken tender? Yes. And I grew up with chicken. So- - I think it's around the leg. (dramatic violin music) - Chicken tenders are the actual piece of tenderloin meat on the side of her breasts. That's the best thing you can get. The second best thing you can get is a chicken strip. That's any whole piece of meat, cut into strips, breaded and fried. Chicken fingers are ground up chicken mish-mash breaded and fried. If you go to a restaurant and it says chicken tenders. You got the good stuff. You got chicken strips, probably still pretty good. You got chicken fingers. Be wary. Chicken lesson. - On the human body, where would the tenderloin be? - That's in my breasts, right? - Yeah, you're breast. - I don't have any meat there. - Love handles. (all laughs) - Couldn't be me honey, I don't have anything there. - Up next, the milds. - I honestly don't taste the big difference between the no spice and the light mild. - I feel like the heat didn't go up, but the flavor did. There's still not that much difference but a tiny, tiny bit. - Tiny, tiny bit. - Yeah. - So hot chicken is a essentially fried chicken and after it's fried, it gets a nice coating of spices on it. You can do mild, medium, hot, extra hot. And we have one called the Reaper, which is really spicy. You'd have to sign a waiver to eat it. - Hey, Bob. That's a Wolverine reference, anybody? Anybody watching the "Food Babies," also a fan of Wolverine. The diagram is small. - Oh, yeah, this is perfect. I'll smoke my cigar. Back in those summer days. - Now let's try medium. - This is the medium. We're starting to kick it up spice level, right? - I'd say it's still pretty tame, though. - [YB] Yeah, it's nothing. - I guess if you don't like spice you can go up to medium and be fine. - Although, I'm feeling a little tingle in my under tongue. (Alex laughs) - It's like underwear. - Feeling a little tingle in my underwear. - [YB] Which is also not spicy, that's why. - Oh, that is so good. - I feel like there's almost more flavor, the spicy you eat, though. - Also there's like a sweetness. There's like a dankness, if I may. - Yeah, there's an after taste, that's the spice. So you guys should try it without the sauce 'cause I just did that and I really taste the heat. - Maybe that's where we're messing up. - Yeah. - We're mailing up the heat. - Yeah, so try it without the sauce. All right, I taste the heat now. - Whoa! - Oh, oh, oh. - That's good. That's really good. - But it now burns. I'm kinda scared now because this kind of spice will hurt, when it gets bad. - Yeah, actually it started off as a revenge dish, hot chicken. This man came home smelling like a woman's perfume and his wife wanted to get back at him. And she cooked him fried chicken, which is his favorite dish but she put a bunch of cayenne pepper on it to burn him. But he ended up loving it and they created a hot chicken concept together. They opened up their first restaurant called Prince's in Nashville, Tennessee. The whole trend started from there and everyone in Nashville was doing hot chicken up until today. It's very trendy over there - I think that for the next platter we do no sauce. - At all? - Unless you get it but you have to reach behind you like a, like a wuss. It's called the reach behind. - Nope, nope. We're not doing that. - Maybe not. - No, we're not. - Maybe we don't call it that. - [Crew member] Uncle Miles! (Alex and YB laugh) - Uncle Miles wants a reach behind. - As much tutor, yeah, Jesus! - That is so creepy. - It's too creepy. - Hey, I'm from Tanbar. Okay, little bit of Dave sauce. (smacking) - Oh. Now everything you say sounds really bad. - Stop Uncle Miles. - It's gonna be wholesome here. - We're doing hot, extra hot and Reaper next. - Oh. - Jesus! - That's gonna be a hard round. - So the food baby's way is to quit but you have to get to the end. - [YB] Yeah. - So even if you don't finish all of the chicken you have to get to the last. - Yeah, to taste it. All right, you guys ready? - [Alex] Let's try the hot first. - [YB] Okay, no sauce. - [Miles] No sauce. No chaser. Let's rock. Fat side up. (smacking) It's definitely got a kick to it. - It kicked later. - Yeah this is- Oh, it builds up. It's definitely more of a hot chicken. - [Miles] Yeah. - But the flavor is good, it's not unbearable. - Well, yeah, it comes way later. At the first bite you were like, "Oh, that's not spicy." And then at the end you're like, "Whoa." - And the chicken is so good, like it's so juicy inside even though it's been sitting here. (Miles and YB chuckle) - This is good. I'm into this. I think this is the Dave particle. The spicy amount that you can get to without it killing you. 'Cause it is spicy. - But it's good. - But I would eat it. - Yeah. - Well, you know what? I'm taking it back. It's getting spicy- (laughs) - As our resident podcast producer, I hear you have some new projects coming out. - I do ladies and gents. If you like audio and you like the whole team, head on over to our podcast, links down in the description. We've done almost a hundred episodes- - Wow! - Wow! - of "The TryPod," which is super exciting. - That's crazy. - We came up with a bunch of other podcasts. "You can sit with us," which is vastly more popular and it's amazing and very sweet and wonderful. And also "Baby Steps," Ned and Ariel's parenting podcast. Also sweet and wonderful. There's a lot of positive vibes in our podcasting world. My lips are burning my ass off. - Really? - My tongue is burning. - Maybe I didn't eat enough. - Whoa, I feel nuts. I feel like my heart's going to stop. - Wait, really? (Miles and YB laugh) Are you guys ready for the very hot or extra hot? - Extra hot. - Extra hot. - The Miles hot. No sauce, extra hot. - This is gonna be (beep) up, dude. Okay. No, no, no. - Oh, it's coming. - It's coming. - No, no, no, baby. - Oh, my God. - I do feel (beep) up though. I mean like, I'm getting a flushed. - It's like a wind that goes into your throat. - Because it's such a slow vibe- - [YB] It's so slow. - I feel it in my stomach. I feel like my I'm heating up from the inside, being boiled alive. - Whoa. - Yeah, I know. - That's deep. - That's poetry dude. - It's traveling to my ears. - It's smoky. - Smoky. - And as you talk it gets worse because it's air on it, it burns - If you breathe sharply inward it creates like a polar vortex in your mouth and it cools everything down. - It's a grower, not a shower. - Creepy Uncle Miles. (all laugh) Back at it again. Can you guys whistle? - Yeah. (Miles whistles) - Can you whistle our current theme song? - Our theme song. - It's like put up, you don't watch our videos? - Wow! - I literally do not know "The Food Babies," got a theme song. - It's not like- (Alex hums) It's not like that. (Alex and YB laugh) (Miles humming) - Let me see if I'm close. (Miles whistling) (Alex sings) (all laugh) So at Dave's Hot Chicken their Reaper tender is so spicy, they legally have to make you sign a waiver. - I acknowledge that eating the Reaper can cause me harm, including but not limited to bodily injury, property damage, emotional distress and even death. (YB laughs) - Your Honor, I'm dead for no reason. - The Reaper, it has like the top four of the spiciest peppers blended together. So like Carolina Reaper, Trinidad Scorpion. We have like habanero in there and yeah, we just mix the spiciest flavors together and put it on the chicken. (chuckles) - For this last round since it's the Reaper, the challenge is to finish all three of them. - And we're wearing gloves to protect our eyes and our fingers. - This one looks like a wiener. (YB laughs) - You've heard it here first people. - Little wiener. - All right. - Chickens in. - Three, two, one. - Two, one. - Oh, it is starting to kick. - Oh, oh! - It's always been so loud for me. - Oh, it's like numbing my mouth. - I'm getting heartburn already, I can feel it. It's one of those where the pepper kind of hits the back of your throat. - Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's a slow burn. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. - I had to eat half the chicken to feel it. - Yup. - It's like getting up in my gums. What is that? - Okay, Miles? - Wow, that's building to me. Oh, my God, that's so spicy. - Yeah, my tongue hurts. - I was all cocky. I was so cocky before. I didn't think it was gonna be that spicy. - Alex, if you milk out- (YB laughs) - that's on you. - Wait, is that- Is that part of the challenge we can't- (Miles laugh) - You just could have really vomited, what was that? - You know, I need to just get this spice out of your throat. Oh! - Oh, yeah! This is it, baby. - This is one of those where, like, one bite is not gonna kill you then when you really start getting into it- (all laugh) (Alex groans) My God, this is spicy. - Yeah, oh, my God, that's so (beep) hot. Jesus! (groans) - [Director] Alex, are you taking the skin off? - Well. I'm thinking I'm just gonna eat the skin off of the- (air swooshing) - off the chicken. (air swooshing) And so that way I'm still getting all the spice and I'm suffering that way. But I don't think I could eat any more of the actual chicken. Oh, my God, it's in my lips. - Oh, this is the kind of spice of I don't like 'cause it hurts my tongue. - I can't pull my hair up. - You want me to put your hair up? - Holy shit! That's so spicy. Do I look like a samurai? - You look like the last samurai with Tom Cruise. - I'm so full. Did you finish that first tender? - Yeah. (Miles burps) (YB laughs) - I am feeling like trembled. (Alex groans) - Sorry. - Have you cracked your milk? - No, I thought we weren't allowed to. - I know but I wanna crack my milk. - [YB] If we all do it, we can. (laughs) - I drink my drink, the whole spicy meal video. - Do it for the people out there. This one's for you "Miles Nation". (beep) It's so hot. - My nose is running like crazy. - My nose is running too. - I know it's running, I just feel it in my stomach. - Mine's in my tongue. I hate my tongue. - Mine's like in my ears and in my throat. - Oh! - I need like (beep) ice for my tongue. - [Alex] I'm so full. (Miles groaning) Oh, my God. - I think I'm gonna blackout. - I'm gonna crack my milk open. - I'm gonna crack my milk. - I win. - I thought I was strong. - Oh, God. - Is it good? (YB laughs) (Miles burps) - So, you guys are almost done with your chicken. - Yes. - I've decided to no longer eat the chicken 'cause I'm like crazy full so I skinned them all. (Miles and YB laugh) It's a little healthier this way. So, these are my final bites. - All right. I have my final bite. I am going to dedicate this to Dave's Hot Chicken. There's always a long line, so I've never been able to go but finally I was able to try it. The chicken is very good. Thanks Dave. (Alex coughing) - Sorry. It's like in my nose now. - I dedicate the second bite to all of you out there on "Miles Nation". I freaking stand every last damn one of you. Thanks for watching the video and thanks for being sweeties in the comments. - I'm gonna dedicate my last bite of skin to our guest Miles Bonsignore. - Of course, I am. - Thank you for joining us today. We're huge fans of "Miles Nation". - Thank you very much. - Cheers. - Well, it's time to declare a winner of this challenge and I would say, there's a lot of good players on the field today. But due to my incredible hairstyle towards the end, I am declaring myself the winner. Thank you everybody for watching. Comment below would you wanna see it next but not us but them, their not me. Bye! (laughs) (high energy rock music) Like and subscribe. (YB laughs)
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,585,641
Rating: 4.9603472 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, Food Babies, Mukbang, spicy challenge🔥, Spicy Chicken Challenge, Food Challenge, Eating Competition, Eating Show, Carolina Reaper, Carolina Reaper challenge, hottest pepper in the world, Spicy food, Hot Food
Id: vF8iV_24n2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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