Extreme Acro Gymnasts vs 8 YEAR OLD *dares*

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I guess he's going hello everyone I am in Santa Monica with the graph game versus an eight-year-old this is the graph gang versus superstar eight-year-old flipper needle let's get ready to roll oh whoa calm down we got a tone what we're doing first oh we're actually about to battle grab gang versus eight-year-old in a game of graph basically it's like a game of horse of basketball if you make the trick and then the other person does the trick no one gets a point if one person has a trick and the other person tries it messes up that team gets a letter and once you spell out the word grab you lost and there's a serious consequence for the losing team challenge number one they each have to complete a full pop fool oh whatever they just said around one let's do it I did not think he could nail that okay here this kids a superstar nobody's got a letter this is round two do we have a representative for round two got it okay we're gonna do a bunch of backhands rings landing with a flash kick are you ready [Applause] all right so right now the grout gang has a G alright guys and me doll has nothing so he's in the lead okay the third challenge jump off something higher than yourself are you taller than this stand right Andre let's see very important need all can you do this safely yeah Jack can he do the safely I mean based off his Instagram videos I think you got it you think you got it you're good if you get up there and you feeling safe that's okay alright let's go are you taller than a lifeguard towel negative no no way okay so you got to jump off okay you got to sneak over there as quickly as you can so we don't get caught you got to climb to the top of the lifeguard tower then you got to do a gainer you always make me do stuff up high but look you can forfeit this round if you feel it's too danger you sure alright gonna cost you know what's getting mismatched game [Music] okay [Music] okay are you ready sure freak me out Oh [Music] I like to party Wow all right that was the same song good work okay score is still g2 nothing all right I want you guys to do a backflip twist split let's do it oh I can't do a backflip or split balance alright need are you ready [Applause] all right we're at high score now who is the next grab gang rep oh oh okay Jack we got if it's for kiss ah all right white boy another team oh yeah that was easy okay well guess what we are gonna do flips for a high five I'm going to give you each one minute and whoever and get more flips for a high five wins that round you know you got to do you got to go up to people you know that even if you got to get a high five you ready let's get it already got one already got why is it I do a backflip for a high five from Ichi ready high five one two three four well are y'all county cuz I lost count maybe how many was that did anyone count no I lost count after like 30 he didn't do that many flips and he did a lot of high fives right so you do a flip and then you get a five or six pots apparently is the way it's going okay you got this [Music] [Music] time time whoa I have no idea who won that honestly I have no idea if y'all think that going [Applause] [Applause] all right the score is now grab gang gr need all GU are in the lead my man you feeling good yeah the next one a wool flip need Donnell you flip up this wall all of you flip off this wall are you guys ready [Music] oh you can't whoop it if you hit a wall flip right now you are winning GRA to g-man you are one step away from win this whole thing can you walk flip get it hey come on bro you got it oh you're killing it man Watto who is this kid way to go this is exciting we got GRA - G my man you might be able to win it this round are you okay all right here we go who's your rep I want each of you to stick a castaway off that bar [Music] you're the youngest person to have ever done a castaway aren't you yeah yeah okay so if you do one now you win this and they get a serious consequence are you ready to do that yep okay let's go it's gr8 years-old cast away you're the only one that's ever done at this age go get him the dump [Music] [Applause] [Music] you just beat the graph in the government way to go all right everyone make sure to subscribe to the ground gang they are incredible and awesome need all be and most insane youngest Clipper on the planet for me make sure to give me a thumbs up if you want to see a part two of this video thanks so much I have a challenge for you la likes Alden oh okay wait wait wait up I can't help somebody get me down little help and not for the consequence oh god this is gonna hurt no have fun enjoy it [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh oh my gosh okay good right there yes oh wow yes you [Music]
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 13,794,621
Rating: 4.6835799 out of 5
Keywords: acro, acrobats, acrobatic, grav gang, flips, jordan matter, gymnastics, gymnasts, cheerleading, cheer, gravitated equasions, dares, challenges, photography, dance photos, santa monica
Id: EWqEbsSqV0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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