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this has been a long time coming it is another bottle flipping video but what kind of bottle flip is yes it inspired by our friend Ryan brac who's actually here we'll get him to do a cameo here but it's me versus you father-son game of bottles look okay we think contrast the blue probably go better with the colors in here okay so we're gonna get these down to a level well pour it in something else I'm not gonna let you drink a bunch of Gatorade you just take a little bit okay we're gonna do two out of three of rock paper scissor paper rock scissors scissors paper Rock whatever you call it just you guys first you gotta win two out of three games okay which one's the best you want to sample all three mmm that's about to be blue all right has enough sugary drink for you this one that's I like blues alright your colors gonna be blue because it tastes better okay alright these are in a good situation they're good they're good flip if that one is there we go right we gonna see you guys first so play paper rock rock it misses or whatever it's called two on four okay two out of three though Oh [Music] one two one whoever is the next one I'm gonna do an easy one okay I'm just gonna stand on the air and bottle on the ground one let's start with the basics okay you get three tries to land it and then you get three tries to match it so if I landed he gets three tries oh my gosh it's so bouncy that was good right all right Junior Ryden sir good all right we're gonna have to get harder I think we're getting past the basics here this could go either way [Music] you can seem Bunge oh is that your your bottle flip because I can sing Bon Jovi I'm sure he's gonna make this one I don't think I'm gonna land this to I don't think it's ever gonna be my turn I can up and leave he did second try i'ma be okay I think it's gonna be my turn that's a really hard shot but what do I know delivery yes it is my turn hmm I'm gonna do it on top of that you're ba ba ba to this game two more and then if I don't I have to land this they're all or else he's just gonna destroy me your turn I'm gonna be temporarily flip it that's a good boy all right I can do that it actually kind of changes things [Music] blipping on through the box that's it good right it was better than me and everything yes I'm gonna cap it onto the buck this is okay if this should be his ender this is this would be insane I'm just gonna do a good old-fashioned - a double that was almost triple really I'm gonna switch my game in I'm gonna try to cap that but it's in it hit on the block slide and then I blend normal so what he did is on accident he's gonna just he's gonna crush me I I I'm gonna say that does not count because you have to go through there really sorry that's not fair counts I better find a flip on today that might be really hard why are you doing it why are you oh I have to walk up yeah dude no yes is I'm still just a beat whoa okay so riding this bottle flipping all the way up there - all right my turn double why are you up there he was getting a good angle double I shouldn't have said that oh you're good at that though b2b now watch my second move doing the oldest bottle flip to that to slide down [Music] I'm think I'm gonna make him a bow he's gonna hit you right in he literally said Oh as if he'd messed up here oh and then but he actually isn't it alright my turn I'm gonna hit this trampoline and make it you a bottle filled in the land cool I won't do that but that is one try I'm switching it up by only I'm pulling up two tries one more try I'm kinky enough that's this is hard what did I just say I was like it's harder and then he does this how can you do that one two I'm a bow we're both those buh duh buh buh turbo bro to them you're really good at bottle these days right can't believe it do they camp that easy you're executing us perfectly that was good about didn't count we're gonna go too tight situation oh that's hard he might officially be better than me at this I'm a bot I am a bot slide down he's just gonna go around doing all the gaps and then he's just gonna crush me how do you want to stand up there what I'm a positive you better believe we're doing around to if he if he just denial AIT's me this is those Brian age thing I've ever seen in my life he's gonna fall off before you got there do more tries do we count bounce backs since we didn't agree at the beginning I'll give it to you a slackline like all the time these I am about to tell you have to finish me now that was a cheap are you trying to slide right in all right that's it I'm gonna do my part curve guy yes if I come back I'm gonna build a watermelon oh that was really good job flip the slide and then you can land down here bounce backflip no matter what what happened did it bounce back okay either way that was probably the best one I'll do this one more Ryden is a box I'm just doing the old classic down the stairs back to right I think he's switching his shot up [Music] I'll take a bounce back on that even though I'm gonna dye it one way I'm gonna get I'm gonna get to beat it one way or another if I get five tries because it's my last letter I'm so happy that I did it I got five tries boom I didn't even bounce back you got to do another ender he just did a perfect double flip [Music] good job you won buddy hey that wasn't high-fiving me there you go he did it you did a very good job we were playing again maybe we'll go to like a park somewhere given the skatepark so it's like it's different but dude that was really good do you think you're gonna win like from the get-go at the beginning you thought you were okay so thank you guys for watching I do videos at least like once a week with him and I have a blast doing it you crushed it maybe we'll do a bottle flipping video on your channel we don't know but dude I love you you did so good you're getting tell talented and stuff and it's like know what you'll learn that way don't worry about that but hey I do time alright oh and fYI ridin and Ryan Bracken just filmed a game of bottle over on Ryan Bracken's Channel it's either on there right now or about to be uploaded so check over there the link is in the bio do you guys want to see more videos hit the subscribe button right down below I do videos all the time and I have a fun skateboarding video coming out tomorrow and then I'm always to having fun on this channel so I appreciate it if you guys want to keep watching if not you guys just have a good day do some bottle flipping with your own you know challenge your dad crush him or challenge your son if you're a dad and try to crush him but he's probably to crush you a spoiler ohh in the bonus love is totally Ryan Braca [Music] here's the the master himself a bottle flipping I challenge you to a flip off whoever misses first loses you one would like to thank my mom she kind of helpfully come into this world and my dad he kind of helped me come into this world and my son he was in this video in Ryan Bracken for losing and Alex for filming [Music] you
Channel: AndrewSchrock
Views: 4,931,299
Rating: 4.5601888 out of 5
Keywords: father, son, ultimate, game, of, bottle, flip, flipping, trick, shot, Andy, andrew, schrock, skateboarding, ruin, haha, lol, hilarious, double, 360, Comedy, forward, 180, full, gap, best, ever, funny, funniest, giant, big, size, sized, mega, water, wtf, impossible, tire, slide, through, one, in, million, ryden, family, life, door, box, eat, adorable, cute, taco, tacos, triple, quad, quadruple, four, times, hard, challenge, difficult, insane, bottle flip, bottle flipping, skate, skating, trampoline
Id: WYCtOTp61fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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