Messed up MYSTERY RIDDLES to Test Survival Skills

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Cassie are you gonna survive I hope so okay my body is ready huh my mind is ready Mike was going to spend a great time at sea was what happened jealous oh no oh no and go to Mexico by bus that's a long bus ride I guess it depends where you live though unfortunately he lost his ticket Mike you have one job dude you forgot which bus he was to go by Oh Mike which bus goes to Mexico I mean you could just ask the bus driver okay well this one is a Canadian flag yo Canada Mike come to Canada you should come to Tirana the bond on the left on the bottom has a ski stuff good observations so it's gotta be number eight right and let e empty bus the empty bus the empty bus it is it goes to Haneda where which was smart that's our flag oh it also goes north we the Noi yeah we are the North empty bus we did it what's wrong what is wrong well what K what is wrong I don't know oh there's no luck oh there's no keyhole is that supposed to help me survive them because you gotta have a keyhole to get in your house otherwise you're screwed what's wrong okay what is wrong oh there's a pigeon in there you see okay that is wrong does he mean how I don't think so the sea I think he needs yeowwww save him they don't have webbed toes he needs help okay going in kasi I'll be back alright hold your breath good you get him yeah aegeon I knew it what's wrong oh oh I oh I see I think you want to see you do you want you only tell you I do you want - I want you to wait is it I don't know is it cuz like the headphones are it wait do i plug in my headphones up top I don't do you I don't but that's I don't think that's it oh I see someone else do you guys see what's up oh the oh I see it I see it took me a while but I see no wait the same time one two no no no I'm wrong I'm wrong I'm wrong number okay are there two fours yes okay I was like I'm gonna feel real dumb right now oh this phone company can't count you know you know it's a knockoff iPhone when there's two fours or should Knight who knows yeah or two nines imagine was wrong and ice is just like hyped it up like that scientists was exploring an ice cave in Antarctica that's real world he's scared he's good when an avalanche yeah oh I thought he was dancing it's a disaster Oh close the way he came from he found four other tunnels and all of them are deadly but 100 is evil you know I got just a whale burn smiled poisonous underground gasses yeah I wouldn't want to go in there and abyss with an icy lake at the bottom Wow okay you're tempting than the rest I feel like with the bear traps you could avoid the bear trap so you could hop around you know but like what if you what if you like step on one by accident cuz it's like kind of hit it in by a bit of snow Oh what if what if you throw stuff and then you trigger all the bear traps you know like take off your sweater and throw it at the bear traps and then throw your sweater in the bear trap at another bear trap whatever this sweater isn't heavy enough to trigger the bear trap you just lose your sweater and then step on a bear trap okay fair let's move on to the killer whale what have you befriend the whale you know he does look here even Wendy's that evil-looking wait a minute how is the whale alive outside of water shouldn't he be dead wait that's that's a very very good point this is this this is the safe way because a whale can't move out of water you're not doing so well you're not gonna grow one unless he's blocking the way he's the safest route I mean I was gonna say the ice abyss okay tell me explain to me about ice and that's why because it's got a frozen lake at the bottom and if it's a frozen lake then you can just walk over it right oh you're safer oh you're so right it's so true so true [Laughter] you realize how about you go ice I go well and we see who's right yes because none of us want to go through the poisonous glass for the wrong reason but you can become friends of anyone three friends are locked in cages no I'm terrified tom's cage is a nice hot boiling water that keeps boiling away I just read that wrong but sure and as cage is locked with a locker wouldn't wanna be Ana and the keys and Tom's cage only Anna can swim boys you gotta take swimming lessons like Nauru how can they skip ok yeah we got to devise a plan can't he just throw the key over to Anna but like then if it drops oh if he misses that would be a disaster cuz then she trapped there forever Tom could pass it to the guy in the middle and he could pass it to Anna and then she could like reach up but then how do you get the other two out well you obviously need to put the ice into the boiling water because then it would make the water not boiling anymore so Anna would climb on top of the cage reach over grab some ice and then put it in yeah sounds reasonable right it sounds mean it's our best shot I remember he can pull like a Mario and like hit the top of his hand and it'll bounce into the other guys I think that our plan is the only way unless we're missing something probably I missing something these riddles are too smart for life I know it's tough we want you guys to play with us in the comments so like write down what you think before we say the answer and if you're smarter than us let us know yeah if you're smarter than us then alright what do they get you get a DVD nobody wants DVDs oh okay oh your prizes you don't get a DVD oh yeah to be a smarter way than what we came up with you think you can come in on something better because I can I think yeah I think we did the best we did the best of our logic I'm not saying that makes sense I'm just saying that's all I got I Spock will melt soon Oh Oh yikes oh I didn't water will soon evaporate and then leave Anna behind easy no but then they toss it over I just don't like it okay fine their method makes more sense and Anna can reach the boat we didn't even get that far poor friends are stuck in a parallel universe to get to the real world they have to pass through a dark tunnel mm-hmm oh I don't like these tunnels it's so small they can only go two at a time call dibs on going first I'm going last I don't know but it's sort of time you can come with me Oh true and they can't see a thing there without the only flashlight oh well this came in in there so one of them has to carry it all the time it takes each to pass through seven minutes four minutes two minutes one minute oh they're 14 minutes before the portal is closed how can they escape so Oscar looks like he hasn't rope in that bag they tie this is a far stretch okay they tie a rope around the flashlight and then wanted on the other side they hold one end of the rope and as soon as they get through they pull it back and then they two of them go through I would tell Oscar to drop the backpack so it doesn't take him seven minutes to get through what's he doing Tracy and Jim can get through the fastest so they should go second they should go yeah they should go in first because Tracy needs to go back every time with the flashlight you guys mean so it needs to be oh yeah so Tracy needs to be our like our flashlight carrier so they need to go in two at a time Jim and Tracy they go in three minutes right not to miss because it doesn't pie up test this is stuck on no and that Traci goes back with another that's three minutes and then Tracy comes back with Oscar and they go back and then Tracy goes back and gets Laura and comes back it takes Jim two minutes to get through but if he if you're Tracy's going back and forth and that's an extra minute like this does this thing that we're talking about take longer than 14 minutes I don't know quick mass Oscars just got to drop the backpack and then we don't have to worry anymore I know does he really need the bag by like myself cuz if it's there in fact my phone in there if it's there and back and like Tracy has to walk Oscar there and back that's 14 minutes yeah it's way too much it's way too much so either leave oscar behind or get him to drop the backpack like an option it's gotta be he's got the biggest backpack I've ever seen yeah okay he needs to drop the backpack if it doesn't say drop the backpack I am going to sit in a corner and sulk I'm remaining 14 minutes okay all right go go go go go go go go go come on you gotta go too slow Chema's gonna get you it's two minutes two minutes oh so they're not going back Oh yep she's back in she's worried about back don't take Oscar why wait oh but where did the flashlight come from now she hadn't yeah they keep like passing it off but like that guy was already on the other side it's weird but okay can someone in the comments please explain to me why like the two on the Left already got through the tunnel but like they both went back and forth twice why didn't they just go I'm so dumb I'm so dumb why because I was like both of those guys could have just went and then the other guys could have went but then I realized that they had to pass off the flashlight yeah they had to pass a flashlight but but she has the smallest amount of time why did somebody else go instead of her Schumer has one minute the other guy had like two minutes or something three minutes am i tripping I guess it is the fastest it is the fastest for them one minute girl to do all of the errands cuz she fast she's like a cheetah a strange virus made all living creatures on earth mutate ooh fun the way goodness your arms or what you've got stuck in a lab and can't get out are you gonna mutate are you taking chance there are three pieces in front of you that lead outside there are some traps inside the rooms oh why would you leave traps in your own lab in plans oh not that door I said speedy mosquitoes hate mosquitoes Oh Tigers that will tear you apart oh oh oh this is not great which doors should you choose okay let's let's let's sit down let's have a chat Cassie okay how about this I don't know could I wait two weeks for them all to starve to death and then go through oh you're a genius but if you had to choose one right now which one would you choose can't I just stay in my lab no you gotta leave you gotta leave right now okay time is of the essence I'm gonna make a tunnel that connects all the doors to each other and introduce them to each other so they eat each other I'm gonna wear like 12 lab coats and go through the plant 100 smart what at the beginning of it say there had there has to be like a hint is it just like things got mutated yeah okay and there's three doors there's no hits you've got yeah I got a treat you got to choose one you got to choose one okay I'd go plants because just because they're flesh-eating doesn't mean they're human eating like like venus flytraps are flesh eating for example but like but they eat it takes a really long time but how good is be if we can introduce the Venus flytrap so the mosquitoes hide let them deal with each other and then you go walk pass but then there'd be like a tiger guarding all three snagger chill you just open those two okay you know what I'm gonna go with you we're gonna go together through the plants you know stroll on by and hope we're okay we're not gonna buzz around I don't like mosquitoes anyway so I hate an acid spitting ones it's like a nightmare literally can't even imagine oh we were right why though why the plants can't move so you can get around them fast it's true that is true Oh fire I would go ice that ice is awful sharp I am frightened I almost feel like I would be very tempted to run through the lab a real fast but is it lava or hot rocks because lava like is something talk toilet difference that is a very good point it is lava I would die is this one of those like tricky ones where it's like I choose the ice bed wait for it to melt maybe maybe we could do that or we could like get a shovel and shovel yeah oh just any anything but the nails okay we're going for the other two but the nails are like know it could be glass yeah I think it's glass I'm sorry I'm sorry but I'm going through the hot rocks I'm going through the lava I have to I don't like it like the idea of getting something stuck in my foot like I just can't with that so like I would rather run like the wind you know and deal with the Berbers out there yeah and then go to the hospital be like hell I'm about to one-up you I'm just gonna walk in wood on the side you do that's why it's fun to do these with you comic oh it does this you times it yeah it doesn't give you the answer and it says comments you're gonna play us like that guys what yeah what would you do but you're not allowed to do what as he's doing she took like that's her answer so I'm running through the fire nails are glass your choice in the comments we want to know [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 17,187,218
Rating: 4.8101521 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, messed, up, mystery, riddles, to, test, survival, skills, mysterious, riddle, puzzle, puzzles
Id: w2QlmgGL7uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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