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you already know what it is welcome to the vlog and welcome back to my channel today we are at dojo poom the best trampoline park in the world and we are doing best trick wins the last man standing will win $10,000 cash money so let's get started and meet our contestants here to win and of course the crowd favorite and hairiest member of our team we got team stache so today as team statue tree does I have a little bit of a strategy and I'm pulling our editor who I saw kind of work in the course earlier just doing back flips front flips everything so he's gonna be my my team member here so I'm handing off the stache as I've done before to Mac I'm not sure if that's gonna have to check with the judges real quick wait what I'm the judge that's legal okay I'm gonna let that slide because I did say earlier that anything goes and last but not least your fourth contestant is yours truly oh let's get this video started this challenge is going to work very similar to the game of pig in basketball except each person will have two lives the first person will set the trick each other contestants will have to try to land that trick if they cannot land that trick they will lose a letter or in this case a life when a contestant loses both of their lives they are eliminated but first we have Liz let's see what trick she is going to start with Liz you are not first your best trick okay okay we're where's Liz going she's running off to some part of the trampoline park and she is going to do some kind of trick wait what is this is like a trapeze bar Liz Wow okay Liz is definitely into something and as I said earlier guys any trick counts and you can do literally anything you can come up with brand new stuff I've literally never seen Liz on a trapeze before I have no idea what you gonna do up here so yeah this is crazy I don't even know what this is the trapeze swing so what you had to do for the trip to a flip so you're gonna swing and then flip yes sir back back okay so liz is calling the trapeze swing to a backflip and then into the foam pit that's what she's calling if she can land it then we all have to do that trick let's go landing doesn't count it doesn't count this liftoff she did not land the backflip since Liz did not land her trick she doesn't lose a life but now it moves on to Ryan - Ryan you have to take any trick you want to do I mean if you land it we all have to do it nice and easy let's start right here bigger is gonna take us back to the basics here basic single bounce front flip so what is it stand here in here single bounce land on the beat lands Peter but either counter but Peter but alright it was not even competing in today's video Ryan is starting off with an easy trick which is safe so he knows he can land it however if everyone can complete his trick then Ryan will get a letter so let's see how this plays out Matt you know this is easy and this is beginners this is again this is beginners formating one [Music] easy Ryan landed his tricks that means we all have to go one by one and land that trick and if we cannot land that trick we will lose a life alright seems cheap sat next madland Matt I know you're gonna want to do a double let's just keep it a single yeah there's just this time let's keep it uh say so I forget this let me get this clear so team stache matt is subbing in correct let's just say if we're letting that slide because anything goes because anything goes alright so I guess I guess team sash is a little bit like a coach and athlete kind of position here ironically him some space I'm sorry I'll give him some pointers but I don't need your point Oh God Oh Ryan seems - you have one basket the trampoline and you have to land in the foam pit with a front flip on your feet or your button can he do it said team stache I've never seen a Balder upper lip one bounce bug flip let's see what you got yeah yeah oh that cows well then Peter Buck counts that is a pass you didn't want to embarrass anybody all right team stache passes everyone still has full lives I'm up next I got to land this thing I think you can do it I've seen you do some front lips before but this is a weird angle so this is ouya I've never jumped on trampoline slanted let's just get ready just do it one bounce Peter but let's go whoa Oh nice and easy I completed Ryan's trick so I do not lose a life liz is up next she has to land this otherwise she will lose a life well if you think you got this one flip yeah I think she might be able to do it this wasn't easy one to start off with so here we go let's do this give her a countdown teams - all right in three two one [Applause] really yeah thanks you're stuck in the boat though you know the hardest part of every challenge Wow okay everyone landed your trick Ryan which means I no lose a life I went too easy too early you went too easy too early that means Ryan you only have one life left so you got to play very carefully you gotta play it strong and smart yep otherwise you are going to be eliminated and not win the $10,000 I will not be the first one out of this competition nice nice now let's move on to the next trick up next for round two we have team stache setting the trick all right so Matt with this one we want to do a hard trick but we definitely can't pull a Ryan and make it too easy so everybody does it and then we lose a life so let's let's set the bar a little higher what do you think then huh you know I think we need to start getting some eliminations okay so I think we're gonna start off with just a single backflip I'll trample let's end it let's send it all right I can't do backup I'm out so he's gonna he's gonna try or you got me and if you want we're going with a trampoline trick alright so Matt's single back flip on the trampoline are you ready ready our team stache in three two one okay so a trampoline backflip see how easy you get to land on your feet for it to count no will do either so you have to make it around and land on either your feet or your butt for this take out the truck all right who's up next it would be you I'm up next I got to send the backflip all right guys so I don't land this backflip I'm going to lose the life so I really got to focus here taking the head off everything so I got to land on my feet or but Mr Callen right okay here we go $10,000 backflip right here somebody calm down Oh got it on my feet first try I was a little bit of a height - okay I was a little bit nervous about that let's move on to the next contestant that is Lizzie Liz I think she's nervous I think she's got it though she seems like they should just go on for it [Music] wait I don't know if that counts but you flip but you didn't leave the trampoline that's the point you have did you never say yeah there's no way that counts right anyway that counts back rolls - no that's right lean hang on we got to talk to an American Ninja Warrior who is our judge for today Kevin you're the judge for the day you know all about this kind of stuff does what Liz just did does that count as a backflip I'm sorry to say Liz that was naughty back and literally did a backflip and land it on my feet since Liz lost a life we are moving on to round number three and that is going to be Ryan setting it off with a trick let's go I know what I'm doing over there [Music] super bounce trampoline I'm really afraid to do this I saw someone do this last week I'm gonna try it so the trick is jumping run off the wall back what do you mean run off the wall back is that is that even legal that's legal yep that wall is reinforced for running on so he can do it okay Ryan is going for maybe the most difficult trick I've ever even heard of I didn't even know if that was possible to run bounce run on the wall and then do a backflip that's crazy let's see if he can land it I kind of hope he doesn't what that what is he thinking I have no no chance Ryan is going for the crazy trick let's see what he's got [Applause] [Laughter] we need an instant replay of that right now let's cut to a replay that was amazing it looked like a rag doll someone just throw a rag doll okay guys so I really want to see what that trick is going to work with so Kevin can you do the trick I think I can do it yeah I saw the same guy do it that he saw so I'm gonna give it a try here you go this is what Ryan was trying to do wow that was awesome I am I can't believe Ryan Ryan's because they look nothing like what Kevin does did ya Brian you did not land your trick so that means a round three is over we are moving on to Round four team stache is gonna set the trick let's do a trick they choose team stache what is your trick around for card Matt I think we're gonna go for a dunk just a normal dunk I definitely think we'll get somebody out here all right yeah if you got this Matt yeah [Music] that seems pretty easy up next let's see if I can do this thing all I got to do is dunk the ball on the trampoline let's do this it should be pretty easy I don't think we sent one-handed did we you didn't call it huh all right Liz remember you only have one life left if you cannot make this dunk you lose your second life and you are eliminated from the competition come on [Music] [Applause] this isn't looking good because if Brian makes this we actually lose a life so this might have backfired that's tough team stache just lost a life because everyone completed their trick let's move on to round number five I am up next in the rotation to set the trick so now I got to find a trick that hasn't been done yet that I think I can land but other people can't land a lot of cool stuff here but I think I have just the thing this is what I am going to be using for my trick let's climb to the top let me show you what it is okay so my trick is called the trust fall which means you have to climb to the edge of this play and fall off backwards with your eyes closed and if you open your eyes it doesn't count you got that you got to do the trust fall with the eyes closed Liz I'm looking at you all right I'm scared I'm so scared okay guys this is the trust fall nice clothes I'm super scared of like sweaty right up here we go in three two one go I did it oh I was so scared I'm literally sweating that was one of the scariest things I've ever done you see the sweat so did you actually try it sometime yeah okay Liz you're up next you got to do the trust fall with the eyes closed otherwise you will get eliminated from the entire competition let's go fine all the way out let's do this thing guys this was really scary not a whole lot of skill involved in this trick but it's a lot of trust and it's really freaky I'm just like shaking from this really scary so it liz's up there let's see what she can do it just like messes with your head but I'm not sweating you ready yep eyes closed in three there he goes team stash hunters hunters seven back any stepping up he's going for the judges we did fall out of an airplane so wait wouldn't be like get a letter oh I totally forgot about that wait I can't believe everyone did around six came to an end and that was so terrifying everyone actually completed that which means I lose a life I am down just only one life round seven is going to start with Liz she is going to pick and set the trick for this round what are you doing something I don't think anybody's ever seen before really from me no one's ever seen a shirt I'm gonna do hey headstand I learned this in yoga class and you have to hold it for at least three seconds three seconds yeah I'm not even sure with it would you say ahead standard mm-hmm so I'll just have this mat behind me bring his ball okay so walk us through what we have to do for this so you have to go like this and put your head on the ground okay and then you ain't ripping it up inchworm okay and then you go into egg egg okay and then whoa Oh what's one in three seconds three Wow okay so that's a headstand and yet to hold that for she said three seconds and this held it for longer than three seconds so the trick counts so now we all have to do that all right you're up next are you ready for this I'm gonna catch you down I'm out of time I wanna pull me down all right ready here we go in three two one give me this okay guys so Ryan cannot do a headstand so he is eliminated that was an awesome rail we are moving on to the next round remember guys if someone that loses the round stops and we move on to the next moving on to round eight team stache is up next and they will be setting the trick what are we doing Matt all right so we just got to get everyone out so I think it's time to pull out the big stuff the big stuff all right let's do the big stuff big stuff big stuff I don't know what's team stash my means my big stuff because I'm pretty sure the trust fall over that was pretty big all right so what are we doing here what's it called we're going to do a roundoff back flip a roundoff back flip I don't know what that is okay let me see what you got but you have to land it if he doesn't land it it doesn't count all right here we go team stache in three two one roundoff back flip what wait what do you mean that's it no one's doing that like no one's doing that here hold the camera I got this so I have to do a roundoff back flip otherwise if I get a I lose a life how many tries we good at this one I mean I kind of did the motion a little bit let's talk to the American Ninja Warrior for the dart judge for today Carter I'm sorry but that was not a roundoff back flip all right so I guess mine is a life that was really hard oh wait no that's my second lap that means I'm eliminated wait so I just lost at my own challenge wait so who's left to you stache and Liz oh and Miz is still left okay well so this challenge is really gone and taking a crazy turn in the last couple of rounds here so there's only two contestants left I'm eliminated in Ryan's eliminated Liz has one life left and team stache has one life so it's anybody's game right now Liz am i up if you can do something that seems - can't then you win oh my gosh God think about for a little second Oh Mike hug broke run Delaney I'm nervous so I could do that he can't do whisper whisper it he's trying to get into your secret I don't know I don't he was nervous I think it's the only way cuz Matt can literally do every trick in the book but he might not go to do the simple heads all right let's do it their first six suck if you do it on top of something okay I'm gonna hold it for 10 seconds Oh my secret talent again the handy-dandy hands down this time for 10 seconds stepping it up all right head on the ground elbows planted inchworm the feet let's see if you can go up all right and full extension one Mississippi two Mississippi three Mississippi four Mississippi five Mississippi six Mississippi seven Mississippi [Applause] all right team staff so nervous it means you have to go to do this hands head stand for ten seconds otherwise you lose your last life and you are eliminated and Liz will be the winner of today's challenge and the $10,000 you can do it yeah easy come on man he's really oh I mean he did a roundoff double backflip or whatever the heck that was earlier a piece of cake compared to anything else all right let's see what you got watch out head on the ground elbows planted it's warming the feet and he's up one anything else but a handstand like I can't believe it Liz with her handy-dandy little a headstand trick that's a really good secret weapon and I cannot believe you defeated team stats you can do all kinds of crazy stuff it took me forever to learn it I practice every single day which shows if you just practice and stick with it you can you can achieve your dreams well I guess dreams really do come true even you know the smallest unskilled person here can win a trick challenge okay guys that's absolutely amazing Liz you are the winner of $10,000 today's challenge guys I cannot believe the outcome of today's events it was absolutely wild and I'll see you guys on the next vlog bye [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Carter Sharer
Views: 4,834,614
Rating: 4.6873207 out of 5
Id: fb9XOkgK0e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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