Twin vs Twin 10 Minute Acro Challenge in Vegas *Rybka Twins*

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hello everyone I am in Caesars Palace in Las Vegas you know who else is here the Rybka twins I'm going up to their room they think we're gonna have the meeting I'm gonna try and talk them into doing a surprise ten minutes photo challenge right here with no preparation oh and they've been on a plane for the last 24 hours all right I'm putting a GoPro on so we can get their reaction okay this is the room they're gonna hate me hello I just wanted to tell you something hello world it's the Rybka twins look at how good you guys look 24 hours I bet you're tired are you tired mantastic yeah okay cuz I have a crazy idea okay in five minutes we do a spontaneous 10-minute photo challenge in the lobby you have five minutes to get ready okay go go get ready get ready get ready [Music] are you guys ready yeah come on it's been five minutes let's go let's go let's go let's go let's do this hello everyone I am at Caesar's Palace to see how many awesome shots I can get in ten minutes for the ten minute photo challenge today I have with me the unbelievable Rybka twins the Rybka twins okay come on guys let's go let's go let's go no we're losing the light we're losing the light are you tired here let me just okay great you're good now you're awake the timer today will be Bo and to make this a little bit more exciting we are gonna do it twins versus ten-minute photo challenge okay so it's actually going to be Sam versus Keegan let's do this thing yes call me Sam Jordan that's a yeah I'm saying that to make it even more exciting we're gonna do Teagan versus Sam yeah 10-minute photos when I say go we go one two three buh go okay first thing you know you you're tired you've got to get wet take the shirts off okay who's going first all right dig it when I think of you go ready go [Music] okay go in there okay let's see it ready go okay got it go go go I want you to stand on those steps on three go yes there it is okay come back who did the better needle we'll find out hurry hurry come on let's move on let's get out of here put on your shoes put on your shoes we need towels let me find towels all right come on let's go let's go hurry up just put on your shoes you're gonna be wet well now you're awake right you were tired now you're awake is this awesome let's go in the casino let's go do some stuff inside let's go get okay almost got lucky so it's kind of like how many things can you do in Vegas right you take a swim you go eat come on let's go we're gonna have to skip this line come on excuse me may I borrow that real quick for a photo I'll give it right back to you yeah thank you so much we won't eat it follow us come here each of you do a pose with this food okay right here right here I like this background to the right here good good okay you're each doing the pose okay and nice their same food thing but you can hold it up to something different [Music] okay we're rearranging I guess the place I hope it's okay everybody I don't know what you're gonna do I have no idea what's happening Oh whoa hold it hold it look at the food [Music] got it okay see nailed it okay here's the food thank you so much thank you so much okay let's go that was pretty awesome I know everybody's having a heart attack let's move on sorry everybody 10-minute photo challenge on YouTube let's move on that was awesome keep coming let's go this way okay okay all right okay let me see all right let's go around here we're just shooting a youtube video is that okay that's really my god that's awesome really yeah okay thank you so much very well okay well uh would you do a pose with them sure wow this is like the coolest Curitiba's never okay each of you has to do a pose with this awesome dude do something cool okay grab her foot yeah hold on one second I'm just going to borrow this right there can you hold that you just hold it there you go I like that gun got that okay come on back thank you very much that used you okay I don't know what she's gonna do yeah I'll pull it down the ground oh cool nice pull it down more got it thank you so much thank you very much so it's awesome oh come here guys let's go this way sir free person excuse me sir yes kit can I uh can't do a photo shoot with they're paying you this is something you gotta do gotta pay for your room folks okay all right so each of you they're gonna get on this counter nothing will hurt okay pay somehow all right everybody back up okay wait you got to turn your body towards me more yeah like that then that hold the thing that's I can see you oh my gosh this is a great way sir can you reach out for it yes that's American Express ad right there okay come on down all right Sam Deakins am go go do do yours oh here we go she's gonna try something new also awesome oh that's really good hold there hold there yes turn it the other way so I can awesome really pop that yes there got it come on all right you guys are gonna get to vote on those at the end okay thank you very much thank you for that that was awesome thank you beau how much time three and a half minutes okay oh wait hold on get in there selfie sorry come here this is gonna be awesome they're the Rybka twins on YouTube this is a big deal get in there selfie do you mind do you guys just get married congratulations yeah yeah yeah congratulations Wow did they really just get married yeah so cool congratulations this is your wedding photo do you want to give each other a big kiss big kiss for their wedding yes all right have fun in Vegas congratulations you have a beautiful bride okay let's move on awesome come on this way all right we got to do a little gambling right come on hurry we're not much time both of you play gamble with your feet that's how you gamble Wow nice got it one more let's keep going come on that was fun okay Vegas at night we got to see Vegas tonight come on let's go right here whoa it got dark really quickly keep up with me keep up with me keep up Murray any chance we could do a photo in your limo we're doing a quick video fun there contortionist kind of people can we do a photo in your limo a tip of course is there light in there yeah awesome all right let's get in there all right here we go all right this is Vegas okay do something together this is freaking awesome I don't know what you're gonna do but you're in a limo grab empty glasses okay here we go ready all right really get those legs over okay here we go cheering the Sailor yes right there got it let's go let's go let's go let's go thank you so much sir thank you very much we're gonna be back thank you again watch out what's that excuse me go out here watch out watch out we only have a minute left let's go hurry Vegas tonight you got to love it do the last thing together okay go out in the middle of the street do something can you get something high can you get high we got weight on my shot me on the street go go go right here right here go right there Go Go Go Go oh my gosh yes yeah oh my god is he take us home remember to subscribe hit notification and hit notifications the blanket comments and all the late the twins and follow the Rybka twins Rybka twins because they're awesome because they're awesome you nailed it thank you nice all right everybody I hope you enjoyed that little romp through Vegas you can vote who you think won right now up there personally I think it was Teigen congratulations and now another thing we also shot an awesome video based in Vegas it's playing right now on their Channel go check it out in the description below thank you very much it's a wrap it's payback time oh you are going to get wet because we had to get wet so you have to where are we going right now you are doing a trick and we are getting the photos this is already awkward and I haven't done anything yet this is usually what I make people do three to one gun can I give you that all the way in all the way up hey just sneak out nobody notice nothing to see here you can last out eating too many charm my name is hard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 4,337,533
Rating: 4.9057393 out of 5
Keywords: 10 minute photo challenge, rybka twins, jordan matter, twins, acro, gymnastics, contortion, dance, yoga, dance photography, photos, vegas, las vegas, caesars palace pool, vegas vacation, 10 minute photo shoot, agt, twins dancing, caesars palace
Id: ZauoB2I7GCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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