Potion Craft Demo: Alchemy machine Speedrun 19:43

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i imagine it's more designed for when we um have the salts that let you teleport but we don't have those so uh new game [Music] anyway um let's throw these in here please and there you go then i mix gosh i go so quickly um hello hello finished potion grind the pestle tutorial percent go then this one save recipe um oh blowing first and then save recipe then oh offering sales yes hello there how are you doing have my potion um here you go here's my potion haggle oh i should instantly click to be able to like haggle um well okay that's fine and i like and do that going along here okay that's fine this is fine save recipe little time save right there um bedroom sweet now uh we say goodbye to everybody um sorry we do not care about any of you uh and we just want to sleep all day i'll be honest um [Music] and and and sweet here's another day bye bye bye um only about 10 more customers that we have to say no to [Music] we are now terrible guys did you hear that we're now terrible um anyway uh wait haven't actually served everyone yet sweet uh one yep cool sweet it should be today sweet we got the witch's thing which is nice okay so it's usually today that you show up yes okay so is there anything actually we actually want here i don't think there is um [Music] because like before i bought something else which i really don't think is actually important so i'm just gonna not bother with this this tonight time so goodbye goodbye we're now disgusting beautiful hopefully they won't make me waste another day sweet didn't waste another day um sweet so now time to get harvesting [Music] um one two three okay have enough which is one two three i mean let's face it we have over almost 100 we should we could probably be fine yeah this game is actually really cool i'm really it's just a demo um i'm really looking forward to actually being like out um but of course that's not quite there yet um it has a lot of cool things and i'm looking forward to seeing it actually existing cool so let's get to the death potion um let's just quickly just grab grab grab and upgrade this oh gosh resume uh just upgrade this a bunch just so i can like um see i accidentally opened up their facebook page um speedrun strats um down a bunch now um there's like you can use the pestle to like increase the uh thing but yeah we don't need that going down don't even know how far i went not far enough actually i played it casually a bit on stream uh another day um that is not today okay um so we we want to do that so we just go down a bit more um and then basically that um let's grind through and oh gosh okay sweet we made it through first try um that one's really hard because the bones of course um uh watering i didn't actually use the watering can before and okay cool this is fine i'll just go up please up uh not that sort of up this is fine doing that and as long as i do some of this as well um yeah this game is really neat um and can i be a little bit more like any of them to be a bit more no i can't i just have to do that um i mean that's just uh be fine okay i'm gonna not risk it um and then we have to go down at least a little bit of time here um okay that's fine now right a bunch right down a bunch and down bunch [Music] um no no like i technically have played through it um but like there isn't uh where's the thing i want there's the thing i want um i'll just go down i i'm just not like good at it yet um i technically didn't play through all of it though actually um okay but this is the hardest potion to make really um but this should be fine sweet um i still get mixed up with my ingredients at times um we should be fine as long as we are careful um [Music] okay let's go all the way and then we can just go right up uh which is this should work well we just need rank two of this so we don't need um too much rank two we obtain the death potion sweet um nice now oh wait i forgot to split for that well let's just go back then cool uh fire one yeah anyway um a bunch over here a bunch over here a bunch over here a bunch over here i know right um it's kind of scary i just need fire once so this is fine as it is um and then going down to poison okay so down this way and use the water to pour it down we just need tier one so this is easy um i basically went from one of the hardest potions to one of the easiest potions um split two healing this way two poison down a bit more and then i should be able to get a tier two uh the closer you are into the center the like better thing you're getting uh just tier two i see uh that won't be good uh yeah like i'll have to do down stuff with that um there we go [Music] nice uh wherever this goes still don't know all the locations of all the jars yet um split healing tier three i don't need to do that don't grind um just go just go just just feel good there you go that'll be good enough because i'm pretty much just um correcting my movements with the water and put it down in there just so i can like fix myself oh gosh that was a bit too much fixing um that should be good or not oh gosh that's too far again okay i'll have to um go right this way okay yeah i'm losing some time on this one since i'm screwing up with this a bit there we go uh rank three healing that one okay cool poison one that's as simple as can be as long as i go the right direction oh and i screwed up because i have i saved the recipe for it and also i screwed up because um anyway brew this potion okay the time's not entirely lost um just use a bunch of these will you um oh gosh i spilled them all on the floor two fire one ice two heal oh gosh okay actually use one of these for the first time two of this okay cool we were able to do that nice water all the way back these if you would kindly nice and then we're just going icing all the way over here actually that's bad um going down please go down please uh ice is that one okay and then a little bit of uppage yeah that should work we only need one of this so i really don't need to do it too perfectly so like that will do and then oh wait no it won't there we go that'll do um going down down uh down a bit more because we just need to go this way so we're just getting tier two so um this should be fine to get that which we desire um and this was definitely this okay healing fire this one that was that one up there cool uh split three acid okay yeah this is the one where i panicked because i was like wait no no this isn't the one where i panicked that's a lie um i never panic um that is also a lie um uh and we kind of just need to go first because i don't remember anything i don't know anything mad potion brewing um down a bunch now just down down down uh down once more um then we just need to go left so that might be a little bit scary oh very scary okay one more over and then down uh we need two three of this so uh let's do that then okay this might not okay this this got a three splash of acid that one yes cool split three sleep cool this is just all the way over to that side um okay i missed that one i missed those two um it's kind of fun just throwing them though let's face it uh that might be a bit of an issue but we'll worry about it when we get to it this is fun though a lot of like minute adjustments on the fly which is really cool uh in my world of like what i enjoy speed running wise uh that's basically like perfect yeah it's also how much of an eye do you have um because i have two of those um which helps um what what did i just say poison first then fire then explosion oh we're going for the explosive potion now cool and then speed mixing um okay that's plenty and just that should do like you can save time if you're using um other ingredients totally 100 i i do confirm that it's just me not being as familiar with them as i should be um fireball viable this thing this thing go up here and honestly just use more of these use as many as you like and then we just correct yourself um [Music] now i can just go right i don't need to worry about we just need to get this level one so um there you go fire explosion potion sweet that's that one and split um next poison two okay you're getting a lot of poisons in here you know um i should really just oh cazo i i'm actually speed running uh this is actually a game you might like i don't know maybe who knows oh yeah this is where i panicked last time and forgot where everything was this is fine how are you doing kazzo what were you actually streaming i saw you were live but i just was not there um i'm having to dump all of my herbs in here so don't mind me um no this this ingredient and then that one and then this one yes this is good this is good this is perfect oh now we're mixing okay okay hey kazzo i can actually pay attention now because i'm just mixing this um i hope you're doing well buddy how was your stream this is a lot of um the ingredients on my right hand side determine the path that my potions take and then i've got to go to nodes which um we've got to get this tier 3 so we want to basically make this as exact as possible going left like this um i can use this water to like correct myself a little bit um uh no this won't be that won't be good enough okay um i don't know man i'll technically have already done stuff like this um in real life this is um because i worked for a prurien for a portion of my life um so i'm familiar with everything that's going on here well everything i say um going yeah that's fine um going down this way uh what was it two ice sweet that this should be good no no no i i worked at a brewery not yeah i worked at a brewery so i've already done brewing shenanigans uh nothing like this um then going left with the fireball and down with this we're actually running out of ingredients sometime soon um i mean i say i say that we've got 30 of them we should be fine uh only one so that's fine um pouring in and then using a fireball but yeah this is extremely new and this is also just a demo i just thought this was a really cool idea we can't even actually get the thing the alchemy machine uh gives us i'm just um this vial here yes cool three poison um a poison that's not what that is at all fireball fireball fire bell i should be saying because that's what it actually is um there you go nice cool rogue three roguelike runs yeah man i hope that goes well for you buddy consistency is important uh we'd need tier 3 of this so this has to be better um go down first then this and we should be able to like do that that works cool tier three tier three come on come on i thought i missed it slowly done it um that's annoying okay well i'll have to just readjust um donna okay i'm doing this too fast as you can imagine why i wonder why um okay okay cool um and healing potion sweet so i can actually just bunch a bunch of these over left uh and down okay cool uh killing three turns would be bad afternoon yeah just don't uh um just be good it's fine cool and that's all of them split nice hey sub 20 not bad uh a lot of still like ums and rs and bads but like this is still really cool i'm liking this neat i wasn't actually recording any of that so i have to like clip it that's fine
Channel: Tricrow321
Views: 35,705
Rating: 4.7622375 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: dIg1qMLfZ7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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