Exploring the Abandoned 1990's Neon Dream Mall - Electricity On!

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] minut [Music] a [Music] [Music] what's going on everybody we're exploring an abandoned mall today it's a one-story Mall built in 1989 doesn't really have that much crazy history there was a few anchors here there was a Sears Kmart and coincidentally enough right now we're walking where Sears was in 2018 there was a a roof collapse and they had to demolish them all or at least that portion of Sears and later in the Years 2020 specifically all tenants were evicted and left the entire Mall completely empty abandoned with um a lot of stuff left behind so we're going to be finding a way inside if you enjoy leave a thumbs up there an abandoned street sweeper car just chilling in the parking lot [Music] here okay you do have some stuff what is stu oh bed sheets yeah it must have been like a bed store something but just like that we're in the mall wow for this is the old Sears entrance I could tell what this store was p l definitely completely empty now So the plan for today right now is we got into this mall about a couple hours before Sunset so that's going to give us some time to see this place with the light coming in these natural windows and all that but what we're going to do is we're going to stay an hour or so after Sunset because the power is still on here and there's beautiful neon signs that light up this abandoned mall so beautifully at night so that's the plan uh to see those cool neon signs and to see us explore this place at night make sure to stay till the end of the video but we're going to keep exploring because we have a ton of stuff to see still so now we're inside of a dental office that was inside of this mall trying to see if there's anything left behind you have the spit wash stations still here this nurses station got ransacked oh look you still have some stuff left behind I didn't see this till now but this is like a legit x-ray machine yeah this cool I've been in plenty of these y place your head right there I'm always so surprised when they leave medical equipment in abandoned places this definitely could be reused even if it's old it'll still meet its uh demand Hillary Clinton in this mall this place is so Eerie found an AT&T store see if there's any phones left behind oh that's an alarm got this back room here oh got some iPhones just kidding guys this is my [Laughter] phone there's a cool store I like the tint of it still got the dressing rooms here that's about the only thing but I really love the pink pink and purple vibe in here a lot of the businesses here have the names of the businesses taken off the shop but this one you could tell was a Christmas store got a bunch of just different wreaths and trees and such oh and you could see all the mold in here building up on the ceiling that's going to spread pretty quick across the street from The Christmas Store we have more Christmas stuff to our right we have Gold's Gym that was one of the last anchors here finally we're coming across the neon part this little section here in the middle is going to be so cool looking at night when there's nothing but those lights Illuminating these giant hallways Bonton for the most part besides H&M over there there's a lot of stores I've never heard of here so I guess H&M likes delivering motivation to their employees because the back room here is just covered in quotes apparently the their quote I guess is blank is possible so everything else says blank is possible written everywhere back here but H&M is pretty empty nothing left here so going to check out more of this mall I can't help but think that this is the Fate for all malls because of online shopping becoming more and more favorable and convenient I mean I can't blame it but I'm sure there's going to be hundreds malls like this around the country sooner than you think oh this is to be a hair salon still have the sinks or the women or men I guess would soak their hair and you actually s have some products left behind here on the shelves [Applause] anyway we're here in Bath and Body Works pretty empty say the least but it does still smell like candles in here and body lotion just smells good in here in comparison to the other parts of the mall which basically just smell like mildew inside this very creepy very creepy store you have only one light on and this is where the front desk was the only cool thing about this store is you could see the original carpet underneath the one they added on top and this place opened in 1989 so those carpets definitely scream out '90s here we are at the relaxation massage parlor spa and body work they charge 15 minutes $15 30 minutes 30 bucks pretty reasonable pricing not sure how much you'd get out of a free sample but that's interesting you still have the computer left here not that there'd be anything cool on there but I did see this little massage chair left behind in here and even got the flip-flops right next to it the private massage room no legal special service that's so funny they put that up just have lights flickering on and off in here by themselves oh my God I think we're about to die there just fitting rooms see what's back here though employees only so we do have some books left behind just a ton of books even have a Katy Perry book so I guess this was a bookstore of some sort what the the Sega Genesis on the ground it's empty of course it's empty what a random find especially if this was a bookstore this is crazy such a cool system ah so this was a Barnes & Noble I'm guessing oh nice Warp Tour 05 it's probably some good labels on this and it's left in here oh yeah Fallout Boy Offspring plain white te's DVDs these all have BL Buster stickers on them I bet this place was a blockbuster before it was a fours of Barnes & [Applause] Noble but this was Knocked Up Knocked Up was in this DVD case found some unopened peeps let's check the expiration date June 2019 sh eat one no no you don't think no what could be in here what's the ingredients sugar corn syrup they're marshmallows yeah what can go bad go ahead eat one nah are they hard oh kind of still squishy I'm going to open it and smell it I think that' be fine if I ate it no please don't eat it we're so gross that is so gross yeah we totally just found a Victoria Secret here oh you were very right yep I wonder why in abandoned malls at least the ones I've seen why do the the business say that once we're here why do they take their logo off I feel like it's free advertisement even if they're still not here it's just free advertisement got a super cool Fallout Boy poster I'm not sure what this store was but it just had a lot of different stuff in here different posters have Ratatouille WALL-E WALL-E a lot of Disney stuff there's a trophy over here the Pocono Ruff Rider Saddle Club well that's completely irrelevant 1996 and not sure what this room was oh that's such a good find of course there's nothing in there I bet the employees took them all but we have movie posters in the back CDs in the front we have dressing rooms I have only one guess as to what this is and I think it's an FY that's just off guessing though cuz there's really nothing here to let you know what it was but that's what I'm sticking with so we made it in the back room we have management office and we have security as well see if security is open it's locked of course be cool to see the TVs of the place if they're in there you have all the mailboxes and you could see how many of them say vacant vacant vacant vac vacant I mean look at all these stores all these stores were open once upon a time and just like dominoes they fell one by one and Bethany found the way into security this is crazy it's cool in here wow yeah these must be like all the keys to different stores here we have a whole map of them all you have the original anchors here Kohl's JC Penney Bonton Sears and I guess once upon a time they were going to plan to add something else pretty crazy to see all these stores here and then now there's nothing look how many keys e e e e e e e e what's that smell e e e e there's like these little knaps everywhere around the cup oh yeah they're coming out of the coffee cup they're like breeding moved it yeah they're like breeding inside of it e e e yo this office has Trump in it and I literally almost had a heart attack think that was a person why is there just Donald Trump chilling in the corner of this abandoned mall I don't get it but this is crazy you have everything Left Behind oh my God look at all the ants surrounding this coffee cup oh my goodness we got the computer on and the telephone on oh my God there's so many gats in here it's so disgusting ew the keys are like stuck oh my God there's a tone if only I knew how to like page the entire mall that would be really funny so right next to this desk you have a dry eras board basically they put their 2019 goals on the wall and as you could see there was a ton of broken stuff here in this mall by 2019 and that's pretty much the reason it closed just too much money for this place to stay open but they really like everything in these offices break room we have a coffee machine still on error let's turn this off preserve electricity well I red we just hit the motherload of finding old pictures this is evidence of when there was a flood in the mall you can see them cleaning it up all the water on the ground picture of the exterior of the [Applause] allall we have small images I'll have to zoom in just got all these pictures of them Mall back when it was open it's literally like a guide to The Gangs really so the mall security knows who's who when they walk in basically W yeah look at that I've never seen something like that Crips Bloods MS13 18th Street wow so behind in the storage area behind where the um offices are we have a giant giant chair I mean this thing is enormous my only guess is this is probably the chair that Santa used when he came to the mall every year that's what I think whe made it onto the roof and as the sun sets we're going to wait till it completely goes down behind the Horizon and for the moon to come out because that's when we get to see all the neon inside this place all right so the sun has set and we're back inside the mall and this ex is exactly the looks and The Vibes I wanted to see when walking in here you have these Neon Lights lighting up this entire abandon Mall basically this whole cross-sections just completely lit up it's get giving me very high stranger things Vibes I love how they kept this through all these [Music] years [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the reason why we waited to come here until it got dark this place has a different feel of it just when the Sun goes down this whole place just seems so much cooler honestly this feels like it's out of a zombie like a zombie movie what's that zombie movie in the mall Dawn of the Dead I don't know I think that's what it is that's what the Vibes are right now here's the other neon well not not quite neon but it's neon pink as in the color but looks really cool so we just entered Gold's Gym we didn't come in here when it was daylight so we have right now to explore it before we check out this giant space I do want to go inside the kids club probably a daycare or something whoa wow this is giving like prechool Vibes yeah this is where everyone all the parents would come and drop their kids off to play with other kids while they go work out birds of a feather pling nice together it's pretty creepy in here you still have all that drawings Left Behind from all the kids still hanging up here on the wall got some toys Left Behind oh my oh I forgot this guy's name but he's a funny dude oh I can't believe I'm forgetting his name but yeah there is a couple of things left behind here not much but just various toys for the kids Nothing Left Behind here but I can assure you one thing this place still smells like a gym now I'm in the shower room in the locker room and I'm only in here for really one reason I'm just curious to see if these work they still work so to update you guys um we're around the mall we're still looking around seeing what looks different during nighttime and we saw two people in the distance so we're in the back of the stores trying to get a visual on them and other than that we're pretty much good we explored it all we just got to figure out who these people are all right everybody that's going to do it for this Explorer it was a crazy place I love sticking around till the night time and seeing how different this place feels even though everything's the same it just gives off such a different vibe and this place was really cool this is only the second abandoned Mall I've ever explored and although it only is one story this place is really cool um even though it was lacking a food court this place is cool the neon all the places Left Behind the storefronts you could tell which stores were which and it really gives like an apocalyptic feel to this place just a life and um knowing that the inevitable is online shopping and a lot of these inperson stores are just going to be gone sooner or later it adds um quite a little bit to the this explore so hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did leave a thumbs up and it's time to sneak out of here peace [Music] [Music] out [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] a
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 169,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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