Exploring Our New Minecraft World with My Friends!

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we're back with Squid Island this is a Minecraft series of me jelly and crina where each of us have our own island to live on build and have fun and today we're going to be meeting up for a mini adventure to find out just what this new world we're living in is like Anyway let's get into the video Bo hello hello y squid Islanders Park shell over there hey how you doing M welcome welcome why have you only Built a little shed that's all you've done what yeah Josh hasn't seen it yet but you saw it already welcome to my pirate shag no no no temporary wait you've got a bird oh my God you got a pet now uhhuh what's it called hly hly hly the parot because I am a Pirate now mate you're a pirate okay I'm so scared and terrified hey crater where's your boat um actually it's under construction in my brain right now and eventually it will be fulfilled so he has no boat can I get a to not yet yeah come in come in come in wow welcome to the pirate sh you got full iron armor already wow yeah I mean Josh it's it's just iron you've got a helmet though nice job well you've got nothing so be quiet child yeah you're all naked and disgusting yeah sure where's your where's your pet by the way jelly My Pet's chilling on Turtle Island on what oh yeah wait let me just address this real quick because apparently jelly made at Kina apparently righty that was good a good one that that was a good one okay anyway can I can I freak out again yeah sorry go ahead so apparently jelly has claimed an island right next to my Pirate Island right Turtle Island CLA by jelly you know that's quite aggressive for you know we're trying to be friends remember oh we are friends no but guys you don't understand all right we all agreed I should have what are you doing I'm I'm solving this problem hang on just no just let me cook I have now got the entire Island in my inventory there you go you can then take these blocks and build it somewhere else no you're wrong Bor I'm going to kill you okay guys this is make him SI well you shouldn't have hit me then this is escalating to a point where it did not mean for it to escalate Josh this is Shell's birthplace and turtles they go back to where they were born so you cannot remove this shell is forever connected to the land and I will forever have an island over here but jelly we can't just be claiming why are you causing issues already J agreed we all agreed I should get a turtle Why can't your turtle live in your place this is Shell's birthplace why chilling in a get off the map doesn't care your is looks like a wiener I'm out of here dude I'm sorry sh I love you as a pet but you go back home where you belong already going to have to uh do do do something to the parrot the parrot should go back to the Jungle then do something to the par he hey hey hey can we stop with the aggression parot is an it is everyone just calm down I'm going to just take B back mad at you guys have a chat while I just take B back okay listen yeah it's not the fact that I don't want shile to have a home I love you and I love but listen buddy you can't just claim the island without asking it's right this is not your Island I agree with what he just said well just not involved in this matter this is a matter between me and Craner okay can we just move on this is a turtle friend Island look can we just all agree guys you really extended the length for this listen listen it's just a place where turtles do you have a sign still there is nothing happening here okay say turtle chill Island and not claimed by jelly it's claimed by nobody except tur tur not he's got little sausage fingers on the keyboard just say Turtle Island it's not your Island it's the turtle Islands J you are causing issues already I'll be fine with it if by the one causing inches I literally extended the length of the wiener okay well anyway it's fine now JY it's not your Island it's the turtles Island okay and then can we just agree to build back somewhat of it all right this is nice safe haven Turtles you're really being unreasonable already I'm not asking for how am I unreasonable this is not even yours can we just move on please all right let's go do some other things let's go do some actually you know what even better clearly meeting up on each other's islands is not working so I think we need something a bit better in the future to meet up and talk for some reason crer ended up getting the Middle Island and that's just the meeting spot now isn't it are we going to complain about everything okay wait what you start pirate boats how you I don't have any wood I don't have Defending Your complaint I don't have you're you're supposed to be a pirate you don't have any wood hey crer you want some saplings you want a borrow a sapling dude no I do have saplings I just haven't planted them which is kind of my fault for being a dumb dumb but if you guys can supply the boats for now for now I'll be a happy little pirate guy well I didn't bring it I kind of assumed the PIR Bo but you sailed it back for some reason should we grow a tree all right so wait wait wait wait wait wait we could probably make sure we've got enough come on guys hurry up chill chill just chill got two BS already JY do some breathing exercises ready in ready please dude got a Brea in what the heck you spat on me's like an old why are you removing my sapling us they were in the way they were they wer going to grow that's I feel like you're being incredibly hostile and I don't know why all right you started with removing remember that we are very special to wait wait wait you're not you aren't holding things from the past by any chance are you I think is I think he's still mad about the pass and the pass doesn't exist jelly why did you make three boats let's go let's go see you've got a problem with everything like Good Vibes good vibes from here on out okay let's be happy now so you're saying we need a middle point somewhere around here in the middle yeah I think I think it would be good maybe somewhere a bit further back so we can actually see all of the islandss I think here I think here is good dirt like above the dirt around where the boats are so can someone build up from here so we can all right all right I'll CU what I think we should build guys is a sort of like a pontoon type thing wait the he a pontoon wait that's what we should call it it should it could be the Pontoon the meeting place that sounds piratey to me I don't think Pirates knew about pontoon scer I think a lot of things okay the only thing they forgot were to bring oranges so a lot of them got scurvy but that's not their fault they were from the 1500s they didn't go any better getat out way you just hit shell okay well it was in the way he actually did punch shell I I wait how do you get shell back Shelly can free him he just goes to Turtle Island wait really actually just yeah that's why the island needs to be there you dummy how much do you need me to explain this how do you know that that's the original Place yeah cuz that's CU that's where all the turtles were when we when we just arrived at this land wait wait wait wait wait sh's going back to Josh's place no he chilling he chilling can you just keep an eye on sh cuz I don't want you to lose your pet I guess this is going to be good she's a good girl this got to be a see unlike Bor this got to be a pontoon and P where's oh Polly poly KY how dare you I would never call it anything close to JY so let's extend our Pon out I don't have any blocks of guys oh you're not contributing anything jelly except for complaining like always I I built the I built the pillar and I'll remove it so I'm contributing you see well you're taking away think uh I'm going to go back and get more last time I checked PTO Flo and they don't have a supporting structure uh you guys keep complaining I'll get more wood okay all right buddy all right I've got a stack of oak logs that should be enough I got some asack all right what's the idea here um are we going we're not going to build it around entirely I guess it's a pontoon J did you not follow what what you was saying I'm kind of like making I'm just saying how we should structurally build this thing I I'm making the logs to kind of make it look like it's like the logs are making it float like like they're floaty logs I get it I get it but all the way around here you goosh much Josh is it a bit much it should just be on two sides actually okay we can do that Josh I'm not picking up the put dude so we can make these kind of extend slightly over here we am I doing yeah probably usually if you right it's wrong I'm just not really getting what a pontoon is and you don't really expl it's a floating platform it it's just a floaty Flo yeah for now it's just a meeting place right ah wait I get it now look at this place this is kind of cool I can extend it a bit more if that I think we need more safety railings around here if we don't want to we kind of need we don't need safety railings what you going to fall off you're just going to fall in the water I was say you were got to you got to drown if we don't but it doesn't matter I can swim I can swim right under need of it too look wow you learn how to swim so happy for that I mean this looks cool we've got some ladders on this side I'm not going to you know what I'm not going to lie is this supposed wait hang on is this supposed to be done you know what it needs though what it needs a crafting table oh yeah it should have something yeah o also I feel like a variation like a chest maybe a chest variation jungle is cool have you got any jungle wait no not on the sides jelly they're supposed to look like long logs wait JY if this looks like one long log then we could put wait idea we could switch out the slabs for Jungle slabs in place here got to do this like we can make it diagonal like this do you have your uh crafting T yes you do listen I'm doing great things here all right I like a little bit of variation maybe a little move the crafting table sand would be I was working on that dude so much so much time it really wasn't a lot of time Craner can I put it back now just uh give it a sec I have another idea guys and it's technically done technically pontoons that are not attached to land are anchored uh do you want to throw down an anchor no like we could make an iron fence line all right and build a cool anchor are you really going to spend a ton of iron right now when we don't even have come on not that rich yet are you insane we can do it with wood yeah you go ahead build the anchor I mean you can make it if you got iron to go get a chain cuz that would look the best I have iron I have maybe 40 in your boat off you go all right I'm sacrificing my iron wouldn't do it what listen look at how cool this looks Jos do you like it well it actually looks really cool from the distance I can't wait to the baby up maybe it should be um a barrel Craner it kind of looks bad crer yeah I liked it better with the chest well maybe we could Stack Up Barrel in the corner oh yeah I can make a couple hang on let me barel hey gel I've actually only just got a good view of where Jelly's living now is that wait did you build a pyramid I did yeah it's it's I consider it a temple a real Temple do you have any other concept of a of shapes than a pyramid shape how do you keep doing it what do you mean I mean that's a pyramid and you always build pyramids yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no they're just really cool buildings you know H they have a beautiful shape nice outline and extremely practical okay well I mean it's it's at least a little bit different looking from the other thank so where should we anchor this up guys uh I think we should go straight down I think we go straight down the middle jelly yeah yeah I think that's pretty good said uh good put it there jelly boom look at that that looks good dude it does actually looks it goes into this thing has anyone got anything to block that up with and stone it's actually a pretty large cave I think well actually for now just attach it to the ground pretending pretending W look it's an anchor that looks so good that actually looks really good if anybody ever goes underneath they'll see how much attention we put into it has anyone got any snacks for me to eat yes I've got a bunch of melon slices don't you dare you dare reference poly has something edible sorry you want more melon slices buddy I heard that you can make really cool helmets out of turtles yo yeah you can yeah I heard their little baby eggs are really easy to step on and kill kill ctis I'm going to kill turtle babies come come this is the meeting place this is a you see this you see this first you destroy sh's birthplace and now you threaten to kill him you see this jelly we only wanted to relocate it you see this I'm dropping plastic in the ocean our Turtles hate that that's wood that's wood and stuff these are plastic straws jell they're going to kill okay all right let's go do something else guys let's go um let's go do some exploration cuz we've actually not really fully looked around true so actually from some of my jungle trees I have seen like some sunken boats in the distance Craner you might cry seeing those boats but I mean it's okay as long as it's not a something I saw there's something that I saw by the way are you keeping track of shell you seem to have forgotten about her already where is's fine this is her this is her space she's born and raised here you know she's she's I do have a lot of turtles around my Island wait what is that by the way guys have you guys noticed how pol's Always on My Shoulder isn't he cute so cute guys I see something what do you see yeah I saw that another one right behind us look it's a sh shipwreck and there's there a squid there what's up squid eh Squid's a boring Johnny no they're not Sid this a squid Island bro these are the squid Isles wait the Isles guys oh that's a good name that is good the squid Isles wait wait there's got to be loot down here right make doors or something dude dude just chill jelly yeah chill jelly what is this life how are we supposed to get the loot quickest wa I've got loot wow [Music] [Laughter] I feel like Polly I'm going to pick you back up don't worry did you take everything already come on Polly oh not everything I'll take the books I mean don't worry there wasn't really anything good there at all not much in here too JY they're going to attack you they will they will actually kill you if try right I got another Island over here so guys there's another ship this way right there is there actually okay go go full steam ahead crina okay I'm going full steam these are not steam boats okay it's just the saying oh my God they're paddle boats J's really a today isn't he there's something with him today I don't know what it is he's got a lot of sass in his pants you guys you guys just changed me oh look at that that boat is above water a little bit yeah that one should be a bit easier Jelly's going to get the loot though look at him yeah he's going yeah I mean I did kind of leave earlier well there's another one of those underwater pyramid temples and there's an obsidian one dude an obsidian so much around the squid Isles we do there is oh the squid a sounds so cool it does it sounds so much better than actually nothing in there sort of sounds like you just found something jelly uh well yeah there's nothing in there anymore now oh okay stuck in the boat okay where do we Go's this chest here then wait something tells me jelly doesn't know how to find all of the loot I haven't seen Polly in a while oh actually I only went for one chest Polly okay there's another chest in here can you get up here real quick Josh wait where is jelly there's a golden block wait who are you looking for Polly I feel like lose your bird dude no she I mean she's got to teleport to me at some point I just I haven't seen her in a while we don't worry CR we'll retrace our footsteps I I care a lot about the pets so we we'll find thank you thank you I care this look at that there's the puddle J I think Jed's mining gold or no you can't probably can no no I'm I'm looking for the chest just not be a chest yeah maybe guys we might want to like be careful here because those those Guardians are awfully close to us oh yeah so be careful that thing sucks us this is some rocky Seas mate okay I vote I vote we go back on an island cuz I need to see Polly again and I think Polly will return stop off of my land if that helps yeah I I I just can't I can't explore I I just can't explore if if Polly's still just wants to go back to the Jungle Craner can you stop talking about back to where they wherever dude it's ah she's mine now okay Polly uh is it going to teport it should poly wait I used to have a couple of burs you want to know what works poly is that you are you trying to whistle jelly I I'm [Music] succeeding okay uh crina why don't we keep going where was the last place that you saw Polly no my God they already lose P did already lose P don't worry just F it's going to be okay we'll find her the boat that's on a single boat by the way you guys seem to be rather attached to each other first we're not playing chain together you know J it's not about you okay we need to find find right now because if I already lost Polly I'm going it's all right CR CR it's fine we'll find her okay if I lost where was the last place that you remember Polly was why would Polly be gone at the first at the first boat that we went at the Pontoon at the Pontoon was it no no the first boat the first boat we Lo it okay we'll go over there we'll go over there I mean wait she's probably not going to wait I see her crina wait she is she's in the water you why is she still there I think they only teleport when they're on land Craner wait so you're okay get out get stuck in the water ply get in come C get on idea get out get out get out C get out she's drowning you get in poy you get in no no just get her on your shoulder no sit I can't find my turtle but I'm sure she's fine on my shoulder sit on my shoulder py P hang on I'm trying to help create a platform or just get in can she get in the boat is that a thing M yes we have retrieved P that is a good thing we turned around when we did cuz that she looked like she was in trouble there wait you fall Shelly I think that's her he's got no idea you lost Shelly dude she chilling see I'm not too worried should we drop poly yeah you're not too worried cuz you never care about your pets jelly it actually hey I'm not seeing many turtles over there it's Shelly man you see she loves me she follows me around I'll I'll put I'll put Polly down somewhere here Josh yeah yeah come on Polly come on pollster well we're all back at the Pontoon our pet a safe and look at this guys our on sides as well guys is that wait wait wait we kind of all need to agree though it doesn't really work there jelly listen Josh Josh said squid Isles and I kind of think that sounds really cool do you agree I mean it sounds good but we can't just change the name of the series well it's not this is still the squid Island series but these are the squid Isles and these are the squid Islands guys before we leave each other I just want to share something with all of you what jump on the crafting table let's all do it together all right this is going to be your there's not really enough room when you're on here no no you can you okay come on now what what what you want to say I'm trying to be nice here by sharing experience wao you see you're welcome thanks oh okay well I can also I'm so nice I'm so kind what you going to do I got some nuggets oh quer not chicken nuggets I've got something to share with you guys too Josh you get this and jelly you get this poison this says suspicious stew goodbye guys I'll feed it to you I'm blind I'm blind
Channel: Slogo
Views: 146,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, squid island, slogo, slogo jelly crainer, new minecraft world, squid isles
Id: 4CsSa10VDNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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