Inside TAKAYAMA - One of Japan's Most Beautiful Towns | + Walking Route Map!

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good evening from takayama how's everybody doing today need a bit of a umbrella for this one because it's raining just a touch it's actually not as bad as it was about 20 or 30 minutes ago when we were in an absolute downpour and i may or not may or n may not have just gotten stuck but we'll just ignore that and keep going how is everybody doing today we are just kicking off now as i look at my watch it is 5 34 p.m and my exercise bars show you just how much walking i have done today it's been a little while since i've been out here to takayama but i figured it'd be a great place for us to do a stream since i know that a lot of you have been out here or have wanted to explore this area so we're gonna walk across the road here and try not to get squished so it's been a pretty rainy day here my day started with a little bit of an adventure in mountain climbing i climbed a mountain about half a kilometer up to see something that ended in shock and disappointment but there's a story behind that and you guys will get that story when the full tokyo lens video comes out and sasha in here asking how i am today i am doing good so it's been a good day probably about four to five hours total driving today to get out here and along our way i managed to stop at a gorgeous moss filled forest to do a tokyo lens explore walk for you guys so really excited to share that now as we go along i kind of want to take a look at a few of the buildings here like this one here which is amazingly named the center for hamburgers that's it it's just called the center for hamburgers so how many of you guys have been out to explore takayama before there are so many places for us to see and so many streets for us to go down so we are uh we're gonna have some fun today as we do our walk a huge shout out as always to the moderation squad for taking care of things in the comments section and keeping it fun thank you to each and every one of you for the time that you put in and thank you to each and every one of you who have been tuning in for this daily live stream adventure across japan i've really been enjoying it and we're still only about halfway through so the next stream i will share a little bit of info later on in this stream so and yo norm would you replace nadai with takayama in terms no not even in the least um they're very different things so naraijuku is a much smaller place than takayama is here so it's it's a very different beast takayama is actually quite a large city which makes it a lot easier for us to do streaming and whatnot out here i am going to try to close up my umbrella without dropping anything or wrapping up the stream there we go so and does somebody from the mod squad want to jump in and let us know what the population of takayama is i feel like it's actually pretty big yeah and you'll notice in a lot of these older japanese areas the convenience stores tend to have a brown aesthetic to them instead of the usual colorful aesthetic that they would have and that's just to keep to the aesthetic of the area 88 473 looks like a pretty nice street for us to walk down so let's kick things off and walk down this little street here so thank you all thank you to all of you who uh quickly looked up the population there and shared it much appreciated so as we go along as always if there's anything extra you want to see just let me know as you can see there's a bit of a stream running through the street here and right here we have the takayama traditional culture and crafts square free mission and a place called the takayama terrace it's actually a really nice spot very open obviously we won't be going inside his public foot bath oh no i hope nobody washes their feet and i i just naturally gravitate to walking on the wooden section and 100 would have fallen in there so i got to be super careful now this particular area of takayama which if you were to look on google maps is all marked off in yellow is filled with these traditionally beautifully beautifully preserved buildings that some date back to the edo period so it's very lucky that we're able to walk through these and explore again this was another recommended and requested location from the patreon crew so thank you so much for that guys i'm glad that we had the chance to come back out here and here's a little plaque on the takayama festival floats it says they believe that the float had already existed at around the end of the 18th century the name derives from a famous mountain in china apparently and it's famous for its many historical ornaments sketches of a lion and a pony look at this even the garages even the size of the garages here look at that absolutely beautiful so so how is everybody today where are you watching from jump in the comments the chat and let us know let's see what we've got down this straight here bit of construction down there it is 1 40 am a.m in seattle watching from home while doing remote work love that i love that that's an option doing remote work and watching a youtube stream i absolutely love it so it's super super quiet here now this is one of those areas that on the weekends especially is a very very bustling area and so right now being that it's a wednesday evening obviously not that many people out and about exploring and whatnot how is the signal and the sound does everything look like it is set up okay on this live stream the youtube app decided to crash on me somewhat two three times in a row as i was getting this stream set up so i thought for sure i was gonna completely lose the stream if everything looks like it's set up okay title description box supers like everything is in order it's not jumbled please let me know because i am super nervous on this one every now and then the youtube app is just like now we're done we're done we're not doing stuff today so we have a kind of shotengai covered broadway style street here i'm gonna get into this back street here as it's super super quaint so yesterday as we did these streams we decided to treat our stream as a little bit of a live q a and also this is something that i just love just cramming your tiny little car right into that space just just lovely so for those of you who have been here or those of you who recommended that we come out here for today's walk where would you recommend are there any spots that you are particularly fond of yeah let's take a little bit of a peek since everything is open there we are and for those of you who like to follow around on google maps here's where we are if you haven't already give that like button a bit of love actually from where we started there was a gorgeous red bridge and i just went straight for the back streets huh very interesting not the kind of shop you expect to see and wabi-sabi adventures honestly thank you so much i really appreciate it for me i just really love having the community it's just so fun to have everybody connect okay guys i feel like we have a decision to make right or left what are we doing are we continuing on with this street and the adventure down in this way are we going into the alley left has one out we are heading into the alley and doing some exploring see this is one of the reasons that i really love the live streams i do enjoy the pre-recorded videos as well today has basically just been shooting shooting shooting i shot all morning from about four o'clock in the morning and then i drove somewhere around 30 or so minutes out to the moss filled forest and shot there and that video actually turned i was expecting like 20 30 minutes and that video turned out to be easily an hour and now we've driven an additional about four four and a half hours out this way to explore takayama together so lots of driving today lots of podcasts a little bit of exhaustion but totally worth it ah the storage yeah the storage for these hour long videos is is starting to add up um with i try to shoot it on high bit rate so that i can export it on high bit rate and keep the quality as much as i can and so i would say you're looking at well over a hundred gigabytes for two one-hour videos it it adds up super quick so there we go and this will take us into another one of the back streets here here we are excellent yeah i carry external storage drives with me for this uh usually on a trip like this one i can fill up about a two terabyte storage drive so on average i bring about two to four terabytes of storage with me it it adds up quick and i'm not sure if we're east or west and right now we are seemingly east of the river i love the buildings out here it's just got such a quiet and peaceful atmosphere uh yes what was with that lisping japanese what does that mean what's lisping japanese let's continue on down this way has anybody ever heard of lisping japanese before it's new to me yeah and if you notice the uh it's been pointed out that there are no cables up above and that's because in order to preserve the beauty of the area a lot of the cables have been buried underground there we go and right now we're looking at 5 52 p.m really loving this area so as we walk along if there's any specific place or building that you want to see a little bit more of let me know and yeah this definitely feels like the kind of place that you could walk around and explore for hours and hours and i've never just gone and zigzagged through all of the streets so it's exactly what we're doing today we're gonna explore together the river is down here so we'll hit this street just because of how nice it is and then we'll make our way over to the river would you recommend a day trip from tokyo to takayama if they're visiting in japan for the first time and what transportation would be the best to reach there honestly you can just google transportation routes i would definitely recommend it as a place to visit and look at this street absolutely gorgeous street look at this loving this so much gonna punch in a little bit for this it's just such a beautiful beautiful street thanks so much when i looked at getting to takayama from tokyo the travel and time there and to get there made a day trip questionable you definitely have to leave really early in the morning thank you for pointing that out tim tim ooh can you guys hear the thunder i just want to say uh huge thanks to tim and the crew for always reminding me to update stuff in the description box and whatnot over on discord tim i think i sent you one or two messages on discord earlier today if you want to take a peek at those more than anything what's the store on the left there we go there we go absolutely we can go check out the store on the left because this is what the store on the left is that's right we've got a sake and souvenir store here and i don't want to bother everybody in there so just leave it you can usually recognize sake shops and drinking places by these guys up here and i just want to say a huge thank you to zar for kicking off the super chat in this stream very much appreciated means the world to me saying these walking videos are amazing thank you really appreciate you being here for it i really enjoy doing them zara is the currency oh element bender you are right you are right oh my lord oh absolutely lovely start to the day i'm gonna be honest with all of the driving and whatnot that i've done plus waking up at 4am today i'm a little a little more tired than i usually am on these streams it's weird i can do a stream at 4am and be ganky and ready and excited but then you get me at 5 30 p.m after waking up at 4 00 a.m and you get the tired side and this right here is where they would keep those floats so and slices of japan is saying i was about to say you must be exhausted from all the driving and streaming the streaming is actually kind of a nice break it's the setting up for the streaming that kind of gets me a tiny bit stressed because i don't trust the apps and the wi-fi and everything and otherwise the streaming's a nice break but the driving that takes it out of me so here's the bridge here and hey laura and everybody we'll probably take a little bit of a walk down the river as well you can see there's a morning market here as well the takayama morning market is absolutely spectacular and tom wolfringer thank you so much for that five euros super chat in there saying so happy for you and the patrons make it possible for me to see the places uh i wasn't able to visit also appreciate the streams aren't in the night in the eu so let's hop over to the other side here there we are so we're going to walk around we're going to walk along the river here are we going to go to the right or are we gonna go to the left you guys choose let me know in the chat and i'll go wherever you pick uh oh we are we're split we're split again i'm getting a lot of rights so we're gonna go right let's head up this way now the atmosphere that you're going to get walking along this river is really similar to the atmosphere you'd get maybe walking along the philosopher's path in kyoto and just one more note on tom's super chat there saying you know making it possible to see the things that you weren't able to see again that that's just the goal i want to be able to take us everywhere that we can possibly go it might be more conducive in the long run just to do either a pre-recorded video or a stream in the day to allow me to set up and get a lot more time to prepare everything but so far we're pulling off both and staying in good health so i'm okay with that and look at this tree and hello athena look at that and there we go 6 p.m song now i'll let you listen to it [Music] joe foster saying it's clashing with his 6 p.m song [Music] so the 6 p.m song is the same in most but not all places oftentimes a variation of the song some places even play it at 5 p.m but who recognizes this and can tell me where they saw me in this last time and almanox thank you so much for that almanax was saying my question was regarding how your pronunciation sounded very similar to inuit speech which most air escaping through the cheeks and not teeth inside where sounds are formed that require a timeout seriously i asked what it was i didn't get an answer and i played it safe thank you for pointing it out i appreciate you sharing it with me [Laughter] but yeah um i i don't know the technical linguistics of how the japanese language is formed the japanese don't really move their mouth a lot when they talk though that's a really big thing so you'll actually when japanese people speak english they struggle to make some of the sounds because they need to move their mouth a lot more and additionally when i was speaking to that girl back there it may have come out a little lispy because i'm wearing a mask which buffles things a bit so and not scary steve in here with a five pound super chat saying beverage trek or will the end of the stream be a hunt for a vending machine with suica no i made sure before starting this stream to grab myself a nice big beverage so that i would be hydrated and ready to go if those stairs didn't go up to somebody's property i would 100 go check that out what do you guys think what do you guys think brian in here and patricia yes the location was the dr jelly commercial location all right let's go check out these stairs and see where they take us they look very slippery and dangerous so i don't think that one leads to someone's property but i think these stairs just lead to a road we will proceed with caution try not to be wow this is not used obviously okay so these stairs go to someone's property but these ones here look like they just go to a road and might even give us a bit of a view of takayama city there we go excellent we've got a little bit and i don't know if you guys can hear it but we've got thunder going on in the background it has been quite the weather today there we are and there's one in here that i want to uh address and a mile away says i'm gonna try and go down these stairs and hopefully not fall down and die that's not what he says that's what i say these stairs are actually really tiny so my shoes just barely fit on some of the steps that was a really big step all right a light rain is the perfect weather for exploring though isn't it it really isn't especially when you're carrying cameras in electronics it is it is awful i am so tired of the rain japan rains more than anywhere else i've been and i know people in vancouver the uk are going oh come on but trust me it rains a lot so i'm gonna jump back to a mile away says i just finished high school and was hoping to go to japan for a year work and travel in september but unfortunately the borders are closed when will the borders open again what do you think and i wanted to address this one because it's been a little while since we've got one of these questions and i want to make it super clear that me as a content creator i have no idea when the borders are going to open unfortunately i wish i could say something i wish i had information i could share with you none of us do anything that's being said to you about when the borders might open or any updates or anything like that it's it's all just guesses in the end no matter how many stats and everything it's based off of no matter what information is coming out it is guesses because unfortunately no official announcements have been made and it's impossible to predict it's impossible to predict how things are going to play out moving forward health-wise and with lockdowns and everything like that so unfortunately the world is in a constant state of change right now and so as much as i wish i could give you a solid answer on that i can't so there we are now i'm looking for an opportunity to turn right and go down another river for those of you following along on google maps if you see any rivers nearby for me to turn down brit bridges that's the word i'm looking for i do not feel like swimming across a river and that's a truck that i've never seen before an onsen truck that's it's probably still carrying gas the color 12. thank you very much bridge coming up and tom next bridge and about i love that i can just be like all right guys guide me i feel like you guys are like the man in the chair you know or the woman in the chair the person in the chair the whatever you want to call it the awesomeness in the chair that's what we'll call it i like that actually we'll go with the awesomeness in the chair it just sounds awesome so back seat driving and i'm completely okay with the backstreet driving on the streams however i think we're gonna run into one problem before we get to the bridge i don't think you guys are gonna let me go to the bridge yet we're playing sims with norm all right and this is why i feel like we're not going i'm not even gonna ask because i know you guys are gonna say go for it because it's a huge thing with lots of stairs so and here in takayama despite the humidity and moisture the flowers they're going away can't have you skip leg day every day is leg day except for editing days those are sit on your butt day looks like there's a little hiking path out here as well which honestly if it wasn't so dark i'd say let's take a peek at it james thanks so much you just work your editor legs those days oh there is something that is honestly borderline absurd about how beautiful the japanese aesthetic can be look at that as we look over the town whew all right there we go oh wow yeah geez look at that this is the great cedar of the takayama shimmer shrine and it is six meters in diameter 36 meters tall that is crazy and julia m in here with a super chat saying so happy i can catch a live stream so perfect to watch on my train while on my way home from work well thank you so much for that i'm glad that you're able to join thank you so much for being a part of it and thank you so much for the super chat all right it's gonna get a little dark but i feel like if we've come this far we kind of have to go up there so we're going up there cause it's more stairs oh these ones are so steep what is this why is this a thing what is with japan and stairs that want to kill you oh let's keep an eye on the signal as well if it starts to drop let me know oh boy i'll tell you right now if there was a king of stairs i feel like that would be me there we go and in case you had any doubts whatsoever about how steep it was it is exactly that steep getting vertigo just looking down at that oh boy there's another hidden little shrine over here so boom that was the sound of me stepping down down to the ground there we go look at that and honestly this isn't even the most beautiful place i've had the chance to visit today yet okay these stairs these stairs are not getting done because these are what we call the stairs of death nope i'm gonna go ahead and go this way cause despite spider webs and everything i feel like this is a bit of a trekking path or at least at one point it was a bit of a trekking path and now it's not a trekking path so we're not going this way and we're going back life can be so real sometimes there we go i kind of like the idea i wish we could do more like forest walk live streams but usually when you get out to the forests you lose signal and just want to give a shout out for the super chats in here sachi saying hey norm having a thunderstorm here in saitama area hopefully you won't have it there actually had it here about 20 minutes before we started the live stream and then it all calmed down so i got lucky and mobilemic saying this is for some post leg day protein thanks for the great stream struggled to catch them a lot of the time but they do bring a lot of enjoyment to the day well thank you so much for that really appreciate i'm glad that you can enjoy it i'm glad that you can join them also sachi thank you as well for always joining and being a part of them there is a little platform over here which i can assure you that i will not be venturing out to because it just looks like an invitation to end myself so we're gonna go back this way because this forest is far too dark and in case you weren't privy to yesterday's live stream we have had enough of the darkness have we not have we not so i think today i started an extra i tried to start an hour early just so that we'd be able to have some light and on the video that i recorded today in the moss covered forest you guys are going to have the absolute pleasure of watching me slip and almost completely go down mid video i am trying to be as careful as physically possible on these stairs oh wow okay take a break take a couple extra steps this is a lot less fun than it looks like i mean the stairs not the stream the stream's a ton of fun i like i already went down once today just barely caught myself in the previous video and then after recording the video i went back to get some photos and totally different spot lightning doesn't strike twice and all that the my feet fit on the stairs as a bare nope all right does it have the age of the tree on here it does not i'm gonna go ahead and say that this tree is exactly two years old and again for those of you who don't realize i'm joking i'm not serious the tree is definitely not two years old it's at least five you can tell just by looking at it there we go now i don't know about you guys but i'm moderately curious about this hiking path off to the right so i'm going to let you guys choose do we head back down or do we slightly explore the hiking path that's off to the right there what do you guys want to do well the right team has jumped in right out of the gate no pun intended and so we shall explore just a little okay all right interesting uh a pipe of water feeding the stream here oh wow it's like shrine ruins the outer buildings that does not seem like it should be trekked i think whoever lived there would agree with you that was just left there so long that just fell apart decrepidation and believe it or not this is not the most shady or suspicious place that i have hiked today my morning started with a mountain hike not entirely dissimilar to this where are we going oh okay all right well this is taking us somewhere just go back everyone's like just go back ah bear mountain looks dangerous without ring bell for bears bell that was me falling okay honestly i'm super curious to where this path leads but i don't wanna cause you guys any more anxiety so i told you guys at the beginning of the stream that i was gonna share a bit of a story with you and so this morning i went out to find something that cannot easily be found and in order to do so i needed to climb a mountain at 4 30 in the morning now this particular mountain was what i can only describe as the epitome of danger mountain and just to make sure that it was actually okay to climb i called the local city government the night before last night and when i talked to the government official on the phone they said you are free to climb that mountain and you probably should be okay but we're required to warn you that here in fukui prefecture where i was this morning we have a lot of bears and that mountain is a home to those bears so two things that we would request of you is number one when you get there make sure that you have a way to contact us or somebody in the case that things go awry and as you guys know i carry my inreach mini so no worries there and number two at the entrance to the mountain is a knee-high electric fence please whatever you do keep your eyes open for that and do not trip over the electric fence the fence is there to keep animals and bears in the mountain there is a hiking path there you will find all the markers along the way for which direction to go please follow those markers but be aware that that mountain is the home to bears and so i uh i woke up at 4 30 in the morning and i climbed the mountain and as you can tell i'm here so i was eaten by no bear i was attacked by no bear but yesterday when people asked you know don't you get lonely on these trips don't you you want to go back to bringing travel buddies along with you i this is one of the big reasons that i i don't because while i'm completely okay with putting myself in that situation it's not the kind of thing that i would even ask a friend and tim made a good joke earlier today he's like well you just need to bring someone slower than you who's who's not really a friend and you know what they say you don't need to outrun the bear you just need to outrun the person you're with so and i'm dropping my umbrella there we go so in the end all's well that ends well and considering that i talk and make videos as i walk up the mountain we're all good i did a live stream for the patreon crew from the top of the mountain and then from there i uh listened to a podcast as i walked down the mountain so it was not bad at all it was quite nice and we found our bridge there we go [Applause] and we're back to the river area tim is saying that unfortunately he would be the person who's being outrun hey tim you want to go camping we can be friends laura says she wouldn't leave you behind so that means i could bring both of you and then i would definitely get away because the bear would have two options so there we are and i'm kind of liking how narrow this street is so we're gonna make our way down this way and norm what kind of shoes are you wearing uh hiking boots they're from a company called caravan and it's starting to rain again i don't want it to rain again i don't want to have to put up the umbrella because then i can't swipe through the chat and keep up with what you guys are sending and i miss stuff and i don't like it there we are i'm gonna swipe through while i can have you ever visited a campsite from the anime you do camp did you watch my last video on tokyo lens about camping you might see an official udu camp campsite in that one along with a beautiful sea of clouds and a rainbow from said campsite wink wink and no i didn't bring a plastic poncho only brought that umbrella hey katie norm which is your favorite combini my favorite by far is family mart above all else because of the coffee but recently lawson has jumped in and upped their game and lawson's coffee they've got these like giant coffees which are really good umbrella hats look so strange on anyone they really do but honestly a small part of me like you don't really see me that much in these streams anyway i like to walk and check out the streets so i'd be okay with an umbrella hat i was wondering if you knew chris from abroad in japan who's that never heard of him you mean that guy that's been on my channel a couple times or that i did the camera work for on journey across japan take a l look in the uh the front seat of the the cessna on the first episode of journey across japan and tim in there reviving the super chats along with john wilson with a five pound super chat saying speaking of giant coffees tim i promise you right now that's actually going into a giant coffee because i'm gonna really want a coffee after this because tomorrow as well is gonna be a wildly early morning and right here we have a classic volkswagen bug look at that so tim thank you so much for that that will 100 be going into coffee first thing tomorrow morning john wilson saying hey norm love the stream enjoying seeing the same cars is on google street view really you can see the same cars as on google street view that is pretty cool thank you for sharing that that is so neat thank you to both of you for those i drank coffee in the afternoon now i can't sleep i'm one of those lucky individuals who really isn't affected by caffeine whatsoever um i love these streets i have probably more coffee in any given day than an adult human probably should actually i really want to go down this street so we're going to go down this street it does nothing coffee is like my before bed beverage i will make myself a bit of a espresso sometimes on ice sometimes a latte or something right before bed and then there we go and slices of japan again i know i said it yesterday absolutely love the channel name i actually almost wanted to come up with like a slices of japan little series backstreet backstreet a little series and then i was like oh it's such a good name but it's taken so if you guys are into really awesome channel names slices of japan is just a solid channel name and it says hey norm i want to say thank you for this amazing walk through of takayama and to provide some funds for the coffee slices of japan thank you so much so speaking of slices of japan as i did the walkthrough of the moss filled forest today i decided that i'm gonna do something that i don't usually do with these videos and i'm gonna splice in some drone footage because there was an absolutely gorgeous castle nearby i managed to get some nice footage of it as well as the area and just really wanted to share that and so that's what we did and i was like oh i could just slice in all my favorite moments from all these these walks and videos and we could have a a slices of japan episode but the channel the name is taken it's been it's been taken right from under me i can't do it now so slices of japan i look forward to seeing what you do with that channel name stick with it if you can come up with a name that good i have i have faith and brett martin in here with a super chat saying enjoy some snacks on me thanks for giving us a look into your life in japan honestly thank you for joining and being a part of it i would probably still do these live streams either way because as i said before they're an opportunity for me to capture these memories for myself and then eventually look back at them but with you guys here i get to look back and be like hey i chatted with that person hey i know that person and it's really really cool because i think we all know that eventually one of two things is going to happen either a the borders are going to open up and look at this this is kind of a main esque street area either the borders are going to open up and you're potentially going to come here and we might have the chance to do some form of event or meet up or something like that and then i'm going to know exactly who you are because we've had the chance to chat also that woman got like really close like i'm talking like she was probably that close to my leg by the time and i had a green light to walk through it's on video you can see it i was like come on go ahead hit me i got it on video anyway i wasn't i wasn't please don't hit me i do not wish to be hit by a car so with that being said the other possibility is that i inevitably go to whatever country you're in to do some kind of event or shamisen performance or bring out kiki and then we get to meet and i'm like hey we've chat in the live chat and i know that because i can look back and see it so i look forward to these days when they happen so um jason in there with a 20 pound super chat saying watching from england in my official human hoodie that is awesome so it's gotten a little too hot for the hoodies and whatnot so i've actually just bought a whole bunch of the same shirt it's less choice in the day and it just makes things easier when i wake up in the morning i just put on the shirt and i'm good to go i don't have to worry about it i don't have to think about a thing and i need to get some official human and tokyo lens explorer t-shirts made up in black the only black one i have so far is the one that laura made so i hope that you're enjoying the hoodie and thank you so much for taking the time to watch the stream and chime in with a super chat it means the absolute world thank you less yellow than i was expecting there we go we'll just wait for this one to go red so that this person here doesn't squish me like a bug so this here is a shotengai or covered arcade area i want to go up to the bridge here for a second before coming back just in case it gets dark we'll save the lit areas for later again not that many vending machines around no it's definitely not like tokyo where there's a vending machine on every single corner that you see and do you think we can get to those stairs the zelda game has begun again we're gonna go search for the stairs that's exactly what's happening see if we can get down to the river and right now it is 6 35 p.m here in takayama i was going to say something i had this whole tangent i was going to go off on and it was related to the super chat from jason so jason was saying that he's watching from england and i know a few of you are watching from england in it and i am so sorry about that i had to squeeze it in i had to it just felt appropriate maybe it wasn't who knows here we are anyway it's done can't take it back so i am actually working on oh oh i think i found we just jump right in i am actually working on something right now to hopefully make our way out to england with kiki in the next couple of years oh there's a crane down here sorry to bother you crane there we go so it turns out you can come right down to the river and some of these just go right to people's houses should we be so inclined we could walk along here i don't know if there would be another pathway up other than into people's houses this is lovely don't do it all right everyone is very cautious today i'm i feel glad to have you guys here and usually it's people can like do it jump into the water go for it take a swim jump in front of that bus lay your head on those train tracks swim stream i honestly would love to have the opportunity to go out to the uk with kiki the other one that we can't wait to do is obviously get back to australia i think all of us enjoyed australia immensely as well as canada and the states and high had spectacular time out in germany as well russia when we went through was a little bit terrifying and the people at chinese customs tried to destroy the shamisen which wasn't very nice but otherwise and the question of what did you eat today came up and i'll be honest i ate the exact same thing that i eat every single day on one of these road trips again just to limit choice and make life a little easier i ate a smoked chicken breast so just basically just white meat just a white chicken breast a salad chicken as they're called and a tamagoyaki kind of like a a scrambled egg type thing in a package so all right guys you choose where we go to next are we gonna go right down this street or left across the bridge there dealer's choice got a left and a right gonna get hit by a car left and a right and left and right left left left left down the street right right right right oh it is so it is so divi oh the oh oh the right was winning for a minute the white door right there's no door you bugger ugh okay i'll tell you now it's going left sit down okay you know what we'll we'll go right and then we'll loop around it just feels appropriate to go right and then loop around so there we are we're doing it i love how people just managed to get their cars just parked into these tiny little spaces and oh these like japanese garages here this one's about this one's a blacksmith i need to start carrying coins for two reasons number one the vending machines and number two so that we can do coin tosses in these situations and that was a silvia s13 down there and considering the time of the day we have all the students coming home this car here yonder crz hybrid i briefly had one of these it was a fun little car to drive i thoroughly enjoyed it i'm beginning to think norm is a car guy have you not seen any of the car content any of the drifting stuff any of the visits to daikokusto what there's so much catching up to do there are drifting videos yes ooh nice riverside street what do you guys think i think we'll wait so that we don't get squished now go after this car we might be okay this guy seems really happy what's up dude props he's bigger than you would think honestly imagine having an apartment that looked out over the river like this and yeah most of the stores aren't already gonna be long since clothes for the day since it's 6 42. this entire area in takayama is really like the the weekend warrior area but even on the weekends you're gonna be seeing shops close around like five or six p.m so and that's a little rare there's a koi fish in the river there's actually several i have not often seen koi fish in big rivers yes this is where the morning market takes place as well the koi fish are making a break for their freedom or maybe they're just hanging out with the ducks no pigeons lately but we have ducks are ducks the new pigeons is this happening are we making a shift from pigeon to duck escapees that's why they're dressed in orange that's actually a fairly large dog considering that we're in japan japan tends to default to the smaller doggos this bridge is actually really nice the game of likes and views does not match today yeah i've been i've been forgetting to gamify that so if we if you haven't given that like button any love yet i would be eternally grateful if you would slam that like button right now and see if we can't get it to 300 within the next minute i feel like we can i feel like the amount of love required is definitely there you guys are awesome you guys just slayed it you like knocked it out of the park ah i got a goofy smile on my face right now look at that i feel like we have to cross this bridge right it just feels like the thing to do no so look at that so actually yesterday after i did the live stream out in ono in gui prefecture i had a fan who lives out in that area dm me with some amazing information about the area and i was so excited i read the dm while i was perched at the top of the mountain so i sent a bit of a video message to thank you and it was a ton of fun so if i'm ever passing through a place where you are or that you have a special love for definitely you can drop it in the chat you can tweet me any of that stuff and yeah there's there's still more koi fish down there this bridge is not on the satellite image it is on the street view but not the overhead weird yep they're orange escapee fish i feel like it's a very new bridge it felt very new and i'm sorry i can't pass one of these without i we we just we have to do it i know this officially makes me like five years old but i'm okay with that that never stops being fun like no matter how old you get that right there never ever ever stops being fun makes me feel like a hachi looks new pum quick grab a drink no i'm not i'm not gonna grab a drink there we go now we're into the covered shotengai area bit of a different atmosphere as soon as you get out here i can't believe how much walking and exploration there actually is to be done in this area it's nice the backstreet back streets back all right that just happened whether you wanted it to or not it just happened i gotta say lady in the yellow jacket is definitely competing with me for who's getting in more steps today and laura thanks so much for joining as long as you did best of luck with work today and i just got a question about my thoughts on the anime mashiro no otto i answered that in yesterday's stream so if you'd like to hear all about it go check out our live stream walk from last night and you can hear it all in there my full answer to my thoughts on the anime mashiro wow birds are just going crazy up there okay i feel like we kind of have to go down this street there's a construction guy down here that i absolutely must show you and again we're getting pretty close to outweighing views to likes so if you haven't given the like button any love yet i would love it if you would do so i have so many questions about this sign right here italian and ramen is itamin is this an itamin shop is that a thing i feel like that shop just is making things up that's okay but apparently it's italian ramen look at this i really love the aesthetic of takayama i'll say that much what you you know we kind of gotta go explore in here now right but before we do i want to show you this guy here so if you've never driven down the road on a japanese highway they actually have guys like this set up on the side of the road to wave you through different traffic areas when there's construction and whatnot and it's just an absolutely crazy thing to see all right i guess we're exploring shop town terrifying animatronics sometimes at night you think they're real and then they're just a piece of cardboard waving at you admittedly quieter right now than it probably usually is understandably it's times like this that i feel really bad for the shop owners out here like they've gotten like i know where i meet hachi and we've got another one here and jessie in here with a super chat saying my god we're back again brothers and sisters everybody sing thanks so much for that jesse really appreciate it hope you're enjoying the walk tonight we're still doing okay for light thankfully also i just realized we've been walking for just under 80 minutes and i did not realize that at all until now uh it's been a bit of a walk today we are up to almost 19 000 steps and just under 14 kilometers which as you know my kilometer to mile math is always spot on and that's about 400 miles so well in all fairness i started my morning with about a three to four kilometer walk that included the climbing of a mountain so and then the the temple or
Channel: Tokyo Lens Explore
Views: 23,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japanese, Livestream, Japan live, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Lens Explore, Norm Tokyo Lens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 40sec (4840 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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