Exploring One of the Longest Local Shopping Streets in Tokyo

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[Music] hmm Okay so today we are in tsunamachi and we are going to be going to sunamachi Ginza which is a popular shopping street in the area if you like videos like this don't forget to like And subscribe and let's get into it so this is actually quite a quiet area I'm quite pleasantly surprised there's almost no one here it's incredible but one thing I did notice is there is an incredible view of Skytree right in front of me which is kind of crazy again because this area is so quiet you don't expect to be able to see a famous landmark from here but it's right there so we finally arrived at the shopping street and it is a little bit of a walk from the station but hopefully it'll all be worth it so let's go and try some delicious food foreign starts with this which is miso cuts from nakafuji which is right behind me this was only 150 Yen and it's pretty big it smells amazing and I'm just gonna eat it itadakimasu [Music] this is amazing the chicken is thick and moist the batter is crunchy and the Miso is quite sweet this is dangerously good oh my goodness [Music] it's lovely and warm as well so the temperature is perfect but it doesn't mean to eat rice [Music] the next thing I have is this edamame ball and I don't know what this is made from other than edamame so I'm really excited to try it and find out so this was only 40 Yen and as you can see there is a lot of edamame in there let's try it [Music] foreign this is delicious and I think it's actually chicken so it's chicken with pieces of edamame in there and it is delicious the edamame really complements the chicken flavor nicely and like I said they put a good amount of edamame in here I definitely recommend this it's the perfect small little snack so as well as edamame they also have a ginger version of these little chicken balls also for 4cn so let's try this one [Music] mmm I love the pink color of the ginger it is absolutely gorgeous I've suddenly realized just now this is the perfect snack to go with beer the perfect beer snack now I really want beer guess I'll have to find some so this store is actually quite busy and they actually serve a lot of different items not only do they have fried chicken but they also have Yakitori as well and their Bento boxes seem to be really really popular so we've just found this cute kayaki store and they offer free tea so if you buy taiyaki or anything from here you do get free tea which I thought was really cool and perfect for this hot weather so I'm going to drink this first and then I'll show you what I bought Kanpai that tastes like apple like wow this is a bit of an apple taste to it it's very refreshing I love this so This is actually a cold taiyaki and it's got custard and whipped cream inside the taiyaki itself is quite hard anyway we were told to start eating this from the tail so that's what I'm gonna do here we go this is delicious this really reminds me of Monica which is the ice cream treat you can get in Japan that's basically wrapped in pastry with ice cream inside which is kind of like this the texture is almost exactly the same so the taiyaki batter is nice and sweet and the filling inside is extra sweet so if you have a sweet tooth and it's a hot day I definitely recommend this um there's so much filling in here it's actually crazy it didn't really look like that from the outside but now that I've bitten into it you can really see how packed it is in squirting cream from its gills like a real fish I am going to finish this here we go probably not in one bite so if you're looking for cold taiyaki they had the custard version like we just tried they also have a red beans version so it's exactly the same it's with whipped cream but red beans instead of custard they also have the regular hot variety as well custard red beans and also salt red bean which I nearly got but I really wanted a cold one because it is so hot today so this shopping streak is 670 meters long with over 130 different shops I will say if you love fried food this is the perfect place to go we have passed so many different stores selling fried food so it really is Paradise for anyone that loves that and it's really peaceful here it's quite nice I'm really enjoying myself acceptance so I got some tempura and I'm gonna start with Ebbie or shrimp and this is a classic in my opinion when we hear about tempura overseas we usually think about shrimp tempura let's go for it [Music] so the Ebby tempura is 250 Yen but the size of it is amazing it is so big and you can see how thick and juicy that Ebbie is in the center and the tempura batter is so crunchy it's perfect I love the tail I don't know why I think it just looks so cool but this is really nice you can eat this on its own that's how good it is usually you have Tempura with udon or rice but this on its own is delicious I'm gonna finish it tail the next tempura I have is ninjin and I've never tried this before so that's why I got it today I love the color it's so orange and gorgeous and I love the way that it's fried as well it's like a bunch of slices of carrot all together is very interesting I wonder what it tastes like here we go that is delicious I love that the carrot is slightly soft but it still has a little bit of crunch to it like you would want in a carrot this is delicious and that color is extraordinary I really recommend this obvious flavor in this is definitely the sweetness of the carrot which is lovely I love how even though it's fried the carrots are still able to maintain their sweetness I can't believe this is the first time I've tried this foreign so there were so many options for tempura it was insane and I was stood there for quite a while deciding which ones I should get so like I mentioned earlier this street is definitely Paradise if you love fried food and especially if you love tempura well that's it for today's video you guys I've had a wonderful time here even though it has been ridiculously hot but the locals have been so so friendly in two of the stores we went to we were given free tea to help us cool down and I feel like that's such a lovely touch that you don't get in super busy areas it's part of the reason I love exploring some of the lesser-known areas in Japan anyway I really recommend you guys come and check this area out for yourselves like I said everyone is so friendly and you can tell this street is really loved by the local residents so suno Machi Ginza this street here is actually one of the biggest shopping streets in Tokyo along with tagashi Ginza and JuJu Ginza I haven't been to Juju Ginza yet but I'm hoping to check it out soon so don't worry anyway thank you so much for watching let me know your thoughts in the comments section below what is your favorite fried food let me know and I will see you in the next one bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Squishy Talk
Views: 51,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Squishy Talk, スクイシートーク, Japan life, Japan trip, Japan, tokyo, 外国人の反応, 外国人美女, 日本
Id: _O9Afk8Ee-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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