Exploring Kamakura and Enoshima and trying the local food【Japan life】

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train is coming [Music] today we are in kamakura and this is my first time here so i'm really excited to look around and explore and yeah let's get into it so here we have a torii gate and then just outside we have these statues that are actually wearing masks which i think is really cute and clever honestly and then just over here we have a family mart and what's interesting about it is the colors particularly the green is much darker than what you usually see in tokyo for instance and apparently this is done so the family mark blends in better with the surroundings and doesn't look too out of place we later found a 7-eleven that had a similar style this is really beautiful i love all the trees it's so kind of weird actually to be in the middle of this busy area there's just like this nice long quiet path with trees it's lovely this looks obviously really japanese we don't have anything like this in the uk at all this is really special we found a dango shop that had flavors i'd never seen before so we just bought some dango which you guys know is one of my favorite things so we got some interesting flavors this one is white peach bean paste flavor and this one is sakura soy sauce flavor so i'm really excited to try these all right i'm going to start with the sakura soy sauce flavor this is what it looks like itadakimasu that's so good it's really sweet and there's like a hint of apple in it so you can taste like a sweet strawberry flavor which you usually get with sakura it's like a hint of strawberry and it's also got a really nice subtle apple flavor as well it's delicious that is going to be hard to beat definitely okay so now i'm going to try the white peach bean paste flavor so now that i've taken the wrapper off you can see the peach the white peach on it it looks delicious so here we go let's try it itadakimasu this is really good too i think i personally prefer the sakura flavour just because my favorite type of dango is the sauce type whereas if you like the bean paste type this would be better definitely it's really nice because the paste is thick and the peach is so juicy they really complement each other well the two textures so these are delicious i love these but yeah the shop we went to has so many different types of flavors it was honestly really hard to choose but i decided to go for one paste type and one source type and yeah they're both really good i love both of these so much i wish you could buy them anywhere wouldn't that be amazing maybe i need to learn how to make them so we've just found a costa coffee shop and i'm really excited about this because i feel like there are more opening all over japan i know there's definitely one in ginza and i think i saw a small one in harajuku but yeah there's one here this is really exciting because i love costa coffee and if you haven't tried it i definitely recommend it and for those of you who aren't familiar with costa coffee it is british coffee so yeah if ever you see a costa coffee check it out and let us know what you think so we found a little cat cafe look how cute this is this is so eye-catching this makes me want to go so badly that's adorable they're all on like a little boat together it's the cutest thing ever even though we visited on a weekday it was still really busy so i think it's obvious that this area is very popular as we were walking around we found this cute little cake shop so we got this cute little buddha cake and we got sweet potato flavor and this is probably one of my favorite flavors in japan just because it doesn't really exist in the uk at all the first time i had purple sweet potato flavor anything was actually in japan so i'm really excited to try this it's so cute okay it's ducky miles [Music] it's so good the cake is so so soft there's so much filling in here which is perfect it's exactly what you want and it's just such a soft flavor i like it because it's not too sweet either i think sweet potato has a very subtle taste and i love that so much it's delicious so we're on our way to the giant buddha which i'm really excited about because i know that's on most people's japan bucket lists to see the giant buddha so i'm really excited that i get to do that it's kind of a long walk but it's a really nice walk it's very green the air is really fresh and there are these cute little cafes and shops along the way it's a lovely lovely walk so yeah i don't mind it it's nice so we finally made it and we got these really nice tickets actually and on the back they have the description of the buddha and just a bit more information about it which i thought was a really nice touch but yeah here it is it's huge it is huge but it is so magnificent it's incredible i've never seen anything like this before so it's really really cool to be here i've wanted to come here for such a long time so i'm so happy to finally be here it's just so beautiful i especially like the green trees in the background and how it contrasts with the actual buddha statue itself it's just so pretty everything about it is breathtaking honestly so usually you can actually go inside the buddha statue and it only costs 20 yen to do that unfortunately because of this situation it's not currently possible but hopefully soon they'll start doing this again and maybe we can come back and try it next we decided to head to enoshima via enoden already since we got here we've seen some pretty interesting things for example the ticket gate in the station was literally just one i didn't even know what to call it like one stick almost in the middle so that was really great to see i've never seen that before and we are currently right where a scene from slam dunk was inspired by i guess so this area here is literally in slam dunk but anyway let's get into it the train is coming it's so cute i love it it's really nice to walk alongside the beach so we've walked a bit further down and you can see the beach here and it's lovely and you can see we're a lot closer to the island now so that looks a lot clearer and then on this side here there's this big rock with all these trees on it and it looks really nice so we finally made it to enoshima island and now we're going to walk around a little bit so let's see what's here the scenery here looks like it's come out of a ghibli movie so i have to be a bit because we're in a quiet area but i got some rice balls this one is saba and this one is shirazu cheese and i'm so excited to try this because i've never had that combination before so yeah let's get into it i'm going to start with the shirazu cheese it's nice and warm eat the ducky bath you see it better though it's really good because the rice is really warm so the cheese is melting it's so good this might be my favorite rice ball now i think it's delicious so the next one is saba so let's try this one itadakimasu that's really good saba is actually my favorite fish i love the saltiness of it it goes perfectly with rice always so we found shirasu ice cream and so i'm not sure what this flavor is but on the back we have matcha and i'm super excited to try this because i didn't even think this combination was possible but yeah i'm gonna go for it here we go itadakimasu it's good i don't know why it shouldn't be good but it's good i will say i don't think you can taste the shirazu all that much um i think the matcha flavor is really strong so you definitely really taste that but it's good i would definitely recommend trying it just for the experience the texture of the shirazu actually works really well with the ice cream as well it's actually kind of a good match i'm impressed i'm gonna eat some more oh okay here we go it's good that's it for today's video you guys thank you so much for watching i've had a brilliant day today and i hope i get to come back soon please let me know all your thoughts in the comments section below and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Squishy Talk
Views: 110,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Squishy Talk, スクイシートーク, 外国人の反応, 海外の反応, 外国人美女, 日本生活, 鎌倉, 江ノ島, Japan life, イギリス
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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