Exploring More Of A Huge Abandoned Mill And Mine

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that edgy checkout is directly behind me you see some of the waste rock piles there and a workshop or something here in front of me which looks like it's got some interesting stuff parked in front of it starting with this Fiat which looks a bit like a Jeep but instead a Fiat although I suppose Fiat owns Jeep Chrysler now so they're all one the same now but they weren't back when this was made I can guarantee you that interesting interesting I was like it'd be fun to drive actually then there's a bull those are up here okay that bulldozer is a Fiat in case you couldn't make out the Fiat right there so the Italians stay loyal to their national brands and over here this looks like a drill this is a drill you see the drill bit right here that's been used - and you know what this drill attached to the bulldozer that is nuts I've never seen that before okay so here's the drill right here and you see it's bolted on to the blade of the bulldozer here and then the pneumatic hoses and things like that run along here you see there's more of it there they were along here to where it's operated right there you can see the levers and such out there I'm sorry the lightest terrible right now but you can see the levers and such to operate the drill there that is wild I've never seen that before normally they have specialized drilling machines but I've never seen one just slapping the side of a bulldozer before unreal Wow well you know I always say miners a lot of ingenuity and that would seem to be the case for the Italians as well so our special drilling bulldozers right there and except we've got some workshops or something here this one's full of barrels it's got a bunch of equipment aside I can even post a better night King so I can't see as well as the camera can through that crack all right looking at more equipment and barrels and that sort of thing in here I sure got a lot going on here continuing on on the edge of the building here see more barrels and a bunch of equipment in there and over here I don't know if that's keeping you coming across and the camera not super bright out here and dark in there so you know that's working or not then pulling away from the side of the building I see a bunch of muckers parked over here ah one last look inside I think that's a Fiat 500 there's a fee if I find out another Italian mine at visit it to you so small cars for big miners I don't know anyway yeah these are muckers do this you guys that's the backside of one of course there's the scoop the front there I'm the only thing in this one for a while here's the operators side this one watching them here there's five of them here it's got the row of muckers here that Fiat Jeep right there the workshop here and you see the side as collapse there and so curious about all those waste rock piles and such up there so let's head up there and check those out that workshop in the Julian bulldoze our back that way and this is all surface work here and you can actually see it got an entire mountain that one with top of the mountain there and turn into a valley so aside from the adage there is a tremendous amount of surface work here as well that's several hundred feet down to the end that way and I would guess maybe too wide here so they weren't messing around for sure that's the long section I just came through and you can see they actually run down even deeper here and drops quite a ways down so drop down see what's down there so that's where I dropped down from to get deeper into the valley and you can see it keeps running off that way there's some sort of wooden the remains of some sort of wooden platform or something there there's ap the sides there are a couple interesting rocks and from me here that looks like quartz that we're familiar with and then there's this rock that's got interesting band right through it but since I'm not a rock head I have no idea what that is but somebody in the audience might the real reason I stopped here though or should say the primary reason I stopped here though is because of this okay I've gotten down here and it looks like it might go for a bit there's some definite quartz in front of me here carries over here as well okay that's like a whole thing of it here oh yeah across and over there too so maybe they were chasing something underground here all right I'll get down there and see how it looks alright that's looking back or I just dropped down from and to my backpack and stuff there and the left it goes back into you I can tell that's a collapse or if they just stopped there it's really difficult to tell because that's unblessed it unworked rock right there that's a bit more crumbly though so it's hard to tell moving on there is a adit running off this way as far as I can see and then drop you to my right is this cave in here which they I think they ran there's ran the valley I think this was cave because they kept pushing that valley through and just through much a dirt down here so the question now is what's down this one so I am going to get wet and find out I'm just about to head into the water and I noticed two things of interest here the first being these attractive crystals that are growing here and the second being the skeletal remains of some unfortunate creature here which is not probably on the top of the list of things you want to see you right before your going into a big audit so hopefully that is not an indicator of things to come all right down in the water now and this water is just insanely cold I don't have waiters with me so I'm feeling cold directly on this one it is brutal looks like it might be some kind of Junction up here see there are magnets with some Timbers in front of me and just like a dead end there and then there's something going on to the left get up there and take a closer look bar right there you can tell that's for barring down rocks and things like that or if that's a old drill steel too hard to tell at this point all right like I said that goes back there and dead ends oh great and then this come here in comes here and dead ends - I'll just be sure about this one down here because I have been fooled before with that kind of thing so I'm just gonna push on until I could be a hundred percent certain there's not anything sneaking off to the left or the right that we would miss the bat right there actually you know what that's not excuse me it's not a dead end doesn't collapse you can see all the rubble right there look at it closer look : as I've seen a moment ago this is a collapse here if not a dead end is it initially looked like see some of the Timbers and such that we're here and collapse along with all the rock it seems like these were older workings that they just smashed through when they took out that Valley behind us or should say transform the mountain into the valley behind us I'm leaving the at it now and on the way out I noticed more crystals only these crystals are dark it's almost like moss but I assure you they're not so sure sent the rock heads in the audience will be able to tell us the minerals in play here but I am afraid I do not know as interesting is the the white crystals I filmed are just right there so they're very close all right look at that that skeleton I think it's a sheep because uh that was like a sheep skull right there which would make sense gonna be sheep there are here and that's the way out I've reached the end of that mountain I turn it into a valley here and there's an interesting notch cut into the side of the mountain here and there's a fair amount of water here as I'm wondering if there's not an added back there which would make sense if they simply continued following whatever being in they're falling to create that valley into the mountain I kept pursuing it underground so I'm gonna head up here and see if we can't widen at it all right coming up on obvious at it here bit tough getting through here so bear with me okay here we are this does not look promising unfortunately cause it looks like it's completely collapsed back there I hope I'm mistaken but I am NOT yeah it's completely collapsed here you guys I am really sorry because I would love you have gone into this one yeah unfortunately you can see it's collapsed to the very top you see the steel sets they put in here and remains of some lagging on the side there so obviously they were correcting their assessment that this one you get some support unfortunately we're not gonna be able to get in there [Music] here's a look back what came here to get here so the flooded at it we just take that was right there the valet the miners cleared out or the other at it was checked out is right there and then obviously a big flock of sheep is coming right here can see this in very many mining videos that mountain they turn into a valleys on the other side of this year I came over the side you just want to show you the waste rock piles that came off of this thing unfortunate likes terrible but they're giant waste rock piles there's one there that's work they're helping us come across video again a lie it's terrible you're the best I can hear there's the Shepherd's Land Rover as I'm jealous that I would love to have that very friendly guy you confirm the the beright and the floor I had such being mind here so that's a good that was right about that mean yes I've been told species have been outsiders and standoffish and aloof and so far I've gotta say nothing could be farther from the truth and my experience I mean it's a bit sketchy to run across some dude with a bunch of strange electronics lights or such hanging off them in the middle of nowhere on a mine and instead he was rather at me suspicious or asking me blessing questions he was a super friendly engage us do interested very cool okay so I'm still coming down the side of the mountain that's turned into the valley the the valley went through Ford's on the other side and guess what I just found I found an at it and a pretty good-sized one you can see series of Timbers there and a ledge of that iron muck right there and I don't know if this is gonna come across on the camera now but looking beyond there's a whole section of Timbers maybe 40 feet past those right there and they're all smashed down I'm sorry this is collapsed because this seems a bit more modern than the last one we went into with the the Timbers obviously being more new and I can see you know the where the temporary smashed back there again I'm sorry it's not coming across on the zoom but where the Timbers are smashed down back there I can see there's in the front of it there's some fairly sophisticated timber workers so this would seem like it would be an interesting one to explore but unfortunately such as the reality of mine exploring I don't we just checked out is back that way and rail used to come along here and this is all waste rock here and it goes for a ways back to add it that way and then continues on to where that trust was that we saw earlier if we followed out this way against it's always Rock I'm walking on it it crosses a trestle there in the distance so that was a good size at it to produce this much waste rock and really sorry then it was cave because that would be really cool apparently judging from all the waste rock here check it out it's not crushing the rock so I'm back at this beast of a mill I left off when I was up there last time and this is the section of the mill we have not explored yet so let's get to it there's another view of that hopper where the aura was taken to you and the conveyer system that took it up there and here's a look inside this part of the mill pretty impressive maybe oh the stairs just came up after being down there I might want to go those are the excavators there and the mill behind me here I'm not sure what this piece of equipment is used for but it's interesting nevertheless and there's a look at that section we're checking out a moment ago from below I'll head up this ramp here and see how it looks up there okay I'm back looking at this rock crusher here and as much of a layman as I am I think I'm starting to get how this worked here we started over in that mill obviously and I think that's actually the second half of the operation here I think the way this works is the very raw ore would come in off the ore carts and get dumped there and get run through here and crushed down and taking over that hopper there for that hopper to run on the conveyor belt into that building there where presumably it would be crushed more or somehow refined more then it runs out of that building their honor the conveyor belt there that very large conveyor belt runs all the way up to the top of the mill building we explored and it comes in a dumpster at the top of the mill building explored it worked its way down through all those flotation cells as such until it's finally refined enough that it ends up in those silos there and from those silos and then it gets trucked away to wherever people are paying for it a closer look at that crusher which I believe the jaw crusher from what I can tell from this perspective but it is a powerful one eyes for sure that much I'm sure about let's look down to where we just were and of course the conveyor belts and such right there take a look at some of the power boxes here this is uh definitely started to rust [Applause] okay back down on the ground after we were just checking out that building there that a big hopper is right there can actually still see some of the conveyer belt hanging down here there is a view of it from this side and you can see some of the trucks under their equipment that were left here abandoned amazed at least didn't take the trucks and I'm saying I mean presumably that's a perfectly functional truck right there but uh they weren't interested for some reason and then behind us we've got this building where I believe the or over and further refined and crushed and so I will head in there that way okay first look inside as usual there's a fair amount of sheep and here I can't tell what that is yet some other equipment here I don't recognize this equipment hopefully some of the audience will know what this as part of the process was because I am not recognizing this stuff here big wasp buzzing around sneaking a little nervous and more stairs going up here so let's see where this goes all right got some belts right here some controls no such here maybe somebody can make some sense of that and the view out over the mill there is the other first part we explored there and this looks like another giant ball mill to me somebody might correct me but it looks like to me and then you can see some of the other components of the mill here sorry the terrible light that was like some of the refined products right there and of course you can see a chute coming down here some the other machinery here the control panel classic that's a classifier operates a classifier my Italian so bad I'm writing to try and pronounce these properly but at least gives an idea of what was being done here you look at the closer look at the equipment here that's looking back on the area I just came through you can see there similar equipment here that we have seen elsewhere in the middle aisle sure about that upper section I didn't see you way up there the floor has rusted completely out here which isn't too reassuring for the section I'm walking on now you can see in one of the balls from the ball mill there and then a bunch of bolts and pipe fittings and such there and you're to look at things from this side I'll bet this waving a real noisy when it was running flat out looking out this way we've got more of the conveyor system here it's an incredibly complex system it's amazing that people are able to figure out how all this would work best together and make it happen again as at the other side of the facility you can see the keys are still here so waiting for it to be turned back on that's kind of joke actually it would not be that easy to turn all this back on you know I still focus on the equipment of the way in that I walked right past the stairs to the next level so let's head up and check this out again control box and I'm not sure what this equipment was you're either Mills are not my specials you guys I think they're interesting but I don't know the names and such of the equipment or even know what it all did there's a view following that conveyor belt that hopper there and then there's that part of the mill there again I think that's where the ore comes in initially and then that's the dead cat tank right there and the billion is for the power was controlled from up there that's the building we were just exploring in front of us there and again there's that big hopper for point of reference some more trucks and equipment back here along with the interesting graffiti and more of the conveyor systems let's say I'll go there in a second just wanted to show you a quick look of this equipment here these trucks have not been running in a while that's for sure and neither is that cat yeah whatever happened to that it was like I got crushed you know like it rolled down a cliff or something not good from the looks of it and this truck looks like I can use some work to you so you know it's the rust is eaten all the way through more equipment here [Applause] there's a lot going on here this would have a big employer in the area that's the area we were just checking out and I am now at the base of the mill where we started that long conveyor belt I talked about the top of this one is there you know again I think it fed the half half or find half processed material to the top there where it would work its way through the all the equipment we saw we're going up in these silos down here very big silos out here and then of course SS where are the trucks touch it back in to pick up a load what a material was in these silos bear iater fluoride or whatever
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 58,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Exploring More Of A Huge Abandoned Mill And Mine, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Urban Exploring, Mine Exploring, UrbEx, Underground Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Buildings, Exploring, Adventure, Caving, Adit, Fiat, Old Mining Equipment, Abandoned Places In Sardinia, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mining Equipment, Abandoned Places, Unusual Places, Strange Places, Ruins, Exploring Modern Mine, Mining in Real Life, Geology, Minerals, Crystals, Cave Crystals, Exploring Abandoned Industrial
Id: p2SjluUi7OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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